[ ] Plan: Chinese Warlord
-[ ] Country: China
-[ ]Goal: Protect our own space and people.
--[ ] Secondary goal: Leave us alone.
-[ ] Faction Name:
--[ ] Let Una pick.
-[ ] The Healer
-[ ] The Informant
Ok, so an explanation for my plan. I picked China because it is mostly out of the way of both major factions and does not have a government which will allow us to get set up. It also allows us to create our own power base so we do not have to rely completely on anyone else for guidance/protection. While we do not know Chinese, Daiyu and Cuifen do and we can have them teach us.
I do not really care about faction names, but I think Una will pick something suitable.
I picked the healer because of two reasons. 1. She honestly seems the most useful and indispensable of all of the potential magical girl candidates. We can handle most of what the other girls can give us, with difficulty but we can do it. We can set up a base, fly to where we are needed without the transporter, find basic information about the area or other groups, and the wildcard is not really a safe pick regardless. However, we cannot regrow lost limbs and our regeneration has limits to what it can do as shown when we attacked the Clocktower base. Before now, if we lost a limb Gaia could just magic up a solution or Karen could fix it for us but now we, or any other member of our party, would be crippled for a significant and unacceptable period of time. If we have the healer, we do not have to worry about most injuries short of death and can rejoin the fight very quickly. 2. I have wanted to help them since their interlude, and this may be the only chance we get at it. They seem nice, and clearly care about the people they are protecting.
I went with the informant because we already know too little about everything, and trying to figure out the situation in China while it is on fire is going to be incredibly difficult. If we can figure out what is going on around us we can properly plan out what to do without making things worse. This will make everything easier and allow us to hopefully secure ourselves or head off conflicts before they reach us.