Promising means a much greater emphasis in making sure we are a team player that can enhance our weaker spirits or friends so that we don't need to either leave them behind or sacrifice ourself for them. This also means a much weaker focus on 'kill the enemy fast and be strong alone', as opportunity cost is a thing.
I was initially gonna abstain, but then I thought... we just chided CRX for foolhardy, self-sacrificing behavior and for not listening to her advisors. Let's try leading her by example.
It also means totally upending our development plan at minimum. Making the promise practically denies us our speed (one of our best stats) in a lot of ways.My impression is that people shouldn't look down on the consequences on either choices.
Promising means a much greater emphasis in making sure we are a team player that can enhance our weaker spirits or friends so that we don't need to either leave them behind or sacrifice ourself for them. This also means a much weaker focus on 'kill the enemy fast and be strong alone', as opportunity cost is a thing.
Basically, this will force Ling Qi to change the decisions she was making re:her way of fighting.
That said,
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
I always prefer teamplay to awesome solo.
Could you explain this? @yrsillar said that we would not be tied down fighting by Zhengui's side; him holding one important area while we flit around fucking people up with stealth and speed is within the terms of the promise.Making the promise practically denies us our speed (one of our best stats) in a lot of ways.
I'm being optimist here and thinking that if we promise we will choose to change our build so that we can make that promise without crippling our ability to do things. It's very possible that we'll still try to continue as we have and ignore abilities that shines through teamwork, but I want to believe it won't happen.The problem is that not promising still allows meaningful team play. Promising just means that if we come to a situation where we would have to choose, we won't get to. We'll be locked in on not using our excellent mobility to both chase and possibly escape danger if we think it's a risk to pursuit.
We definitely need to own up to said promise if we do it, yes, and I completely agree with you that it seems people are completely under-estimating the sheer scale of effort we'd need to put to keep that promise.It also means totally upending our development plan at minimum. Making the promise practically denies us our speed (one of our best stats) in a lot of ways.
Which will have huge negative impacts on our ability to pass Shenhua's test and possibly on our war contributions. Windthief alone becomes vastly, vastly less useful. This is an absolutely massive cost wehn we're already struggling to meet our goals despite rushing ahead as fast as possible. That would also have huge negative effects on the people around her, from Zhengui to our Mother and sister to Cai Renxiang.
If we want to focus on more teamwork and actually working with our spirits we can but we should not sacrifce Ling Qi's strengths in the short to medium term to do so.
Seriously I would promise to avoid sacrifice plays in a hearteat, or to work on improing our teamwork so we don't have to do this so much. But this is far too broad.
I'm stressed because it feels like people are just thinking of Zhengui and Hanyi's distress in the last update and not about what this will do to Ling Qi as well. It's a massive, massive issue and I feel like people aren't considering just how badly this will affect Ling Qi's current development and fighting style after the emotion of the last update.
It feels like the sort of promise made of an big emotional moment that turns out to either be a really bad idea that Ling Qi either can't live up to or where keeping it will have huge costs on a personal and professional level not only for her but also for the people around her.