[X] Plan Wrong Bridge
-[X] Disrupt: You will use your cavalry to disrupt the enemy, their lack of cavalry is going to be a clear detriment to their long term success, and as long as you have that advantage, you will raise hell.
-[X] Thérèse: The North Bridge: Hold the line for as long as is tenable before falling back to prepared positions, baiting the enemy cavalry to attack.
-[X] Severin: The South Bridge: Defense in depth, do not allow the enemy to cross the bridge.
-[X] Chamans: The Cavalry: Utilizing local terrain to obscure size of force, the Cavalry will attempt to destroy the opposing cavalry and engage targets of opportunity.
-[X] de Lisle: The Artillery. With the bridges and areas beyond and before them presighted, the Artillery will prioritize counter-battery fire and large force concentrations.
--[X] Set up a smaller battery in the hills to the North to both serve as enemy cavalry bait and provide closer support to the local infantry.
-[X] de Beauharnais: The City: Coordinate local forces and ensure good order, the plan is useless if the city falls.
Hell yeah, br0ther. I was getting nervous about the city, glad someone else shares my thought-process on the matter.
Also, I did another
It's Fuchs's character sheet. I decided to do it for fun, especially considering I'm basically writing him as the protagonist in a negaverse of this quest.

I'd love some feedback, even if it is ultimately for show. I'm not used to making character sheets in quests, I usually let the number-crunchers and min-max experts have at it.
He's a bit young to be a Major, by our standards. However, I found an account of a fella in the British army in the mid-18th century who became an Ensign at 13 (even though commissions were supposed to be forbidden for those under 16) and became a Lieutenant Colonel of the 33rd Regiment of Foot at the age of 20. Seven years to lead a regiment? Ol' Rudi's a little over halfway there, at the rank of Major.
Rudolf considers Brunswick an enemy because he perceived the latter's retreat as abandoning his guys after they charged Thérèse's position. Rudolf wouldn't actively hinder Brunswick, but don't be surprised if he demands a duel when he is of an equal rank, if he thinks it won't hinder the Prussian war effort.
I operated off of the initial ten-point dispersion present in the courtroom scene. Tbh, I'm... Fairly certain I got it wrong. That Artillery Command skill is a big oof, chief. Ultimately, I'm just a bit iffy about my point-dispersion, I have a feeling that some stats/skills are higher or lower than they should be. I'm also trying to avoid making ol' Rudi too edgy (despite my best efforts, the guy's become a yandere.

), but I thought his Combat skill level and the Blooded trait was appropriate considering how many guys he ended up going toe-to-toe with and winning against in Valmy.