As a matter of process, we just opened the bag and the question is which wind came out first. Kind of like those "which character from X property are you" quizzes which border on horoscope. Except this is fiction so horoscopes tend to be orders of magnitude more accurate, so...The question that Ling Qi is being asked right now is which wind are you stealing first.
And I think Ling Qi would steal the west wind first, because the prospect of those happy days for her loved ones is a large part of what motivates her actions.
And it's equally as valid to look at it from the perspective of a work of fiction and treat which wind appears first as the one the teller of the story (in this case Ling Qi) values most. There are as many ways to interpret the prompt as there are people to do the interpretation, trying to call out one interpretation as "more correct" is pointless; yrsillar's job is to properly justify the choice the playerbase chooses within the narrative as he has written it.As a matter of process, we just opened the bag and the question is which wind came out first. Kind of like those "which character from X property are you" quizzes which border on horoscope. Except this is fiction so horoscopes tend to be orders of magnitude more accurate, so...