Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I think that choosing the first option doesn't fully limit our mobility. We can encourage Zhengui to learn mobility techniques and train his dexterity stat and we can store him in our dantain.
"Gui does not want her too. Just… will Big Sis promise to fight together next time. Promise not to try and do the hardest part by herself?" Gui pleaded.
This I think is a large part of the issue LQ has with making a Promise like this as it is running into her insights she slotted into her domain. Because the foundation of her Domain is Sincerity meaning a Promise like this is something she absolutely means to keep, and a Promise to alter usual tactics to fight together kinda has issues with the belief that a hard, lonely path is worthwhile if there is something beautiful produces from it.

[] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
Essentially the reason Ling Qi find this a hard Promise to make is that her first insight basically makes all future ones something she believes, and thus adopting tactics that avoid separation is avoiding paths she considers worthwhile. This is potentially an issue as Ling Qi has an advanced insight about how the wishes of one person cannot make a home/family, and by ignoring her own beliefs she might be doing the reverse of what she almost did with her own mother in regards to sending them away to safety.

I don't really have time at the moment to engage in a lengthy debate, but I figured I might as well point one potential issue I see with it.
Because the foundation of her Domain is Sincerity meaning a Promise like this is something she absolutely means to keep, and a Promise to alter usual tactics to fight together kinda has issues with the belief that a hard, lonely path is worthwhile if there is something beautiful produces from it.
What beautiful thing would we produce with self-sacrificial tendencies?
For all the Ling Qi's cultivation insights are about family they are also about being alone. About being true to oneself and not being bound. Each and every one of them can be an argument for going ones own path while at the same time knowing that our ties is what makes the journey worth it. To be true to oneself and others, that goodbye does not mean an End. That one must go one's own path, because there is no content in stillness. One person's desires cannot alone make a home, but neither can a family's desire decree the path of an individual.

Ling Qi's ambitions cannot be bound down by those she loves. Her entire Arc in Forge was about finding connection while still being free. This is the first step in losing that, her Way as she has formed it this far. This is going against all of her insights and who she is. Ling Qi loves her family, she loves connection and belonging. But she cannot hold back, even for them she can Retreat only so far and then no more for she must Act, change, move, think, and grow until the very end so she Can present something of beauty to those she care for.

Are we to be content with what we have because striving for more means taking risks those who love us rather we didn't? Or are we to strive and grow and live and sing! Refuse stillness, deny silence! If our End comes then so be it but we will not cower in fear but reach, reach until our grasp betrays us! We are not a gentle summer flower dreading winter's advance, we are the Winter! We are the Wind free, Darkness hungering and Moon ephemeral! We do not relent on who we are.

[] She could not make that promise, not knowing what the future could hold. (Ling Qi remains open to all tactics. Affects Zhengui's development.)

That's certainly one way to interpret her insights and development, and there's a good chance that this is how it will work out character-wise should we choose not to make the promise.

This isn't the Ling Qi I've imagined or been aiming for though. From my perspective, Ling Qi did not grow to value freedom more in Forge. Instead, she learned to balance both freedom and her connections. Her reason for seeking power as of her yellow breakthrough was "to ensure her wings could carry as much weight as she wished." For me, by not promising Zhengui here, she's not carrying the weight. She's letting go of it.

The things Ling Qi needs to sacrifice here, as far as I can tell, are not important enough to Ling Qi's identity to make not promising worth it. In my opinion, your strongest argument is the FVM insight, but there's just not enough justification to take a hard and lonely path in this scenario.
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Moratorium's over, I think.

I was initially gonna abstain, but then I thought... we just chided CRX for foolhardy, self-sacrificing behavior and for not listening to her advisors. Let's try leading her by example.

[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
What beautiful thing would we produce with self-sacrificial tendencies?
That wasn't really the focus of my post as I was looking at the potential complications of the tactics portion... regardless off the top of my head Zhengui himself was a result of LQ sacrificing her tiny chance at elder tutoring for a friend, and in general LQ has been rather self sacrficing for those she cares about.
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Ultimately, there will be conflict with either choice. On one hand, there will be conflict as we try to modify our behavior to our promise and trying to figure out how best to address a difficult tactical situation. On the other hand, not promising is likely, in my opinion, to create some conflict with Zhengui and what he wants.

I believe that we can overcome either of the conflicts and become stronger for it, but I would prefer to overcome the tactical and behavioral difficulties than trying to overcome any relationship conflict from refusing the promise.

As such, I'll be voting:
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
[X] She could not make that promise, not knowing what the future could hold. (Ling Qi remains open to all tactics. Affects Zhengui's development.)

This will almost certainly lead to conflict with Zhengui, but that is part of being a family, and being an older sibling is not making promises you might be unable to keep.
[X] She could not make that promise, not knowing what the future could hold. (Ling Qi remains open to all tactics. Affects Zhengui's development.)
[X] She could not make that promise, not knowing what the future could hold. (Ling Qi remains open to all tactics. Affects Zhengui's development.)
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)
I believe you guys are wrong about what this promise entails. It doesn't stop this:
In the interests of fairness since I answered the question in discord, the promise does not mean that Ling Qi and Zhengui cannot fight on different fronts, he acknowledges in the update that she needed him to stop the mook swarm.
It stops this:
Self sacrifice tactics like blocking a knife with your neck, leaving your spirits behind to do something alone even when you don't need too, haring off to fight an enemy alone just because zhengui's movement is low etc.
That's still absurdly awful though. Unless we can invent a way to dematerialse him from a distance and pick him up stupidly quickly or he gets a super, super speed boost there are a lot of times that this (EDIT: i.e. Going after an enemy without Zhengui because if we stop to pick him up they will either be gone or brutally murdering someone else) will be absolutely the correct thing to do.

Zhengui's place on the battlefield is our unassailable bunker. We can fight besides him or use him as a launching off and retreat point. But there are times when running to stop the faster enemy escaping will be absolutely necessary and making this promise will prevent that.

I want to fight besides Zhengui more as much as anyone. But crippling our massive speed advantage, one of Ling Qi's strongest points, in order to do so is terrible. There is every chang that ths makes arts like wind thief vastly less useful.

Not to mention that this makes our flying ability much, much less useful.

Part of raising children (which Zhengui is) is telling them no sometimes, even when you'd like to say yes. Now is that time. It's painful, we will try our best to work around it and do what he wants but we cannot afford to cripple some of our best advantages, our growth and our tactical decisions like this.

[X] She could not make that promise, not knowing what the future could hold. (Ling Qi remains open to all tactics. Affects Zhengui's development.)
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[X] She could not make that promise, not knowing what the future could hold. (Ling Qi remains open to all tactics. Affects Zhengui's development.)

she learned to balance both freedom and her connections. Her reason for seeking power as of her yellow breakthrough was "to ensure her wings could carry as much weight as she wished." For me, by not making promising Zhengui here, she's not carrying the weight. She's letting go of it.

Ling Qi, by which I mean us voters, would do well to respect our loved ones worries and be less negligent with her life. But to make that promise, to refuse a chance at greatness out of the caution of others, that is not balancing freedom and connection. It is letting our bonds ties us down. It is precisely the kind of thing Ling Qi feared in Forge and while she overcame that fear, letting connections dominate freedom is not balance. She should still love and be respectfully careful but this promise is to much and we're diving head long into it because it's the 'right' option. But this isn't the last vote where it was about caring or not caring. This is about us. Compromise, please! But don't give in to demands that go against our nature just because we love the ones who made them.
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)

This promise may not be the best thing for Ling Qi. But I do think it's the best choice for our family. Which ultimately is the best choice for Ling Qi.
but this promise is to much

I think this is what it comes down to. I don't see the sacrifices required by this promise as being all that great, especially when you consider Ling Qi's own values. Ling Qi's love for Zhengui and the context in which Zhengui is asking her to make this promise outweigh the consequences of the promise from my perspective, although I can see why you and others would think differently. Voters might have different ideas about what letting connections dominate freedom means. In my opinion, we haven't come close to doing so yet.
[X] She promised, even if it was hard. (Ling Qi will avoid tactics which leave out or separate her from her spirits and deliberate self sacrifice outside of actual necessity. Affects Zhengui's development.)