[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Ouch, well we need to hit 100 for basic body modification. Looking at our info we also need more changer (180 total) for advanced body modification. Good thing is we are likely 8 days away from finishing faster research 2 which gives time to collect more info but we do need to do that.

Of course because of that I really want to keep any changes to trainwreck to a minimum as we have better places to spend our information.

Edit- and we can always 'second' trigger him later on once we have more info income coming in.
Trainwreck also needs some breaker/changer data to support his inhuman biology. If we only give him tinker data he'll just die. Faultline is a good choice, and with hise senses it will let us keep an eye on them. I still think we should try for a host in every faction.
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Trainwreck also needs some breaker/changer data to support his inhuman biology. If we only give him tinker data he'll just die. Faultline is a good choice, and with hise senses it will let us keep an eye on them. I still think we should try for a host in every faction.
We have 313 Breaker info (or 113 depending on which number is incorrect) but only 87 Changer info. @Vhalidictes, how much Breaker and Changer info does Trainwreck need to survive?
A lot probably. Shadow Stalker is a breaker, and she can only actively maintain that form for short periods of time. Probably 80 to 100 data for a 4 or 5. Legend is an OP Cauldron Chester who is living light, constantly reverting wounds, high rating. So for a permanent breaker state, at least 120 rating 6. 160 rating 8 if we want to be sure. I could be wrong though.

Lower maybe since it's such s shitty breaker state, no limbs.

Steampunk trash tinker with permanent trash/scrap breaker state integrated with his own tech. That's at least a tinker/breaker 5 I think
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Technically, we also finished Human Biology a day ahead of schedule. This is one day I'm asking for, one. I have a free Omake I can spend this turn, and I'm willing to spend it on going towards Stabalize Trigger.

Also, I think if your information doesn't pertain, it would just get less points, not none, so you'd probably still hit the daily average (or what it was before it had a 1 in 6 chance to explode).

Okay, Swap has no personality, can't have one, and has no security features. We didn't get to that yet before getting stuck.
What if we had Swap open up all the ports, including Mass and Energy, to Clone? Clone would eat it, right?
My one worry is that this is described as a good feeling.

Maybe put it off until we can infect Swap with a Meme to lock down Clone for repairs after it consumes Swap?
That was we could contain it before it gets a taste for Shardflesh.

I feel I should point out that at this time, Trainwreck is, I believe, a complete unknown. He hasn't been picked up by any teams yet.

We could literally give him a dream of Panacea healing him and telling him to never tell of it, so realistic he thought it was real.
As long as we get rid of the Cauldron mark, no one would ever need know who he was.
I'd worry about Cauldron tracking him. But frankly from what I know about them there management of him would rely on the Path and mental programming. Both of which we can dance around.
We have 313 Breaker info (or 113 depending on which number is incorrect) but only 87 Changer info. @Vhalidictes, how much Breaker and Changer info does Trainwreck need to survive?
This really depends on a lot of things. In a very general sense, given what shape he's in and how his powers work currently, it's about 100 of both.

EDIT: I fixed the character sheet. I was trying to show daily gains, but instead made it more confusing. I also misplaced 100 Breaker information, we have the correct amount now.
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[x] Plan Salvage
-[x] Stun Prosthetic, see if that wakes it up.
-[x] If it doesn't, eat it. Be extra careful around the active power - you're gonna want to maintain that, or recreate it as closely as you can if that fails.

[x] Plan Administrator, Administrate!
-[x] Order Charge to formate the sentient Shard and then assimilate it.
-[x] Monitor the situation. If things look like they're going wrong, stun Charge and format the sentient portion.

[x] Plan Economy Intensifies
-[x] Use the open research slot to work on Faster Research 2.
[X] Stop messing with Charge for now - leave her alone.

[X] Plan "Minion"
-[X] Attempt to shock Prosthetics back online.
-[X] If that fails, write over with a non-sapient functional shard, missing the components necessary to create it's own personality, and with complete trust lock-down to only ourselves.
--[X] Give it Dream Master, ability to share dreams we set up and upload to it.
--[X] Have it stream share sense with ourselves and the non-sapient Shards we already know are safe to share senses with.
--[X] Have it contact and upload all data it collects this way to us, daily. As well as log of Host activities for the day.
-[X] Vote on power it enacts under our orders separately.

[X] Send Trainwreck a dream where he thinks he's woken up to hear a couple of people nearby talking about going to Faultline's club, the Palanquin. One of them should wonder about the ethics of going to a club run by a mercenary. The other responds that at least her crew doesn't kill people like the gangs do. Plus, she takes in "those weird mutated capes with no memories".

[X] Plan "Support Devices Specialization"
-[X] Use 160 Tinker info to give Trainwreck Tinker powers with a specialization towards devices that can be used to support people, either by boosting their physical abilities or by limiting them. The devices should have a steampunk theme whenever possible.
-[X] Use 150 Breaker and 50 Changer info to keep Trainwreck alive.

[X] Plan Taylor, Ducats
-[X] Give Taylor a nice night of sleep, show Taylor nice dreams, beach vacation, Christmas, doing something fun etc.
-[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Taylor for any anomalies.
-[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Veronica to see what "peak human" looks like and to get a bonus when researching Basic Host Modification (Human).

[X] Plan Shift V2
-[X] Check in with Shift to make sure things are going well and reassure her that you haven't forgotten her.
--[X] If she's upset that you didn't contact her yesterday, tell her it's because she's doing such a good job that she's becoming a more capable member of the pack.
-[X] Trade Shift 50 Master for 50 brute data. We need it to repair our hosts potential brain damage.
-[X] Loop shift into the data feed from Veronica, to pay it back for looping you into Sophia.

[X] Plan "Repair Protocols - Only Swap"
-[X] Continue Plan Repair Protocols for only Swap.

[X] Plan Negotiator + Ask about Twin
-[X] Contact Negotiator to let her know that you're currently evaluating the damaged Shards. You're just doing patch jobs for now while you figure out which Shards are salvageable.
--[X] Let her know that Emote has already been consumed because it was running low on Energy. Prosthetic reacted badly to the Standard Information Packet, but you have a plan!
--[X] One possible patch job you were considering is to put restrictions on Twin. Does she have any suggestions on that?

[X] Plan Don't Do That
-[X] Send Veronica a dream of her throwing a blast at someone that kills them because it was more powerful than expected.
--[X] Hopefully, this inspires her to test out her powers safely.

[X] Plan Don't Hurt Yourself
-[X] If we get brute data from shift, start Host Modification.
-[X] If not, start Stabilize Trigger.
-[X] Continue researching Focused Research.

I've edited the Prosthetic plan a bit to include Breaker and Changer info. If Taylor Triggers next update, then this will rule out some potential powers for her, but most of the powers involving Changer info required more than we had anyway. Shift is a good source for Breaker data for us, and I think only 1 or 2 plans required more than 250 Breaker info.

My reasoning for using up to 160 Tinker info is (1) parahumans tend to get info of the same type as their powers so preserving his Tinker powers makes him an ongoing source for Tinker info, and (2) we want him to have a good power that gets him into Faultline's Crew. If he joins with Faultline's Crew, we're likely to get Shaker info from Labyrinth's power usage and possibly info from the other members as well. I'm not sure exactly what determines the info collected because Telekinetic collected Thinker info last update while we didn't get Shaker info.

Edit: I've made a bunch of changes to this in case anyone was wondering.
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[] Stop messing with Charge for now - leave her alone.

[] Plan My Bad
-[] Eat Prosthetic and give Trainwreck useful Tinker powers with a maximum limit of 160 Tinker info, 150 Breaker info, and 50 Changer info and up to 50 more if gathered from Prosthetic.
-[] Send Trainwreck dreams to encourage him to join Faultline's Crew.

[] Power plan
-[] Multitasking.
-[] Breaker 150 + Changer 50 + up to Changer 50 provided by eating Prosthetic.
Power maintains Trainwrecks life in his inhuman form. Interacts with tinker power.
[X] Tinker 160. Vaguely steampunk style. Allows Trainwreck to build up from pretty much scraps and trash. Interacts with breaker power to integrate tech with his inhuman form.

[X] Plan "A Start Towards Fixing Taylor"
-[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Taylor for any anomalies.
-[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Veronica to see what "peak human" looks like and to get a bonus when researching Basic Host Modification (Human).
-[] Don't send Taylor a dream, but stop her nightmares so that she can rest peacefully.

[] Plan Shift
-[] Check in with Shift to make sure things are going well and reassure her that you haven't forgotten her.
--[] If she's upset that you didn't contact her yesterday, tell her it's because she's doing such a good job that she's becoming a more capable member of the pack.
-[] Trade Shift 50 Master for 50 brute data. We need it to repair our hosts potential brain damage.

[] Plan Negotiator
-[] Contact Negotiator to let her know that you're currently evaluating the damaged Shards. You're just doing patch jobs for now while you figure out which Shards are salvageable.
--[] Let her know that Emote has already been consumed because it was running low on Energy. Prosthetic reacted badly to the Standard Information Packet, but you have a plan!

[] Plan Don't Do That
-[] Send Veronica a dream of her throwing a blast at someone that kills them because it was more powerful than expected.
--[] Hopefully, this inspires her to test out her powers safely.

[] Plan Don't Hurt Yourself
-[] If we get brute data from shift, start Host Modification.
-[] If not, start Stabilize Trigger.
-[] Continue researching Focused Research.

I edited the Prosthetic power to allow for only up to 50 more data from his own reserves. Don't want to use it all if he has more.
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[X] Plan "A Start Towards Fixing Taylor"
-[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Taylor for any anomalies.
-[X] Use our new Human Biology research to scan Veronica to see what "peak human" looks like and to get a bonus when researching Basic Host Modification (Human).
-[X] Don't send Taylor a dream, but stop her nightmares so that she can rest peacefully.

[X] Plan Working Towards Trigger Research
-[X] Slot 1- Continue Focused Research 1
-[X] Slot 2- Start Faster Research 2

Quickest way to getting stabilize, stronger trigger and the two host modifications

Also guys do you want to change that to only applying changer, breaker and tinker info gained from Prosthetic, maybe with a note of as much as needed to keep his powers the same so that if we gain more info then we need in those categories we can keep the extra.
Also guys do you want to change that to only applying changer, breaker and tinker info gained from Prosthetic, maybe with a note of as much as needed to keep his powers the same so that if we gain more info then we need in those categories we can keep the extra.
I'm not sure that Prosthetic even has any info after wiping itself blank, but I added that in just in case. I made sure to put "maximum limit" so that hopefully we'll use less of Administrator's info if we do manage to get info from eating Prosthetic.

If you can think of a way to phrase it more clearly though, I can reword my vote.
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I'm thinking stabilize trigger is too important to let it go any longer. Faster research can come after and host modification can come as soon as we have enough brute. Or hey, we could just ask Shift for the brute data to do that now. I'll add that.
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Alright, I separated the actions into multiple plans. Vhal said he wanted a plan per contacted shard a while back, I think. Defined Trainwrecks power, traded Shift data. Makes it look cleaner too.
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Yup, our information is a bit low. That's why I wanted to start grabbing everything from non-sapient Cauldron Shards.
Or at least trading some Favor to get decent stocks of things we're low on. Repurpose probably has a good amount. And we can sense-share it and Veronica to gain going forward.

Prosthetic didn't even have info, because he couldn't keep data, thus why we were trying to patch him in the first place. I think we could afford to be a bit more generous with Tinker info so he's not crippled into terrible Tinker-tech.

Since we have Human Biology done, we should probably be able to cludge enough Changer/Brute information together to give him a power to invest ingested biomass towards a Human body. Restrict it to a base form and he could use it as a food for regeneration power. That way he starts off as he currently is, but with food can slowly progress to being human on his own.

The way I see it, we have three options if we take him over:
1 - Rebuild his crippled powers to hide we did anything, but make him a terrible data source, making him a waste and basically crippling our own gains so as not to depower him.
2 - Give him a better Tinker power, like what he should have had instead of his broken version, so he goes full Krang.
3 - Give him the ability to slowly make himself human over time as a side-power. It won't be pleasant, but since we're mainly sticking with his main power, it probably won't be worse than a Second Trigger.

Of course, that's if we eat the Shard to save him.
- We could always just let him become depowered. One less villain, Faultline would probably still help him. His biology should hopefully be stable enough to let him live, and if not Panacea would likely be able to help him without him power interfering to try and make itself useful. At the end of the day we're not responsible for every Host around.
- We could feed him to someone else.
-- Clone hungers (but that might start a zombie apocalypse by giving her a means to contact and eat others. I really want to wait to have some memetic weaponry).
-- The previous focus of his powers plays into Gaea's strengths. If we dump enough Tinker info into it and have it open to Gaea with a note to devour it and take over it, she could possibly manipulate the two into meeting in the docks and forming a power team. Give her more to do so she's less bored.
-- Twin and Fusion have low power reserves and could use the boost from eating it. Twin likely has the Thinker bits to run two hosts without issue, since it's optimized for running twin paths. Maybe need to restrict Coil a bit to free it for that, but fuck that guy.
-- Negotiator hinted if we didn't make a play in the grander scheme she would. Feed it to her and let her see things aren't that easy. Or maybe they are, we'll see what she manages.
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I think Vhal is generally doing actions in the order we plan them. We never contacted Gaea because the situation happened first. Fixing the mess is priority one, but next turn we can finish whatever we didn't get to.

Can I get some feedback on my idea to partner with Gaea to pretend Panacea can fix Case 53s? On having Panaceas power always be stronger under the influence of alcohol? Presumably, Gaea doesn't allow Amy to normally alter powers because she isn't a trump primary and that is restricted by the cycle. But maybe we could use our command codes to give Gaea permission to alter the powers of broken shards, allowing Panacea to fix Case 53s while drunk.

P.S. How about we don't kill anyone who hasn't done anything to deserve it and we don't feed Clone, because that will absolutely not satisfy her and probably make things worse.

We gave Trainwreck 160 Tinker data, that rating 8. Far better than average. And we can't depower him, he needs his breaker state to stay alive. And we can't fix him, because we don't have host modification and we can't justify him suddenly normalizing without Panaceas drunken aid.

I do like the idea of letting Gaea eat Prosthetic and thus allowing her to give Amy a teammate and let her fix his inhuman form, but we can't contact her until after we resolved the Prosthetic situation. Maybe afterwards we can tell her our idea send over Prosthetic's mass if she agrees.
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Can I get some feedback on my idea to partner with Gaea to pretend Panacea can fix Case 53s? On having Panaceas power always be stronger under the influence of alcohol? Presumably, Gaea doesn't allow Amy to normally alter powers because she isn't a trump primary and that is restricted by the cycle. But maybe we could use our command codes to give Gaea permission to alter the powers of broken shards, allowing Panacea to fix Case 53s while drunk.

While I like partnering with Gaea to deal with Case 53s, I don't think we should focus it on Panacea needing to be drunk. We were lucky with the rolls this time, but if she rolls low when drunk instead of high we could have a "Misshapen lump of Vicky" situation on our hands.

As it is, she had low inhibitions, went beyond her comfort zone, and did good work. I think we should let Panacea decide what to do, but be willing to work with her to fix damaged Shards Gaea meets. Gaea can hedge for time and we can work together to look into things, which fits with what we've told her before.

"To start with, there are too many of these broken Shards. I am not sure of why they work the way they do, or how exactly they are Triggering Hosts, but this looks like a larger-scale problem. I would like to work with you on this, and we should involve any sapient Shards you trust - I assume that Telekinetic is new this cycle and functions properly?"

We gave Trainwreck 160 Tinker data, that rating 6. Better than average. And we can't depower him, he needs his breaker state to stay alive. And we can't fix him, because we don't have host modification and we can't justify him suddenly normalizing without Panaceas drunken aid.

I know we can't fix him, that's why I suggested a low-level power that would let him fix himself over time.
Also, are we sure about the Breaker thing or just assuming such? I'm not seeing that mentioned anywhere are a source.

I do like the idea of letting Gaea eat Prosthetic and thus allowing her to give Amy a teammate and let her fix his inhuman form, but we can't contact her until after we resolved the Prosthetic situation. Maybe afterwards we can tell her our idea send over Prosthetic's mass if she agrees.

We could always paste in some basic organic computer controls like Swap has. Or a copy of one of our instances and see if it helps 'uplift' Gaea to be even more like us.
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This really depends on a lot of things. In a very general sense, given what shape he's in and how his powers work currently, it's about 100 of both.

EDIT: I fixed the character sheet. I was trying to show daily gains, but instead made it more confusing. I also misplaced 100 Breaker information, we have the correct amount now.

Needs 100 of each to live. That's why I'm compensating with 50 extra breaker in case Prosthetic doesn't have enough changer to add.
We can fake that Trainwreck triggered "again" due to his desperation of lack of food and resources. I wouldn't mind letting him build his body up again and improving his power as long as he doesn't end up working for Coil. 160 Tinker info should be plenty though because a Tinker rating of 8 is pretty good. If we're rebuilding his body, then we probably should change his specialization to something that contributes to a team.

@Gino, if Amy could fix Case 53s, the question arises as to why she's never done it before. If we do end up making a human body, we could give it a Trump power to fix powers, but we'd also have to plan out how to keep the body alive and not coerced into a gang.

I think we have some time though. Currently, our only real options for fixing Shards are to send them the Standard Information Packet and to eat them. We should probably get Memetic Proxy Filtering for dealing with infected Shards and plan out how to deal with Clone and Transform if we want to be fixing powers in an instant while the cape is waiting.
As for Amy, well my idea was that she never knew that alcohol affected her powers. Sober she couldn't affect powers but even mild inebriation jacks her rating up. Ridiculous and considering how uptight she is it's no surprise she never found out until now. PHO will love it. As for the rolls, let's say she doesn't have to be shitfaced like the party, even a mild buzz is enough. This is long term though, once we have more research and we can do it quickly. For now, we just keep Trainwreck alive.

Also I don't think brute info is what you're looking for, that "invest biomass" sounds more changer.
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I'd say having Amy think her powers are even more potent when her inhibitions are lowered will not help her.

She's already got plenty of issues from her power and feeling she needs to control it or she'd be a villain. Adding proof to that idea will not help her.

Yeah, it's a cool concept, but I don't think she's in a good headspace for it.
About Prosthetic's powers, maybe we could change his specialization to "Support Devices". The general idea would be items that someone can use to boost or limit their physical abilities and powers as necessary. Hopefully, that would allow him to keep making prosthetics for himself for as long as needed while making him more valuable to a team.

Also, maybe we could ask Telekinetic to trade Changer info for Master info. I'm not ready to add these to my vote without more discussion, but the plans could look like:

[ ] Plan "Get Changer info for Trainwreck"
-[ ] Ask Telekinetic if she would be willing to trade up to 100 Changer info for an equivalent amount of Master info.
-[ ] If she declines, ask Optimize.
-[ ] If that falls through, ask Negotiator. This is the last option because she's pretty tricky, and you don't know what she would ask for in the future.

[ ] Plan "Support Devices Specialization"
-[ ] Use 160 Tinker info to give Trainwreck Tinker powers with a specialization towards devices that can be used to support people, either by boosting their physical abilities & powers or by limiting them.
-[ ] Use 100 Breaker and 120 Changer info to keep Trainwreck alive and allow him to slowly regrow his limbs.

I'm not sure that the extra 20 Changer info would work for letting him regrow his limbs. We might need to add in Brute info for that, but then we'd have to ask someone for it.

We should probably set up more sense sharing in the future, but it feels like there's a lot of fires burning right now so I want to try to get them under control first. Maybe once we've fixed Taylor, we'll have more room to breath.