Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Apparently more than you realize. Family is as relevant to our home domain as a kingdom's worth of subjects are to CRX order. Yet when CRX wasted time on that rather than on her personal trainning she got scolded by Shenhua.
I'm pretty sure the super genius white ranker knows more about cultivation and what should be prioritized than you do, or anyone in this thread.

Seriously, we got ONE lesson from a frieking White rank cultivator, do try to keep it in mind.
I just don't think it's going to be a case of "your family likes you more" and nothing else as a benefit. It just doesn't seem to be how this quest operates
[X] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

I feel people are misrepresenting this option.

This isn't us paying to spend time with our family. This is us investing time into our family.

If they are to be useful then we must spend time to cultivate them.

Already our mother has broken through Already she has taken control of the household. Already our sister shows potential. Already our interaction with our family shapes our Way. Already we know our family will be seedlings for our future clan in service to the Cai.

Much like with all our other friends it takes time and effort to grow them into useful resources. But they always prove useful.

Pretending that we're throwing away AP for pure sentiment is foolish. We cannot afford weakness here, if our family is weak then they are a weakness to us as well. But if they are strong then they will only carry us further.
Oh please, there's no in story evidence for any of this, it's all wild conjectures to try and rationalize away a choice that's pretty much entirely based in sentimentality. Most of the post is just pretty sounding ideas that don't have any in reality, we don't need to make our family strong/useful for them to matter. Even if we wanted we couldn't do it regardless, our mom is a middle aged lady that'll never amount to much cultivation wise and us spending more time with her while we're at the sect won't change that, Biyu is too young to start cultivating, even if she does have potential (which we don't actually know for sure) she won't be doing anything cultivation wise for a long time still. They can't carry us and them being weak is perfectly ok, especially since we can't actually do anything about it.

The people claiming it'll be good for our domain just want to have their cake and eat it too, family is tangentially related to home and there's no real proof that doing this will help it beyond speculation. Stop trying to claim that this is both the best choice for our cultivation and the "feels good".
I just don't think it's going to be a case of "your family likes you more" and nothing else as a benefit. It just doesn't seem to be how this quest operates

Weighing the benefits we know about, the status quo definitely seems better in my opinion. This is the point of division though - there are definitely benefits to the family path we don't know about which may or may not make up for the 1 AP lost.
[X] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)

I want to make the choice to spend more time with the family. I really really do. However, Ling Qi has made a verbal contract with someone that is as close to being a spirit of Order as humanly possible. This person has given and will give resources to us in the future with the understanding that we will upkeep our end of the bargain. Knowing that we already spend off-screen time with the family, I personally feel that keeping our bargain with Cai Shenhua to be vastly more important than spending even more time with our family.

Also, I don't really feel all that bad for being called a bad daughter by a spirit who was going to eat her daughter because the daughter was growing up. Her idea of how close a family should be more than likely differs from most mortals.
[X] While you will be present as much as you can, your household cannot be top priority yet. (Status quo)

Sentimentalism doesn't get you success.

Fulfillment, now that's a different question, even for cultivators. But Ling Qi's a college student. Time away from family is expected, even for the people who go to the local college a few hours from home. That time away doesn't make you a bad family member. It just means you can prioritize yourself appropriately.
Weighing the benefits we know about, the status quo definitely seems better in my opinion. This is the point of division though - there are definitely benefits to the family path we don't know about which may or may not make up for the 1 AP lost.
I think that one of the benefits people keep overlooking is that we are a noble, and are technically going to be a clan head when we graduate, spending time with our clan is good both from a future power perspective, and from a making sure our heir and us are on the same page perspective.
I think that one of the benefits people keep overlooking is that we are a noble, and are technically going to be a clan head when we graduate, spending time with our clan is good both from a future power perspective, and from a making sure our heir and us are on the same page perspective.
There will be years for that. Ling Qi has a lifespan measured in centuries. A few more days over the course of a year and a half is nothing.
Oh please, there's no in story evidence for any of this, it's all wild conjectures to try and rationalize away a choice that's pretty much entirely based in sentimentality. Most of the post is just pretty sounding ideas that don't have any in reality, we don't need to make our family strong/useful for them to matter. Even if we wanted we couldn't do it regardless, our mom is a middle aged lady that'll never amount to much cultivation wise and us spending more time with her while we're at the sect won't change that, Biyu is too young to start cultivating, even if she does have potential (which we don't actually know for sure) she won't be doing anything cultivation wise for a long time still. They can't carry us and them being weak is perfectly ok, especially since we can't actually do anything about it.

The people claiming it'll be good for our domain just want to have their cake and eat it too, family is tangentially related to home and there's no real proof that doing this will help it beyond speculation. Stop trying to claim that this is both the best choice for our cultivation and the "feels good".
I think I saw this speech from Lex Luthor in Justice League once
This is based on the premise that we would have gotten a similar option with Xiao Fen. I don't think there's much evidence for that.

I'm worried about how yrsillar will interpret a decision to not prioritize our household though. Seemingly rational options are not always correct.

I mean, I'm not claiming this as a fact. This is just something that may or may not be a legit thing. And if it is, then I'm totally gonna save the AP UNLESS the benefits are good enough. Like say Ling Qingge and Biyu SL auto-ranking without us choosing the option over the course of time as well helping our spirits out and auto-ranking them as well by extension (the latter case may be too much so I won't push for that)
The problem with our family was that LQ didn't even tell them her true life, the one were she takes risks weekly to attain massive power to better protect them.

That is bring solved by LQ actually speaking to her mother, but we still need to further continue our training/cultivation.

Also, Ways are for Cyan onward, we are barely shaping it up with our Domain choices. One choice in Green won't define our life
[x] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

There will always be another crisis on the horizon; the powerful will always make demands on our time. Every moment of time we can spend with them is precious, and we are nothing if not a greedy girl.
I think one of the benefits with the family option is improved social links with Qingge, Biyu, Zhengui, Sixiang, and Hanyi. This could help our spirits when combined with our domain, which will only become stronger. There should be numerous other benefits to the family option, but this seems to be one of the likeliest.
[x] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)
Oh please, there's no in story evidence for any of this, it's all wild conjectures to try and rationalize away a choice that's pretty much entirely based in sentimentality. Most of the post is just pretty sounding ideas that don't have any in reality, we don't need to make our family strong/useful for them to matter. Even if we wanted we couldn't do it regardless, our mom is a middle aged lady that'll never amount to much cultivation wise and us spending more time with her while we're at the sect won't change that, Biyu is too young to start cultivating, even if she does have potential (which we don't actually know for sure) she won't be doing anything cultivation wise for a long time still. They can't carry us and them being weak is perfectly ok, especially since we can't actually do anything about it.

The people claiming it'll be good for our domain just want to have their cake and eat it too, family is tangentially related to home and there's no real proof that doing this will help it beyond speculation. Stop trying to claim that this is both the best choice for our cultivation and the "feels good".
Mate... I literally give examples of things that happened in story.

Also, I'm not sure what your point is? Unless you think this thread is going to cut off our family completely there is no option of not spending time with them. Consequently, as our time will be spent with them regardless, we might as well make sure that time is well spent.

Our mother will be part of the clan, our sister will be part of the clan, they are already showing our face to the outside world. This was an in story thing where CRX talked with us about or mother bringing in her prostitute friends. They already affect things, they directly affect our ability to serve CRX.

You pretending they don't need to be as good as we can make them is the real sentiment here. You think we can afford to lug along dead weight? If we don't put in the time to make our family useful they will forever be a burden. Which we cannot afford.

There will be years for that. Ling Qi has a lifespan measured in centuries. A few more days over the course of a year and a half is nothing.
There will never be a better time to get in with our sister, there will never be a better time to get in with our mother.

Even if we decide to mind wipe them this time we have spent with them is not coming back.
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There will never be a better time to get in with our sister, there will never be a better time to get in with our mother.

Even if we decide to mind wipe them this time we have spent with them is not coming back.

To be fair, Biyu is *three* right now. She needs love, care and attention (which she does get).
But age *three* is not best time to built a social relationship. And it's not as if we have no relationship with her at all or she doesn't know who Ling Qi is. Ling Qi is currently somewhere between 'cool big Sis' and 'magic ice fairy songstress'.

Similarly, and again, Ling Qi's relationship with her mother is SL 4 right now. That's... really pretty good.
I might as well throw my thoughts out as well, can't hurt.

The one thing I want to say is I didn't choose to see more of our family because I'm "soft-hearted". I feel like some people think that giving up on the AP is an emotional action, and to be fair, it might be for some people, but it wasn't for me.

I chose the family option because it's the opposite of my least favourite thing in quests: chasing power for the sake of power. Do I think everyone choosing in favour of the AP is doing this? No, absolutely not. Hell, I don't even think a fraction is doing it for that reason. Still, for me, this vote was an opportunity to steer the quest even farther from that type of power gaming.

I guess the core of what I want to say is I get taking the AP point. It's a logical choice, and there's nothing wrong with it. Still, I just feel like with the all the other quests out there that take the 'logical choice', taking the choice that reaffirms the themes of the past few arcs and grows the character isn't a bad option either.
[X] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

Kind of hesitant to eat an AP, not sure if its time to actually lean into this side of things yet. Then again, we have Zhengui, Hanyi, Six, Mom, Biyu, and [assorted servants]. We have the base now, time to set the new status quo and maybe even get our servants cultivating.

Time to flex our noble muscles a bit and put our affairs in order.
[X] In the future, devote more time to your household and your family. (-1AP in future turns)

Because if we are going for a Home Domain, then spending time with our family, which includes our spirits, seems like a good idea to avoid getting stuck in our cultivation, because Cai Renxiang expects us to make a clan, and because I personally want to see Biyu have all the advantages we can give her in order for her to bee on par with other noble scions of her generation.

Personally, I want to give her resources on par with a top end Viscount Clan, not on part with Barons.

Even if one or more of our children show more potential and will be heir, they'll be like several decades behind.

For close to a century, she'll be the second most powerful member of our clan. We need to make sure she has all the advantages we can give.

I think we'll be able to afford it fine. After all, she'll be our only "child" at the time of her training, and Red/Yellow resources are cheap.