Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
our event is dependant on hdw/cde.
I could see a dependence on Curious Diviner's Eye, yes - but we aren't training that this month, and it is unknown whether we would be training it next month and if so whether we would get the art advancement earlier than we do the event.

As for Harmony of the Dancing Wind... it could be of help, yes. The first level doesn't give us anything meaningfully applicable, but further levels might. I still think it is less valuable than the benefit we get for combat to the combat exploration, but it is something at least.

Let us not be the gal who made an appoitment (twice!) With her friend but ditch her to do it alone so she can see a pretty boy.
So you would rather be the gal that is constantly asking for favors and then begs off to spend time with her friends the first time she gets asked to help with something in return?
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
Triggers for social links don't happen until they're chosen. Xuan Shi will call in the favour if and only if we choose his option, otherwise he won't ask until the next vote where the process repeats. If you want to do Li Syuin's expedition first, go ahead.
OTOT, Li Suyin actually had two different times Ling Qi asked her to come with.

The one we have actually made an obligation to here isn't Xuan Shi.
I'm going for Xuan precisely BECAUSE Zhengui is still going through his puberty nap.

I want to show Xuan Shipping* we view him as more than a source of turtle facts.

*that was autocorrect, but I'm keeping it.

[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Feb 4, 2019 at 3:51 PM, finished with 119 posts and 84 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Feb 4, 2019 at 3:51 PM, finished with 120 posts and 84 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Feb 5, 2019 at 2:17 AM, finished with 246 posts and 141 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by OneArmedYeti on Feb 5, 2019 at 4:09 AM, finished with 252 posts and 141 votes.
I could see a dependence on Curious Diviner's Eye, yes - but we aren't training that this month, and it is unknown whether we would be training it next month and if so whether we would get the art advancement earlier than we do the event.

As for Harmony of the Dancing Wind... it could be of help, yes. The first level doesn't give us anything meaningfully applicable, but further levels might. I still think it is less valuable than the benefit we get for combat to the combat exploration, but it is something at least.

So you would rather be the gal that is constantly asking for favors and then begs off to spend time with her friends the first time she gets asked to help with something in return?
She wasn't actually asked.

OTOH, she did make sure to ask Suyin to be with her for this.

One is not the other here.

Both HDW, CDE and Zhengui are key to Xuan Shi bonding event. HDW already give significant help, and we are almost certain to have CDE4 equipped, at least, next turn.
We have only trained CDE to level 1 so far, we were going to spend more next month. Same with SCS which would also help with the exploration.
How do you know that we are going to train CDE next month? We have a good deal of other important things to work on, whether that is Physical and Spiritual cultivation, work on more long-standing arts like TRF/SCS/PLR, opening or compressing meridians, or doing sect missions and challenges.

As for SCS, the next level is a combat application; it doesn't really help much in terms of utility.
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Some interesting insights from the bloody diplomat. A nice follow up on the resolve formed in the challenge.

[x] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

Mum seems the most interesting but Shi's been good to us and it's important to repay favours.
Ughh... I'm so conflicted.

On one hand, I've been struggling to write an omake regarding our household staff for over a month now, and with this social, I could get the information that I need to finish it. On the other hand, with this social, I might not need to write the omake which would hurt my motivation to write it and I'll just move on to another idea that I've got percolating in my skull.

I do hate having a favor that hasn't been cashed in on. By choosing the Xuan Shi social the favor could be cashed in and then I won't feel compelled to take his social every single time it pops up. However, if we wait just a bit longer, we will have some more potent tools to deal with the temple and we could get even better rewards.

I would love to do the Li Suyin mission as she is a good friend who would be greatly helped by having more, and better, research material to work with for her studies. However, the longer we wait on this one the stronger both Li Suyin and Ling Qi will be so that we can go even deeper down and get better stuff.

So many good options, so many desires, so little opportunity.

On another note, Liao Zhu is currently ranked 3 in the entire inner sect. Which means that we are receiving instruction from an individual in the top .01% of the inner sect. It's fantastic that we caught this individual's eye and he is willing to instruct in this. I'm sure that the Inner Sect has other officers in the Scout and Skirmish division to teach us but for some reason, Liao Zhu was chosen/volunteered to instruct us. I highly doubt that it was by random chance.

Moon Patrons sure do open up some surprising and unexpected doors for networking.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
I could see a dependence on Curious Diviner's Eye, yes - but we aren't training that this month, and it is unknown whether we would be training it next month and if so whether we would get the art advancement earlier than we do the event.

As for Harmony of the Dancing Wind... it could be of help, yes. The first level doesn't give us anything meaningfully applicable, but further levels might. I still think it is less valuable than the benefit we get for combat to the combat exploration, but it is something at least.

So you would rather be the gal that is constantly asking for favors and then begs off to spend time with her friends the first time she gets asked to help with something in return?

note that he only calls in the favor the turn we vote for it. That was said during the last vote and i doubt this has changed now
This update was fantastic.

Scout and Skirmish is where I would have put LQ, and it's a good reason to keep up our stealth skills even if we don't slot all that many.

Where Ling Qi supplemented her movement with minor boosts of flight, Liao Zhu simply seemed to blur from one outcropping or scraggly tree to the next.

Looks like either an advanced Athletics skill or he's simply that fast. Or both; could easily be both.

though she had come to terms with it somewhat could she really be relied upon in danger.

Ah, she's still nervous; of course she is. It hasn't been that long, and she hasn't really faced it.

Liao Zhu is either the best person she could be talking to or the worst.

Justice is also cruel."

"It shouldn't be," Ling Qi replied stubbornly.

"Hah, well spoken,"

Justice is blind, and bears a scale. The scale takes no context into account; all it works to do is become even once more.

Justice must be tempered with compassion, understanding, and sincerity.

Justice is decided by those with power, if you wish to make it align with your vision, then do so with your own hands, your own words. Convince those around you that your justice is correct. A great spirit cannot change, it can only BE changed."

"...You really are arrogant, Senior Brother," Ling Qi replied, perhaps it was the vein of music twisting through her spirit, or perhaps it was the clear sight given her by Argent Mirror, but she could feel his sincerity. Liao Zhu sincerely intended to change the nature of a great spirit.

He's absolutely right about how Great Spirits are made and 'adjusted'. That he plans to Ascend to make such a change can only be commended.

It also fits with the Moons he choose - Bloody, Reflecting, Reflecting, and is also why he was actually a good choice to bring this up. The Reflecting Moons do cover diplomacy.

No doubt of his arrogance, well deserved though it seems to be.

Then again, maybe you needed that kind of arrogance, to reach the peak of cultivation.

It almost seems like a requirement.

I do like this guy, and I have few doubts that we'll be working with him when we're out of the Sect - whether he stays within it or not, really.

Something about not allowing us to 'languish in mediocrity'. I think we might be getting an advancement for something out of this...


I can also see why this turn is going to be busy; this is almost the equivalent of 'free' Core tutoring, no matter that Zhu is still Green - or at least, he still seems to be Green; there is no indication to the contrary here. Probably at Green 8 now though.

And that's on top of the two planned 'vote for this' 'bond advancements', Sixiang's bond advancement, and the challenge research that went through.

Even at only ~four updates per Arc, we've got at least five Arcs, which is twenty updates.

As far as bonds go, the only bond that is currently time-critical appears to be meeting with our new retainers - a good first impression of 'the boss' can only help, I think.

We'll do better down in the depths with both Zhengui and more advanced everything allowing us to go farther and kill more things, while we'll do better in the tomb raiding excursion with higher levels of CDE.

[X] Ling Qingge: Your new household is arriving from Tonghou, perhaps you should put in an appearance and see how your Mother is handling things?

Edit: forgot about Sixiang's automatic advancement this turn, which puts at somewhere around five arcs, instead of four. Yikes.
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[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

Kinda want to train CDE more before we do Xuan Shi's thing.

"I tried so many times for a satisfying outcome, and always failed."

Instant brownie points from me, Mr. Liao. Because there just has to be some way to avert catastrophes before they spill over and kill thousands. Some clever trick to flip the table and change the game.

There just has to be, right?

Ling Qi knew better than to ask what the point had been then. She knew that there wasn't one. "It was cruel and pointless to show me that," Ling Qi replied. "She stopped my spirit from giving me context, and berated me at the end, despite saying that there was no lesson, why?"

"Vengeance is cruel," Liao Zhu replied with a lazy shrug.

"She's not just supposed to be vengeance," Ling Qi replied, her voice snappish.

Laio Zhu's eyes wrinkled behind his mask, and she knew he was smiling. "Justice is a wholly artificial thing. It is born from order. It cannot care about the happiness of the individual, else it be perverted. Justice is also cruel."

"It shouldn't be," Ling Qi replied stubbornly.

"Hah, well spoken," he laughed. "I do not disagree, to a point, but that is the purpose, despite there being no inherent lesson, you know? Would you even ask yourself these questions, without the bloody reality forced into your face? Justice is decided by those with power, if you wish to make it align with your vision, then do so with your own hands, your own words. Convince those around you that your justice is correct. A great spirit cannot change, it can only BE changed."

One of the purposes of justice is to satisfy people's desire for vengeance, so they do not try to enact it themselves and disrupt the common order. All of this is cruel, and doesn't particularly care about individuals, but if that is true, then you are simply going to have to fix it with your actions and your words. The larger point the Bloody Moon is making with that Dream is a really good one, as Zhu is explaining here.

Liao Zhu Bond Acquired, rank 1


[] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
[] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[] Ling Qingge: Your new household is arriving from Tonghou, perhaps you should put in an appearance and see how your Mother is handling things?

Once again three choices that I want.

Qingge is the one with probably the lowest benefit to us as a cultivator, but it would be nice to be there as the Clan Head. As Ren has reminded us, they are our household now.

Suyin has obvious benefits to us getting that meridian aid, which will probably be quite useful if we wish to start expanding again.

And the Xuan Shi SL remains important, being an order from our liege. As Yrs has said, this is a bit of a meta vote, and if Xuan Shi isn't chosen, then he doesn't call in that favor this month. Unless something has changed, we don't have to worry that we're not paying back the favor or making him wait.
[X] Ling Qingge: Your new household is arriving from Tonghou, perhaps you should put in an appearance and see how your Mother is handling things?
More seriously with regards to Suyin, there are a lot of reasons to do Suyin now and Xuan Shi later.

1) Xuan Shi's favor exists in meta-time. Yrs before said that he would call it in whenever we voted it, it's not like we're ignoring him.
2) This is Li Suyin's primary project and not getting the ingredients is causing a serious roadblock to her every month of delay.
3) Ling Qi is in the midst of a crisis about where she draws the line for her friends. To help her resolve this in a dangerous situation, we don't want a vague line again with acquaintance Xuan Shi, but a clear line with her good friend Li Suyin.
4) Xuan Shi's event is likely to be more interesting with Zhengui awake, and likely to go better with a more fully trained CDE that we don't need to sideboard to equip (whisper whisper CDE 4 next month.) Ling Qi is likely worse or similar skill at diving through a puzzle trap dungeon than Xuan Shi so its important we be set to do well.
5) On the other hand Ling Qi massively outclasses Li Suyin in the realm of fighting large numbers of mobs in a confined space, and Ling Qi helping her at any point is going to be a huge, irreplaceable help. We can have a huge positive impact on the Suyin event now, as opposed to struggling to succeed with the Xuan Shi event now.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.

No strong feeling on this, where is Icemom and the Snowball?, but the action with Li Suyin is something we have talked with her about before.
Is it bad that I'm still kinda hoping for a turtle-y husbando?
yes, because you are only kinda hoping it. TURTLE HUSBANDO GET!

[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
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[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

Mostly so that he can know for sure that she would fulfill her dues. And because I not sure if this is time sensitive to him.
Moon!Abbs is back! Perhaps Ling Qi might actually get her greedy hands on Sable Moon's Veil...

[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
[X] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.