[X] Lose your tail

[X] Stay in town. Leaving so soon would mean sleeping on the ground, and thus an even more unfavorable personal status for any future conflicts.
-[X] Pursue a temporary job at some of the busier inns. It likely won't be pleasant, but it would at least get you room and board for the night.

There is no faster way to judge a places values than spending time with people.
I'm back to being on the fence about what to do, because being illiterate is a big hindrance to operating as a solo wizard, but only being literate in some foreign language has a good chance of just making Blake more exotic and interesting to wizard fanboys, who may then be inclined to give a lesson or two on that front. Also to being less put off by her unaffiliated status and helping connect with any local jobs that might be available. I do still want to look into the kidnapped noble, though, because "tomboy daughter of a local lord" pings my plot senses as possible sidekick material, even if it wouldn't be likely to pay big in concrete terms... and for the general good guy truth-justice-and-rectitude reasons too, of course.
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[X] Lose your tail.

[X] Leave town entirely. You'll take uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and tasteless dry food over potential hostility; an argument for self-defense would require you to wait until they actually attack.
-[X] Make a beeline for the Guild enthusiast group that you were referred to. Remaining unaffiliated really is proving problematic.
I'll take a moment to note this:
Frankly, an unaffiliated Wizard is only a small step up from a confirmed Dark Guild member; plenty of Dark Guilds don't identify their members with the usual marks. Sorry.
People aren't going to trust an unaffiliated wizard for legitimately good reasons, and it just takes a look at Blake's head and lack of guild mark to see she is one. A reputable inn particularly has legitimate reasons not to trust her.

She has no money, nothing to offer and is going to get hungry in time. Moving to a town now is probably the safest bet we have, especially since it's implied they're more likely to talk to us:
They're not big enough to have a Guild of their own, although you can always find some teenage Guild enthusiasts who'd love to give you a rundown of ones nearby.
Also, going to the inn and asking for a job would practically confirm we're alone, which was one big warning we were given:
Consider lying to anyone asking if you're traveling alone. Say you're meeting with friends soon, that your employer expects you back, anything that implies people will look for you if you vanish.
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she couldn't guarantee that she could return to this region if she left the plane.
It's it mtg Cannon that planeswalkers enter new planes in a random place but always appear where they first entered when they come back, or is that only in planeshift?
[X] Lose your tail.

[X] Leave town entirely. You'll take uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and tasteless dry food over potential hostility; an argument for self-defense would require you to wait until they actually attack.
[X] See if your stalker follows if you walk out of town, and attack away from witnesses if he does persist.
-[X] Steal his valuables if you win. Honestly, he would deserve it.
-[X] If he's still in a state suitable for answering questions, then ask why he was following you.

[X] Leave town entirely. You'll take uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and tasteless dry food over potential hostility; an argument for self-defence would require you to wait until they actually attack.
-[X] Inquire about the kidnapped young noblewoman before you leave. If you're going to skip town, you might as well do something productive with that time.
[x] Confront your tail and demand that he stop stalking you. You doubt he'll take the hint, but it's worth a try.

[x] Stay in town. Leaving so soon would mean sleeping on the ground, and thus an even more unfavorable personal status for any future conflicts.
-[x] Pursue a temporary job at some of the busier inns. It likely won't be pleasant, but it would at least get you room and board for the night.

Although the guild is being encroached by Black, they WERE a legitimate guild and I'd like to give them the chance to prove that. It's possible they could be allies and this guy is just doing his job in tailing a potential troublemaker.

e forgot second half of vote
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It's it mtg Cannon that planeswalkers enter new planes in a random place but always appear where they first entered when they come back, or is that only in planeshift?
Planeswalkers lore is usually pretty spotty on details, but Planeswalking as an act is pretty forgiving. There's some stuff they can't Planeswalk out of (Elspeth being trapped in the Underworld for instance) but most of the time Planeswalking is pretty painless and easy enough that if you get good at it you can use it as a very costly teleport.

So long as you ignore that one bit of lore that says that you have to try and simulate the circumstances in which you ignited, which literally every MTG fanfiction and pretty much all of the books have.

There's essentially no reason Blake would land in her starting spot for instance, unless she actually tried to do so.
[X] Lose your tail.

[x] Stay in town. Leaving so soon would mean sleeping on the ground, and thus an even more unfavorable personal status for any future conflicts.
-[x] Pursue a temporary job at some of the busier inns. It likely won't be pleasant, but it would at least get you room and board for the night.
[X] Lose your tail.

[x] Stay in town. Leaving so soon would mean sleeping on the ground, and thus an even more unfavorable personal status for any future conflicts.
[X] See if your stalker follows if you walk out of town, and attack away from witnesses if he does persist.
-[X] Steal his valuables if you win. Honestly, he would deserve it.
-[X] If he's still in a state suitable for answering questions, then ask why he was following you.

[X] Leave town entirely. You'll take uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and tasteless dry food over potential hostility; an argument for self-defence would require you to wait until they actually attack.
-[X] Inquire about the kidnapped young noblewoman before you leave. If you're going to skip town, you might as well do something productive with that time.
[X] See if your stalker follows if you walk out of town, and attack away from witnesses if he does persist.
-[X] Steal his valuables if you win. Honestly, he would deserve it.
-[X] Rather than leave an unknown combatant from a dark guild conscious and aware, kill him.

We don't have any way to keep this guy prisoner, or the supplies to feed another mouth. Do we really want a presumed kidnapper and slaver to go report back to his bosses? He'll be back, with friends and more information about us. Besides, is killing humans even immoral? It's not like they care about killing us.
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[X] See if your stalker follows if you walk out of town, and attack away from witnesses if he does persist.
-[X] Steal his valuables if you win. Honestly, he would deserve it.
-[X] If he's still in a state suitable for answering questions, then ask why he was following you.

[X] Leave town entirely. You'll take uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and tasteless dry food over potential hostility; an argument for self-defence would require you to wait until they actually attack.
-[X] Inquire about the kidnapped young noblewoman before you leave. If you're going to skip town, you might as well do something productive with that time.
[X] Lose your tail.

[x] Stay in town. Leaving so soon would mean sleeping on the ground, and thus an even more unfavorable personal status for any future conflicts.
-[x] Pursue a temporary job at some of the busier inns. It likely won't be pleasant, but it would at least get you room and board for the night.

Gonna have to learn how we compare to regular people and this is an easy way to do it while taking care of our needs. Also, great way to just learn about everything we can to better prepare ourselves for bigger places
This is not in-character and would be vetoed. She'd be pushing herself to perform an interrogation as it is.
Not to mention, do we even know they are dark guild member?
I mean, it might seem like the logical conclusion, but unless i missed it, i don't remember anything concrete about their identity.

I mean, i am generally the person advocating for permanent solutions to problems, but this feels like a bit of a sudden escalation considering the facts known.
Not to mention, do we even know they are dark guild member?
I mean, it might seem like the logical conclusion, but unless i missed it, i don't remember anything concrete about their identity.
Blake could see a Burning Briars guild mark on his right hand, yes.
Still bit of an extreme reaction, even outside being out of character.

I guess I was misreading the tone - I had been reading it as if a gang of human traffickers had effective control over an impoverished town, and were now taking an interest in our young, attractive heroine, who has no support and nobody who would go looking for her.

In that case, I'll change my vote.
[x] Stay in town. Leaving so soon would mean sleeping on the ground, and thus an even more unfavorable personal status for any future conflicts.
-[x] Pursue a temporary job at some of the busier inns. It likely won't be pleasant, but it would at least get you room and board for the night.

Busy means witnesses.
I had been reading it as if a gang of human traffickers had effective control over an impoverished town, and were now taking an interest in our young, attractive heroine, who has no support and nobody who would go looking for her.
Uh. They're Dark because they didn't pay their taxes and attacked the tax collector. All this they're now into slavery stuff is people assuming they're responsible for it.

and even if they are, I find it very hard to believe that everyone in the guild is okay with this. There's probably a power struggle either going on or recently finished.
Also even if their a currently a dark guild they were still the main guild for the town until very recently so checking out wandering mages makes sense. Plus when you know that a guy just made a bloodbath out of the magic games and your fighting a war against a country using demons. A little caution is expected.
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