Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

We put this off once already, I really wanna get this out of the way.
Basically, it's the difference between an event that has had no instory presence happening in meta time (because there has been nothing about it instory), and something we have already had a timeline for in the story itself.

Mother told us Turn 1 that she is sending people to the sect, it's not something she never told us. Them arriving now makes sense, and there is only so much time it can be stretched.

Li Suyin told us that she had filed the paperwork turn 1, and Ling Qi told her 'please can I come with you'. Last turn, iirc, she told us she was now looking for the last tools and getting ready to go. This is not meta time because it has already happened.

Li suyin's delving is important to her core pillmaking, unlike Xuan Shi's temple which is unlikely to be a core Xuan secret he needs to do.

As such, if we don't go with her, she is likely to do it alone.
I don't think you argument is unreasonable, but i don't think it present a compelling necessity, which is what it would take for me to ignore author fiat regarding social votes overall. Still, if it is your genuine belief that Li Suyin's expedition has meaningful odds of either not happening or happening without us if we don't vote for it here, I won't begrudge you that vote.

EDIT: Though if you come at it from that POV, I have to go back to wondering what the **** people were thinking voting for Shen Hu last month...
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Ling Qingge: Your new household is arriving from Tonghou, perhaps you should put in an appearance and see how your Mother is handling things?
I don't think you argument is unreasonable, but i don't think it present a compelling necessity, which is what it would take for me to ignore author fiat regarding social votes overall. Still, if it is your genuine belief that Li Suyin's expedition has meaningful odds of either not happening or happening without us if we don't vote for it here, I won't begrudge you that vote.

EDIT: Though if you come at it from that POV, I have to go back to wondering what the **** people were thinking voting for Shen Hu last month...
For Shen Hu, it's because we did the guy that does explore with the plan that does explore. Beside that, it's a question of give. There is more give when we have just been told Li Suyin has filed in the paperwork for her delving, rather than 2 months later.

Also, while I do think there is a risk that Suyin does the delving without us, it's not even the point. The point is that Ling Qi flat out already promised Suyin if she would come with, while Xuan Shi hasn't asked her yet. It's the difference between a promise already done and someone who hasn't yet asked us anything.
I have confidence in Ling Qi's mother's ability to manage the household, and I would rather give the servants some time to settle down and get acclimated to their new roles and responsibilities before we show up.
This is... kinda not the point of that vote I don't think?

We aren't going to be involved in management at all. That should go without saying. As @Katreus noted on discord, it's more about showing that she's not scared or ashamed (thus addressing the political issues we talked about with Cai), and, to some degree, confronting her own fears about it. It's also about establishing herself and her presence to the household to try to ensure loyalty. These people left their homes and went all the way to the Sect and the border to work for us. Having the lord greet you personally is going to make you feel much happier and safer about it.

There are actually very good reasons to take this option, especially if people care about the goals they brought up when we voted for it to happen originally.

I don't think you argument is unreasonable, but i don't think it present a compelling necessity, which is what it would take for me to ignore author fiat regarding social votes overall. Still, if it is your genuine belief that Li Suyin's expedition has meaningful odds of either not happening or happening without us if we don't vote for it here, I won't begrudge you that vote.

EDIT: Though if you come at it from that POV, I have to go back to wondering what the **** people were thinking voting for Shen Hu last month...
Suyin's explicit timeline was that the paperwork needed to be filed, and she was working on the first batch of argent meridian tools with them projected to be finished in Month 2. Thus, the expedition happening Month 3 makes sense. Delaying it further however gets narratively weird and has character implications.

Shen Hu fit perfectly in with us doing exploration and getting to know him last month. It was reasonable and fit with the timeline for Suyin to not be done Month 2.

Xuan Shi however is the only option here that could actually just not be here at all and it would make sense.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
When it says "see how your Mother is handling things?" it makes me feel like we are unsure if she is capable and are checking in "just in case". If the vote was put in an appearance and support her I wouldn't be so against the vote.

If she is an option for the end of month vote, I wouldn't be against checking in after they have been settled in though.
I don't think you argument is unreasonable, but i don't think it present a compelling necessity, which is what it would take for me to ignore author fiat regarding social votes overall. Still, if it is your genuine belief that Li Suyin's expedition has meaningful odds of either not happening or happening without us if we don't vote for it here, I won't begrudge you that vote.

EDIT: Though if you come at it from that POV, I have to go back to wondering what the **** people were thinking voting for Shen Hu last month...

You are right that the promise and most other arguments applied to turn 2 too. And I think we should have voted for her that time too (Its why i voted for it then, and why i will continue to vote for her until we do it)
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
Also, while I do think there is a risk that Suyin does the delving without us, it's not even the point. The point is that Ling Qi flat out already promised Suyin if she would come with, while Xuan Shi hasn't asked her yet. It's the difference between a promise already done and someone who hasn't yet asked us anything.
That wouldn't occur in-character. Meta-time is a purely OOC thing; Ling Qi isn't thinking about her schedule and going "it would be convenient for me to go on a temple dive with Xuan Shi this month" and then magically getting an invitation a day later. What is happening (if we vote for Xuan Shi) is that Ling Qi gets an invitation, and THEN decides what to do with it.

Ling Qi never makes a choice between a promise she made and something that she hasn't been asked yet; she is making choices between things she has been asked.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

I've been convinced. This one benefits from being done sooner, much moreso than Shi.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

He's helped us out and never been repayed so time to start on that backlog

[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

Is it bad that I'm still kinda hoping for a turtle-y husbando?

Yes :p

But only because bestest genderfluid shapeshifting Moon Muse husbando is obviously superior :3
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
That wouldn't occur in-character. Meta-time is a purely OOC thing; Ling Qi isn't thinking about her schedule and going "it would be convenient for me to go on a temple dive with Xuan Shi this month" and then magically getting an invitation a day later. What is happening (if we vote for Xuan Shi) is that Ling Qi gets an invitation, and THEN decides what to do with it.

Ling Qi never makes a choice between a promise she made and something that she hasn't been asked yet; she is making choices between things she has been asked.
Yes, so how about we arrange things so that Ling Qi isn't ditching Suyin for Xuan Shi.

Like, arranging the options:
  • Suyin: ditching mom and new servants
  • Mother: ditching Suyin
  • Xuan Shi: ditching Suyin and Mother
One of these options is not the same as the others...
Dunno. I feel like the Ling Qingge option is kind of micro-manage-y. When the CAO drops in to see the new hires, the new hires tend to get stressed out. Let them settle in and catch up with Qi-Mom before dropping in.

Sidenote: if CRX is CEO, that would make us the CAO or CIO, and we can rope Xuan Shi into being CTO again.
Dunno. I feel like the Ling Qingge option is kind of micro-manage-y. When the CAO drops in to see the new hires, the new hires tend to get stressed out. Let them settle in and catch up with Qi-Mom before dropping in.

Sidenote: if CRX is CEO, that would make us the CAO or CIO, and we can rope Xuan Shi into being CTO again.

Literally says nothing about LQ managing anything. But OK.
[x] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
Yes, so how about we arrange things so that Ling Qi isn't ditching Suyin for Xuan Shi.

Like, arranging the options:
  • Suyin: ditching mom and new servants
  • Mother: ditching Suyin
  • Xuan Shi: ditching Suyin and Mother
One of these options is not the same as the others...
I've answered this already.
I don't think you argument is unreasonable, but i don't think it present a compelling necessity, which is what it would take for me to ignore author fiat regarding social votes overall.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

I really want more turtle boi interaction, but it does make sense to put off a month.:cry:
[] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

e: Changed to tortleboy later.
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[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

I want to combine zhengui and xuan shi
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

Since Xuan's action can be done at any time, this seems like the best option. Out of these 3 social contacts, I'm worried about her the most. Xuan seems to have his life in order, and Ling Qingge's lived through more trouble than meeting her old friends again and getting them in order. We have nothing in our skillset that really helps us in setting up a household, so we'll mostly end up awkwardly talking to people. There MIGHT be some kind of plot hook hidden among the incoming crowd, but that's a bit meta and unreliable compared to the obvious help Li Suyin get shiny treasure option. Also, we don't have any real connection to the incoming workers and might not ever due to the difference in lifespans.