Now this is a fucking heart breaking choice. In the end though i think i would have to go with .
[ ] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.
It just seems like both the most in character thing to do and the most Metal Gear thing to do. I mean think it about it, Ahab is selfless to a fault and i just can't see him letting Ishmael go off to his death. Through the entirety of the prologue Ahab's major theme has been redemption and how he sees the best in people and believes anyone can be redeemed. I feel like we would be spitting on that if we decided to leave Jack hear instead of trying to save him, when you get right down to it that's just not what a Hero would do. This all began because John wanted to save Jack, his brother in all but blood, and that has not changed. So we'll save him, we'll save our brother whether he wants us to or not.
If Jack want's to atone then he can do so by living, not by taking the easy way out and dying in one last blaze of glory.
He wants John to leave him here and let him finish this because he thinks John is better then him, he thinks that when you get right down to it he doesn't deserve the title of Big Boss, and that this is the only way he can earn even a shred or redemption, and as John has already said before he's wrong. He may have lost his way for a time but he's still Big Boss, a soldier of Outer Heaven, and we are to. And that's why well save him, not because he's better then us, not because he's the original, but because were Big Boss and Big Boss never leaves a soldier behind.