So are two somewhat contradictory lines of critique here, first that we are being too generous to Tharbad and offering too much, and secondly that we demanding too much and there is no way Tharbad will accept. It's probably useful to address each individually.

As far as the first goes, I think that peace takes effort. Crafting a worthwhile and lasting settlement here is not going to be easy, it's going to demand serious efforts of us. Let's also remember why we're doing this:
- Because trade with the Dwarves of Khazad-Dum, who we picked our colony location to be close to, revolves around solving this issue.
- Trade with Tharbad depends on resolving this issue and on their request for help in providing our skilled labour to repair their walls.
- Trade with the Middle-Men, who we planned to rely on as producers of surplus food and wool whilst we specialise as an industrial centre, depends on a settlement here.

I would argue that, in another context, any one of these alone would be easily worth undertaking a modest infrastructure project on Tharbad's behalf. Indeed, if this issue had not arisen, and we had just been asked to help Tharbad with their walls in exchange for beginning trade, I would bet at odds of fifty to one that this quest would have leapt on it like a Labrador on a biscuit. The idea of the walls being a deal-breaker, then, I do not think is a rational cost-benefit calculation, but instead frustration with the fact that diplomacy is fraught and requires compromise, and Tharbad are kind of annoying to deal with. They are, but so is essentially any diplomatic partner with conflicting objectives.

Compromise always means giving things up; that's why it's a compromise. Ultimately, we are asking for Tharbad to accept the Middle Men have rights, to enter into a League defined by consent and discussion, to change from extractative tribute given to a sovreign to fair contributions for common defence, and to become closer trade and diplomatic partners. (As well as to continue defending the ford of the Gwathlo.) That gives us a great deal, and so I think it's reasonable that we offer things they want in return, and don't act as if we consider ourselves their superiors. In the long run, we both benefit hugely from establishing trade - which due to our location and our harbour and trade fleet, we will reap proportionately greater rewards from.

Next, in terms of being unrealistic, let's remember where we started here. Tharbad just offered us half of their territory. This does not strike me as the actions of people who do not want a deal - they are very worried that we will bring down royal authority on them. What we are offering is a deal which does not require them to give up any territory, and just as importantly, in my view flatters their notions of themselves as protectors and defenders of the region. Although the League would stop them from exacting such penurious tribute, and give the Middle Men settlements some rights and a mechanism for raising their concerns, it also benefits Tharbad a lot, giving them things they have made clear they really want, whilst asking less in some ways than what was already offered. Although ambitious, I think it is an eminently workable compromise based on what has been established in the last two updates.

It is idealistic, but even in the most cutthroat of political environments, self-interested actors have come together* together to look to their mutual security and common interests. We, by contrast, wield the full moral and spiritual authority of Númenór, and share many things in common with the Men of Tharbad; not least common enemies. To the very strings of my heart, I believe that idealism in politics is not weakness, it is a strength. It is the strength of knowing that decency and principle are always stronger in the end than brute subjugation and greed. When we abandon that belief, we do so at our peril, for in doing so abandon our strongest refuge and our sturdiest shield.

Lastly, there has been a common sentiment that the League is a good idea, but we should just wait another turn and see. This is a tempting sentiment and I admit I considered it myself - it is very easy to put off difficult things. But fundamentally, we already know what we need to know here in order to drive a bargain. Will meeting the Men of Bren Gludd change our whole understanding of the situation here? We have heard directly from their king, who speaks for his people, and Tharbad themselves have admitted to what they are doing. There is no new piece of information which is going to transform this situation; we have all the puzzle pieces we are going to get. There are also significant costs to delay - every turn we delay, that is a turn we have not established trade, and trade is going to be our life blood.

Fundamentally, I think the sentiment to delay is understandably based on not wanting to put off something which is fraught and difficult, in the hopes it will be less difficult later on. That's understandable. But I do not believe that delaying here actually makes us any better-equipped for driving a settlement through, because we will only become further enmeshed in the local politics. Our newness to the region has been called a problem here, but I believe it is actually a strength. We have no stake in this issue and can be a neutral arbiter! We do not have any part in the past grievances, the past bitterness! Right now, Imrazôr is essentially a figure of legend legend, a Sea Lord and wizard stepped right off the pages of myth. He represents Númenór, the greatest power that has ever existed, and he walks vested in the authority and majesty of Westernesse. This gives us a big opportunity to simply change the whole context of the situation by our presence, if we choose to take it.

*(Whilst there are some significan differences in our situations, the Achaen League in its latter days was a significant inspiration for me here, and I think puts the lie to the idea that this sort of arrangemen can never work in the "real world".)
I don't ultimately see routes to resolving Tharbad on decent terms that don't amount to something similar.
While I mostly agree, I really must state again that this is a situation where waiting a bit is to our benefit, in my opinion. Just think about it, we are trying to perform complex diplomatic manoeuvres to resolve a century-old grudge at the same time as sending envoys to one of the sides - we didn't even visit Brun Gledd before. Our colony spent here about a year, did nothing worthy of note and yet we are saying that the people who spent three normal generations fighting should just swear a binding oath of peace and even start cooperating. It would be one thing if we knew orcs are going to come, but we don't - the scouting of Gundabad might not be complete in time for the meetings, and the search for the signs of its influence is certainly not going to be.

There is time and place for trying to resolve the issue definitively, I believe, and that time will be after we find the signs of the Enemy's influence in the region and receive an inspection from Numenor, boosting our status. As of now, I think trying to go with a league will be seen as Numenorian high-handedness at best.
The king of Brun Gledd came to us alone, prepared to bend the knee to us, told us his people's woes, and essentially begged us for our assistance, after saying that force of arms had utterly deserted them and many warriors were dead. It does not strike me that they will be the ones to make waves here, especially as this settlement gives them what Braelor asked us for, which they have no realistic prospect of securing by themselves.

If we have Tharbad over a bit over barrel here - and I believe we do, because their opening offer was astounding - then the Men of Brun Gledd are under the barrel. We are going to the effort of including them in this negotiation essentially because we are kind and principled.

The points about Gundabad are valid; in a perfect world it would be nice to have that finished off and it would strengthen our case. Frankly, my motivation here was that I did not wish for another turn of this dragging on and taking up most of the oxygen in the room, another turn's delay in establishing trade, and I believe we can still make a deal on the merits alone if we have to.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Telamon on Feb 3, 2021 at 6:48 AM, finished with 90 posts and 42 votes.
  • 47

    [X] Plan Laying the Foundations
    -[X] Construction
    --[X] Build A Shaping Hall.
    ---[X] Ûrîphêl
    --[X] Build A Shipyard.
    -[X] Options (8)
    -[X] Defence
    --[X] Scout Gundabad.
    ---[X] Barazîr
    --[X] Search For Signs of Gundabad's Influence.
    -[X] Diplomacy
    --[X] Send An Envoy To Rivendell.
    --[X] Send An Envoy to Brun Gledd. (Write-In, see below.)
    --[X] The Lord of the Tower.
    ---[X] Write-In: (Imrazôr)
    ---[X] The League of Enedwaith
    ---[X] We will attempt to broker a lasting peace settlement between Tharbad, the men of Brun Gledd, and the local Middle Men, To do so, we will create a league in which all of the major stakeholders have representation, and can resolve disputes, raise concerns to be decided mutually. We shall form a League of free Men.
    ---[X] Tharbad will end the extractative tributes it levies from its subjects through fear and main force - they shall become League members, subordinate but with rights.
    ---[X] The sentinels of Tharbad may still ask for less penurious contributions for the defence they provide - official League contributions.
    ---[X] As Tharbad helps us to fight Gundabad, Târ Nîlon will pay League contributions also, in coin and also through lending our skilled crafts, and our ships. We will also pledge rebuild Tharbad's wall next year, once they have joined the League.
    ---[X] Through trade with us, and through us the rest of the North, Tharbad should be no worse off and will in time actually grow far wealthier by trade, as we shall do also.
    ---[X] Brun Gledd will join the League, agree to provide at least some token contributions for its common defence as a show of good will. In return, they will remain independent, their brothers will gain in freedom, and in years to come we will trade together and girt their warriors in steel.
    ---[X] Braelor of the Enedwaithrim and the Warden of Tharbad shall swear a binding oath of peace, for themselves and their heirs unto the tenth generation, under our gaze and in the sight of Eru and the Vala.
    ---[X] Raise the rising spectre of Mt Gundabad, sharing Barazîr's findings, and that free Men standing together for the common defence is the only way forward now that the thread from the Shadow is greater than it has been in a millenium.
    ---[X] Make it clear to both sides that this is the best deal they are likely to get. For Tharbad, raise the fear that we will go to the King and negotiate with the next Warden, as well as of Mt Gundabad. For Brun Gledd, focus their minds with the prospect that this is their best and only chance of a settlement which does not end with them as the feudal subjects of some Westron prince.
    ---[X] Try to negotiate firmly, but don't play such hardball that if a lesser settlement is possible which is still in the spirit of this, we can't agree on it.
    -[X] Exploration
    --[X] Explore Enedwaith
    --[X] The Gwathlo
    -[X] Seafaring
    --[X] Plan An Expedition
    ---[X] Inzilbeth Seastrider
    ---[X] The Pillar of Heaven
    ---[x] Gather a Volunteer Crew
    ---[X] Elf-Friendly Colonies: Pelargir to Edhellond, to Lond Daer. (Costs 1 supplies)
    ---[X] The Three Jewels: Forlond, Harlond, and Mithlond (Costs 1 supplies)
    ---[X] Trade & Diplomacy: (Trading Stone with Lond Daer, building ties with all, and investigating what they might like to trade on future trips.)
    [X] Plan Surveying the Land
    -[X] Build A Shipyard: To properly utilize the Shipwright you brought with you, you begin construction on a great shipyard where vessels in the Númenórean style may be built.
    -[X] Build A Shaping Hall: A domed hall of cast stone, where the Shapers may plan, gather, and study. Most every colony has one. It would allow for a greater variety of construction projects, they assure you, and allow for several projects to be worked on at once. (Grows Shaper Influence)
    --[X] Uriphel
    -[X] Scout Gundabad: Beyond the Misty Mountains lies a mountain the dwarves mourn in their hearts. Evil stirs there now. Send rangers to scout the Mountain, and see what wakes in the north. A sizeable population of your people support doing this -- 4 Speakers are behind it.
    --[X] Barazir
    -[X] Search For Signs of Gundabad's Influence: There are whispers. Shadows in the dark. Shapes in the waters. Eyes in the forests. Evil awake in the lands of men. Orcs are about all Eriador, from the wide woods of Minhiriath to the ruins of Eregion. Seek them, and uncover their vile purpose. (Takes Two Turns)
    -[X] Send An Envoy to Brun Gledd: Several leagues north of the city lies Brun Gledd, a town built into and under six seperate hills. It was dug by the dwarves long ago, but it's first name is now long lost, and it is ruled by the Enedwaithrim and their aging lord Braelor. Send an envoy to break words with the Middle-Men.
    -[X] Send An Envoy To Rivendell: Imladris, or Rivendell, is an elvish stronghold deep in the heartlands of Eriador. Founded and ruled by the Elf-Lord Elrond Halfelven, it serves as a bastion of wisdom and learning in these later days of the world, projecting Elvish might into all eastern Eriador. The elves of Rivendell are force to be reckoned with, and are great traders and loremasters besides. It would not be unwise to make their acquaintance. A very large portion of your people support doing this -- 6 Speakers are behind it. 1 is stringently opposed, representing the farmers.
    -[X] Ironbark: In the deeps of the Iron Forest dwells an ent, an old thing with old eyes. He is no foe, not yet. But he is no friend of men, you do not think. Not anymore. Break words with him, and see if the strength of oak and yew might be bent in friendship. (requires hero)
    --[X] Imrazor
    -[X] Explore Enedwaith: There is still much in the lands around your city that you do not know. Send searchers to find valuable natural resources or ancient treasures, and map your new home fully. A sizeable share of your people support doing this -- 3 Speakers are behind it.
    -[X] The Gwathlo: You have made contact with the master of the Gwathlo, and the ford is held, as it has been for ten thousand lifetimes of the small men, by Númenór. If you so wish it, your men may pass beyond the ford, and see how Minhiriath has changed in ten centuries. The men of Tharbad speak of myraid towns and villages, and of civilizations flourishing in the wild. Venture past the Greyflood, and see what has become of these lands.
    -[X] Plan An Expedition:
    ---[X] The Pillar of Heaven
    ---[X] Inzilbeth Seastrider
    ---[X] (Special) (Requires Inzilbeth) Reunite the Crew of the Pillar: Inzilbeth's old crew have been sailing the rivers and serving as an impromptu city guard. Have them trade the sword for the seaspray. (Temporarily disbands the Seastriders)
    --[X] The Mariner's Route: This path travels from Lond Daer to Romenna on the Blessed Isle, and finishes at Pelargir. (Costs 1 supplies)
    --[X] Trade
    ---[X] Stone: You have a small amount of surplus stone left over. You have heard they hunger for it in crumbling Lond Daer and ever-besieged Umbar.
    [X] Plan Inspector Calls
    [X] Plan Ships
    [X] Build A Barracks: Not just a clearing where the swords are kept, but a building made for soldiers to sleep. A necessity in transforming the militia into a viable City Guard.
    [X] Build A Granary: A large domed building for the storage of food and other supplies. Resources would necessitate it be built from wood, but it would insulate the colony against hard winters and short harvests. (2 turns)
    - [X] Imrazor
    [X] Establish Pastures: Grain is well and good, but some among your smallholders have been aching to purchase sheep and goats in large numbers from the Middle-Men, that they might establish their own herds. Stake out plots of land where they may graze. (will reduce possible construction projects by one) A decent population of your people support doing this -- 3 Speakers are behind it.
    [X] Scout Gundabad: Beyond the Misty Mountains lies a mountain the dwarves mourn in their hearts. Evil stirs there now. Send rangers to scout the Mountain, and see what wakes in the north. A sizeable population of your people support doing this -- 4 Speakers are behind it.
    [X] Search For Signs of Gundabad's Influence: There are whispers. Shadows in the dark. Shapes in the waters. Eyes in the forests. Evil awake in the lands of men. Orcs are about all Eriador, from the wide woods of Minhiriath to the ruins of Eregion. Seek them, and uncover their vile purpose. (Takes Two Turns)
    [X] The Lord of the Tower: At the close of your terse meeting, the Warden of Tharbad made you an offer: the tribute of all the lands south of the Gwathlo, which he currently holds, or claims to hold. Implicit in this offer was a desire to keep the affairs of Middle-Earth between those who rule on Middle-Earth. As is often said in the colonies of Númenór, "Êphal îdôn Yôzâyan, Êphalak îdôn ka-Bâr"-- Númenór is distant and the King is far away. You perceived something of his true heart in this discussion, and understand that you might have more leverage with the master of the ford than first believed.
    -[X] Accept his offer
    [X] Send An Envoy To Rivendell: Imladris, or Rivendell, is an elvish stronghold deep in the heartlands of Eriador. Founded and ruled by the Elf-Lord Elrond Halfelven, it serves as a bastion of wisdom and learning in these later days of the world, projecting Elvish might into all eastern Eriador. The elves of Rivendell are force to be reckoned with, and are great traders and loremasters besides. It would not be unwise to make their acquaintance. A very large portion of your people support doing this -- 6 Speakers are behind it. 1 is stringently opposed, representing the farmers.
    [X] Ironbark: In the deeps of the Iron Forest dwells an ent, an old thing with old eyes. He is no foe, not yet. But he is no friend of men, you do not think. Not anymore. Break words with him, and see if the strength of oak and yew might be bent in friendship. (requires hero)
    - [x] Uruphel
    [X] The Misty Mountains: The Misty Mountains which straddle the spine of Eriador are some of the tallest mountains in Middle-Earth. From the great outposts of the dwarves to the deep caves of the goblin-kings, there are many secrets to be found amid the snowy peaks. You send men into the high mountains to explore and map them further. (2/6)
    [X] The Land of the Ringmakers: Eregion, to your north, was once one of the great Elvish realms until it's destruction by the Dark Lord in the War of the Elves and Sauron long ago. Here dwelt the elf-smiths whom the Enemy tricked into creating the Rings of Power, and amid the ruins of their halls and cities lie ancient artifacts from the glory days of the Elves. You send explorers and riders into this land to map it further. (2/6)
    [X] Plan A mixed expedition
    -[X] Build A Shipyard: To properly utilize the Shipwright you brought with you, you begin construction on a great shipyard where vessels in the Númenórean style may be built.
    -[X] Build A Shaping Hall: A domed hall of cast stone, where the Shapers may plan, gather, and study. Most every colony has one. It would allow for a greater variety of construction projects, they assure you, and allow for several projects to be worked on at once. (Grows Shaper Influence)
    --[X] Uriphel
    -[X] Scout Gundabad: Beyond the Misty Mountains lies a mountain the dwarves mourn in their hearts. Evil stirs there now. Send rangers to scout the Mountain, and see what wakes in the north. A sizeable population of your people support doing this -- 4 Speakers are behind it.
    --[X] Barazir
    -[X] Search For Signs of Gundabad's Influence: There are whispers. Shadows in the dark. Shapes in the waters. Eyes in the forests. Evil awake in the lands of men. Orcs are about all Eriador, from the wide woods of Minhiriath to the ruins of Eregion. Seek them, and uncover their vile purpose. (Takes Two Turns)
    -[X] Send An Envoy to Brun Gledd: Several leagues north of the city lies Brun Gledd, a town built into and under six seperate hills. It was dug by the dwarves long ago, but it's first name is now long lost, and it is ruled by the Enedwaithrim and their aging lord Braelor. Send an envoy to break words with the Middle-Men.
    -[X] Send An Envoy To Rivendell: Imladris, or Rivendell, is an elvish stronghold deep in the heartlands of Eriador. Founded and ruled by the Elf-Lord Elrond Halfelven, it serves as a bastion of wisdom and learning in these later days of the world, projecting Elvish might into all eastern Eriador. The elves of Rivendell are force to be reckoned with, and are great traders and loremasters besides. It would not be unwise to make their acquaintance. A very large portion of your people support doing this -- 6 Speakers are behind it. 1 is stringently opposed, representing the farmers.
    -[X] Ironbark: In the deeps of the Iron Forest dwells an ent, an old thing with old eyes. He is no foe, not yet. But he is no friend of men, you do not think. Not anymore. Break words with him, and see if the strength of oak and yew might be bent in friendship. (requires hero)
    --[X] Imrazor
    -[X] Explore Enedwaith: There is still much in the lands around your city that you do not know. Send searchers to find valuable natural resources or ancient treasures, and map your new home fully. A sizeable share of your people support doing this -- 3 Speakers are behind it.
    -[X] The Gwathlo: You have made contact with the master of the Gwathlo, and the ford is held, as it has been for ten thousand lifetimes of the small men, by Númenór. If you so wish it, your men may pass beyond the ford, and see how Minhiriath has changed in ten centuries. The men of Tharbad speak of myraid towns and villages, and of civilizations flourishing in the wild. Venture past the Greyflood, and see what has become of these lands.
    -[X] Plan An Expedition:
    --[X] The Pillar of Heaven
    --[X] Inzilbeth Seastrider
    --[X] (Special) (Requires Inzilbeth) Reunite the Crew of the Pillar
    --[X] Custom Route: Lond Daer for Trade, Lindon and Pelargir for Diplomacy.
    --[X] Trade and Diplomacy
    ---[X] Stone
[X] Plan Surveying the Land

if this acts as tie breaker - I really don't want to force the people of Tharbad, or Enedwaith to work together. Not until that threat has emerged, and we can do so as mediators, rather than enforcers...

Better to be seen as Obi-wan, than Vader.
Last edited:
It's not really a tie. The automatic counting is counting all the votes done by the person instead of only those done on the newest post. This is actual result if you are counting only the newest votes minus one for surveying the Land.
Adhoc vote count started by DkArthas on Feb 5, 2021 at 6:50 AM, finished with 172 posts and 43 votes.

  • [X] Plan Laying the Foundations
    -[X] Construction
    --[X] Build A Shaping Hall.
    ---[X] Ûrîphêl
    --[X] Build A Shipyard.
    -[X] Options (8)
    -[X] Defence
    --[X] Scout Gundabad.
    ---[X] Barazîr
    --[X] Search For Signs of Gundabad's Influence.
    -[X] Diplomacy
    --[X] Send An Envoy To Rivendell.
    --[X] Send An Envoy to Brun Gledd. (Write-In, see below.)
    --[X] The Lord of the Tower.
    ---[X] Write-In: (Imrazôr)
    ---[X] The League of Enedwaith
    ---[X] We will attempt to broker a lasting peace settlement between Tharbad, the men of Brun Gledd, and the local Middle Men, To do so, we will create a league in which all of the major stakeholders have representation, and can resolve disputes, raise concerns to be decided mutually. We shall form a League of free Men.
    ---[X] Tharbad will end the extractative tributes it levies from its subjects through fear and main force - they shall become League members, subordinate but with rights.
    ---[X] The sentinels of Tharbad may still ask for less penurious contributions for the defence they provide - official League contributions.
    ---[X] As Tharbad helps us to fight Gundabad, Târ Nîlon will pay League contributions also, in coin and also through lending our skilled crafts, and our ships. We will also pledge rebuild Tharbad's wall next year, once they have joined the League.
    ---[X] Through trade with us, and through us the rest of the North, Tharbad should be no worse off and will in time actually grow far wealthier by trade, as we shall do also.
    ---[X] Brun Gledd will join the League, agree to provide at least some token contributions for its common defence as a show of good will. In return, they will remain independent, their brothers will gain in freedom, and in years to come we will trade together and girt their warriors in steel.
    ---[X] Braelor of the Enedwaithrim and the Warden of Tharbad shall swear a binding oath of peace, for themselves and their heirs unto the tenth generation, under our gaze and in the sight of Eru and the Vala.
    ---[X] Raise the rising spectre of Mt Gundabad, sharing Barazîr's findings, and that free Men standing together for the common defence is the only way forward now that the thread from the Shadow is greater than it has been in a millenium.
    ---[X] Make it clear to both sides that this is the best deal they are likely to get. For Tharbad, raise the fear that we will go to the King and negotiate with the next Warden, as well as of Mt Gundabad. For Brun Gledd, focus their minds with the prospect that this is their best and only chance of a settlement which does not end with them as the feudal subjects of some Westron prince.
    ---[X] Try to negotiate firmly, but don't play such hardball that if a lesser settlement is possible which is still in the spirit of this, we can't agree on it.
    -[X] Exploration
    --[X] Explore Enedwaith
    --[X] The Gwathlo
    -[X] Seafaring
    --[X] Plan An Expedition
    ---[X] Inzilbeth Seastrider
    ---[X] The Pillar of Heaven
    ---[x] Gather a Volunteer Crew
    ---[X] Elf-Friendly Colonies: Pelargir to Edhellond, to Lond Daer. (Costs 1 supplies)
    ---[X] The Three Jewels: Forlond, Harlond, and Mithlond (Costs 1 supplies)
    ---[X] Trade & Diplomacy: (Trading Stone with Lond Daer, building ties with all, and investigating what they might like to trade on future trips.)
    [X] Plan Surveying the Land
    -[X] Build A Shipyard: To properly utilize the Shipwright you brought with you, you begin construction on a great shipyard where vessels in the Númenórean style may be built.
    -[X] Build A Shaping Hall: A domed hall of cast stone, where the Shapers may plan, gather, and study. Most every colony has one. It would allow for a greater variety of construction projects, they assure you, and allow for several projects to be worked on at once. (Grows Shaper Influence)
    --[X] Uriphel
    -[X] Scout Gundabad: Beyond the Misty Mountains lies a mountain the dwarves mourn in their hearts. Evil stirs there now. Send rangers to scout the Mountain, and see what wakes in the north. A sizeable population of your people support doing this -- 4 Speakers are behind it.
    --[X] Barazir
    -[X] Search For Signs of Gundabad's Influence: There are whispers. Shadows in the dark. Shapes in the waters. Eyes in the forests. Evil awake in the lands of men. Orcs are about all Eriador, from the wide woods of Minhiriath to the ruins of Eregion. Seek them, and uncover their vile purpose. (Takes Two Turns)
    -[X] Send An Envoy to Brun Gledd: Several leagues north of the city lies Brun Gledd, a town built into and under six seperate hills. It was dug by the dwarves long ago, but it's first name is now long lost, and it is ruled by the Enedwaithrim and their aging lord Braelor. Send an envoy to break words with the Middle-Men.
    -[X] Send An Envoy To Rivendell: Imladris, or Rivendell, is an elvish stronghold deep in the heartlands of Eriador. Founded and ruled by the Elf-Lord Elrond Halfelven, it serves as a bastion of wisdom and learning in these later days of the world, projecting Elvish might into all eastern Eriador. The elves of Rivendell are force to be reckoned with, and are great traders and loremasters besides. It would not be unwise to make their acquaintance. A very large portion of your people support doing this -- 6 Speakers are behind it. 1 is stringently opposed, representing the farmers.
    -[X] Ironbark: In the deeps of the Iron Forest dwells an ent, an old thing with old eyes. He is no foe, not yet. But he is no friend of men, you do not think. Not anymore. Break words with him, and see if the strength of oak and yew might be bent in friendship. (requires hero)
    --[X] Imrazor
    -[X] Explore Enedwaith: There is still much in the lands around your city that you do not know. Send searchers to find valuable natural resources or ancient treasures, and map your new home fully. A sizeable share of your people support doing this -- 3 Speakers are behind it.
    -[X] The Gwathlo: You have made contact with the master of the Gwathlo, and the ford is held, as it has been for ten thousand lifetimes of the small men, by Númenór. If you so wish it, your men may pass beyond the ford, and see how Minhiriath has changed in ten centuries. The men of Tharbad speak of myraid towns and villages, and of civilizations flourishing in the wild. Venture past the Greyflood, and see what has become of these lands.
    -[X] Plan An Expedition:
    ---[X] The Pillar of Heaven
    ---[X] Inzilbeth Seastrider
    ---[X] (Special) (Requires Inzilbeth) Reunite the Crew of the Pillar: Inzilbeth's old crew have been sailing the rivers and serving as an impromptu city guard. Have them trade the sword for the seaspray. (Temporarily disbands the Seastriders)
    --[X] The Mariner's Route: This path travels from Lond Daer to Romenna on the Blessed Isle, and finishes at Pelargir. (Costs 1 supplies)
    --[X] Trade
    ---[X] Stone: You have a small amount of surplus stone left over. You have heard they hunger for it in crumbling Lond Daer and ever-besieged Umbar.
    [X] Plan Inspector Calls
    [X] Build A Barracks: Not just a clearing where the swords are kept, but a building made for soldiers to sleep. A necessity in transforming the militia into a viable City Guard.
    [X] Build A Granary: A large domed building for the storage of food and other supplies. Resources would necessitate it be built from wood, but it would insulate the colony against hard winters and short harvests. (2 turns)
    - [X] Imrazor
    [X] Establish Pastures: Grain is well and good, but some among your smallholders have been aching to purchase sheep and goats in large numbers from the Middle-Men, that they might establish their own herds. Stake out plots of land where they may graze. (will reduce possible construction projects by one) A decent population of your people support doing this -- 3 Speakers are behind it.
    [X] Scout Gundabad: Beyond the Misty Mountains lies a mountain the dwarves mourn in their hearts. Evil stirs there now. Send rangers to scout the Mountain, and see what wakes in the north. A sizeable population of your people support doing this -- 4 Speakers are behind it.
    [X] Search For Signs of Gundabad's Influence: There are whispers. Shadows in the dark. Shapes in the waters. Eyes in the forests. Evil awake in the lands of men. Orcs are about all Eriador, from the wide woods of Minhiriath to the ruins of Eregion. Seek them, and uncover their vile purpose. (Takes Two Turns)
    [X] The Lord of the Tower: At the close of your terse meeting, the Warden of Tharbad made you an offer: the tribute of all the lands south of the Gwathlo, which he currently holds, or claims to hold. Implicit in this offer was a desire to keep the affairs of Middle-Earth between those who rule on Middle-Earth. As is often said in the colonies of Númenór, "Êphal îdôn Yôzâyan, Êphalak îdôn ka-Bâr"-- Númenór is distant and the King is far away. You perceived something of his true heart in this discussion, and understand that you might have more leverage with the master of the ford than first believed.
    -[X] Accept his offer
    [X] Send An Envoy To Rivendell: Imladris, or Rivendell, is an elvish stronghold deep in the heartlands of Eriador. Founded and ruled by the Elf-Lord Elrond Halfelven, it serves as a bastion of wisdom and learning in these later days of the world, projecting Elvish might into all eastern Eriador. The elves of Rivendell are force to be reckoned with, and are great traders and loremasters besides. It would not be unwise to make their acquaintance. A very large portion of your people support doing this -- 6 Speakers are behind it. 1 is stringently opposed, representing the farmers.
    [X] Ironbark: In the deeps of the Iron Forest dwells an ent, an old thing with old eyes. He is no foe, not yet. But he is no friend of men, you do not think. Not anymore. Break words with him, and see if the strength of oak and yew might be bent in friendship. (requires hero)
    - [x] Uruphel
    [X] The Misty Mountains: The Misty Mountains which straddle the spine of Eriador are some of the tallest mountains in Middle-Earth. From the great outposts of the dwarves to the deep caves of the goblin-kings, there are many secrets to be found amid the snowy peaks. You send men into the high mountains to explore and map them further. (2/6)
    [X] The Land of the Ringmakers: Eregion, to your north, was once one of the great Elvish realms until it's destruction by the Dark Lord in the War of the Elves and Sauron long ago. Here dwelt the elf-smiths whom the Enemy tricked into creating the Rings of Power, and amid the ruins of their halls and cities lie ancient artifacts from the glory days of the Elves. You send explorers and riders into this land to map it further. (2/6)
    [X] Plan Ships
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For example, the automatic counting on the threadmark is showing that I and Dark Abstraction are voting for both plans when In reality we changed our votes later. You need to tick the box in the tally screen to only count the newest votes by the person.
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If there is a strong division of opinion here, then perhaps a compromise I could propose might be to delay the League plan by a year but lock it in for the next turn, to wait for us to meet the Men of Bern Gludd and for the Gundabad scouting to complete? I feel there is a supermajority for that in the thread.

(Not hugely happy with the delay, but since I have just been talking up the merits of compromise, I thought I should make the effort.)

Or we could just follow the results of the vote, which were a simple majority of two at the time it was called - I just don't want people who changed votes or added them right after it was called to feel too much rancour.

[X] Plan Surveying the Land

If tie-breakers are accepted.... I cast my vote for a less hasty option. We still need to pass the Inspection too.

Leaving aside the issue of voting after a vote has been called, I would point out that the idea of a Royal inspection is something Tharbad is scared of, and we've suggested to pressure them. It's not an impending Quest Event or anything, so please don't worry about that!

Right now the King and the King's Men basically view the Enedwaith as a backwater, on the days where they can remember where it is. Tharbad being petrified of a Royal inspection is, in some perverse way I think, actually reflective of them wanting to believe they have not been forgotten.
Omake: Southern Troubles
Omake: Southern troubles

Elemir Master of Anfalas frowned as he read letters from the lesser colonies east of Pelargir. Tales of Orc and wolves. Tales of a great shadow...

The lands of Lossarnach to their north bordered the great Anduin, and were oft first hit by ranging orcs, though thank Eru, that number had sharply declined in the centuries following The Great Enemies, breaking at Tharbad. That was until word from Anórien faded without a trace during the great winter, he remembered from when he was but a child.

"You fear the return of the Great Enemy, old friend." His noble neighbor, Anardil Master of Pinnath Gellin asked as he warmed his hands by the fire.

"That I do." He sighed. "When word from Anórien ended so long ago, my father feared it heralded 'his' return. That Orcs have pushed so far into Lossarnach of all fiefs only proves his words true." He rubbed his brow. "Has there been much word from the home Isles?" Anardil only grimmaced. "It is seen as a colonial affair. The guilds expect us to continue to pay our tribute as is, and threaten sanction should we delay."

Elemir grimaced in turn. "What of the Haven?" Anardil only laughed. "The Sealord of Pelargir despite his piety, owes his position and favor, to the guilds. He can neither spend men or resources to remove the spread till they reach his lands, unless he seeks to enslave more of the Drúedain or mountain men, than our grandfathers already have." They both looked darkly into the fireplace at that. A necessary evil, it had been claimed, one that the lesser men would welcome in due time...

"At least Lord Celeborn has offered aid to any that call for it." Castamir master of Andrast said mulling over a cider native to his people. "Though it grinds me so, should worst come to worst, we will make that call." The three of you nodded at that.

"And Eru save us, should the Kings Men take notice..."

@Telamon here's another omake

Edit - my interpretation of the southern colonies, is that may of the fiefs in gondor were founded during the Numenorean era. But the Sealord of Pelargir was the overseer of the region. The lesser colonies barely even number a few thousand put together. But it helps explain how come the third age, Gondor could field armies near half a million strong, despite only taking half of the ships that fled Numenor/those that already lived in Pelargir.

Their conscern about the kings men taking notice, is that the King will take direct control over things in Middle Earth, should he find their performance lacking. Much like the british government and the New England colonies after the disaster that was King Phillips War.
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Wow, a close and contentious vote! I propose we split into factions based on which plan was supported: it seems Laying the Foundations was the original winner, so that faction will be called 'The Faithful', and while I can't be bothered to look back to check who first proposed Surveying the Land, one of its voters was @KingElessar, so they can be 'The King's Men'. I foresee only good things coming from this division.
Omake: Of The Mines Of Moria
Of the Mines of Moria

In the great mines of Khazad-Dûm, there is the city of Dwarrordelf, home to the Longbeard clan of Dwarves. Long have they lived and worked there, deep have they dug, and if the Doors of Durin have remained shut for a millenium, it is of little concern for a folk who never much gave the outside world their attention.

Gold and jewels both once flowed out the great doors in exchange for other treasures and especially food -never have Dwarven folk had much patience for farming or herding or much anything outside their craft.

Yet the true wealth of the Longbeards of Khazad-Dûm is not in gold, nor jewels -but in Mithril. Beautiful as polished silver, stronger than strongest steel, ever has it been much desired by folk near and far.

Should you achieve the impossible and win the friendship of those who dwell here, perhaps one day a helm of silver might adorn your head come battle.
Omake: Southern troubles

Elemir Master of Anfalas frowned as he read letters from the lesser colonies east of Pelargir. Tales of Orc and wolves. Tales of a great shadow...

The lands of Lossarnach to their north bordered the great Anduin, and were oft first hit by ranging orcs, though thank Eru, that number had sharply declined in the centuries following The Great Enemies, breaking at Tharbad. That was until word from Anórien faded without a trace during the great winter, he remembered from when he was but a child.

"You fear the return of the Great Enemy, old friend." His noble neighbor, Anardil Master of Pinnath Gellin asked as he warmed his hands by the fire.

"That I do." He sighed. "When word from Anórien ended so long ago, my father feared it heralded 'his' return. That Orcs have pushed so far into Lossarnach of all fiefs only proves his words true." He rubbed his brow. "Has there been much word from the home Isles?" Anardil only grimmaced. "It is seen as a colonial affair. The guilds expect us to continue to pay our tribute as is, and threaten sanction should we delay."

Elemir grimaced in turn. "What of the Haven?" Anardil only laughed. "The Sealord of Pelargir despite his piety, owes his position and favor, to the guilds. He can neither spend men or resources to remove the spread till they reach his lands, unless he seeks to enslave more of the Drúedain or mountain men, than our grandfathers already have." They both looked darkly into the fireplace at that. A necessary evil, it had been claimed, one that the lesser men would welcome in due time...

"At least Lord Celeborn has offered aid to any that call for it." Castamir master of Andrast said mulling over a cider native to his people. "Though it grinds me so, should worst come to worst, we will make that call." The three of you nodded at that.

"And Eru save us, should the Kings Men take notice..."

@Telamon here's another omake

Edit - my interpretation of the southern colonies, is that may of the fiefs in gondor were founded during the Numenorean era. But the Sealord of Pelargir was the overseer of the region. The lesser colonies barely even number a few thousand put together. But it helps explain how come the third age, Gondor could field armies near half a million strong, despite only taking half of the ships that fled Numenor/those that already lived in Pelargir.

Their conscern about the kings men taking notice, is that the King will take direct control over things in Middle Earth, should he find their performance lacking. Much like the british government and the New England colonies after the disaster that was King Phillips War.

Very nice. In the cities of the south, the Faithful are agitated. Long shadows stretch over the dominion of the Elf-friends, and they seek allies outside the piercing gaze of the King. Your next diplomatic excursion to Pelargir will have a +5 modifier.

Of the Mines of Moria

In the great mines of Khazad-Dûm, there is the city of Dwarrordelf, home to the Longbeard clan of Dwarves. Long have they lived and worked there, deep have they dug, and if the Doors of Durin have remained shut for a millenium, it is of little concern for a folk who never much gave the outside world their attention.

Gold and jewels both once flowed out the great doors in exchange for other treasures and especially food -never have Dwarven folk had much patience for farming or herding or much anything outside their craft.

Yet the true wealth of the Longbeards of Khazad-Dûm is not in gold, nor jewels -but in Mithril. Beautiful as polished silver, stronger than strongest steel, ever has it been much desired by folk near and far.

Should you achieve the impossible and win the friendship of those who dwell here, perhaps one day a helm of silver might adorn your head come battle.

Very nice. Rumors flutter through your colony of mithril, the starsteel that does not rust. Your Shapers and traders alike itch to get their hands upon it. Your populace will be more favorable to actions concerning the Longbeard Dwarves for one turn.

If there is a strong division of opinion here, then perhaps a compromise I could propose might be to delay the League plan by a year but lock it in for the next turn, to wait for us to meet the Men of Bern Gludd and for the Gundabad scouting to complete? I feel there is a supermajority for that in the thread.

(Not hugely happy with the delay, but since I have just been talking up the merits of compromise, I thought I should make the effort.)

Or we could just follow the results of the vote, which were a simple majority of two at the time it was called - I just don't want people who changed votes or added them right after it was called to feel too much rancour.

Leaving aside the issue of voting after a vote has been called, I would point out that the idea of a Royal inspection is something Tharbad is scared of, and we've suggested to pressure them. It's not an impending Quest Event or anything, so please don't worry about that!

Right now the King and the King's Men basically view the Enedwaith as a backwater, on the days where they can remember where it is. Tharbad being petrified of a Royal inspection is, in some perverse way I think, actually reflective of them wanting to believe they have not been forgotten.

While your magnanimity in the matter is noted,@DkArthas is right, Laying Foundations won by two votes. Votes cannot be changed after voting has closed (because that is a headache both for myself and people who get their plans voted for).

Wow, a close and contentious vote! I propose we split into factions based on which plan was supported: it seems Laying the Foundations was the original winner, so that faction will be called 'The Faithful', and while I can't be bothered to look back to check who first proposed Surveying the Land, one of its voters was @KingElessar, so they can be 'The King's Men'. I foresee only good things coming from this division.

This was, however, a tempting resolution.:drevil:

Update will be forthcoming.
So, I thought it was actually worth going back to the start of the quest and looking at some of our aspirations for our colony, which really played into the choices we made setting it up, because we've gotten to one of the first key junctures now where that plays in. Then I thought it would help to look at some of the problems we face now, and the opportunities they might conceal, before going to some proposed solutions, which inform the plan below. It's a little involved, but thanks for taking the time to give it a look.

Challenges and Objectives
Looking back to the start of the quest, we invested heavily into a vision for our colony, which led to some quite pronounced choices:
- A hub of crafts with a heavy involvement of the Shapers, so that we could become a forge for the North, a fortress city filled to the brim with artifice and crafts which we might preserve even after the demise of Numenor itself.
- We picked our location on the Isen partly because we could be further from the attention of the King's Men, and secondly because it was the closest to the Dwarves of Khazad-Dum, who from the outset the quest wanted to befriend.
- We picked a heavy number of the Faithful because we wanted to remain Elf-Friends, and remain to the original ideals of Westernesse and be friends to all Free Peoples.
- At great expense, we decided to bring our own shipwright, and pick the great iron port, so that our colony would be not just a forge, but a manufactory-port, a hub of industry able to then trade the fruits of its crafts far and wide, and reap the rewards of doing so.
- We decided to pursue trade and diplomatic links with Tharbad and Lond Daer, as well as the local Middle Men - creating a system of alliances and trade links in the North which could resist the rising Shadow, as well as hopefully stay a boring periphery as far as the King's Men were concerned.

This motivates, I think, what we want to try and shoot towards now - a growing hub of crafts and commerce, building fledgling alliances in the North with our neighbours, which can one day form a web of prosperity and an iron shield against the power of Mordor.

Next, we face some big problems here in this update, and also a few opportunities:
- Tharbad is putting its boot to the neck of the local Middle Men. The "protection" they offer is actually from orcs and trolls, not just other protection rackets sovereigns, so in a sense they are morally better than most sovereigns, but it still wouldn't be acceptable even without the many diplomatic problems it introduces.
- The Dwarves of Khazad-Dum, who we chose our colony location simply to be close to, want us to help the people who live along the Gwaltho before they will trade with us or befriend us. That makes Tharbad a key objective by itself.
- The Enedwaithrim, our neighbours, are people we really want to have on our side, as they can sell us mutton and wool, grain in bad winters, and will buy our crafts. The issues with Tharbad are also a key point to forming closer ties with them.
- Tharbad apparently has not been paying taxes for centuries and fears any gaze of royal authority in their general direction, especially given their new protection racket. We have reason to fear that too, if it happens, but it also provides a "chink in their armour" as the update says.
- The war of the Blacklocks and Longbeards is unfortunate, and threatens to complicate what we wanted to be a simple alliance. However, both of them want our food.
- There is a growing darkness to the North, wreathing Mt. Gundabad in shadow and malice.
- Our Speakers would like us to befriend and visit the local elves, to send expeditions outwards, and to set up new industries. In short, to expand, grow, and realise our vision for the colony.

Proposed Solutions
On the broad strokes stuff, I think that it is really important that we begin laying as much groundwork now for our longer-term plans. We want to establish trade links with all of the North, we want to begin our fledgling industries, and we want to start the foundations of our mercantile and naval strength. It is less important, though by no means unimportant, that we expand in other areas - we had a focused vision for what we wanted our city to be, a fortress and forge of iron foam, and we should stay true to that.

On the near-term problems, by far the biggest of which is Tharbad, I think we need to act decisively to ensure a lasting compromise is met, or this problem will drag on forever. Peace, alliance and trade with the local Middle Men, and an ally and trading partner in Tharbad, is essentially crucial for everything else we set out to accomplish here. In terms of how we do that, I think the key point would be to use Tharbad's fear of a Royal inspection, as well as offer them some juicy carrots as well as that stick. This will mean a write-in, and I think we want to lay the foundations of lasting diplomatic settlement between us, Tharbad, the men of Brun Gledd, and the other Middle Men.

As far as the Dwarven war goes, for now I think we should deal with our nearer-term concerns and attempt to stay neutral. In the longer term however, we may try to be a neutral trading partner for both sides, or perhaps pick one, although that probably means the Longbeards. Finding Var's ring for the Blacklocks seems like a bit of a longshot.


[X] Plan Laying the Foundations
-[X] Construction
--[X] Build A Shaping Hall.
---[X] Ûrîphêl
--[X] Build A Shipyard.
-[X] Options (8)
-[X] Defence
--[X] Scout Gundabad.
---[X] Barazîr
--[X] Search For Signs of Gundabad's Influence.
-[X] Diplomacy
--[X] Send An Envoy To Rivendell.
--[X] Send An Envoy to Brun Gledd. (Write-In, see below.)
--[X] The Lord of the Tower.
---[X] Write-In: (Imrazôr)
---[X] The League of Enedwaith
---[X] We will attempt to broker a lasting peace settlement between Tharbad, the men of Brun Gledd, and the local Middle Men, To do so, we will create a league in which all of the major stakeholders have representation, and can resolve disputes, raise concerns to be decided mutually. We shall form a League of free Men.
---[X] Tharbad will end the extractative tributes it levies from its subjects through fear and main force - they shall become League members, subordinate but with rights.
---[X] The sentinels of Tharbad may still ask for less penurious contributions for the defence they provide - official League contributions.
---[X] As Tharbad helps us to fight Gundabad, Târ Nîlon will pay League contributions also, in coin and also through lending our skilled crafts, and our ships. We will also pledge rebuild Tharbad's wall next year, once they have joined the League.
---[X] Through trade with us, and through us the rest of the North, Tharbad should be no worse off and will in time actually grow far wealthier by trade, as we shall do also.
---[X] Brun Gledd will join the League, agree to provide at least some token contributions for its common defence as a show of good will. In return, they will remain independent, their brothers will gain in freedom, and in years to come we will trade together and girt their warriors in steel.
---[X] Braelor of the Enedwaithrim and the Warden of Tharbad shall swear a binding oath of peace, for themselves and their heirs unto the tenth generation, under our gaze and in the sight of Eru and the Vala.
---[X] Raise the rising spectre of Mt Gundabad, sharing Barazîr's findings, and that free Men standing together for the common defence is the only way forward now that the thread from the Shadow is greater than it has been in a millenium.
---[X] Make it clear to both sides that this is the best deal they are likely to get. For Tharbad, raise the fear that we will go to the King and negotiate with the next Warden, as well as of Mt Gundabad. For Brun Gledd, focus their minds with the prospect that this is their best and only chance of a settlement which does not end with them as the feudal subjects of some Westron prince.
---[X] Try to negotiate firmly, but don't play such hardball that if a lesser settlement is possible which is still in the spirit of this, we can't agree on it.
-[X] Exploration
--[X] Explore Enedwaith
--[X] The Gwathlo
-[X] Seafaring
--[X] Plan An Expedition
---[X] Inzilbeth Seastrider
---[x] The Pillar of Heaven
---[x] Gather a Volunteer Crew
---[X] Elf-Friendly Colonies: Pelargir to Edhellond, to Lond Daer. (Costs 1 supplies)
---[X] The Three Jewels: Forlond, Harlond, and Mithlond (Costs 1 supplies)
---[X] Trade & Diplomacy: (Trading Stone with Lond Daer, building ties with all, and investigating what they might like to trade on future trips.)

- On the construction side, we're getting our shipyard set up, which will be the nucleus of our mercantile and naval power, and is half of our plan for the city.
- We're also building the Shaping Hall, to be an HQ for our efforts to become a massive centre of crafts and industry. This might seem backwards - why not build a Crafting Hall first, and start having fine work for export immediately? But I think it is important to start with first things first, and given our plans, the Shaping Hall is a necessity.
- On top of that, the ability to conduct multiple construction projects without assigning heroes will be really useful, especially given we will need someone to build the harbour.
- Next, the diplomatic summit. This is a big one, and I will readily admit that it is really ambitious. However, I think we have a lot of things working in our favour here:
- We are offering some really big carrots here. The wall and our skilled labour, which we know Tharbad really wants. A diplomatic settlement which preserves their image of themselves as honour protectors of the region. Trade, and access to the markets of the whole of Middle-Earth.
- On top of that, we know Tharbad is really frightened of a Royal Inspection, so we kind of have them over a barrel here. (We don't really want to pull the trigger there, but they don't know that, and if it came to it, we could do so without shooting our own nose off.)
- On top of that, we have a common enemy in Mt. Gundabad, a rising threat that is probably greater than it has been since a millennium ago. A common enemy always does a lot to help people pull together.
- Scouting our local area seems prudent, since it is important to us and in this early phase of the game, we really do want to get a firm idea of our surroundings.
- In terms of the sea expedition, I think that visiting both all of the colonies which are friendly to the Faithful (or in our orbit as Lond Daer is), and then a big visit up north to Lindon is a really good pairing. Trading stone with Lond Daer should open up a trade connection which we have wanted since the start of the game, and the other options start friendships which we can expand on later.

Got to run and have supper now, but I would welcome comments and discussion! (Also votes. :D)
...This is either incredible genius or incredible hubris.

I guess time shall tell.
I still have to question who wanted to act like the Kings Men, when we're trying to play faithful. Or at least adunaic faithful.

Even the British were more subtle in their ambitions.
We're essentially trying to force a Yugoslavia here. But with the Austrians added on for good measure.

It's something that will bite us in the arse, reputationally, and make a lot of our neighbours see us as little more than just like the other colonies, Kings Men and Faithful alike that have screwed over the locals (native or otherwise) for (in their minds) short term protection, while we (again in their minds) slowly encroach on them.
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I still have to question who wanted to act like the Kings Men, when we're trying to play faithful
Far as I understand mood of the thread, almost nobody, chief argument against conference seems to be "we are way too young and unproven to act with such an authority", with implied "this is probably not a bad idea, but later".

And, to be fair, doing such a conference so early is incredibly ambitious for colony which is about, what, 4-6 years old? Compared to either natives who by definition been here a while and Tharbad who been here for centuries.

It's still a decent gamble, and if we win we can face Gundabad threat with internal issues being, well, less problematic, hopefully. We have leverage over Tharbad, and Middle-Men were literally willing to submit to us if it meant protection from Tharbad, so I think it can indeed work.
But well, time will tell.
I am always partial to being a bit villainous, and I thought I'd express that in a quest that has "colonialism" as a tag, but the thread chose "men of the west" before I got here, so I'll have to put on my idealist cap for now.

If I had been here from the beginning, I would have argued for at least a few king's men policies, though not all of them, as they were incredibly unwise overall. Especially bad for us, being so close to the elves up north, which befriending has always seemed like the intelligent choice.
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