The main reason I want Max to work on fixing the thunder warriors flaws is that I think that will help him advance. Because he will be working on a project that the Emperor never finished and we have meta knowledge that the thunder warriors can be fixed. I am hoping it pushes him into paragon when he finishes. Mostly because if he can fix the thunder warriors he can fix the Last Hunters and maybe one day work on Geneseed.
Looking at the Map More'lumix is the closest Bloodbusta realm. Which means the Tzeentch domain with a bunch of wizards will most likely be the target. Amirka is also a possibility but all that means is a large ork realm would destroy the chaos realm right before the Tryanids arrive. I thought Assour but it is farther away. Turoq old realm would not put up much of a fight and is farther away than the other realms.
As for warning chaos all the minor realms combine have 300,000 escorts , 10,000 capital ships and 20,000 chaos space marines. Which added to 2 of the other major chaos realms would be a powerful enough force to blunt the Tryanid fleet... hopefully I hat using that word.
Now the thing we have to worry about from the orks is that the longer a Waagh goes on it starts to call more orks. Which we do not since they have 250,000 roks, 500,000 escorts, 100-200 hulks and 5,000 capital ships. Which is enough to burn the whole region to the ground when combined with Bloodbusta realm.
@Durin if we use the honorbound favor to burn kill everything in a thousand lightyears would that slow down the hive fleet or cause it to go somewhere else?
Looking at the Map More'lumix is the closest Bloodbusta realm. Which means the Tzeentch domain with a bunch of wizards will most likely be the target. Amirka is also a possibility but all that means is a large ork realm would destroy the chaos realm right before the Tryanids arrive. I thought Assour but it is farther away. Turoq old realm would not put up much of a fight and is farther away than the other realms.
As for warning chaos all the minor realms combine have 300,000 escorts , 10,000 capital ships and 20,000 chaos space marines. Which added to 2 of the other major chaos realms would be a powerful enough force to blunt the Tryanid fleet... hopefully I hat using that word.
Now the thing we have to worry about from the orks is that the longer a Waagh goes on it starts to call more orks. Which we do not since they have 250,000 roks, 500,000 escorts, 100-200 hulks and 5,000 capital ships. Which is enough to burn the whole region to the ground when combined with Bloodbusta realm.
@Durin if we use the honorbound favor to burn kill everything in a thousand lightyears would that slow down the hive fleet or cause it to go somewhere else?