@Durin, an idea came upon me and clubbed me over the head:
God omakes: Ook
Almost unknown to the galaxy at large is the crippled god of the Jokaero, now called Ook, whose true name has been lost to either time or enemy action, or was Ook all along, the histories are not clear. In fact they are not even histories, they are Jokaero light sculptures, interpreted and expanded upon through an unusual mix of intuition, divination, pure luck, and the Krork just mentioning some details in relation to their efforts with the Jokaero and difficulties with Gork and Mork and starting the whole inquiry in the first place. It's is at present unconfirmed how exactly the Jokaero were able to learn of the events that their art depicted, but it is suspected that the information was transferred by means of dreams, hallucinations, or instinctive understanding, not entirely dissimilar in principle to the hallucinations of Sanguinius' final conflict that are transferred to his sons.
It is similarly unclear what specifically Ook is a god of, certainly Jokaero, possibly others as well, and indubitably something to do with technology, it's creation, or something related to one of those two things, with it being uncertain as to whether or not it is even possible to figure out all of the details. It's not like those who worship this god are capable of explaining it, as such worship is achieved through an instinctive and unthinking similarity of thought, belief, and faith.
During the War in heaven this God was attempting some sort of grand semi-technical ritual to an unknown end, this was judged a threat or perhaps a weakness. The C'tan struck by surprise in some depictions, by taking advantage of Ook's inability to draw away from their working at so critical a phase in others, their weapon, sometimes a blade, others a proboscis, jaw of gnashing teeth. or brush of energy, stuck at the god, and in doing so pierced through or slid past Ook's defences. The Silver Star God struck horrifically into the brain of the Warp god, and drank deeply of its logic, ripping it away from Ook. Perceiving a terrible danger to the universe should the Star God learn all it knew the god of Jokaero reached a paw into its cracked open skull and flung its knowledge away into the depths of the warp, where it would be beyond the reach of the C'tann, eventually struggling free and surviving the Star god's assault.
Closely bound to the psykic presences of the Jokaero as it was while its work neared completion the wounds of the battle rebounded on them, rendering them incapable of complex logic and almost without knowledge, forcing them to fall back on the fighting and building instinct that had admittedly been a central aspect of their nature from their inception. They maintained their fundamental relationship with the Krork, if under slightly greater supervision now, and things moved on.
Why is this relevant? well it probably isn't, but somewhere out there is an ape god constantly shaping chunks of the warp into machines and devices, contributing to the rise of other technology gods as others interact with its creations or its creations outgrow being simple tools, somewhere out there there is a Jokaero that is drawing the others together for a holy purpose and grouping, as defined by their closeness to the creations of their god, somewhere out there is a radical Adeptus Mechanicus sect that believes their ability to reverse engineer or emulate Jokaero technology is a sign of the Omnissiah's favor on their use of one particular shape of runic microcircuitry and their augmentation towards complete eradication of conscious thought and relegation of all thought processes to the basic logic of impulse and programmed response, and Ook's knowledge has to have ended up somewhere, even if that place is within the Hidden Library of Tzeentch.
The Orks and Eldar have gods, what about the Jokaero? Would you really want to make a god that acts like a Jokaero, or does that seem more likely to be divine battle damage?