[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

Something you discover, to your intense annoyance, is that whatever mindless idiot designed ShardNet didn't ever plan for multiple simultaneous outgoing communication connections. Incoming? Sure, no problem. Outgoing? One call at a time.

This right here is the worry I had and why I wanted to explore the Multi-Host tree. Communications limitations.

What we have here is a almost fully-working Shard with no data collection function and no way to fix it, or even know that a solution exists. Great! Well, someone with, you know, working compression should be getting that data.

. . . Well, looks like a good contender for eating. The others all seem fairly repairable. Twin could probably do with just having a restriction put into place and use finding a way to feed it some energy. It's not nearly as dry as Emote was.

Something about that word-salad seems informative, but you can't put your (simulated) finger on what.

You gotta find first gear in your giant robot car.
At least one Cauldron Shard seems fine. I think we should a conversation with Sweat.
But not right now.

[ ] South? Bye-bye, Africa and Madagascar!
On the one hand I'm more tempted to grab a landmass we're physically connected to. On the other hand, Australia is specifically mentioned, so it's probably a better space-option, unless the QM is keeping track of actual square mile/kilometer amounts which sounds like more work that it's worth. So I suggest Australia. Plus, more oceans?

Okay, so, we're feeling emotions now?
Did we. . . Did we copy human neural pathways into ourselves!?

So I sat down and looked at trying a PHO interlude, but, too many voices, can't run through that many characters and different viewpoints. I'd probably need to be QA myself to write one out by having four or five compartments doing different points. If anyone wants to try collaborating on something I'm down, but don't think I can pump out anything on my own.

As far as Valiant goes. . .
Uhm, this is going a bit fast isn't it? We told Gaea the plan November the Third, she gets it done basically that night, that's fine. Teenagers and parties. It could happen.

I find it odd that Veronica outed herself and joined New Wave the next day. I mean, that's odd reactions from both her parents and the PRT. No wonder Director Piggot is pissed, although I can't see Carol thinking this is a good idea. The Wards must have some sort of contracts or something. There's going to be so much fallout. I could see them talking about it, but I find the press conference and being open with it so soon after the event to be pushing my suspension of disbelief. At the end of the day, QM has control and if that's what happens, that's what happens. It just seems off to me, personally.

Also, if possible I'd like to throw a Tinker power in there with an emotions-influencing technology specialization. Calming bombs and shit while being able to maintain her own armor. Maybe wedge in a low-level Changer power to let her flip between Dean and Veronica? That would give a lot of damage control to the Amy issue. It would have been more effective if Veronica didn't jump outing herself, so maybe that's biasing me.
. . . Well, looks like a good contender for eating. The others all seem fairly repairable. Twin could probably do with just having a restriction put into place and use finding a way to feed it some energy. It's not nearly as dry as Emote was.

I find it odd that Veronica outed herself and joined New Wave the next day. I mean, that's odd reactions from both her parents and the PRT. No wonder Director Piggot is pissed, although I can't see Carol thinking this is a good idea. The Wards must have some sort of contracts or something. There's going to be so much fallout. I could see them talking about it, but I find the press conference and being open with it so soon after the event to be pushing my suspension of disbelief. At the end of the day, QM has control and if that's what happens, that's what happens. It just seems off to me, personally.

Also, if possible I'd like to throw a Tinker power in there with an emotions-influencing technology specialization. Calming bombs and shit while being able to maintain her own armor. Maybe wedge in a low-level Changer power to let her flip between Dean and Veronica? That would give a lot of damage control to the Amy issue. It would have been more effective if Veronica didn't jump outing herself, so maybe that's biasing me.
We might want to try sending Prosthetic data collection protocols to see if that helps. Twin is described as "Another 'no personality or capability of having one' Shard." I'd like to gain control of Coil, but maybe we should ask Negotiator what she thinks.

I suspect that part of the reason for Veronica moving so quickly was to do damage control. She doesn't want Panacea to be vilified, and Panacea is currently on the run, terrified of everyone. Though with Vicky thinking about her mother having a healer dungeon, I'm not sure if it's safe for Panacea to turn herself in.

While I want to power up Valiant, I'm worried about spending too much info on it that we might need for research and Taylor's trigger. We only have 90 Blaster info, and we could use the Tinker info for Memetic Proxy Filtering and Administrative Archaeology. Maybe we could use veekie's idea except for the Blaster part and add in multi-tasking?
I find it odd that Veronica outed herself and joined New Wave the next day. I mean, that's odd reactions from both her parents and the PRT. No wonder Director Piggot is pissed, although I can't see Carol thinking this is a good idea. The Wards must have some sort of contracts or something. There's going to be so much fallout. I could see them talking about it, but I find the press conference and being open with it so soon after the event to be pushing my suspension of disbelief. At the end of the day, QM has control and if that's what happens, that's what happens. It just seems off to me, personally.
It is very odd. That said, there was a lot of discussion, both before they went to sleep and a lot more once Vicky noticed Amy had run off.

To summarize (you'd have all this info from Emote regardless):

1) Amy/Vicky/Vera are impaired but not completely out of it. They make a quarter-baked plan to have Gallant sign up with New Wave, both because this change isn't exactly hide-able and because it will distract everyone from Amy's power shenanigans. Do you remember the exact sequence of events? "Fix it later"? Amy can't actually fix shit, she didn't have any spare biomass. In fact she borrowed a tiny bit from herself, Vicky, and Kelly to finish up, in the end. But nobody really thought about that... so no backsies!

2) After everyone wakes up, Carol and Dean's Dad are called to "explain what happened". This lasted a while and was a total mess as you'd expect. The takeaway is that, technically, two things are happening: 1) The Parents have a wide latitude to pull their children out of the Wards on short notice, and 2) Vera isn't just quitting, she's joining an established Hero team with its own oversight.

3) Yes, Armsmaster and Piggot are spitting mad, but any kind of "we didn't agree/plan for this" reaction makes them look bad too. And "throw the best healer on the East Coast to the dogs" is not an option. They actually considered that. R.C.B called and had 'other ideas for them to consider first'.

4) Any attempt at delaying this would end up looking strange, what is Vera going to do otherwise? Fake Dean's death? (Yes, that was discussed)

EDIT: Both the Protectorate and Cauldron are now super-interested in Amy since it's clear that she's more than your average biokinetic even if she's not really a biotinker. Amy's best option is probably the Wards, that shields her from both Cauldron (to an extent) and Carol. Not that she is thinking about signing up at this time.

EDIT2: That dig by Victoria wasn't random. Amy crit-succeeded on crafting Veronica, she's well beyond 'just photogenic'. This will, of course, cause problems for all three of them in the medium term. And Amy thinks people were bothering her for cosmetic surgery before...
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Valiant ideas so far:
Add multitasking where useful.
More powerful, long lasting master effects.
More control over physical blasts
Post-cognition of memories attached to emotions
Add precision and range to sensing
Disco ball of omni-directional rainbow blasts.
Emotional/master tinker
genderswap changer (too specific I think. Should be more general.

Personally, I like disco ball of emotional rainbow lasers, rapid fire in all directions via multitasking.
ooh, give him flight with a rainbow trail! Legend lite.

Maybe we should give Gaea ideas to give Amy so she can survive. Like creating a Venom/Groot/Alex Mercer style suit of bio-armor. That would be so rad. And also let her be a hero while hiding her identity. Pretend to be a changer.
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Here's an updated plan for dealing with the Cauldron Shards that assumes we aren't going to eat any of them right now:

[ ] Plan "Fix What We Can & Don't Eat"
-[ ] Send Prosthetic data collection protocols.
-[ ] Send Swap authority recognition protocols.
-[ ] Put restrictions on Twin.
-[ ] Send Audible data collection and information generation protocols that will hopefully help it generate info more effectively.

Maybe next voting round, we can contact the remaining Cauldron Shards, but we should probably try to fix these first.
Can anyone think of something to do to help Panacea and Trainwreck?
To reiterate. Panacea doesn't need more help right now. She's panicking and ran away to hide in a warehouse and get a grip on her power by testing it.

She's broken her rules and nobody got hurt, the changed party loved it, and she's feeling vastly less stressed than ever because Gaea stopped pressing the Stress button. Also its sort of Victoria's fault from her IC perspective.

Basically all she needs is a couple of days where nobody goes to Halping to get used to her new norm.
This is very possible to do. You could probably design it right now, really. Warning! You need to re-create/understand your Hosts' current power before you can change it...
Clarification on the warning?
I mean my suggested power was basically take Gallent's power, decompile it down to raw Information and then recompile back with optimized everything and better multitasking.

So that should work right?
Also since Shard Takeover counts as a new trigger event, how do we determine the trigger parameters? Should we follow the broad strokes of the original event? What if its a Cauldron shard and thus theres no trigger event?

Most of the time when we 'eat' a shard its not going to be a particularly stressful time on the host's part, but I assume we aren't getting a blank cheque on dramatic retooling, because people would notice and thus score Aberrance scrutiny.
So I sat down and looked at trying a PHO interlude, but, too many voices, can't run through that many characters and different viewpoints. I'd probably need to be QA myself to write one out by having four or five compartments doing different points. If anyone wants to try collaborating on something I'm down, but don't think I can pump out anything on my own.
I'm thinking a couple of notes(not a writer myself):
-Panacea + Alcohol/Drugs => Pan(the god of revelry and panic)
-Obligatory "is it gay" tasteless remark plus a bunch of the usual homo/transphobics at work(note to add disclaimer/trigger warning if its severe, or else check with mods). Also hi greg.
--Clockblocker's tasteless reply to tasteless remarks
---Mod intervention
-Vista grumbling about the 'new' girl jumping ship
-Various trans people trying to fish for whether Panacea does requests or approving of Gallant 'coming out'
-Memes on wild parties/man I feel like a woman
-FSN Saber memes

I find it odd that Veronica outed herself and joined New Wave the next day. I mean, that's odd reactions from both her parents and the PRT. No wonder Director Piggot is pissed, although I can't see Carol thinking this is a good idea. The Wards must have some sort of contracts or something. There's going to be so much fallout. I could see them talking about it, but I find the press conference and being open with it so soon after the event to be pushing my suspension of disbelief. At the end of the day, QM has control and if that's what happens, that's what happens. It just seems off to me, personally.
Note that theres a press conference. New Wave doesn't have the resources to launch a press conference on such short notice. The PRT does.

I think in this case this is the PRT taking control of the situation to put a positive spin on things after Piggot was done yelling at Veronica there and Carol was done yelling at Victoria there. We're seeing it from the teens perspective, which is incomplete.

Because it was a party by one of the most popular girls of Arcadia. Things would already have hit social media like within 5 minutes of the change.
Piggot would have been woken up by her social media monitoring team around 4-6 AM as they noticed the rumor, and Carol would have found out around 8-10 AM when they finally get through as she wakes up and checks her priority mail.

A PRT squad would have been deployed while most participants at the party is still asleep or in hangover, to contain the damage(alas, after Amy already ran off during her hangover).

At that point theres no covering it up. The rumor mill will get ugly fast.

Also, if possible I'd like to throw a Tinker power in there with an emotions-influencing technology specialization. Calming bombs and shit while being able to maintain her own armor. Maybe wedge in a low-level Changer power to let her flip between Dean and Veronica? That would give a lot of damage control to the Amy issue. It would have been more effective if Veronica didn't jump outing herself, so maybe that's biasing me

That's a pretty dramatic deviation from Veronica's previous power state and would raise evaluation conspiracy whether Gallant had been abducted and replaced.
Best to stay within 70% similarity.
While I want to power up Valiant, I'm worried about spending too much info on it that we might need for research and Taylor's trigger. We only have 90 Blaster info, and we could use the Tinker info for Memetic Proxy Filtering and Administrative Archaeology.

We have 928 Tinker information. Archaeology is 250. Memetic Filtering 1 is 275, and Filtering 2 is 350. That's 875 and leaves us with 53 to play with as well as getting incoming regularly. In fact, having Veronica Tinker would let them work with Kid Win and maybe even Armsmaster and boost our Tinker activity past what we get from Shift being in range.

4) Any attempt at delaying this would end up looking strange, what is Vera going to do otherwise? Fake Dean's death? (Yes, that was discussed)

Uhm. . . Just not out Dean as a parahuman for a few days? I see the purpose of a press conference to own up to what happened, but unless Veronica went out throwing around emotion blasts in the party and it got plastered everywhere, you could just pull Dean from patrols, maybe have someone else seen in the armor walking around, and keep them separate long enough to decide what to do. Considering Gallant is thought to be a Tinker in power armor, they've got some leeway in what they do since, you know, no one knows who Gallant is or what they look like. Even just a body-double in the armor would be enough to hide Gallant's true identity even during this crisis.

After all, sure, Amy might not be able to undo what she did. But isn't she on the run? Did she say she can't fix it before running?

And why are her parents opting to send her to team up with the very people who caused this mess? That's right out of left field. You'd think Veronica's parents would be upset at Vicky and Amy and trying to see if things can be undone, not basically rewarding New Wave for this happening by giving them a new member.

Like I said, it's entirely your call about how this all played out, but. . . maybe it's just me, I dunno. I would have thought even if they went this way it would have taken more time to set it all up.
In fairness to Vhal, New Wave, the PRT, and the Stanfields are all in WTF panic mode right now, and they definitely are not thinking clearly. PR is critical, they want to control the narrative as fast as possible. And yes, they should totally spin it as a pro-trans agenda. The PRT at least should know Amy is not evil and that her powers are too valuable to risk fear mongering. Carol is a whole nother story.

And I'm sure Vhal would also like to see the plot actually move forward as well. I doubt he wants to write nothing but "And then Administrator did some more research, avoided contacting new sentients, and debated whether they should eat more shards" for the next few months.
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After all, sure, Amy might not be able to undo what she did. But isn't she on the run? Did she say she can't fix it before running?
Amy isn't on the run. She ran off. Major difference.
This is a somewhat more severe version of someone who just used the antique vase for a bong while drunk and high, and had run off once she sobered up enough to realize what she did

...wait a minute, I forgot. Vista had a crush on Gallant right?
Wouldn't she be a mite upset on PHO? :p
At that point theres no covering it up. The rumor mill will get ugly fast.

There's no covering up what Amy did.
Which there's no need to, really. It just makes her a more valuable, better healer.

It's still very odd to me that they outed Veronica so fast. Gallant was thought to be a Tinker. Just a new set of power armor to hide the changes, maybe hint they had a growth spurt, and you can justify even the time they're not on patrol because they had to rebuild their armor because of the growth spurt. Keep masculine lines in the armor, voice masking a bit, and it hides their civilian ID even better because now they're different genders.

That doesn't require outing someone or making their rich family a target. New Wave has a very real example of why unmasking is dangerous and bad. Why would any parents just let their kid do that, especially when they don't even need to? This all comes across as entirely for New Wave's benefit, which is odd because New Wave doesn't even need that much good PR to stay ahead of damage control. They only need Veronica to say she's fine with the changes, she asked for them after all, and is happy with them.

Quite frankly, Amy would probably get more flack for being a lesbian who did a male-to-female conversion first with people wondering if she'd be biased against female-to-male, which her power would be miles more important for. Even that, that's fixed by just saying you'd do them and setting up time for it. The most Amy's going to face realistically will be from Carol, and she can go suck eggs.
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Dyson-Sphere is a no-go. That is (many) orders of magnitude more difficult than simply eating planets.
By what means? Orbital mechanics are somewhat difficult but they're also very crunchy and don't really change in unexpected ways unless something enters from outside the systesm and a functional dyson swarm with a radius of 1 AU would only cost the mass of Mercury.
Other questions, how physically connected do we have to be to ourself? Could we just launch bits and pieces into different orbital paths and keep in contact via shardspeak or do we need to maintain homogeneity? Also, if we want to, for example, shoot waste-heat out as a concentrated beam, would we need to spend the data to develop that as a blaster power and if so, would we need a host to trigger it if we wanted to use it?
Do you remember the exact sequence of events? "Fix it later"? Amy can't actually fix shit, she didn't have any spare biomass. In fact she borrowed a tiny bit from herself, Vicky, and Kelly to finish up, in the end. But nobody really thought about that... so no backsies!
I thought biomass was only an issue for adding mass. If she took mass from other people to change him then she should be able to rearrange him back to normal and get the invested biomass back.
Vista is definitely not happy. And yes, Amy could turn Veronica back into a dude, but she doesn't have perfect memory so it wouldn't be Deans original body.

And we don have nearly enough blaster data to be messing around with that, so I'm trying to think of useful and original master upgrades different from Regent, Cherish, and Heart breaker. Maybe add a little bit of trump, shaker, or breaker in there?
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There's no covering up what Amy did.
Which there's no need to, really. It just makes her a more valuable, better healer.

It's still very odd to me that they outed Veronica so fast. Gallant was thought to be a Tinker. Just a new set of power armor to hide the changes, maybe hint they had a growth spurt, and you can justify even the time they're not on patrol because they had to rebuild their armor because of the growth spurt. Keep masculine lines in the armor, voice masking a bit, and it hides their civilian ID even better because now they're different genders.

That doesn't require outing someone or making their rich family a target. New Wave has a very real example of why unmasking is dangerous and bad. Why would any parents just let their kid do that, especially when they don't even need to? This all comes across as entirely for New Wave's benefit, which is odd because New Wave doesn't even need that much good PR to stay ahead of damage control. They only need Veronica to say she's fine with the changes, she asked for them after all, and is happy with them.

Quite frankly, Amy would probably get more flack for being a lesbian who did a male-to-female conversion first with people wondering if she'd be biased against female-to-male, which her power would be miles more important for.
Because it was basically done in public? At a party, one guy got genderswapped. Photos and all of the process.

Gallant coincidentally turns female. This is too big a divergence to play off, people would notice if Gallant stopped appearing
He's saying Gallant should pretend to be male, he wore full body armor anyway. Nobody knew Dean was Gallant until he said something.

Maybe we should add improved shard communications to the research list. That and investigating the Endbringer network. Maybe defenses as well. Physical, unlike meme and stranger.
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just a thought can Admin give Valiant anti master ability or something that counter Heartbreaker?
Absolutely yes, but we would need to understand Heartbreakers power. And Valiant wouldnt instinctively know that, unless we straight up gave her a master power tat usurps all other master powers into her control. Like she masters Heartbreaker, gets all his thralls by proxy. That's pretty good actually, I like it. The anti-master master. Would immunity to master powers be a master power or a stranger power?
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Maybe upgrade Veronica to spot Master effects as well as emotions and let the beams overwrite them?

Let her fix Heartbreaker's victims and maybe clear Simurgh bombs? Can you imagine if they proved that later bit, it would be a game-changer and put Valiant on the internationally famous level. Could be a big boost to New Wave's image.
Maybe upgrade Veronica to spot Master effects as well as emotions and let the beams overwrite them?

Let her fix Heartbreaker's victims and maybe clear Simurgh bombs? Can you imagine if they proved that later bit, it would be a game-changer and put Valiant on the internationally famous level. Could be a big boost to New Wave's image.
Yes, exactly. I would want to make her immune to master powers if we did that. Also, it would piss off Ziz if we disrupt her plans, but we could try to gain her cooperation and coordinate efforts so it works out. Would also need to study Endbringers to understand how she works. Also I'm pretty sure she's sandbagging and could just maintain her mastery from global range. She messed with Dragon outside the schedule to stop Amy's information from getting out in canon.
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Amy isn't on the run. She ran off. Major difference.
This is a somewhat more severe version of someone who just used the antique vase for a bong while drunk and high, and had run off once she sobered up enough to realize what she did

...wait a minute, I forgot. Vista had a crush on Gallant right?
Wouldn't she be a mite upset on PHO? :p
Missy is beyond angry. Not only did the new girl leave, her guy left too!
So far the general to-do list for the next update goes:

1) Research vote (probably continue current research)
2) Change Valiant's power
3) Decide where to put Emote (a relatively small Shard)
4) Try to fix Cauldron Shards
5) Send Taylor a dream

I think this should be enough for an update, but is there anything else we want to do?
Contact the rest of the travelers shards and maybe clairvoyants, leaving Triumvirate as the only ones uncontacted. Observer is nigh omniscient, fixed or absorbed we could be gathering so much data from it.

Also maybe give Gaea ideas to give Amy so she can survive. She is alone in the docks with only a striker power. Alex Mercer/Venom/Groot bio-suit. Fake changer, get new identity. Like any of the Merchant, Lung or Oni Lee would wreck her in a fight. None of them have to touch her. Only the Empire would give enough of a shit to avoid her. Even Coil might take the opportunity to kidnap her.
NVM, she turned a man into a woman and came out as a lesbian, Empire would totally go for that.
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He's saying Gallant should pretend to be male, he wore full body armor anyway. Nobody knew Dean was Gallant until he said something.

Maybe we should add improved shard communications to the research list. That and investigating the Endbringer network. Maybe defenses as well. Physical, unlike meme and stranger.

Can't just pour into the old armor. Build is dramatically different, particularly height, shoulders, chest and hips. Would need to comission a new set but based on the logs...Veronica may have been soft-disowned?

Missy is beyond angry. Not only did the new girl leave, her guy left too!

And she's stuck with clockblocker.
We have 928 Tinker information. Archaeology is 250. Memetic Filtering 1 is 275, and Filtering 2 is 350. That's 875 and leaves us with 53 to play with as well as getting incoming regularly. In fact, having Veronica Tinker would let them work with Kid Win and maybe even Armsmaster and boost our Tinker activity past what we get from Shift being in range.
You guys have a good opportunity to really mess with Veronica's power. No Aberrance here - other Shards can't see what you're doing directly, and the various Human organizations would have plenty of reasons to believe in most changes that aren't a totally new power.

Uhm. . . Just not out Dean as a parahuman for a few days? I see the purpose of a press conference to own up to what happened, but unless Veronica went out throwing around emotion blasts in the party and it got plastered everywhere, you could just pull Dean from patrols, maybe have someone else seen in the armor walking around, and keep them separate long enough to decide what to do. Considering Gallant is thought to be a Tinker in power armor, they've got some leeway in what they do since, you know, no one knows who Gallant is or what they look like. Even just a body-double in the armor would be enough to hide Gallant's true identity even during this crisis.

After all, sure, Amy might not be able to undo what she did. But isn't she on the run? Did she say she can't fix it before running?

And why are her parents opting to send her to team up with the very people who caused this mess? That's right out of left field. You'd think Veronica's parents would be upset at Vicky and Amy and trying to see if things can be undone, not basically rewarding New Wave for this happening by giving them a new member.

Like I said, it's entirely your call about how this all played out, but. . . maybe it's just me, I dunno. I would have thought even if they went this way it would have taken more time to set it all up.
The PRT was in total panic mode, everyone wanted to protect Panacea, and party-goers captured everything on their phones (not the actual event, but the aftermath). The only other quick option was "Dean gets hit by a car after the party" and even that would have been difficult to maintain. In a perfect world, stuff would have happened slower and been handled better. You had drunk teenagers being specifically influenced by their Shards and shit happened with great speed. I'm sorry if that doesn't work for you GrandMage, I really am. But like Vicky's party, it can't be fixed now.

By what means? Orbital mechanics are somewhat difficult but they're also very crunchy and don't really change in unexpected ways unless something enters from outside the systesm and a functional dyson swarm with a radius of 1 AU would only cost the mass of Mercury.
Other questions, how physically connected do we have to be to ourself? Could we just launch bits and pieces into different orbital paths and keep in contact via shardspeak or do we need to maintain homogeneity? Also, if we want to, for example, shoot waste-heat out as a concentrated beam, would we need to spend the data to develop that as a blaster power and if so, would we need a host to trigger it if we wanted to use it?

I thought biomass was only an issue for adding mass. If she took mass from other people to change him then she should be able to rearrange him back to normal and get the invested biomass back.
I was thinking bigger than 1 AU, but point taken. Still a big project that's probably beyond the scope of this quest. Munching on Mars, less so.

Okay, so somehow this came up - you can't maintain coherency solely through Shard-speak. If you send chunks throughout the solar system, yes that would work, and they'd be copies of You. But they would change and grow and generally diverge over time. Your central self has to be physically one piece. This is one of the reasons that Shards Bud even when they really don't want to - they become inconveniently large.

just a thought can Admin give Valiant anti master ability or something that counter Heartbreaker?
For all we know, Gallant already has this. Wasn't he resistant to GG's Aura in canon?
I thought it was implied he suffered from addiction just like Panacea. What with the constant break ups and getting back together.