Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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I'm going to need a translation wtf just happened?I saw the cobra unit but I thought they were dead?

Anyways as tempting as it is to play as a non asshole Liquid... the world still needs Big Boss. The one whom got the ball rolling again. The phantom whom became Real.

[ ] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

Boss has more then earned her rest, Eli ain't ready for the shit storm, Jack has already said no and passed the mantle fully onwards to John.

John doesn't get the choice to sacrifice himself not until he's passed down the mantle to someone else. The World needs the Big Boss the legendary solder the man who makes the impossible possible. Until a new one is ready ( weather it be Solid ,Liquid ,Both or neither and it's someone else) he's honor bound to stay alive.
I feel like it's relevant that Ahab is called John, when that's Ishmael's legal first name, with jack being an alternate name.
Now this is a fucking heart breaking choice. In the end though i think i would have to go with .

[ ] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.

It just seems like both the most in character thing to do and the most Metal Gear thing to do. I mean think it about it, Ahab is selfless to a fault and i just can't see him letting Ishmael go off to his death. Through the entirety of the prologue Ahab's major theme has been redemption and how he sees the best in people and believes anyone can be redeemed. I feel like we would be spitting on that if we decided to leave Jack hear instead of trying to save him, when you get right down to it that's just not what a Hero would do. This all began because John wanted to save Jack, his brother in all but blood, and that has not changed. So we'll save him, we'll save our brother whether he wants us to or not.

If Jack want's to atone then he can do so by living, not by taking the easy way out and dying in one last blaze of glory.

He wants John to leave him here and let him finish this because he thinks John is better then him, he thinks that when you get right down to it he doesn't deserve the title of Big Boss, and that this is the only way he can earn even a shred or redemption, and as John has already said before he's wrong. He may have lost his way for a time but he's still Big Boss, a soldier of Outer Heaven, and we are to. And that's why well save him, not because he's better then us, not because he's the original, but because were Big Boss and Big Boss never leaves a soldier behind.
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W-what is this running down my face, is it tears? Goshdarnit konamikode you are actually making me cry. I-i don't know who to chose, how can I choose when they all deserve to live.
The Boss is done her story is complete, bringing her back would just feel wrong.

Ishmael fucked up, he knows he did. This is him trying to make up for mistakes, he dies and passes his hopes and dreams to the man whose life he stole.

Eli isn't ready for this, he may be a good soldier and a skilled but he's not on Big Bosses level, not yet.

Ahab had his life, his past stolen from him. And yet he still strove forward towards the future and away from the revenge, moving on with his life and trying to build Motherbase in to the true Outer Heaven. And honestly I feel he got the closest.
Why's everyone saying there's four choices? I only see the two for which Big Boss to play as. This isn't me being sarcastic, I really do see just two options to vote for. Where's the other two?
Now this is a fucking heart breaking choice. In the end though i think i would have to go with .

[ ] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.

It just seems like both the most in character thing to do and the most Metal Gear thing to do.

As this is still technically the tutorial, I can say that this is the canon choice.

Also something relevant.

Who here remembers spending hours fighting the Boss in MGS3 and trying to get the fucking CQC timing right?

Why's everyone saying there's four choices? I only see the two for which Big Boss to play as. This isn't me being sarcastic, I really do see just two options to vote for. Where's the other two?

Got changed.

Originally we could have sent Boss back or had everyone stay and have Eli be our legacy.

Now it's down to who gets to be the hero who saves the world and who gets to be the hero who saves the other.
As this is still technically the tutorial, I can say that this is the canon choice.

Also something relevant.

Who here remembers spending hours fighting the Boss in MGS3 and trying to get the fucking CQC timing right?

got it on my third try.

I guess we have to consider that ahab has shrapnel still in his skull that could take him out at any point.

Let's not make quiet cry peoples. We have loved ones to get back to.
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Honestly, from what I can see, before the zombies, the Diamond Dogs had become a completely different organization. Sure, they were soldiers without borders. Sure they were still going up against dangerous enemies and into fucked up situations. They were doing stuff, but they'd shaken off MSF and were starting to have fun with it. They played up the image, basked in the hero worship, and lived the dream of every young boy to be the knights in shining armor that the world needs but sorely lacks. They weren't just soldiers anymore. They were heroes.

And I think that's exactly what valkyria chronicles needs.

A big damn hero.

And his posse of meddling do gooders.
got it on my third try.

I guess we have to consider that ahab has shrapnel still in his skull that could take him out at any point.

It hasent been an issue throughout part V and he stays alive for at least 2-3 more decades as he in the OTL fights Solid snake not once but twice. And survived biting burnt to cinders and just kinda walked it off.

The sharpnail is not a concern
Also ragnite could probably do what modern medicine can't.

That stuff brings people back from the brink of death all the time, it's probably how VC troops get away with all those suicidal charges and formation fighting.
Out of curiosity, how would your characters react too either choice?

To me Belligerent Swan wouldn't take Ahab's death too well, he's the one who Swan chose to follow, the only one in Swan's mind worthy of the title 'Big Boss'. He wouldn't refer to Ishmael as Boss because of what he did to Ahab. But Swan would still follow him because that's what his boss would have wanted him to do.
Dilligent Bumblebee would have no idea any sort of switch had even happened. She never got that memo about Ahab not being Ishmael.

I imagine she'd notice the non prosthetic hand and lack of shrapnel embedded in the bosses face. Then again that can just be explained by "Big Boss" so yeah.

[X] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

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Dilligent Bumblebee would have no idea any sort of switch had even happened. She never got that memo about Ahab not being Ishmael.
I imagine she'd notice the non prosthetic hand and lack of shrapnel embedded in the bosses face. Then again that can just be explained by "Big Boss" so yeah.

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There is no way Ishmael would just pretend that Ahab's death never happened. He would announce it for everyone at MB to know and the fallout wouldn't be pretty.