Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
A friendly reminder to new questers to read the Informational threadmarks and FAQ specifically before asking a question. Links below:

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Here is the Detailed Rune List

On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
Last edited:
[X]Relation: direct connection.
[X]Master: Yorri.
[X]Deed: The Laborious Defense at the Peak Pass
Rune List
Thungni, God of Runes, First of the Runelords
━<><><>< The Rune List ><><><>━
As a Runelord there likely isn't a basic Rune you don't know with a few exceptions (notable things including Runes made during the or post War of Vengeance, and/or are noted specifically to be discovered by a different Dwarf other than Thungni or Grungni.) The only Runes that I will list will be Master Runes, Runes you've personally discovered, and specific runic combos. If a Master Rune isn't on there it's because of the above reasons. If you want clarification about your knowledge of a Rune, please ask me. its a good 50% chance I forgot it existed or didn't catch it.

Weapon Runes
NameNecessary IngredientsComplexityDescriptionNotes
Master Rune of Animation/Waking[T2] Troll's Heart3PlaceholderAllows the weapon to follow orders or act under its own power, but is still subject to the laws of physics( so a sword won't levitate and a crossbow can't reload without an existing mechanism though a bit of engineering mitigates such issues.)[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Breaking[T2] Cockatrice's Eye1The weapon has a chance of outright destroying shoddier weapons it strikes.
Master Rune of Conduction/ (the future Master Rune of Kragg the Grim)[T3] Magma Wyrm's Blood2Strikes impart extreme heat and force after a brief charge up period, the weapon grows hot enough to glow bright orange and can hold a greater amount of heat.
Master Rune of Currents[T2] Griffon's Brain1The weapon cuts like the biting winds at the mountain's peak, faster, sharper and unblockable.
Master Rune of Everfrost[T3] Frost Wyrm's Blood2Strikes absorb the heat energy from what it strikes, chilling and embrittling armour and flesh.
Master Rune of Flight[T2] Great Eagle's Feathers1Weapons cannot be lost, and can be thrown at the enemy as if launched from a bolt thrower
Master Rune of Fraternity[T2] Grimnirzan0User and nearby allies have greatly increased martial skill and improved coordination, they are all innately aware of their comrade's abilities and status for the duration of the battle while in range.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Grimnir[T2] Griffon Feathers0The Bearer will fight as if channelling the Ancestor's will, unhindered by Injury or Hurt until either they or their quarry are killed.
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver[T4] Voidstone6Strikes burn the target from the inside out, especially effective against wizards and magical entities and nearby magic is used up to increase the effect's potency.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD] [RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Smiting[T3] Stonehorn's Horns2Every blow by a weapon bearing this Rune strikes with force beyond reckoning.
Master Rune of Thunderbolts[T3] Storm Wyrm's Blood/Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Blood3The weapon crackles with barely controlled lightning that erupts in a massive burst of electricity that travels through nearby foes or can be concentrated at a lesser foe in a single strike.
Rune of BreakshotN/AN/ARanged Weapons and Warmachines gain magical, exploding ammo but slows rate of fire.
Rune of EchoblowN/AN/AThis weapon's blows will have a secondary phantom blow follow up behind it.
Rune of FuryN/AN/AWielder becomes enraged and more powerful by the memory of unfulfilled Grudges, multiple copies improves speed and damage they deal
Rune of LightningN/AN/AStrikes release current of electricity when they land, two copies improves strength of current, three copies allows weapon to periodically launch a lightning bolt
Rune of ParalysisN/AN/ASaps physical strength from a foe struck by a weapon inscribed with this Rune, gradually slowing them and then preventing them from moving
Rune of PetrificationN/AN/AStrikes cause numbness and rigidity
Rune of SiphoningN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune recharge at roughly half again more quickly than normal by drawing on Deep Magic, increasing for the duration of a battle until reaching roughly double the recharge rate. When fully active the Rune begins to glow gold rather than Teal. Superseded by Banner and Structural effects.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD] [RESTRICTED]
Rune of StrongarmN/AN/AThis weapon's blows will draw and absorb some of the strength of whoever it strikes and convey it back against them.[UNSHAREABLE]

Combination NameComponent 1Component 2Component 3DescriptionNotes
AnvilbreakerRune of Gottri HammerspiteRune of EchoblowRune of StrongarmThe user's blows ring like a gong, drawing strength from the foe they have struck, storing that energy and choosing whether to release it in one blast and/or have it rebound as a hit opposite of where the blow originally landed.[LOCKED, RUNE OF GOTTRI HAMMERSPITE UNKNOWN]
BrotherboundRune of GrimnirRune of BrotherhoodRune of BattleAllies around the user have increased martial skill and greatly improved coordination, they are innately aware of their comrade's abilities and status for the duration of the battle while in range.
Creeping ColdMaster Rune of EverfrostRune of PetrificationRune of ParalysisStrikes sap both heat and energy. Strikes cause increasing frost build up, frostbite, and fatigue for the duration of a battle.
Master Rune of Conduction
Rune of SmednirRune of ThungniThe weapon's molten hot blows vaporize flesh, progressively weakening the armour and weapons it strikes, and outright burns or melts sufficiently poor craftsmanship. The tool guides the bearer who wields it so that his craft has improved toughness and durability while Runes struck with it last longer.
Fire, heat, flame, energy. Through it the Smith and his sons have made wonders no mortal mind can equal and weapons that are too terrible to behold. Creation and destruction in equal measure.
Master Rune of Conduction
Rune of MightRune of ImpactBlows from this weapon cause an expanding Bubble of energy that forces itself to expand despite whatever may be stopping it.
Strikes from this weapon hit like an object from the void striking the earth, an explosion of energy that expresses itself through heat, air and fire aimed solely at the enemy.
RaptorstrikeMaster Rune of FlightRune of ImpactRune of BreezesThe weapon cannot be lost, and when tossed at a target the weapon flies with force that is several times more powerful than a Bolt Thrower.
Rising RancourMaster Rune of SmitingRune of FuryRune of StrongarmStrikes hit with greatly increased force. The user's anger and every strike increases their strength, speed and force behind blows for the duration of a battle.
Armour Runes
NameNecessary IngredientsComplexityDescriptionNotes
Master Rune of Animation/Waking[T2] Troll's Heart3PlaceholderAllows a suit of armour to follow orders or act under its own power, or aid the wearer.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Blizzards[T3] Frost Wyrm's Blood/ Thundertusk's Blood1PlaceholderThe armour is engulfed in a shield of freezing winds and ice that buffets away physical projectiles back towards the sender. Emits an aura of cold that slows enemies and saps their energy.
Master Rune of Dragonbreath[T2] Dragon's Gas Sac0The wearer can breathe a gout of flame hot enough to deform steel with enough exposure, that can last as long as their exhale.
Master Rune of Featherweight[T3] Pegasus' Wing Tendons9Armour bearing this Rune acts as if it is only 1/10th of its actual mass.[UNSHAREABLE]
Master Rune of Galkarin[T3] Pure Oathgold7PlaceholderA floating golden pane of energy can be created and manipulated by the user within three meters of their body. The shield can be expanded to double its base size but lose about a third of its strength in exchange, and can be moved independently by hand or with a mental command.[RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Gromril[T3] Pure Gromril0PlaceholderThe armour becomes near inviolate to battle damage, nothing short of the most titanic blows can force it to move or contort.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Infernos[T3] Magma Wyrm's Blood1The armour is engulfed in a shield of flame that burns hotter than a Gromril forge. The protective bubble can be detonated in a wave of cleansing fire that can render foes to ash and leaves allies unharmed.
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver[T4] Voidstone6The armour glows bright like heated metal and burns enemies that touch it, spells cast against the wearer are converted into heat energy and projected outwards as either a pulse or concentrated jet of flame from anywhere on the wearer's body.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD] [RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Set-Galgrindal[T4] Barazgal8A golden shield, seven layers deep, exists around the user, flaring into existence when hit by hostile intent or magic. The strength of the shields are largely the same, but the layers closest to the skin regenerate in seconds, while the ones farthest from the wearer may take several to a dozen minutes[RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Steel[T2] Lodesteel0The armour will suffer no rust, no degradation natural or unnatural.
Master Rune of the Tireless[T2] Mammoth's Tusk0The bearer will be tireless, fighting with all the vigour of a longbeard with not a hint of fatigue.
Master Rune of Unyielding[T3] Stonehorn's Horn3The bearer will not tire, their flesh reknits, and their skin as strong as steel.[RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Valaya[T2] Stone Troll's Blood0A more localized and yet more potent version of its banner counterpart's effect. Enemy magic will not harm the bearer, they grow weary less quickly and heal from minor scrapes faster.
The warmth of the hearth burns brightly.
Master Rune of Wyrmbreath[T3] Elder Dragon's Gas Sac4The wearer can breathe a gout of flame whose power can match a Star Dragon for 15 seconds, duration is inversely related to its strength.[RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Zon-Dum[T4] Elder [Any] Wyrm's Gas Sac and [T3] Flawless Solar Ruby6It must be inscribed on a Gemstone set into a piece of armour. After a brief charging period, the gemstone unleashes a beam of extreme heat powerful enough to melt Pure Gromril after a few seconds of exposure. The beam's duration is inversely related to its strength.[LONELY RUNE] [RESTRICTED]
Rune of Adaptive ArmourN/AN/AThe Armour becomes more resistant to the strikes of one weapon with every strike. Changing the chosen weapon resets the effect's progress. Can still be noticeably bypassed by magic.
Rune of Featherweight/ Bolgisson's Rune of FeatherweightN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune now interact with the world as if they weigh a fraction of their actual weight.[UNSHAREABLE]
Rune of FortitudeN/AN/AWearer has increased toughness, two copies improve effect and convey it to armour, three copies can periodically reduce all damage dealt from one attack to a set, nonlethal, amount
Rune of GildercoatN/AN/A
The armour begins growing golden scales reminiscent of fine scale mail until their armour is completely covered over the course of a few minutes, these scales absorb damage in the place of the armour beneath until they flake off and crumble into dust. Multiple copies improve the rate and speed of scale generation as well as the number of scales the armour can carry.
Rune of ImpactN/AN/AAdds momentum to wearer's charge
Rune of LightspiteN/AN/ABlows struck against the bearer are reflected back as flashes of searing light. Does not affect allies.
Rune of PlaguebaneN/AN/AThe armour burns away corruption it physically comes into contact with, hurting daemons but is especially potent against the taint of Nurgle. The wearer has increased resistance to Nurglite plagues.[ONLY ARMOUR VARIANT LEARNED]
Rune of SpellturningN/AN/AThe wearer has improved resistance to magic, and also has the chance of reflecting back spells at enemy casters. Multiple copies improve the odds of the reflection happening.
Rune of StoneN/AN/AImproves general toughness

Combination NameComponent 1Component 2Component 3DescriptionNotes
Magic BreakerRune of SpellbreakingRune of WardingRune of StoneEnemy Magic breaks down around the wearer, unmade by the swirling energies of the Runes.
MountainsouledMaster Rune of UnyieldingRune of FortitudeRune of StoneThe armour is made unbreakable, the user's durability more akin to a Gronti than a regular dwarf. Their body and mind are unaffected by fatigue or fear, most damage they suffer is often temporary, barring truly ruinous wounds, and painless.
Stories tell that the first Dawi were born from the ageless living stones of the Mountain, that the Ancestors were pebbles of the First Rock of the world.
SteelbornRune of IronskinRune of FortitudeRune of IronThe user's skin and bones become as hard as the strongest Azul steel, and thicker than armour with no loss in speed. Their body takes on a metallic sheen
StormfrontMaster Rune of BlizzardsRune of LightningRune of Grungni
The bearer is enshrouded in a layer of form blurring icy fog, while lightning crackles around them, attacking foes and vaporizing lesser projectiles into ash.
The Rolling thunderheads that swallow entire mountains are a common sight in the north in high summer, the old legends say that when Grungni first swung Drongrundum the skies, seeking to emulate him, created lightning and thunder in response.
WyrrakdrengiMaster Rune of BlizzardsRune of ImpactRune of SpeedThe bearer can launch themselves forward at incredible speeds, forming a Gromril hard ice spike at a desired point on the armour.
ZharrkazadMaster Rune of the InfernosRune of FortitudeRune of VitalityThe bearer can spew a coat of flames around themselves that improves their natural regeneration, heals minor wounds and burns their foes.
Banner Runes
NameNecessary IngredientsComplexityDescriptionNotes
Master Rune of Amplification/Snerra Magnasdottir[T3] Pure Gromril4 PlaceholderRunesmiths under the effects of this Rune will have improved Rune Casting and dispelling attempts.[RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Fear[T2] Giant Spider's Venom0Forces fighting under this Rune will appear larger, more dangerous, enemies facing them will feel a current of fear facing them.
Master Rune of Grungni[T2] Oathgold0The winds of magic are taken, absorbed and made into an array that blocks physical projectiles.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Grimnir[T2] Griffon Feathers1The Master Rune imbues Valiant Grimnir's endurance, will and martial prowess to all under its aegis.
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver[T4] Voidstone6Enemy casters in range have a greater chance of miscasting, their miscasts instead mean the magic they wield is converted into heat within their body. Enemy enchanted items in range begin to glow as they are heated to the melting point of steel.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD] [RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Taunting[T3] Rumbler's Lung1Forces with this Rune will enrage the enemy into attacking them, their foes losing some of their prowess in the throws of their fury.
Master Rune of Traversal[T3] Pegasus' Heart3Forces with this Rune travel over rough terrain with incredible ease, and at speeds that dwarfs don't often manage.
Master Rune of Valaya[T2] Stone Troll's Blood0The Rune of Valaya emits an aura that negates the power of magic, weakening spells and improving one's natural magic resistance.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Rune of Dum-DenialN/AN/AThe Rune will attempt to show area in range as if it were not there when scried. Multiple copies improve chance of success.
Rune of SiphoningN/AN/ARunes in radius of this Rune can draw from the Deep Magic and recharge far faster than normal. The potency of this effect increases the longer the Rune stays in the same place, topping out at double the recharge rate. Structural version has triple the range of the Banner. Structural effect supersedes the Banner, and they do not stack. Multiple copies improve range.[RESTRICTED]

Combination NameComponent 1Component 2Component 3DescriptionNotes
Ancestral AegisMaster Rune of GrungniRune of ValayaRune of SpellbreakingMagic cast at the formation bearing this banner will be diffused, broken down and used to power a swirling field of Runic energy and wind that can withstand even the most ruinous of blows from sources mundane and magical, and burns the daemonic.
Valaya and Grungni, hearth and armour maker, protectors of Dwarfkind now and forever, gird us now and bring your fury upon the foe!
DaemonwardMaster Rune of ValayaRune of SanctuaryRune of DeterminationRoll to negate losing a battle roll to the enemy if they are a daemon
You will not run, you will not hide, you will not fail again. Daemon's burn in the presence of these Runes, their blows faltering as their very essence is assaulted.
Glittering BeaconRune of SpellbreakingRune of SpelleatingRune of ThungniRunesmiths feel an intrinsic pull to the banner, the effects of the Runes they cast grow in strength and their ability to deny enemy magic magnified.
Goruz-Kazak Rikkaz:Master Rune of TraversalRune of ImpactRune of AmberAllies in range charge together in formation and deal increased damage upon contact with the enemy, the larger the formation the greater the speed and damage dealt. When charging they ignore most mundane obstacles.
HailmantleRune of FrostRune of ParryingRune of SanctuaryA shield of frost and bitter winds buffets away physical projectiles and slows down enemies attacking the bearer. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.
The North winds blow fast, fierce and relentless, their chilling bite the doom of many.
PyrestrikeRune of GrimnirRune of BurningRune of ImpactThe bearer is engulfed in a bubble of fire and heated air, detonating on command or when hit with sufficient force. The explosion burns and knocks back enemies. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.
Lo Valiant Grimnir charged, and before the furious heat of his onslaught, nought was left but ash and dead foes.
Storm MantleMaster Rune of GrungniRune of LightningRune of FuryThe bearer is surrounded by a whirling storm of gale-force winds and dark thunderclouds. Errant bolts of lightning randomly strike out from the mass of clouds, vaporizing incoming projectiles or striking nearby foes and empowering their blows with electricity. A weaker version of the effect can be extended over a formation.
Talismanic Runes
NameNecessary IngredientsComplexityDescriptionNotes
Master Rune of Amplification/Snerra Magnasdottir[T3] Pure Gromril4 PlaceholderThe user's ability to cast Runes and dispel enemy magic is improved.[RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Animation/Waking[T2] Troll's Heart3Allows talismans to act under its own power, activating effects on their own and under pre-set conditions with perfect control and timing without input.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Brotherhood[T2] White Lion or Mammoth's Brain0Wearer temporarily assimilates the skills of allies in range, will improve the rate that the wearer permanently learns the greatest non magic skill known by one chosen ally.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Challenge[T2] Dragon's Lung0The enemy who hears the wearer of this Rune challenge them must face them or flee.
Master Rune of Dismay[T2] Troll's Stomach0The user emits an aura or wave that saps the wills of his foes.
Master Rune of Expurgation[T4] Voidstone7Target is bound and surrounded by an inverted magical shield, their body burns from inside as nearby magic and spells cast against the user and target can be used to generate enough heat to vaporize them in a flash of light. Devastatingly effective against Magical entities.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD] [RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Forgeflame[T3] Magma Wyrm's Blood2Absorbing the ambient heat of a room, the item bearing this Rune will condense it down into a set space that can burn hot enough to melt steel and almost deform Gromril. The finer and smaller the space the hotter it can become.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Grungni[T2] Oathgold0A more localized, and yet more potent version of its banner counterpart's effect. Projectiles are flung back at their source with twice the force.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Hearthward[T2] Hearthstone0The user has greatly improved resistance to both mundane and magically induced fatigue and disease, while their body temperature remains relatively constant and feel comfortable regardless of most weather conditions.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Passage[T2] Great Eagle's Feather0The wearer moves more easily through even the most difficult terrain.
Master Rune of Punishing Guardian[T3] Great Taurus' Eye1Mundane and Magical damage the wearer suffers is returned at twice the strength and lit with magical, Hysh-infused fire. Spellcasters and magical entities have a chance of also releasing a small wave of Hysh-infused fire around them.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver[T4] Voidstone6User purges harmful magic from their body in the form of heat, either all at once or over a span of time. Casting the Rune lets the user periodically do the same to a target of their choosing while also intensifying the effect by drawing on ambient Aqshy

Used to create Adamant, the Rune flushes out impure magic in a way that produces enough radiant heat energy to melt the Pure Gromril bar.
Master Rune of Spite[T3] Stonehorn's Eye0Whenever the wearer suffers damage their attacker suffers that damage twice fold.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Stabilization[T2] Obsidian1Wearer's personal magic resistance is greatly improved, and creates a small aura that dampens magic around them as well.
Master Rune of Thungni's Presence[T3] Pure Gromril and [T2] Dragon's Heart5Enemies suffer greater casting debuff, spells cast around the user are broken up and used to improve the casting of all Runes around the user.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD][RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Valaya[T2] Stone Troll's Blood0Enemy magic is absorbed and the energy is used to create a defensive shell of energy around the bearer.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Wandering[T3] Pegasus' Heart3The user traverses rough terrain incredibly easily, and runs at speeds that should be near impossible with Dwarf legs.
Rune of Ambient LightN/AN/AProduces source-less light in its area of effect. Everything can be seen clearly with no shadows anywhere, and no light source to be seen. Favourite of master craftsman and sentries both.
Rune of Animation/WakingN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune are able to have a limited range of motion.
Rune of AnnealingN/AN/AMetal run through an item bearing this Rune is weakened through heat and magic into a state of pliability. Strength correlates inversely with the size of the gap being run through.
Rune of Burning LightN/AN/AMust be inscribed on a gemstone. The user can cast a concentrated ball of Hysh.[INCOMPLETE]
Rune of BrotherhoodN/AN/ALets a dwarf temporarily assimilate skills used by close comrades allies in range.[IMPROVED] Criteria broadened from close comrades > allies.
Rune of Dark SightN/AN/AMust be inscribed on lenses. Allows the user to see in incredibly low light conditions.[INCOMPLETE]
Rune of Defiant StoneN/AN/AImproves general toughness. Wearer's endurance and durability increase proportionately to their willpower
Rune of DirectionN/AN/AWearer can interface with Runes that would otherwise require verbal commands solely through thought. (You think, it sends that thought to a Rune. The Rune will act like that was a verbal command)
Rune of Earth's BurdenN/AN/AThe wearer has increased strength so long as one foot remains firmly planted on the ground.
Rune of IronskinN/AN/AThe wearer gains iron-hard skin.
Rune of ForgeflameN/AN/AHeat absorbed by the wearer is instead taken by the Rune and discharged into the air over time.
Rune of the FurnaceN/AN/AWearer has increased heat resistance, able to withstand being near roaring flame without any discomfort
Rune of Heat SightN/AN/AMust be inscribed on lenses. Allows the user to see differences in heat
Rune of Inner CourageN/AN/AThe wearer has increased bravery. They become generally aware of spells and items being used to negatively impact their mental state.
Rune of LightfrightN/AN/AThe user can send directed flashes of blinding light. Those affected will be afflicted with terrifying visions of their worst fears for a set duration. Does not affect allies.
Rune of Piercing SightN/AN/ALenses inscribed allow user to see through skin, bone, muscle and/or organs on command
Rune of ProspectingN/AN/AGives its bearer a sense for nearby ores within a large area. Doesn't specify what sort of ore; just their presence.
Rune of PurificationN/AN/AMagic is converted into heat in some way shape or form.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD] [RESTRICTED]
Rune of ReflectionN/AN/AThis Rune allowed Master Yorri to bend the angle of any light that hit this Rune towards a single point.[RENDERED REDUNDANT]
Rune of RefractionN/AN/AAllows for very rudimentary manipulation of light that hits the Rune. Changing the direction, the colour, even splitting it into multiple weaker beams.
Rune of RepairN/AN/AItems inscribed with this item can repair minor cosmetic damage done to them overnight. Does not work on flesh. Multiple copies of this Rune inscribed on an item increase speed but not potency.
Rune of SiphoningN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune recharge roughly half again more quickly than normal by drawing on Deep Magic. Aesthetically causes related Runes to glow gold rather than teal. Two copies increase recharge rate to almost double. Superseded by Banner and Structural effects.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Rune of SoundN/AN/AThis Rune allows the user to propagate sound in the direction it was facing.
Rune of SpeechN/AN/ABearers of this Rune have their speech converted into fluent Khazalid, though it does not aid them in translating Khazalid back into their language.
Rune of StackingN/AN/AContainers that bear this Rune can store multiple times their volume. Weight of extra volume half of what it should be.
Rune of TranscriptionN/AN/AWhen placed on an appropriate apparatus, the user's words will be written down.
Rune of Translation:N/AN/AThis Rune allows for very limited communication between dwarfs and those who cannot speak Khazalid. The translation is very literal and has none of the nuance necessary for Khazalid fluency, but it's serviceable.[RENDERED REDUNDANT]
Rune of Thungni's PresenceN/AN/ADispelled spells around the user are converted to improve the casting of Runes around the user.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Rune of Worldly WardingN/AN/ABlows against the wearer cause the struck area to become increasingly resistant against that type of damage

Combination NameComponent 1Component 2Component 3DescriptionNotes
ExpurgationMaster Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift GiverRune of WardingRune of SpellbreakingTarget is surrounded in an inverted magical shield, their body burns from inside as nearby magic can be used to generate enough heat to vaporize them in a flash of light. Devastatingly effective against Magical entities.

A Rune array whose sole purpose is meant to channel the titanic energy needed to purify Gromril to the point that it becomes Adamant without destroying the smelter itself. The cost is so exorbitant that the array must spend a decade recharging.
The bar grows bright as the energy is pumped through it, growing so bright that it becomes near blinding before settling down to a sheen of silver said to bring a tear to the eye.
AmplifierMaster Rune of Amplification/Snerra MagnasdottirRune of ThungniRune of StoneEnemy magic is broken up and used to greatly improve the casting of all Runes around the user's person.
ConversionRune of SpelleatingRune of SpellbreakingRune of WardingFailed enemy magic casts are transformed into a cushion when battle rolls are lost.
The spell is broken, the spell is eaten, the power is used to shield you.
DawiRune of Worldly WardingRune of Inner CourageRune of Defiant StoneAll buffs to general toughness and endurace grow in proportion to the wearer's willpower and bravery. Repeated/Continued exposure to spells and items that negatively impact their mental state cause them to become increasingly resistant to those effects.
Deep GateMaster Rune of Thungni's PresenceRune of ThungniRune of SiphoningEnemies suffer even greater casting debuff and spells that are not dispelled are weakened around the user. The user's equipped Master Runes have one aspect of their effect improved.
FlamedrinkingMaster Rune of Thungni's PresenceRune of ThungniRune of ForgeflameMagical and mundane flame fired against the user is absorbed and turned into Runic energy.
Guardian's RebukeMaster Rune of SpiteRune of SpellturningRune of Gazul's FlameMundane and Magical damage the wearer suffers is returned at twice the strength, spellcasters and magical entities are also set alight with magical fire.
HearthwardRune of ValayaRune of WardingRune of the FurnaceThe bearer is more resilient to stress and ills, their vitality strengthened, forever warmed and soothed by the hearth's glow.
In the darkest and coldest nights, the Runes burn bright and warm, staving off the worst of it.
Mold the MetalRune of MightRune of SmednirRune of ForgingMetals are drawn through a drawplate more easily and do not suffer defects or snapping.
Relentless PursuitMaster Rune of WanderingRune of ImpactRune of GrimnirThe user can run at incredible speeds and jump the height of three average dwarfs with ease. Running towards the enemy further improves the user's speed. The user's first blow at the end of their charge deals a far greater amount of damage.
Tunneling ChargeMaster Rune of WanderingRune of CleavingRune of ImpactThe user is largely unaffected by rough terrain and has enhanced speed. So long as the user maintains a dead sprint they can run through mundane stone and dirt like an oil bubble in water, parting material as they pass only for it to return to its original state behind them. Anything left in the space made will be crushed by the oncoming rush of matter attempting to return to its previous position.
Underworld FlameMaster Rune of ExpurgationRune of GazulRune of Gazul's FlameUpon activation the user selects themselves, an ally or enemy as the target. If friendly they are protected by a shell of Hysh infused flames that absorb a set amount of magic. If an enemy they are immobilized by burning chains. In either case enemies in a radius around the target are caught alight by heatless flames that burn both their corporeal form and the magic that maintains them. The flames continue to burn even after the enemy has left the radius, and can only be snuffed out by dispelling them. Especially effective against the undead.
Valaya's IndignanceMaster Rune of SpellspiteRune of LightfrightRune of LightspiteSpells cast against the user are broken down and the caster is burned and they forget how to cast the spell for a time. The magical energy is stored by the staff, and at the user's command, the energy can be fired back out as bolts of blinding, searing light, or be used to fuel terrible visions that can instill terror.[LOCKED, MASTER RUNE OF SPELLSPITE UNKNOWN]
Engineering Runes
NameNecessary IngredientsComplexityDescriptionNotes
Master Rune of Animation/Waking[T2]Troll's Heart3PlaceholderUsed to animate Rune Golems/Ancestor Golems/Gronti Duraz. No longer limited to Bipedal/Dwarf body plans. Gronti are stronger, faster, and all-around better than standard Gronti.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Disguise[T2] Invisible Diamonds1The war machine bearing this Rune will be almost invisible to enemies, aiming at it becomes difficult as minds are tricked into shooting in the wrong place.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of the Eagle-Eyed[T2] Griffon's Brain1The war machine's accuracy is improved by a considerable degree, as is, if to a lesser extent, the vision of her crew.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Master Rune of Immolation[T2] Dragon's Gas Sac0The war machine bearing this Rune, when activated, will immolate. Exploding in a shower of flaming shards that burn as hot as dragon's fire.
Master Rune of Lightning Strikes[T3] Storm Wyrm's Blood/Dragon Ogre Shaggoth's Blood3The war machine bearing this Rune fires ammunition with thunderbolt level destructive power.
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver[T4] Voidstone6Warmachines and Gronti can convert internal and nearby ambient magic into flames. Shots fired explode in a shower of molten rock, absorbing ambient magic to increase and prolong their liquid state.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD] [RESTRICTED]
Rune of Animation/WakingN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune are able to have a limited range of motion.
Rune of EmpowermentN/AN/AWhen activated, Gronti and Prosthetics inscribed with this Rune or within range of the bearer will see improved performance for a moderate period of time, they become slightly sluggish for half the time afterwards.
Rune of ImmolationN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune, when activated, will erupt in an explosion correlating to the size of the item in question that can wound any in the radius of the explosion.
Rune of Waking ElementsN/AN/AActivating this Rune causes the inscribed keystone to draw in surrounding stone and soil to form a Dwarf sized humanoid construct. These persist until dismissed or they run out of magic to fuel themselves. These constructs can regenerate by pulling in new material so long as the keystone is intact.[INCOMPLETE]

Combination NameComponent 1Component 2Component 3DescriptionNotes
Empowered WakingMaster Rune of WakingRune of EmpowermentRune of SiphoningThe effects of the Rune of Empowerment are improved, and recovery time is now a quarter of the time afterwards.
RangerstrikeMaster Rune of DisguiseRune of PenetratingRune of AccuracyThe first strike from this weapon will deal far more damage, needing to be moved an appreciable distance or a long period of time between the next shot to reactivate the ffect
A ranger's greatest deeds are oft never seen. Entire battles won by a single bolt fired from somewhere no one expected, a well-timed avalanche, one crushing strike from beyond their perception.
Surge ProtectorMaster Rune of Purification+ [T4 Voidstone]Rune of Worldly Warding+ [T4 Ancient Stone Troll Blood]Rune of Thungni+ [T4 Adamant]Excess Winds that would have entered the user are instead absorbed by the item. The item can then either vent it away through a variety of methods: heating the surrounding area, releasing a concentrated gout of flame, or channeling the Winds back into the wearer. If the item is fully saturated, it will automatically begin venting the Winds. Wordly Warding now also ctivates against magical exposure.
Engineering Subset: Prosthetic Runes
NameNecessary IngredientsComplexityDescriptionNotes
Rune of ProsthesisN/AN/APlaceholderItems inscribed with this Rune can act as simple prosthesis. Mentally controlled, no tactile feedback and not as strong a stout Dawi muscle.[RENDERED REDUNDANT]
Rune of Forged LimbN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune can act as prosthetics. Mentally controlled, total tactile feedback and the limbs are about as strong as a career warrior and dexterous as a particularly experienced craftsman.
Rune of Forged EyeN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune can provide vision. Mentally controlled and effectiveness on par with the average Dwarf.
Rune of Forged EarN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune can provide hearing. Mentally controlled and effectiveness on par with the average Dwarf.
Rune of Forged TongueN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune can provide the sense of taste. Mentally controlled and effectiveness on par with the average Dwarf.
Rune of Forged NoseN/AN/AItems inscribed with this Rune can provide the sense of smell. Mentally controlled and effectiveness on par with the average Dwarf.
Rune of WindsightN/AN/AWearer can see the colors of the respective Winds within, around or associated with a chosen object they view. There is a size limit, no focusing on the sky, but a storm is possible for instance, and Runes mysteriously look no different from before.[ONLY PROSTHETIC VARIANT LEARNED][INCOMPLETE]
Structural Runes
NameNecessary IngredientsComplexityDescriptionNotes
Master Rune of Purification/Snorri Gift Giver[T4] Voidstone6Inscribed smelters/furnaces/forges flush out impurities from metals placed inside, it uses purged and ambient magic as fuel to raise the temperature to melt Adamant. Double Adamant output of Talismanic Variant.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD][RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Smednir's Bounty[T4] Elder Magma Wyrm's Heart and Blood10PlaceholderRefining metals in a room or structure becomes incredibly, sometimes supernaturally, efficient, leading to their average output increasing by a noticeable degree.[LONELY RUNE] [RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Thungni's Brilliance[T4] Elder [Any] Wyrm's Brain x210Runesmiths in a room or structure find their intuition and comprehension when striking Runes temporarily flaring, sometimes forgoing the need to use all but the most powerful and rare (T5) reagents.[LONELY RUNE] [RESTRICTED]
Master Rune of Triage[T3] Elder Troll's Heart3Occupants in a room have their survival greatly prolonged, bleeding and poison spread are slowed while vitality and willpower are strengthened.
Rune of AlertN/AN/AOccupants in room without proper seal/item will begin to glow and are weakened.
Rune of CalcinationN/AN/AFurnaces bearing this Rune instead burn with magical flame, burning away everything until it leaves only ash infused with a single wind, often the predominant one of the item that was burned.[ONLY STRUCTURAL VARIANT LEARNED] [INCOMPLETE?][RESTRICTED]
Rune of ClimateN/AN/ARegulates the temperature and humidity in room
Rune of CopperN/AN/AMundane metals inside inscribed furnaces/smelters have their melting point lowered
Rune of Dum-DenialN/AN/AThis Rune will attempt to show inscribed structures and surrounding area as if they were not there when scried. Multiple copies improve chance of success.
Rune of ForgeflameN/AN/ACondenses heat generated in area into a specified space, but requires a constant source of heat to draw from.[ONLY STRUCTURAL VARIANT LEARNED] [RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Rune of Gazul's FlameN/AN/ARoom or structure creates zones of magical fire that only damage enemies, especially deadly to daemons.
Rune of IrrigationN/AN/AIrrigates soil in room.
Rune of MistN/AN/AThis rune when applied causes a cool (but not chilled), but not overbearing, mist of water to fill the air of the room.
Rune of ObfuscationN/AN/AMuffles and distorts the words spoken by individuals in the room and instills need to leave to those outside the room.
Rune of SanitizationN/AN/ARemoves blood, filth and unclean substances from surfaces in the room.
Rune of SealingN/AN/ASeals all non-manmade holes in the room.
Rune of SiphoningN/AN/ARunes in range can draw from the Deep Magic and recharge far faster than normal. The potency of this effect increases the longer the Rune stays in the same place, topping out at double the recharge rate. Has triple the range of the Banner variant. Structural effect supersedes the Banner, and they do not stack. Multiple copies improve range.[RUNE UNDERSTOOD]
Rune of SmeltingN/AN/AImproves quality of smelting in the room.
Rune of SoilN/AN/AReduces nutrient depletion of soil in room
Rune of SortingN/AN/AOccupants in the room will instinctively know where to put things/follow whatever sorting system is in place.
Rune of TerrorN/AN/AOccupants in the room will be assailed with terrifying images and slight feelings of fear.
Rune of the Guard TowerN/AN/ADwarfs in structures bearing this Rune have increased visual range and acuity, as well as louder volume.
Rune of VentilationN/AN/AFreshens and circulates air in the room.

Combination NameComponent 1Component 2Component 3DescriptionNotes
Heat the MetalRune of ForgeflameRune of AnnealingRune of CopperRooms store and capture ambient heat generated within and can then transfer that heat to a specific item or defined space inside the room, the melting point of the metal is lowered.
Rouse the ForgeRune of Vigorous FurnaceRune of the CrucibleRune of VentilationFuel in forges bearing these Runes have massively increased efficiency and efficacy, enough that only a fraction of the charcoal normally needed to work Gromril is required.
True Adamant MakerMaster Rune of PurificationRune of Vigorous FurnaceRune of ForgeflameCan transform Gromril into Adamant. Can only be inscribed on Adamant.
Set Combos
Set Combination NameComponent 1Component 2Component 3Component 4DescriptionNotes
Grimnir's Burning WrothMeteorfallPlaPyrestrikePlrRelentless PursuitPlaceholderPlacehoWhen charging at an enemy or specific point, the user rapidly picks up speed and gains a protective shell of flame around them, gathering more and more energy until it can be released as an explosion of heat and power strong enough to melt steel or condensed into the user's weapon, allies unharmed.Placehol
RhunkikladGromril-likeMagic BreakerGlittering BeaconAmplifierAll enemy magic is passively siphoned to empower the Banner or anvil, bonus to active dispel attempts by the bearer. The Energy can be transferred to the banner until its effect can envelop an entire army or to the anvil to further enhance its ability to improve Rune Casting.
The World That WasMakerstrikeMountainsouledStorm Mantle Surge ProtectorThe user is reminiscent of a volcanic eruption; cutting winds filled with ash and volcanic glass stir up a pillar of dark storm clouds around them as lightning and magma spew out to strike enemies or destroy incoming projectiles. If they strike the earth they can create fissures that spew magma or shards of obsidian, If they strike the air they can send out targeted bolts of lightning or those same cutting, ash-laden, winds.
Grungni's ChallengeRouse the ForgeHeat the MetalMold the MetalSiphons the heat from a forge into a miniscule space while both insulating the user and strengthening them greatly.

The Full and Comprehensive Rune List Excel sheet
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[X] Plan: Continuing the Weirdness
We aren't expected to do anything of note, so we are free to do something crazy with our esoteric rune lore, and we have the social capital to actually do something
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girded by Valaya's protection, armed with Grimnir's craft and led by Valiant Grimnir's strategy
Pretty confident that first Grimnir is meant to be Grungni.

Very interesting quest. Certainly no other quest I can think of that takes place so very early.

[X]Relation: distant bond.
[X]Master: Gottri Hammerspite.
[X]Deed: The Laborious Defense at the Peak Pass
[X] Plan: Continuing the Weirdness
[X]Relation: distant bond.
[X]Master: Yorri.
[X]Deed: The Gracious Gift of Ghastly Proportions.
[X] Plan: Continuing the Weirdness
[X]Relation: distant bond.
[X]Master: Yorri.
[X]Deed: The Gracious Gift of Ghastly Proportions.
[X]Relation: direct connection.
[X]Master: Yorri.
[X]Deed: The Laborious Defense at the Peak Pass