Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Thing to remember though is that these arts all finish up in Green 3.

We're looking at at least green 4 for the tournament.

Really good stuff like MNO we kinda don't actually want to get from Archive 1 :(

Or, we could get stuff like MNO...and then pick up a successor art in Archive 2
tfw the two arts you dislike the most out of Ling Qi's current grab bag are SES and EANP, and the main showdown seems to be a VS battle between them.


Yeah, this month is heavily pushing music to reach Foundation by turn 5 rather than turn 6.

And that means that it simply isn't optimal to train our non-music Arts.


If I wasn't just plain exhausted (too tired to sleep, thinking slowed way down), I'd probably do a plan that pushed Music off for a month and aimed for similar goals otherwise, but all of those apply.

Haven't had a break from work in almost a month, now. Ick.

Anyway, training SCS, PLR, CDE, or IMH without EPC 7 is 10-20 dice difference per AP, meaning it takes an extra AP to guarantee those.

So the Arts we could train month 3 without 'wasting' an AP or missing out on +80 Music dice are... TRF. Lol, okay then, really? Almost all of our Yang Arts are either Moon (PLR, IMH) or Music (CDE, SES, and EANP) and pretty much everything else is Yin!

It's inefficient to do anything but Music this month! Damn math and efficiency, anyway.

Thing to remember though is that these arts all finish up in Green 3.

We're looking at at least green 4 for the tournament.

Really good stuff like MNO we kinda don't actually want to get from Archive 1 :(

The best MNO equivalent to get would be... a successor to MNO. MNO is fantastic, a direct successor would be better.

And it's outright better to know the previous Art/s when obtaining a successor, if you can even learn the successor without them.

Unfortunately that isn't the sort of thing we can easily find out ahead of time.

And that part was ninja'd.

Edit: and by the original party, too. :/
To be frank, if ENAP has whet our interest for what summon arts can offer us, then what we really want to is go for a proper look for summon arts in Archive 2.

Something like summons, music, dance in order to get a full array of summon options for us.

For our immediate needs however we kinda want something like SES.

... Though I guess if we get ENAP it means we almost have to go for MNO next turn.
I'm not particularly interested in an other challenge right now, i much rather have it happen after we gotten our power spike and since i like Night Parade the most our of the new Arts i'll go with

[X] Drugged-Fueled Musical Battle Royale

[X] Battle Royale Skills
So, I was thinking, as almost no one is voting yet, let's go and make a plan to split the vote further.

This plan will be like 'Music Month' plan, but will lower the odds of getting FVM8 (88% 66% instead of 100%) in order to get SES4 (100% instead of 3%). The reason for doing that is twofolds:
  • I am really hyped about SES and want to learn what SES5 capstone gives (which we will see if we get SES4)
  • Under the new skill system, failing to get FVM8 is not as harsh as it means getting keyword bonus for Manipulation/Music/Composure turn 4
So here we go:

[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
-[X] Invest 8 GSS, also use 8 free YSS
-[X] Medium Pills (free)
-[X] Buy and use Unwavering Discipline Pill (30 SP) and Melodic Elixir (60 SP) (Total 90 SP)
-[X] EPC bonus XP into Physical
-[X] Physical Cultivation x2
-[X] EPC x4
-[X] FSS x4
-[X] FVM x2
-[X] HDW x3
-[X] SES x4
-[X] Challenge Research x1
-[X] New default Art loadout: de-equip AE, AM, AS, FZ, FSA; equip HDW, SES

[X] Plan Music Month
Approval voting woohoo

For people who are worried for FVM, high pill version:
[X] Plan CRX won't bully Druggie Ling Qi with her dispels anymore
-[X] Invest 8 GSS, also use 8 free YSS
-[X] High Pills (475 RSS)
-[X] Buy and use Unwavering Discipline Pill (30 SP) and Melodic Elixir (60 SP) (Total 90 SP)
-[X] EPC bonus XP into Physical
-[X] Physical Cultivation x2
-[X] EPC x4
-[X] FSS x4
-[X] FVM x2
-[X] HDW x3
-[X] SES x4
-[X] Challenge Research x1
-[X] New default Art loadout: de-equip AE, AM, AS, FZ, FSA; equip HDW, SES

[] Battle Royale Skills
-[] Manipulation* 3, Presence* 3, Composure* 2 (16 points)
-[] War 3, Perceptiveness** 3, Fortitude 3, Resilience* 3, Fade 3, Empathy* 3 (18 points)
-[] Woodwind* 3 (6 points)

Note: * denotes +1 to skill dice from Keyword and/or Silent Stones, should both these plans win.

[X] Skill plan: Sweetly Social Songs
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I'm not particularly interested in an other challenge right now, i much rather have it happen after we gotten our power spike and since i like Night Parade the most our of the new Arts i'll go with
I'd point out that if we challenge it will be done after our training, so we will have our power spike.

We still won't be ready for a stealth challenge, but combat should be fine.
[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
[X] Plan Music Month
[X] Battle Royale Skills

Anything that doesn't train EANP. Trash art with shitty summons that are also ugly as sin. No thanks.
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[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore

I don't really like SES but I dislike ENAP quite a lot so...
Come, I would like to discuss the thematics I would like you to incorporate for your performance at this months gathering"

Sixiang, silent until now started laughing, and Ling Qi's eyebrow twitched.

Haha, I bet Ling Qi never thought she'd be the PR person.

[X] Plan Music Month
[X] Battle Royale Skills
[x] Arkeus
Adhoc vote count started by Grigori on Jan 30, 2019 at 6:54 PM, finished with 7815 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Battle Royale Skills
    -[X] Manipulation* 3, Presence* 3, Composure* 2 (16 points)
    -[X] War* 3, Perceptiveness** 3, Fortitude 3, Resilience 3, Fade 3, Empathy* 3 (18 points)
    -[X] Woodwind* 3 (6 points)
    [X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
    -[X] Invest 8 GSS, also use 8 free YSS
    -[X] Medium Pills (free)
    -[X] Buy and use Unwavering Discipline Pill (30 SP) and Melodic Elixir (60 SP) (Total 90 SP)
    -[X] EPC bonus XP into Physical
    -[X] Physical Cultivation x2
    -[X] EPC x4
    -[X] FSS x4
    -[X] FVM x2
    -[X] HDW x3
    -[X] SES x4
    -[X] Challenge Research x1
    -[X] New default Art loadout: de-equip AE, AM, AC, AS, FZ, FSA; equip HDW, SES
    [X] Drugged-Fueled Musical Battle Royale
    -[X] Invest 8 GSS, also use 8 free YSS
    -[X] Medium Pills (free)
    -[X] Buy and use Unwavering Discipline Pill (30 SP) and Melodic Elixir (60 SP) (Total 90 SP)
    -[X] EPC bonus XP into Spiritual
    -[X] Physical Cultivation x2
    -[X] EPC x4
    -[X] FSS x4
    -[X] FVM x3
    -[X] HDW x3
    -[X] EANP x4
    -[X] New default Art loadout: de-equip AE, AM, AC, FZ; equip HDW, EANP
    [X] Plan Music Month
    -[X] Invest 8 GSS, also use 8 free YSS
    -[X] Medium Pills (free)
    -[X] Buy and use Unwavering Discipline Pill (30 SP) and Melodic Elixir (60 SP) (Total 90 SP)
    -[X] EPC bonus XP into Physical
    -[X] Physical Cultivation x2
    -[X] EPC x4
    -[X] FSS x4
    -[X] FVM x3
    -[X] HDW x3
    -[X] SES x3
    -[X] Challenge Research x1
    -[X] New default Art loadout: de-equip AE, AM, AC, AS, FZ, FSA; equip HDW, SES
    [X] Grind stealth until Cai re-revaluates you.
    [X]Plan Harmonic Convergence
    -[X] Invest 8 GSS, also use 8 free YSS
    -[X] Medium Pills (free)
    -[X] Buy and use Unwavering Discipline Pill (30 SP) and Melodic Elixir (60 SP) (Total 90 SP)
    -[X] EPC bonus XP into Physical
    -[X] Physical Cultivation x2
    -[X] EPC x4
    -[X] FSS x4
    -[X] FVM x3
    -[X] HDW x3
    -[X] EANP x3
    -[X]Challenge research 1
    -[X] New default Art loadout: de-equip AE, AM, FZ(and AC if necessary for meridians); equip HDW, EANP
[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
[X] Battle Royale Skills

Funny thing about SES vis a vis CRX. Her dispel prevents the Art from being used for the next turn, while SES allows the technique to remain for a turn.

So, in theory we could maintain a given technique with only brief moments here and there of losing it.

Should be interesting to see the change.
You know, after talking with Cai about Ling Qi's music skill, it's kinda funny she's going nuts with it for a month before getting back to her regular cultivation mix. Like Ling Qi just went "shit, better get good party music" and picked up some extra music arts.
[X] Plan CRX won't bully us with her dispels anymore
[X] Battle Royale Skills

Why are we using only free pills?
Also why we don't train Wits on turn 3?
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