Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Well, also, until Zhengui can upgrade volcanic shot into anti-air, he's kinda useless against nomads. If we were to think about what we've learned from the last arc, and what he needs most rn, that would be it.
[X][Zhengui] Blooming From Ash
Buffing Zhengui's sole stealth art is something i would very much like to see come to pass. Because Stealth!Mountain is simply too useful (and hilarious) for it not to exist in this world.

Moreover, it's the art that makes Zhengui a better tank: it has all of Zhengui more important skills: Taunt, his area control techs AND self-healing:
Eternal Roots: Double regen with a selfbuff and a dispell
Innocuous Hill: The hilarious Stealth tech. And a potential out-of-context solution that no-one facing a Xuanwu would prepare to defend against
Paradise Bedrock: Control AoE
Paradise Rampart: An other Control AoE, with different flavor
Roiling Forest Regrowth: More Control AoE which basically works as a taunt too

Comparatively, Blazing blood is the pure DPS , which is of no particular use:
Blood Boiling Venom: "I hit you"
Volcanic Stone Shell: If you hit me "I hit you"
Ashfall: AoE "I hit you", with -perception mixed in. (heal ability is in Duality)
Boiling Shot: Ranged "i hit you"
Boiling Spray: "I hit you" again
Volcanic Shot: An other "i hit you"

Duality, while potentially useful, is more of a mix bag.
Minds Apart: Nice, but it's already combat-ready, so there's little benefit to be gained from improving it
Ashfield Flowering: Healing. Definitively a nice skill that would benefit from a boost
Rebirth Inferno: Lifesaving tech. Useful but Rebirth suffers from the same issue as Minds Apart, as in there's little benefit to be gained from improving it.
Vengeful Serpent's Fangs: Counter-strike. Better than another plain "i hit you" but not by much.

A few things are nice, but too few or to little to really compare to Blooming's sheer overwhelming usefulness.

[X][Hanyi]Lonely Winter Maiden
I have no real opinion on Hanyi so i'm going with the flow...

Because it breaks the action economy. Nothing is as good as that.
I'll argue it's the worst thing to consider. The point isn't how good each tech or art is, it's how much upgrading them would increase their usefulness.
Here, the skill already gives him two actions, focusing on it isn't going to give him three... and having two actions up all day long isn't significantly better than just for a scene.
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I'm fine with Verdant Ash Duality winning, but Blazing Blood is more useful because it has all of his ranged techs, allowing him to support us even if he's far away, which is relevant from the perspective of the current issue we're having with our spirits. Verdant Ash Duality is awesome, but I'm not sure making it stronger actually helps Zhengui significantly; action economy is great, but is only relevant if both sides have something useful to do. If Zhen's arts lag behind Gui's, taking double actions isn't that much stronger than taking single actions.
And making Gui's actions lag behind Zhen's it just as bad, only that it's a bad that flares up on a different scenario.

All of his techs will naturally evolve and grow with him. But purposefully de-harmonizing a creature that's all about impossible harmony sounds bad.

Zhengui currently embodies the cicle of life found in a raging inferno making room for new growth. Make the inferno too strong and you harm the soil, make the growth too thick and it rots.
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Up to three times per scene, may change the target of a enemy spiritual effect to himself. This effect cannot be used on effects used by a cultivator more than two stages above Zhengui
Huh, I know that the immediately obvious use of this is to intercept negative spiritual effects that enemies use to attack allies. But with the way it's worded, is it possible for Zhengui to steal positive spiritual effects like heals or buffs that the enemy tries to use on themselves or their own allies? It doesn't sound like that's intended, but it's a cool thought.
I'll argue it's the worst thing to consider. The skill already gives him two actions, focusing on it isn't going to give him three...
No, but it will make it last longer, or faster to activate, or remove possible penalties he is taking by doing something only elder Xuanwus are supposed to do, or make it harder to dispel, or cheaper to maintain. Likely a mixture of all that.

Upgrading Rebirth Inferno is not only immediatelly good, as you've said it yourself, it's a life-saving tech, but it might mean that he, for example, doesn't pass out after doing it. Go from his last move to a "alright, round two".

And Vengeful Serpent's Fangs is precisely the sort of tech that allows one to be an actual tank.
@Ayashi, you need to switch the X to be before the description or the tally doesn't count it. I checked.
And making Gui's actions lag behind Zhen's it just as bad, only that it's a bad that flares up on a different scenario.

All of his techs will naturally evolve and grow with him. But purposefully de-harmonizing a creature that's all about impossible harmony sounds bad.
This isn't true, though. Recall that Zhengui broke through to Appraisal during the scouting arc and gained a new Gui ability, Paradise Rampart, but nothing for Zhen. This puts his Gui side at having two B ranked abilities and his Zhen side as having only one. If we want to harmonize a creature of harmony, as you said, that implies we should be improving the Zhen side.
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This isn't true, though. Recall that Zhengui broke through to Appraisal during the scouting arc and gained a new Gui ability, Paradise Rampart, but nothing for Gui. This puts his Gui side at having two B ranked abilities and his Zhen side as having only one. If we want to harmonize a creature of harmony, as you said, that implies we should be improving the Zhen side.
Zhen can and does improve himself. We should use this unique-ish opportunity to leverage Zhengui's unique strenght: the fact that he is an impossible Xuanwu.

It's a matter of opportunity cost. You might as well call his Verdant Ash Duality tech tree S-rank, because it's plain that good. Improving it improves Zhengui as a whole, in ways no other spirit could possibly match.
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Zhen can and does improve himself. We should use this unique-ish opportunity to leverage Zhengui's unique strenght: the fact that he is an impossible Xuanwu.

It's a matter of opportunity cost.
I'm not sure why you think that Verdant Ash Duality is something that he won't improve on his own, but Blazing Blood is. I don't read this as a unique opportunity except insofar as to guide what development he takes next.

If we want him to be balanced, we should help him balance. And if we want him to be able to contribute on a battlefield when he's far away from the enemy, either because LQ's style takes her all over the place or because they are in the sky where he can't reach, we should help him shoot fire from his snake head.
Answer me this: what makes Zhengui great?

Is it the fact has he is immensely tough and has excellent crowd-control abilities? Or is it the fact that he can spit deadly flaming poison and clouds of choking ash?

The answer is simple: what makes him great is the fact that he can do both.

What makes him great is that he is a Xuanwu with dual natures. No other spirit could inherently, naturaly harmonize opposing elements into something like what he has. His Way is that of a feedback loop. Fire that revitalizes while is destroys, so growth can spring ever higher and harder, only to feed ever hotter fires in turn.

And that singular aspect of his being that makes him into a unique creature amongst the ranks of already legendary beasts is given by Verdant Ash Duality.

That's why we should take these important moments to encourage his development of it. You want Zhengui to keep up with a highly talented and motivated cultivator? Encourage and enable him to develop his cheat skill.

He was in a situation where his Gui side was needed the most, so he develop a new ability for it. If he is in a dire situation where his Zhen side is needed the most, then he will most likely keep to his entire pattern so far and develop a new ability on that side.

But it should be a vanishingly rare situation indeed where we naturally encounter that which encourages the growth of something as complex as his Way.

Verdant Ash Duality is how his dual natures come together and synergize. Improving it improves Zhengui as a whole. His fire might not be as hot as if we improved Blazing Blood, and his roots not as tough as if we improved Blooming From Ash, but the conjoining of those elements that make him greater than the sum of his parts will grow in potency.
I'm not sure why you think that Verdant Ash Duality is something that he won't improve on his own, but Blazing Blood is. I don't read this as a unique opportunity except insofar as to guide what development he takes next.
Here, read this. Verdant Duality is something incredibly more complex than either Blazing Blood or Blooming from Ash. The situations where one of the latter is strained and thus developed are easily imagined and encountered, but one where the former does it is vanishingly rare, and likely the result of deep self-reflection and personal growth.
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But it should be a vanishingly rare situation indeed where we naturally encounter the growth of something as complex as his Way.
You're asserting this, but the evidence doesn't bear it out; his Verdant Ash Duality "art" has already improved since the start of Threads of Destiny. Without a ton of searching, I can't pinpoint exactly when and how, because there isn't a diff log, but the numbers on the passive effect used to be this:
+5 to Spiritual Avoid vs single target attacks
+2 on Hit and Penetration when techniques from Blazing Blood and Blooming from Ashes are used in the same turn.

and now they're
+15 to Spiritual Avoid vs single target attacks
+5 on Hit and Penetration when techniques from Blazing Blood and Blooming from Ashes are used in the same turn.

So, no, I don't think it's "vanishingly rare." I think it's something that will happen by itself; it's fine if he focuses on it, but I think the thing he should be focusing on next is Blazing Blood, because that will empower capabilities where 1) he is currently lacking 2) he can directly make good on his conviction to not hold Ling Qi back.
[Zhengui][X] Blooming From Ash
[Hanyi][X] Frozen Peak Serenade
You need to reformat this; yrsillar put them down wrong at the end of the update. The X needs to come first.
[x] [Zhengui] Verdant Ash Duality

Eh, I like it.

[x] [Hanyi] Fleeting Spring's Chill

I feel that Hanyi needs this most.
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Six needs to realize that everything is relative.
Without greedy selfishness, there can be no real Generosity.
Beauty only exists if there is Ugliness to contrast it.
Peace is only given it's true value once you've come to learn about War.
I... My philosophy is sophlistic... But I do not view the world as such. Or rather, living as such leads to bad outcomes. Every high-neuron-density arrangement of atoms... Matters. In and of itself.

Or, we should not live sophlisticlly. Kindness does not need cruelty in order to exist. I assert that beauty does not need ugly, or, if you put beauty/ugly as relative terms, then there is a difference between beauty, and ugly-that-exists-at-expense-of-beauty.

And related to that; snatch beauty from even the dark moments, implore those that would create to spread their light and share it. We all deserve joy and love in our lives, to receive and imbue and share meaning. However we all define it, whatever form we decide it exists as.
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[X][Zhengui] Blazing Blood
[X][Hanyi] Lonely Winter Maiden

I pretty much agree with the current idea to shore up Zhen's ability & range so that he can contribute. And more CC on Hanyi is always good.

On another note, ever since the previous arc the updates have had quite an impact on the narrative in a way that really builds investment and I'd like to applaud @yrsillar for the great writing.
You're asserting this, but the evidence doesn't bear it out; his Verdant Ash Duality "art" has already improved since the start of Threads of Destiny. Without a ton of searching, I can't pinpoint exactly when and how, because there isn't a diff log, but the numbers on the passive effect used to be this:
+5 to Spiritual Avoid vs single target attacks
+2 on Hit and Penetration when techniques from Blazing Blood and Blooming from Ashes are used in the same turn.

and now they're
+15 to Spiritual Avoid vs single target attacks
+5 on Hit and Penetration when techniques from Blazing Blood and Blooming from Ashes are used in the same turn.

So, no, I don't think it's "vanishingly rare." I think it's something that will happen by itself; it's fine if he focuses on it, but I think the thing he should be focusing on next is Blazing Blood, because that will empower capabilities where 1) he is currently lacking 2) he can directly make good on his conviction to not hold Ling Qi back.
Because Zhengui as a whole has grown, and that's what Verdant Duality represents.

Blooming From Ash has evolved because Zhengui has had reason to evolve it. If we are indeed in dire straits when fighting this following war, which is very pointendly not all about flying barbarians, such as that he needs to be more Fire Serpent, then it will naturally evolve.

Meanwhile, we should take the opportunity to increase his Xuanwu racial multiplier, instead of doing what pleb spirits do and increase linearly. Because that is overall much better than increasing either side, and much harder to do naturally.
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My dream for this technique is that it eventually becomes a "Begin Stage 2 of the Boss Fight" AOE/transformation.
Yeah, it's bursting at the seams with potential. His strongest techniques, Minds Apart and Rebirth Inferno, are currently capped by being underdeveloped.

Verdant Duality is his hax Racial Feat that not only allows his Fire Serpent levels to count as Wood Tortoise levels, and vice-versa, but also gives him unique synergistic skills and the action economy to make use of it.

He is the Ideal Gestalt Character... as long as we level his Duality.
Personally I think what's most important to improve are ZG's heals and his ranged attacks. We may not be able to do both in this turn but we can get one of them. The heals are incredibly useful and he's our only healer. And since our range of movement is limited at times now, he should up the range and damage of his attacks
[Zhengui][] Blooming From Ash
[Zhengui][] Blazing Blood
[X][Zhengui] Verdant Ash Duality

[X][Hanyi] Lonely Winter Maiden
[Hanyi][] Frozen Peak Serenade
[Hanyi][] Fleeting Spring's Chill
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