Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[] Let him play his game, make up for lost time and try to forge a few more lines of personal acquaintance among his group.

[] Get answers, proactively seek out Luo Zhong during the victory celebration and press him, politely, on what exactly he wants.

I'm really tempted by this. This option matches Ling Qi's domain, and by extension her personality, very well. This is most obviously shown through AM's insight:
  1. Sincerity is the measure by which the worthiness of the self and ones guests should be measured.
I don't think Ling Qi would be comfortable letting the situation with Luo Zong linger on as is. She's suspicious of how sincere he's being, and this insight should make this a major issue for Ling Qi.

Confronting Luo Zhong is also a riskier option, involving action from Ling Qi that would be beyond the norm for most people, which correlates well with SCS's insight.

From a social perspective, it's possible we improve our relationship with Luo Zhong as a result of this confrontation as well. Of course, our relationship could stay as is or worsen. The other option involves no interaction with Luo Zhong, however, so we would be giving up on developing that social link for now if we chose it.

In exchange for giving up on Luo Zhong, the second option would allow us to interact with others in the group. Based on the wording of the option, however, we would only be interacting with new people. We would likely not be interacting with Alingge, Sha Feng or Lin Fei. I'm skeptical of how interesting or useful this would be relative to the first option.
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"Well I suppose I will just have to try and convince [Wu Jing] of Lady Cai's position."

Du Feng laughed, but there was a touch of nervousness in it. "I am sure you can manage Miss Ling."

Disloyalty to the Cai will be dealt with like the Cai deals with disloyalty. Decisively.

Meizhen used her mannerisms as a nigh invulnerable armor to deflect unwanted social advances, and for a time emulating her had been helpful but… it was not really her, and continuing to cling to that false face was only doing her harm.

She would have to figure out her own approach in the future, something that was more honest to herself.

I kind of like Ling Qi's disinterest in socializing. Even though it may not be optimal it's fun and in character. Maybe we can be less aloof and more floating on clouds, slightly distant and harmlessly going with the flow of conversation most of the time while deceptively perspective and direct when we want something in the course of our duties.

I feel like confronting Luo Zhong is unlikely to earn us favor and while possibly interesting is more to his benefit rather than our own. While I'd rather not build any close connections with the hunting party (except Alingge because she's cool) out of fear that they'll waste screen time, I think finishing what we started and getting what we came for takes priority over whatever Luo is doing.
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Hmm. My own social instincts say confront, that not doing so is bowing out of a challenge, but no one else seems to see it that way.
[] Let him play his game, make up for lost time and try to forge a few more lines of personal acquaintance among his group.
While part of me would enjoy being a wrecking ball, i think this will serve us better
One way to fight social arts is to just be too unsubtle for them. Yes, it would do make us no friends, but being known as a blunt object can have its uses.
But i don't think we can afford that reputation.
Hmm. My own social instincts say confront, that not doing so is bowing out of a challenge, but no one else seems to see it that way.

So if a superior gives us an insult, we only call them on it if we can win.

We can't win.

I'm not even sure he's given us insult, I think he was helping us/ helping his friends by helping us.

I say let it ride till we come back with a shiny new social art and/or a few social advanced skills.
We don't really know what the game here is.
So i think the best idea is to not play it at all.
Just go and get to know people, and ignore any hints of debt or obligation.
[] Let him play his game, make up for lost time and try to forge a few more lines of personal acquaintance among his group.

It's not like he's being a jerk or anything. As far as hazing the new girl goes it's pretty tame. I like these twin bros, Moon Bois are proving they are the best.

By the time they separate and Ling Qi was idly collecting herbs, she was beginning to entertain the seed of idea. She would probably need Xiulan's help but… she did know a few important people, 'foreigners' mostly of course, but… maybe she could set up her own little gathering in the future? It would have to be a small thing, since she still disliked the crowding of Cai Renxiang's parties, but maybe it was time to give bringing her disparate social group together another try. She wasn't quite the same confused commoner she had been the last time she had made the effort.
Ling Qingge's blood pressure just spiked and she doesn't know why. Jk she totes knows why if not the precise reason.
[X] Let him play his game, make up for lost time and try to forge a few more lines of personal acquaintance among his group.

No good reason to not just capitalize on our gains
"The whole detached aloof act. I don't want to boss you around, but c'mon girl. I get that it helped when you didn't know what you were doing, but you're past that. You know your manners, you know the expectations, you've even got a fancier dress than anyone else. So just engage with the people your supposed to be chatting up already! Stop treating them like an obstacle or challenge and just treat them like people."
She forced herself to relax a little. Sixiang was right in that much, she was doing herself harm by trying to act like someone else. She was Ling Qi, not Bai Meizhen or Cai Renxiang, it was time that she started acting like it. If that brought trouble… she would overcome it.
Nicely done Sixiang, great to see Qi relax a little. Feeling comfortable rather than constantly having to watch for enemies.
"You follow the path of the Grinning Moon then?"

Du Feng paused for a moment, almost missing a step. "Yes, is it that obvious?" He asked curiously.

She could feel the currents of wind and ripples of the moon in his aura, so to her it was. "Only if you have the right eyes," she replied impishly

"Ah of course, I had heard some rumors in that regard," Du Feng said, giving her an assessing look. "It is good to see that they are not just that."
Rumours about our Moon adherence confirmed. Nice to see another too.
"Moon spirits can be dangerous and unreliable things," Lin Fei added carefully. "It is unusual for a new cultivator to walk that path."

"Hmph, I resent that," Sixiang grumbled, and both of Ling Qi's companions nearly jumped.
Sixiang's so great at keeping things comfortable. Really opening up here though, it's sweet. Especially that casual banter after.
The only examples of noble betrothal she had seen thus far were Xiulan and that girl who had attacked her over Huang Da. It seemed bizarre that Lin Fei was so content.

"Getting off track, confront issues later, you have a good conversational flow going," Sixiang chided.
Kinda sad that Qi so struggles to comprehend the idea of a girl/woman being comfortable in an engagement/marriage.

Suppose it isn't surprising that a clan of moon followers will be more traditional.
These two at least weren't unpleasant to talk to Ling Qi mused as they continued toward the beasts territory, hashing out their plan. Ling Qi felt like she was was beginning to realize something. Meizhen used her mannerisms as a nigh invulnerable armor to deflect unwanted social advances, and for a time emulating her had been helpful but… it was not really her, and continuing to cling to that false face was only doing her harm.
It was a really endearing approach but it's nice to see Ling Qi starting to grow as an individual and feel comfortable enough to not need to hide behind her friends' mannerisms. Inspiration is fine but this feels a step in the right direction.
Du Feng and Lin Fei would also release their spirit beasts, a hawk and an owl respectively, to act as overwatch and messenger to the other groups as necessary.
Flying spirit, just what I'd always wanted... 😞
By the time they separate and Ling Qi was idly collecting herbs, she was beginning to entertain the seed of idea. She would probably need Xiulan's help but… she did know a few important people, 'foreigners' mostly of course, but… maybe she could set up her own little gathering in the future? It would have to be a small thing, since she still disliked the crowding of Cai Renxiang's parties, but maybe it was time to give bringing her disparate social group together another try. She wasn't quite the same confused commoner she had been the last time she had made the effort.
Wooo! Nice to hear. Would make for an interesting event and an impressive show of social growth.

Du Feng is a moon following user of wind and sabers, seems a great role model! (Except sabers should purely be a practice weapon) Glad we maintained mother hen level caution without stealing the show though, feel we did a good enough job of displaying competence without that.

[x] Let him play his game, make up for lost time and try to forge a few more lines of personal acquaintance among his group.
Nice to see LQ relax and have fun so valuing more of that over trying to push a confrontation. If he wants something I'm sure he'll get around to it eventually.
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[X] Get answers, proactively seek out Luo Zhong during the victory celebration and press him, politely, on what exactly he wants.
[X] Let him play his game, make up for lost time and try to forge a few more lines of personal acquaintance among his group.

I want more of Alingge and "the delightful couple who exist to make the others disfunction stand out more" please.
Moratorium's up, we can vote!

[X] Let him play his game, make up for lost time and try to forge a few more lines of personal acquaintance among his group.

Our explicit goal here was to learn more about the factions that divide the Emerald Sea and make a positive impression in the hopes of repairing our negative social link. I am pretty sure Luo Zhong's game here was nothing more complicated than "throw her in... not even the deep end of the swimming pool, the middle, and see how she copes"; he has his own responsibilities and evaluating the capabilities of Cai Renxiang's new retainer to survive in a social situation without the cover of her patron seems like something he might reasonably want to do.

We've acquitted ourselves reasonably well on this hunt. Sure, we're still an intimidating out-of-context problem to a lot of the nobles here, but we have at least demonstrated ourselves to be capable and not a complete ignoramus. Let's capitalize on the social credit we've earned and close out the event by making a positive impression on people.