Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
In the ace combat alt universe sun lilling should be yellow 13, Ling qi should be cipher or mobius 1, Xiulan could be pixy, su ling could be the mechanic prisoner from ace combat 7, Sixiang would be skyeye. Golden fields group could be wardog squadron.
We know from Suyin's expedition that it works. Not sure how well
I don't think it's the same thing as Suyin's expedition. The entire nightmarish environment is a result of the fight between the Phoenix and the Twilight King, including the zombies and toxic qi. I'm pretty sure the monsters we encountered in the underground caves were of a different, less volatile nature.
I don't think it's the same thing as Suyin's expedition. The entire nightmarish environment is a result of the fight between the Phoenix and the Twilight King, including the zombies and toxic qi. I'm pretty sure the monsters we encountered in the underground caves were of a different, less volatile nature.
I agree with this. Suyin's expedition encountered things made up of impurities which is still not good, but still has qi enough for Ling Qi to siphon off of even though through it she could feel the impurities in the qi.

On the Golden Fields, the ambient qi is not impure, its just purely hostile.

Its the difference between a garbage landfill and a nuclear waste storage.
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Yeah, I'm still kinda tempted on the 'what if' of going to build a base in the Golden Fields though. Even if its hostile to Ling Qi's family, the temptation of Loot is just too strong.
You know, with Sixiang's newfound fear of death, I bet that she is going to breathe a sigh of relief that we are making this promise to Zhengui.
You know, with Sixiang's newfound fear of death, I bet that she is going to breathe a sigh of relief that we are making this promise to Zhengui.
They, not she.

I'm really curious to find out what they're up to. Is something deeply wrong? Are they advancing? Are they building another dreamscape tool like the memory pond? What's up with our favorite gentlethem?
I'm really curious to find out what they're up to. Is something deeply wrong? Are they advancing? Are they building another dreamscape tool like the memory pond? What's up with our favorite gentlethem?
Given that they spoke up during the Cai Renxiang conversation, it's not likely that something is wrong. It's more likely that they are deeply concentrating on something. It could be another dreamscape tool, but I find it more likely they are focusing on something to help get rid of physical maladies, like poisons and toxins. Ling Qi is pretty sturdy on her own and if she survives the initial shot it's likely she can get away or deal with the problem. The issue with the assassin wasn't the damage she did, but rather the poison she used.

If Sixiang is able to start affecting Ling Qi's body in a much more real way, Sixiang will be able to purge poisons much more easily.
Turn 7: Arc 3-2
It hurt.

It hurt to see the resignation in her little brother's eyes and in Hanyi's lowered head. Even Sixiang's absence felt like an accusation. It hurt to see that he expected her to refuse. It hurt because so much of her wanted too. That so much of her saw this promise as a shackle and a weight, rebelling against even the idea.

There were a thousand arguments she could make for why promising something like that was a bad idea. How it would limit her ability, limit her growth, hinder her cultivation. Hadn't she decided that she would undergo any hardship to continue her path, because she would find worth at the end? Unconsciously, Ling Qi wrapped her arms around herself. She had to keep moving forward, she couldn't afford to slow down or…

...Or What?

What was she striving for?

Answers came. Memories of helplessness in the face a Hunt, of a city devouring storm, a hungry red jungle, and a shattering mountain. Most clearly, she remembered a gleaming city and radiant eyes, above everything and everyone, terrifying and enticing all at once. Beautiful. Tranquil. Untouchable. Invincible. She wanted that so badly it ached. To never fear again, for herself or anyone else.

Was that really it? The sum total of her goals? Made so stark, it seemed so… childish.

Yet, she also remembered Renxiang, with her face in her hands, and her Mother's defeated expression, even Xiulan's face forgotten in the heat of battle, twisted in helpless rage. She never, never wanted to make such an expression herself, and yet looking at Zhengui, the spirit she had raised from birth, was she going to inflict it on him?

His head was already lowering, his qi simmering sullenly. "...Gui is sorry, Big Sister, He shouldn't…"

"I promise," Ling Qi said, her voice raspy to her own ears. "I can't say we'll always be side by side, but I promise I won't leave you behind."

His head whipped up and he stared at her in surprise. "Big Sister?"

Ling Qi grimaced, a shiver going up her spine. A pain had just bloomed in her abdomen, it felt like a broken rib, a jagged fracture where the two broken ends scraped against one another. She straightened up, meeting her little brothers eyes again. "But Zhengui, Hanyi, you have to understand. I can't slow down. Not when I'm still so weak," she spoke with absolute conviction, and that conviction felt like a balm. She breathed in and out, and the sharpness of the pain faded, becoming an ache in the back of her mind.

Domain Conflict Discovered
Early Discovery reduces impact.
-0.2 Multiplier added to spiritual and physical cultivation until conflict is resolved.

"I, Zhen will not drag Sister down, and he will not let Gui do so either," Zhen said haughtily, overriding Gui's stumbling response.

"Hanyi will work hard, as long as Big Sis doesn't go away," Hanyi mumbled, looking less certain. "I'm sorry for being lazy."

"You're not …" Ling Qi grimaced again. How far had Hanyi progressed, refined her techniques, how far had she pushed herself. "I believe in you too Hanyi. I just… haven't been a very good teacher," she was still so far from ideal herself. How could she match up to Zeqing as a mentor? But, if she couldn't leave them behind… she felt her resolve harden. She would just have to work twice as hard to help them keep up. "We'll all work hard together. That's what a family is supposed to do, isn't it?" Wasn't it? She didn't really know.

"Yes," Gui agreed eagerly, stomping forward to bump his head against her, joyful light returning to his bright green eyes. "Yes! Gui will work very hard, and be the most dependable little brother!"

E rank Health Regeneration
May use Stamina in Dispel Tests against physical arts and effects.
May use Stamina in Resist Tests
+10 to Physical Armor of Ling Qi and Hanyi when in the same scene
Grants one grade increase to allied Stamina tests in scene
Up to three times per scene, may change the target of a enemy spiritual effect to himself. This effect cannot be used on effects used by a cultivator more than two stages above Zhengui
May reduce his size by up to two thirds and remain combat capable. All damage dealing techniques scaled down while reduced in size. (Max one rank at full reduction)

Ling Qi smiled as she felt his qi unsnarl, rippling out over her and Hanyi both. She reached down and patted him affectionately atop his scaly head. Even Hanyi gave her a hesitant smile. Still, there was someone missing.

'Sixiang' Ling Qi thought, reaching out in her mind for the bundle of emotion and sensation that represented the muse in her thoughts. 'Can we talk at all?'

"Not bad work with the kiddos," she was happy when the muse replied after only a few moments. "I'm not sure I can keep doing this Ling Qi." The words that followed were like ice water down her back.

'What is that supposed to mean?' Ling Qi thought in alarm.

'I like you a lot Ling Qi, but I'm not sure I want to see much more of this world anymore," Sixiang chuckled haggardly. They felt exhausted and drowsy.. "We can… you wanted to cultivate the Songseekers Ceremony right? We'll talk then, okay? I don't have much energy right now."

"Sister, is something wrong? Does your wound still hurt?" Ling Qi was startled out of her thoughts by Zhen, who had dipped his head low to peer into her face.

Ling Qi put on a smile. "No, it's nothing, just thinking about what we still have to do."

Zhen peered at her suspiciously, but Gui craned his neck. "Don't pester Big Sister, nosy Zhen!'

"It's fine Gui," Ling Qi said gently. "We're just going to be very busy. So… let's enjoy today. We'll have to start working hard tomorrow. Hanyi, would you like to compose with me? The boys here can be our audience."

'Ah, that sounds fun," Hanyi brightened up. "Though I don't think this dummy could tell a sour note from a clear one."

"I Zhen do not have to stand for these insults," the serpent hissed. "We have listened to Big Sister since we were small, of course we understand music!"

"Yeah!" Gui agreed. "Gui notices Hanyi missing notes all the time!"
"I don't miss notes you you jerk," Hanyi said, climbing to her feet. Her pale cheeks darkened to blush as she flushed with embarrassment. "You take that back!"

Ling Qi sighed as her spirits bickered, her dantian still ached and she still worried for Sixiang, but… she had the right thing. She was sure of it.

A whisper in the back of her mind wondered though. Would she not have been just as certain if she had chosen the other way?

This Promise has brought Ling Qi's focus down on her spirits. Please choose which spirit 'art' Ling Qi will focus their improvement on

[][Zhengui] Blooming From Ash
[][Zhengui] Blazing Blood
[][Zhengui] Verdant Ash Duality

[][Hanyi] Lonely Winter Maiden
[][Hanyi] Frozen Peak Serenade
[][Hanyi] Fleeting Spring's Chill

AN: Lil bit of a short one this time but the scene doesn't really benefit from padding I think.
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Six gonna peace out "I didn't sign up for this learning what death is only to watch people I like die bullshit"
Six gonna peace out "I didn't sign up for this learning what death is only to watch people I like die bullshit"
Six gonna peace out "I didn't sign up for this learning what death is only to watch people I like die bullshit"

I think it is less "Dream spirit" and more general "Oh god why" concerning the latest happenings and some developments that have been going on for a bit.

This is certainly a very rough patch for us.
I see, dream spirits can't last long or something? Has to be refreshed?
No, Dreamspirits, to my knowledge, don't need to be refreshed, but they generally don't last all that long before they return to whence they came. Sixiang has lasted longer than most and now has a concept of death. And it looks like they are not liking it.
For reference, so people don't need to tab back and forth inside the threadmarks:

Blooming From Ash
Passive Effects:
+25 to Physical and Spiritual Armor
+10 to perception and survival rolls in plant life heavy regions
+15 Stamina and Resolve challenges
F rank qi regeneration while not moving
-10 to Speed

Eternal Roots: C
Duration: Long
The endless vitality of the forest fills Zhengui, spreading his senses throughout his surroundings, as well as sealing wounds, restoring qi (E rank qi regen) and repairing broken and chipped shell and scales (E rank Health regen). While active, Zhengui's speed is reduced by one rank, but damage to his armor recovers at a rapid rate. Once during this duration Zhengui may attempt to dispel a negative effect from himself or an ally.

Innocuous Hill: D
A technique granted by Zhengui's bond with Ling Qi. Zhengui sinks into the earth and draws in soil and stone to cover his shell. Used out of combat or against unready targets, this effect boosts Zhengui's stealth by a full rank, and gives a significant bonus to hit on his first attack against unready targets. This technique is ineffective on targets who are not Unready.

Paradise Bedrock: C
Duration: Short
Damage: E
A technique representing Zhengui's mastery of the generation and manipulation of root systems. Within a close range, Zhengui may choose to either trap or attack any enemy within his range each time he has an action. The roots immobilize their target with strength equal to Zhengui's own, or deal the above listed damage.

Paradise Rampart: B
Duration: Persistent
Zhengui taps into the vital, endless regrowth at the core of his being, and channels it into protecting a person or place of his choosing. On activation a wall of roots and boughs ten meters high and two thick sprouts from the earth between his enemies and the target Zhengui wishes to protect. The walls base length is one hundred meters. Sections of the wall have Armor D and Health B for the purpose of breaking through. Enemies attempting to climb or otherwise pass over the wall have their speed reduced by half a rank, unless their cultivation exceeds Zhengui's by two stages or one realm. Enemies adjacent to the wall suffer automatic attacks equivalent to Paradise Bedrock usage. Zhengui may extend the rampart 100 meters at the cost of increasing the cost by 10 for each segment.

Roiling Forest Regrowth: B
Duration: Short
A technique arising from Zhengui's frustration at foes avoiding him to strike at Ling Qi. Zhengui throws a huge quantity of Qi into the earth beneath his feet, until grasping twining roots are erupting from every inch of earth within Close Range. These roots twine together to form walls, grab at limbs and otherwise make themselves impossible to ignore. Enemies striking at targets other than Zhengui have their speed, combat perception, Physical Hit and Penetration penalized. Effects with multiple targets are not penalized if they include at least half of the affected area in their range. While these roots can be destroyed so long as the technique is active they regrow too quickly for this to be effective.
Blazing Blood
Passive Effects:
F Damage reduction vs. Fire
+15 to Hit on Physical and Fire Attacks
+15 to Penetration of Fire Attacks
Use Strength for Hit

Blood Boiling Venom: D
Damage: D(Bonus, poison)
Zhengui strikes with venomous fangs injecting a terrible, deadly heat into the target. With the boiling venom flowing in their veins, the victim finds themselves weakened and slowed until the effect burns out.

Volcanic Stone Shell: C
Duration: Long
Zhengui infuses his shell with withering heat and stony resilience, burning bright with a volcanic blaze. Anywho strike at Zhengui in melee suffer painful burns for their effort.

Ashfall: C
Duration: Long
Zhengui expels ash from both of his mouths, filling the sky with falling gray dust. The ash cloud extends out to Very Close range around him. While Zhengui, allies are immune to the effects, enemies within the ash suffer unavoidable burns. The particulates make it difficult for them to see as well, hanging thickly in the air. Zhengui may use this art multiple times to expand its area. Six stacks may be active at a time.

Boiling Shot: D
Damage: C(poison)
Zhen gathers his venom and spits, launching a ball of corrosive superheated venom at a target within Close range.

Boiling Spray: C
Damage: D(poison)
Zhen gathers his venom, as he does with Boiling Shot, but instead discharges a spray of molten venom in a burning fan damaging up to three targets within Near range.

Volcanic Shot: B
Damage: B(Direct Hit) D (Splash)
Gathering stone and soil in his stomch, Zhengui melts the energies into molten stone and glass before ejecting it as a missile as a distant foe. Zhengui cannot move while using this technique, but may target ay enemy at up to distant range. However for each increment further than close Hit is reduced by 10. Enemies within Near distance suffer from the splash version of the techniques damage.
Verdant Ash Duality
Passive Effects:
+15 to Spiritual Avoid vs single target attacks
+5 on Hit and Penetration when techniques from Blazing Blood and Blooming from Ashes are used in the same turn.
User counts as two separate combatants for determining multiattacker bonuses

Minds Apart: C
A Xuan Wu is two minds in one body and self, it takes age and long practice to function fully as two separate beings however. With this technique however, a young Xuan Wu may temporarily attain this ability.

Ashfield Flowering: C
Usable only while at least one instance of Ashfall is active, this technique consumes the ashfield to revitalize allies. On activation one instance of Ashfall is dispelled automatically, allied targets within the ashfall zone receive E rank health recovery and have their armor fortified.

Rebirth Inferno:
Damage: A
When reduced to F rank health. Zhengui may instantly discharge all of his remaining qi into a roaring inferno that consumes all save Ling Qi within Very Close range. This massive explosion tears through defenses and moves with incredible speed. In the aftermath Zhengui falls unconscious, and cannot act, but receives a temporary Health Attribute of B Rank.

Vengeful Serpent's Fangs: D
When an enemy strikes at one of Zhengui's allies within Near range, they open themselves to a counterstrike. Zhengui receives a large bonus to hit for this attack, and deals damage via his Zhen Bite attack, with an additional E rank poison which repeats for a short time thereafter.
Lonely Winter Maiden
Passive Effects:
+10 to Spiritual Hit
+10 to Health
+10 to Spiritual Armor
+10 to Speech(conditional)

Enrapturing Silhouette: D
Using this technique Hanyi draws the attention of a target at Far range to herself. On success the target must move toward Hanyi at full base speed and cannot attack her until after her next action. The target receives a large penalty to their avoid while under this effect, which last for a Short time.

Mournful Lullaby: D
Usable only against those caught in the effects of Enrapturing Silhouette, this technique receives a significant bonus to hit against such targets. if successful, it extends the effect for an additional Short period, as well as extending the period in which they cannot attack Hanyi for another action. Targets of this effect receive small penalties to All Hit, Avoid, and Initiative, which stack with each application.

Snow Maiden's Embrace: C
With either full embrace or a clasping of hands, Hanyi draws a beguiled foe to their doom. As long as Hanyi maintains physical contact with the target, dealing D rank damage and E rank qi drain, and restoring a portion of that to Hanyi (E rank health restore, F rank qi restore), who can receive temporary qi or health exceeding her maximum by up to one letter grade.
Frozen Peak Serenade
Passive Effects:
+15 To Spiritual Hit
+20 to Spiritual Penetration
+10 to Initiative
+10 to Health
D rank damage reduction against Cold
E Rank damage reduction against Dark

Springs End Aria: D
Duration: Short
The first notes of the users song herald the end of warmth, draining the heat from the area and around them and crystalizing the moisture in the air into snow and ice. Enemies Close to the user find their qi growing sluggish, sapping their spiritual defenses and bolstering the singers own. Qi expended in failed assault of the singer drains away (F rank qi drain), flowing into the singularity of cold created by the singers voice. Those whose dantians have been fully drained find their flesh frosting over and their blood running cold as they are lulled into the final sleep.

Hoarfrost Caress: C
Duration: Immediate
Damage: C
The user's song rises into the howl of of a blizzard in the depths of winter as they focus the expression of their will upon a single enemy. The song tears and freezes the flesh of the singers enemy, and spreads through their blood and meridians, carrying the chill deeper still, like a frigid poison seeking the heart of its victims warmth.

Winter Eternal Cadenza: C
Duration: Immediate
Damage: D
The completing half of the Spring's End Aria, a song with it's roots in the bleak, frozen lands that lie beyond the Wall. Usable only while Spring's End Aria is active, this technique unleashes if only for a moment, the absolute cold of a winter without end. The singer's voice lashes all enemies within Close range, hungrily draining away their qi into the freezing emptiness within the singer. The flesh is not spared this assault, burning burning black and cracking under the frigid serenade. Those affected find their every action and reaction slowed and disrupted by trembling frozen limbs.

Echoes of Absolute Winter: B
Duration: Special
A technique used in tandem with Aria of Springs End, if activated at the same time, the Aria carries an echo of true winter, stilling the very air around the singer with its freezing chill. Attacks targeting the user, or which have an area of effect overlapping with Aria's have their penetration reduced by one rank as the cold devours the energy of the technique or attack. Similarly, Cold or Dark techniques used by the singer against those in range of Aria have their Hit or Penetration enhanced by one rank, as chosen by the user.
Fleeting Spring's Chill
Passive Effects:
+20 to Speed
+15 to Physical Avoid
+15 to Spiritual Avoid

Ephemeral Frost: D
Duration: Short
Like the frost of a chilly morning melting away before the sun, the user fades back from violence and attacks flitting away in a swirl of frost and snowflakes. Grants a bonus to physical avoid and a small bonus to physical armor, as well as a significant bonus to speed.

Mocking Winter Breeze: C
Duration: Immediate
Being struck with a decisive blow, the user's physical form shatters into a thousand crystals of ice and snow, only for them to reform unharmed within a Close distance. This technique negates the damage of a single technique of C rank or lower, and significantly reduces the damage of higher ranked techniques.
Hmmm, domain conflict.
I guess it's "There is no peace in emptiness, no content in stillness. Stagnation is death; act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end." part.
Don't regret this though, never liked that part of our domain anyway, and a way the demands we abandon our family just to grow faster ourselves is not a way worth following.
I am thinking Verdant Ash Duality for Zhengui, and Fleeting Spring's Chill for Hanyi.

Also, Damn. I hope it's not set in stone that sixiang is gone.
I still think this was a wrong choice. Oh well. I just hope Sixiang is not sick of our shit completely. Won't do good to alienate our sole useful spirit.