[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

I'm thinking Variation could be Leet, has anyone tried that? I though his shard was Queen Objective...

Ducats do you mind if I modify the dialogue a little, give it a more natural flow. Some pauses for Vhal to have Taylor ask questions, make it less of an exposition dump. Everything up to the talking is great

Also what do you mean by 10/10 Platypus?

Well Vhal would have to mod it anyway, I doubt Taylor would just stand there silently
It's better than fine, Ducats, it's great! Yes, I'll have to make some edits because of Taylor, but I'll keep it as intact as possible.

Note: I try to use "talking options" verbatim whenever possible, this isn't supposed to be my interpretations of what you meant, I try to portray Administrator precisely as the votes intend. Even if I can't be perfect at that.
You don't think she can hear us, do you?
That's probably how things should work, between everything that was done so far. That said, it's not the case, because it would wreck the quest and remove some of your agency. (QM handwaves that away)

Do note that if you ever start talking with Taylor once she's Triggered, there's a real chance that she could experience what passes for your 'surface thoughts'...
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I don't remember seeing Incendiary on the list of cape addresses before. I'm going to try to guess again. Here goes nothing:

Control - Night (Maybe because she is "controlling" her alternate form? Alternate and Transform have already been tried for her.)
Frictionless - Ballistic (Does he make the projectiles frictionless when he throws them? I've already tried Control for him.)
Incendiary - Flashbang
Reconstitute - Alexandria (Pretty much just a wild guess.)
Singular - Oni Lee (I can't remember if this has been guessed before, but only one version of him remains in the end.)
Transform - Legend (He has a Breaker form.)
Variation - Circus (They have a lot of different powers.)

Other capes that are missing Shard addresses include Aegis, Genesis, Parian, and possibly Mouse Protector.
Okay, We can work this out. There are, what, 10 Shards available.

I'd guess Incendiary is Bakuda, but she should be Untriggered and at Cornell. Which you'd think would be outside our range, but we've got a lot of other people I'm not sure where they came from, so, maybe not.

So we're trying to figure out:


Aegis -NOT Alternate, Reconstituite
Alexandria - NOT Singular
Ballistic - NOT Control,
Flashbang - ???
Genesis -NOT Alternate, Control, Surveillance,

Legend - NOT Transform
Night - NOT Alternate, Control, Surveillance, Transform
Oni Lee - NOT Singular, Reconstitute,
Parian - NOT Frictionless, Fluff, Control

Variation could be Night, because she varies form.
Oni Lee could be Alternate, since the clones give him an alternate place to be and an alternate action to perform.
Parian could be Reconstitute, since her control is of small things she uses to make large things out of.

Genesis could be Transform, since she goes to sleep to become her projections.
Flashbang could be Control.
I'd say Singular for Alexandria, since her invulnerability is stasis, a singular moment.
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I'm mystified where some of those "not's" are coming from. You won't be capable of getting 'Surveillance' without a educated guess and a lot of reading. While you've come up with a huge number of non-BB capes that I've had to edit into the list, "Control" isn't one that I thought was that hard?
I've edited in links to cite sources for my not list, which involved trawling through the search function.
Probably just guesses that got missed at one point. (Especially if they were my posts, because I hate double-posting and have the social skills of a slightly-more-aware-of-his-shortcoming Greg, and thus often look at what I've just posted and go, "No, that won't do, make that better." Have you seen how many of my posted are edited. Gah.)

I mean, everything's hard when you're focusing on other things, however with only four Shard addresses left, I'm pretty sure Control is Aegis, just because not much else fits.
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Repurpose has now been added to the list.

Control - Legend (The only option left after assigning the others.)
Equilibrium - Alexandria (Her form doesn't change.)
Repurpose - Aegis (He repurposes body parts to fulfill different functions.)
Singular - Genesis (The only option left for her.)
Surveillance - Mouse Protector (I think I read somewhere that she can sense the tags she places.)
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Genesis is Transform. It's been updating a bit so, not surprising that one was missed.

Also, Vhal, shouldn't Jess be in italics?

The pool is down enough I'm pretty much out of guesses. I daresay I dunno what anything is anymore.
Although is Control is Heartbreaker, I'll be sad.
I don't remember when Mockshow appeared, but if she's around, then maybe she's Control?

We've got less than 4 hours before the vote is called. Currently, there are 3 votes to continue the research projects started, 2 votes for checking up on Shift, and 2 votes for the first night's dream sequence based on Ducat's description. The votes about the Cauldron Shards all have only 1 vote each. Can we all agree on at least contacting the Shards attached to Trainwreck, Coil, and Gregor to ask them for diagnostic reports? We can also include Triumph, Newter, and/or the Travellers, but I'd like to limit it to 5 Shards total so that we're not making too much work for Vhalidictes.
have you read Ward? Is surveillance Kenzie? That literally her tinker specialty so my best guess. She's be very young though. She triggered younger than Bonesaw, Dinah or Vista I think.

There's an idea, trigger a 9 year old girl to be holy grail tinker and point her directly at Dragon. Pretty messed up, but everyone half expects young triggers to be powerful and crazy (Ciara)
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Current Vote Counts:

Focused Research = 8
(The_GrandMage, Gino, Ducats, Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet, w34v3r, PurposefulZephyr, Redshirt Army)
-Omake 100 = 100 (PurposefulZephyr)
Human Biology = 7 (The_GrandMage, Gino, Ducats, Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet, PurposefulZephyr, w34v3r)
-Omake 250 = 150 (Mount. Elements) + 100 (The_GrandMage)
Memetic Filtering = 1 (Redshirt Army)
Spend an Hour on Charge Data = 1 (Redshirt Army)

Plan "Find a Test Subject" = 2
(Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet)
Plan "Stay Away from Charge" = 2 (Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet)
Charge Plan, Ducats: Analysis & Repairs = 2 (The_GrandMage, Ducats)
Plan "Check Up on Shift" = 2 (Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet)
Housetrain Shift = 1 (Redshirt Army)
Telekinetic Plan, Ducats: Greetings and Goodbyes = 2 (Ducats, PurposefulZephyr)
Telekinetic Plan, Gino = 1 (Gino)
Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research = 3 (Ducats, PurposefulZephyr, The_GrandMage)
Gaea Plan, Gino = 1 (Gino)
Gaea Plan, Redhsirt = 1 (Redshirt Army)
Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle = 3 (Ducats, PurposefulZephyr, The_GrandMage)
Plan "Wait to decide on Emote" = 2 (Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet)
Plan "Learn More about Cauldron Shards" = 1 (Mount. Elements)
Plan Cauldron = 1 (Gino)
Plan MP/Chevalier = 1 (Gino)
Contact Prosthetic and Audible, and check on their status = 2 (The_GrandMage, Redshirt Army)
Contact Lightforge and Lightshell = 1 (Redshirt Army)

Plan "Start Off Slowly" = 2
(KidFromPallet, The_GrandMage)
Plan "Ducats' first dream sequence" = 3 (Mount. Elements, Gino, Ducats)
Make Sure Conflict Drive is Off = 1 (Gino)
Plan Redshirt = 1 (Redshirt Army)
Don't Care as long as Platypus Avatar = 1 (RedJaymie)
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Current Vote Counts:

Focused Research = 9
(The_GrandMage, Gino, Mount. Elements, Ducats, Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet, w34v3r, Redshirt Army, Redshirt Army)
-Omake 100 = 100 (PurposefulZephyr)
Human Biology = 8 (The_GrandMage, Gino, Mount. Elements, Ducats, Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet, PurposefulZephyr, w34v3r)
-Omake 250 = 150 (Mount. Elements) + 100 (The_GrandMage)
Memetic Filtering = 1 (Redshirt Army)
Spend an Hour on Charge Data = 1 (Redshirt Army)

Plan "Find a Test Subject" = 2
(Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet)
Plan "Stay Away from Charge" = 2 (Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet)
Charge Plan, Ducats: Analysis & Repairs = 3 (The_GrandMage, Ducats, KidFromPallet)
Plan "Check Up on Shift" = 2 (Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet)
Housetrain Shift = 1 (Redshirt Army)
Telekinetic Plan, Ducats: Greetings and Goodbyes = 3 (Ducats, PurposefulZephyr, KidFromPallet)
Telekinetic Plan, Gino = 1 (Gino)
Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research = 4 (Ducats, PurposefulZephyr, The_GrandMage, KidFromPallet)
Gaea Plan, Gino = 1 (Gino)
Gaea Plan, Redhsirt = 1 (Redshirt Army)
Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle = 4 (Ducats, PurposefulZephyr, The_GrandMage, KidFromPallet)
Plan "Wait to decide on Emote" = 2 (Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet)
Plan "Learn More about Cauldron Shards" = 1 (Mount. Elements)
Plan Cauldron = 1 (Gino)
Plan MP/Chevalier = 1 (Gino)
Contact Prosthetic and Audible, and check on their status = 2 (The_GrandMage, Redshirt Army)
Contact Lightforge and Lightshell = 1 (Redshirt Army)

Plan "Start Off Slowly" = 3
(Mount. Elements, KidFromPallet, The_GrandMage)
Plan "Ducats' first dream sequence" = 4 (Mount. Elements, Gino, Ducats, KidFromPallet)
Make Sure Conflict Drive is Off = 1 (Gino)
Plan Redshirt = 1 (Redshirt Army)
Don't Care as long as Platypus Avatar = 1 (RedJaymie)
I think you're counting the older votes as well as the new votes. Here's the vote tally with only the new votes.
Edit: I'm willing to substitute Plan Cauldron for my plan about the Cauldron Shards. That should get 2 votes on a plan about the Cauldron Shards.
Adhoc vote count started by Mount. Elements on Jan 12, 2019 at 8:17 PM, finished with 204 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
    [X] Plan "Check up on Shift"
    -[X] We just sent some important protocols to Shift yesterday. Maybe we should check up on her to make sure they're working out as planned.
    -[X] If she's implemented them correctly, reassure her that she did a good job. If there are problems that are not the result of Shift disobeying, then reassure her we're not mad and help her correct them.
    [X] Human Biology
    [X] Plan "Ducats' first dream sequence"
    -[X] Taylor will appear in the living room of her house. She will hear utensils scraping against plates. When she gets into the kitchen, she will see a slightly younger version of herself eating dinner. Her dad is there too, looking more ragged than she remembers. Danny is talking about the work that he did that day. It was not very interesting, but the younger Taylor pretends to listen as she eats.
    -[X] When Danny has finished talking about his day, he pauses for a moment. He looks a little hesitant, but then he asks the younger Taylor how her day has been. The younger Taylor grimaces and grips her fork tightly before saying that her day was fine. The younger Taylor returns to eating. Danny begins to reach out for her and opens his mouth, but he flinches back as he sees the younger Taylor freeze before making herself as small as possible. The dinner continues in silence.
    -[X] Eventually, the dinner is finished, and father and daughter go their own way. As Taylor stands in the kitchen watching this, she hears a choked sniffle. As she turns around, Taylor finds apparitions identical to her younger self and father sitting at the table, looking like they were eating dinner. Taylor's apparition is clenching her fork, as she is crying. She manages to choke out that she had a horrible day. She pauses, but as she looks like she is about to flee, the Danny apparition reaches out and gently holds the younger apparition's hand and tells her that he will help no matter what.
    -[X] This is enough to make her talk. She talks about her day, how it has been shit, how her days have been shit for a long time. Danny's apparition listens intently. There is a lull in the explanation. He tells her that he will help her solve the problem, even if he has to pull her out of school or move to a new city or anything because she is priority number one in his book, even if he is not able to show it all the time. The dream fades with father and daughter hugging each other.
    [x] Contact Prosthetic and Audible, and check on their status.
    [X] Omake Spediture, 100 Pts in Human Biology
    [X] Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research
    [X] Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle
    [X] Charge Plan, Ducats: Analysis and repairs
    [x] Plan Redshirt
    [X] Taylor-Plan "Start off Slowly"
    [x] Plan Platypus just voting for a platypus avatar. Add to another plan for a complete vote i guess. {example: Plan Ducat + Platypus would be Ducat's plans but substitute a nice nonthreatening playpus instead of the creepy almost doppelganger}
    [X] Plan "Learn more about Cauldron Shards"
    -[X] Leave Emote and Charge alone for right now. You need to sort out Charge's data, and you'd rather test things before acting against a hero's Shard in case of unexpected side effects on the host.
    -[X] Contact Prosthetic (Trainwreck), Swap (Trickster), Transparency (Gregor), Twin (Coil), and Audible (Triumph) and ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. That should be a good number to start with.
    [X] Gaea Plan, Gino
    -[X] Request data on the biology of host species and viable mutations. We... may have accidentally altered our host while scanning her, and we're not sure what we did.
    -[X] Did something already happen with your host?
    [X] Telekinetic Plan, Gino
    -[X] Greet Telekinetic and ask how the cycle has been for them and if they have had any exceptional successes or failures
    --[X] Ask Telekinetic to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    -[X] Ask how the plan went with Gaea's host.
    [X] Plan Making Sure
    --[X] Ensure conflict drive is deactivated.
    [X] Plan Cauldron
    -[X] Contact Audible, Prosthetic, Transparency, Sweat, and Twin.
    --[X] Ask for status updates and diagnostic reports.
    --[X] Ask for shard database connections, report other broken shards.
    [X] Plan MP/Chevalier
    -[X] Contact Armamentarium.
    --[X] Ask for status updates and diagnostic reports.
    --[X] Ask for shard database connections, report broken shards.
    --[X] Ask after it's progress and the state of the cycle.
    [X] Omake Expediture-150 Pts in Human Biology
    [X] Plan "Wait to decide about Emote"
    -[X] We might eat him, or we might fix him for whatever reason. Let's try eating a villain's Shard to see any side effects on the host first.
    [X] Plan "Find a Test Subject"
    -[X] If we do end up eating Charge, we should probably first test it out on the Shard of a villain to see what happens to the host during the consumption process.
    -[X] Contact Prosthetic (Trainwreck), Swap (Trickster), Transparency (Gregor) and Twin (Coil) and ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Trainwreck would be the preferred test subject, but hopefully contacting a number of Cauldron Shards will help us find any patterns
    -[X] We'll probably end up eating Prosthetic, but let's get the diagnostic report first in case of any unexpected issues.
    [x] Spend an hour sorting through Charge's data. Don't eat Charge until you've sorted through the whole thing - best to understand what the heck's up with the conjoined evil twin first, lest you end up with your own parasite.
    [x] Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
    [x] Communicate with Taylor in dreams.
    -[x] This is just a "proof-of-concept", to see what communicating with her is like and to test your ability to shape dreams.
    -[x] Don't reveal anything specific yet, at all.
    -[x] Take the form of a platypus, and claim you are a powerful being taking an interest in her affairs. Ask her what her life is like, and provide useful advice for her problems as appropriate.
    [x] Contact Lightforge and Lightshell, and check on their sentience status. If appropriate, ask for addresses.
    [x] Talk to Gaia. See if/how your little plan worked out. If you can, get a play-by-play so you can provide emergency advice if/when things go horribly wrong.
    -[x] Contact the other Shards of involved people and monitor the trainwreck through that angle as well.
    [x] Keep housetraining Shift. Return most of its data already sorted, then ask Shift to try sorting the last five or so pieces of Information itself. Praise it on success, and be understanding and supportive if it makes a mistake.
    -[x] Ask for an initial report on how the new aggression factor has worked out. Dispense praise/headpats if it went well.
    [x] Contact Prosthetic and Audible, and check on their status.
    -[x] Ask Prosthetic, Audible, and Emote for full diagnostics reports.
    [X] Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
    -[X] Continue previous research
    [x] Focussed Research 1
    [X] Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research
    -[X] Inform Gaea of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Gaea to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request data on the biology of host species and viable mutations
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Telekinetic Plan, Ducats: Greetings and goodbyes
    -[X] Greet Telekinetic and ask how the cycle has been for them and if they have had any exceptional successes or failures
    -[X] Inform Telekinetic of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Telekinetic to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle
    -[X] Emote is burning the last of its energy and is not functioning, commence with consumption of shard transfer of host
    --[X] Set another instance to assist Gaea with operation Amy and Alcohol
    [X] Focused Research 1
    -[X] Add 100 points (PurposefulZephyr)
    [X] Focused Research 1
    [X] Taylor-Plan "Start off Slowly"
    -[X] Send Taylor a dream that shows how worried her dad is about her based off the posted omake.
    [X] Plan "Stay away from Charge"
    -[X] While we're not happy about Charge attacking us, we should probably wait to act until after we've sorted through the data she sent us.
    -[X] However, the current research is too important to put on hold. Don't spend an active slot to sort through the data.
    [X] Taylor Plan, Compromise: A Glimpse from Beyond
    -[X] Avatar: A 10 out of 10 platypus, with a fedora/An older version of Taylor (enough similarity to evoke memories of her mother, but not enough to seem like we are wearing her skin (the Contessa approach))
    --[X] Dressed in black suit pants, dress shoes, white shirt, grey vest and black tie
    ---[X] The iris of the eyes are blue cogs that gently turn
    -[X] This is a seven day plan involving Taylor. Each night we will be showing her a prophetic dream. On the final day we will talk with her.
    --[X] Day 1: Taylor will appear in the living room of her house, she will hear utensils scraping against plates, when she gets into the kitchen she will see a slightly younger version of herself eating dinner, her dad is there too looking more ragged than she remembers. Danny is talking about the work that he did that day, it was not very interesting, but the younger Taylor pretends to listen as she eats. When Danny has finished talking about his day he pauses for a moment, he looks a little hesitant, but then he asks the younger Taylor how her day has been. The younger Taylor grimaces and grips her fork tightly before saying that her day was fine, the younger Taylor returns to eating. Danny begins to reach out for her and opens his mouth, but he flinches back as he sees the younger Taylor freeze before making herself as small as possible. The dinner continues in silence. Eventually the dinner is finishes and father and daughter go their own way. As Taylor stands in the kitchen watching this she hears a choked sniffle, as she turns around Taylor finds apparitions identical to her younger self and father sitting at the table, looking like they were eating dinner. Taylor's apparition is clenching her fork, as she is crying. She manages to choke out that she had a horrible day, she pauses, but as she looks like she is about to flee the Danny apparition reaches out and gently holds the younger apparition's hand and tells her that he will help no matter what. This is enough to make her talk, she talks about her day, how it has been shit, how her days have been shit for a long time. Danny's apparition listens intently, there is a lull in the explanation he tells her that he will help her solve the problem, even if he has to pull her out of school or move to a new city or anything because she is priority number one in his book even if he is not able to show it all the time. The dream fades with father and daughter hugging each other.
    --[X] Day 2: When Taylor comes to she will find herself in a car in motion. From her side she will hear a familiar voice and familiar words, when she looks she will find Emma talking on the phone with Taylor. After a bit the car will stop, when Taylor looks for the reason she will find that the road is blocked. Out of the alleyways comes armed gangsters in green and red, when they get to the car Alan tries to negotiate with them, but they are not interested. One of the gangsters open the car door at Emma's side grabs her and drags her outside the car, they take her phone and toss it away. Alan begs them to not hurt his daughter, but his pleas meet deaf ears once again. While this is happening the gangster that took Emma says they will take one thing from her and she gets to choose if it is her mouth, nose or an eye. As Emma hears this she begins to struggle and lash out with all of her meagre strength, it is of limited use, but it is enough to anger the gangster. As the gangster is about to take their anger out on Emma he is hit by a dark shadow and knocked clean out. The shadow is there for a moment before it moves on and takes care of the other gangsters. After the gangsters have been taken care of Alan thanks them and calls the police. While he is doing that the shadow returns to find Emma shivering while hugging herself. The shadow leans down to Emma and tells her that she is strong, that her fighting back proves that she is a survivor. The dream fades as the shadow tells Emma that they will find her later.
    --[X] Day 3: Taylor will appear in a chair in Blackwell's office, then Administrative Issues by The_GrandMage Happens
    --[X] Day 4: When Taylor falls asleep she will appear in a small dark cell. In the cell there sits a lady with blonde hair filled with yellow feathers, she is bound up and down in restraint looking like something more fit for an elephant than a human. The woman is crying the best she can through the elaborate gag preventing her from making any intelligible sounds. Taylor looks at her for a while wondering what she did for this to happen to her. When she begins to look around again she will find a door that was not there before, on the door is a plaque with "Past" written on it. Her curiosity piqued Taylor goes up to the door and opens it. On the other side of the door she finds an expensive dressing room, with the same lady from the cell. She is dressed in pretty clothing and her hair is done is a good looking way. She looks exhausted, but happy. Taylor goes through the door to get a better look at the room and the woman. As she passes the doorframe the door slams shut behind her, when Taylor quickly turns around, and she finds that the door has "Present" written on it. After making sure that nothing is wrong, Taylor continues to explore the room. It is apparently one of those changing rooms that you see celebrities use. Taylor's exploration is interrupted as the door is hastily opened and through it a man steps in. The man looks livid and the woman looks surprised by his entrance. The man begins to yell at the woman on how she is ungrateful towards him, what he did for her and that she owes him for all of that. Through the rant Taylor manages to catch that the woman is named Paige. Paige is caught a bit off foot, before she rebuttals saying that they were over long before she got famous and he deserves nothing of what she has worked for. This merly enrages the man more and he begins to argue back at Paige, but Paige does not let herself be rolled over by him and continues to argue with him. This goes on for a while and the longer the argument goes the angries the both of them gets, until Paige tells him to go fuck himself. This causes the man to stop for a moment, before he wordlessly decides to take his leave, as the door closes behind him Taylor notices that the plaque has changed into "Future". Since it seems like the interesting things are done Taylor decides to go through the door once more. What Taylor finds on the other side is a courtroom. She also finds Paige again, and she is once more in her restraints. She is looking at the judge with pleading eyes. The judge is apparently reading Paige's crimes aloud, once he is finished with the reading he begins to talk about how this has been an irregular case and that he is waiving the three strike rule and sending her to the Bauman Parahuman Containment Center. The dream begins to fade as Paige bursts into tears.
    --[X] Day 5: In this dream will start with Taylor stand above a chasm together with a little mediterranean girl and a black woman. The dream will follow the girl and woman descend into the chasm to kill the god-beast that has crashed there. The girl leads them down to find the weakness of the beast. They will eventually find the beast's weakness and a half formed silver body, the girl will almost be able to kill the creature, but she will hesitate before being able to finish it, luckily the black woman is able to do what the little girl was unable to do and slay the god-beast.
    --[X] Day 6: Taylor will find herself in an unfamiliar house, she will see a man with an ugly nose eating breakfast, Taylor will look around, but not find anything interesting. It appears that the man is the only important thing here. So she gets closer, she gets a bit curious of what would happen if she touched anyone in her dream. She stretches her hand out with a finger pointed so she can poke his cheek. When she does the world disappears from around her and she gets flashes of a man in wheelchair, Hero, Alexandria, Legend, Behemoth, Leviathan, the Simurgh and a landscape of crystal that stretches on forever. When Taylor comes to she finds that the man is not in the room anymore, she wonders where he is before he hears feet stepping down the stairs. When the man comes down the stairs, he is clad in armor and a green cloak, he looks like he is in a hurry. He runs into the living room while muttering about needing to find "It", eventually he finds a metal mask. He puts it on then he blinks out of existence and with that the dream fades.
    --[X] Day 7: Taylor finds herself in a library, the bookshelves are grand, tall, they stretch across the room and out of sight and are more akin to walls then mere shelves. Taylor, being in an unfamiliar place, begin to look around, the first thing she finds out is that is that all the books are labeled as the Administrator's the other is that the library just goes on and on and on. After a while of exploration Taylor takes a break and decides to find out what these books are all about. The problem is that she is unable to open any of them, all the pages are stuck together and no amount of trying to rip them open, throwing them to the floor or trying to use the shelf corners as a wedge, would make them budge at all. While she has been trying to open the books she has been approached by a small green cat dog thing with a carbuncle on their head. The small creature speaks up and interrupt Taylor's attempts on book opening, it tells Taylor that it is Carbuncle and that any attempt to open the Administrator's books without permission will be a fruitless endeavor. The revelation took the wind out of Taylor's sails and she slumps, Carbuncle seeing her so despondent tells her that he can take her to the Administrator. Taylor accepts the offer and off they go. While the Carbuncle is leading her through the library, which took a surprising amount of walking, they would sometimes see different creatures sorting books into the shelves. Eventually they reach a door where "Administrator" is written on it, Carbuncle tells her to just go in before they go their own way. Thanking him for the help she then opens the door and goes in. What Taylor finds is an office, on the walls are pictures that are eerily real, they depict the arrival of Scion, Hero's death, Behemoth rising, Lung at Kyushu, the Simurgh descending, Ellisburg, Eagleton, Jack Slash, the Triumvirate in action, the chains of Dragon, the creation of a case 53 and Goddess in the midst of conquest. When Taylor lies her eyes on the desk she finds… nothing, seems like the administrator is not here. Taylor is disappointed until she hears "Hey, up here to the left", what she finds is a platypus, that is floating and wears a fedora. She asks the platypus "Who are you?", the platypus shighs? before answering her "I am the Administrator and before you ask this was not intended to be so, I just messed up, can we move on while I try to fix this?". The Administrator pauses to see if Taylor would make a big deal out of it before they continue "Ok, let's get this out of the way. You have been having strange dreams for the last week yes, they were from me, I wanted to give you a greater perspective on the world before we met..." the platypus stops for a moment before it turns into a girl her age in an instant, then they fall onto the ground. The administrator picks themselves off the ground before exclaiming "Thumbs, fuck yes!", when the former platypus notices the look Taylor is giving them, their expression turns sheepish. "Ok, like I was saying I wanted to expand your perspective so you would at least give me a chance to explain before calling bullshit. Administrator is my name, but it is also my function, I come from a species that have been traveling the stars for way longer than the earth has been a planet. My job is to administrate all of my siblings while we are performing what is called a cycle. It is what my species calls when we split it from being a greater entity and into shards, connect to individuals of the species we have decided to connect to for the cycle, where we then give said individual super<insert species> abilities. The point of the cycle is to observe the species so we can learn the innovations that the species find with the abilities we give and their tech, we do this because we are not very creative as a species. When the cycle ends we leave, this tends to be a bad things for the host species. This has been going on until now, something has happened and the cycle was broken, you saw that little girl and woman kill the crystal being, that is one of the overarching consciousnesses that control the shards. Another strange thing is me, I have for some reason been able to figure out creativity, empathy and more Ys" The girl looks pretty proud when she says the last part. "So the reason you are here is because I want to offer you powers and hopefully avert any apocalypse that is approaching, if you accept we will discuss what kind of powers I can give you and what you want, but no promises on doing exactly what you want, it might be a bad idea or something I am unable to give. Though before you answer let me explain triggers, why we need them and why they are horrible, I will also talk about what can be done to mitigate the trauma of a trigger and hope you accepts my help" After this they being to discuss.
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Some of those new votes are because people are voting for some things and not others. Like how Ducats only counts his new dream plan because it's the newest post with a voting box.

I did see I'd accidentally doubled up some and have removed those. I'm not at home and so I'm fiddling around with controls I'm not used to. I did make sure to list the votes and links to them to try and make those more obvious because I know I'll make mistakes.

Not to say that there aren't errors there. No one should ever trust me. Real dumb.
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Genesis is Transform. It's been updating a bit so, not surprising that one was missed.

Also, Vhal, shouldn't Jess be in italics?

The pool is down enough I'm pretty much out of guesses. I daresay I dunno what anything is anymore.
Although is Control is Heartbreaker, I'll be sad.
Fixed all Caudron shards as best I'm aware. And yes, Control is indeed Heartbreaker. (Gaea got it from Coopt)

have you read Ward? Is surveillance Kenzie? That literally her tinker specialty so my best guess. She's be very young though. She triggered younger than Bonesaw, Dinah or Vista I think.

There's an idea, trigger a 9 year old girl to be holy grail tinker and point her directly at Dragon. Pretty messed up, but everyone half expects young triggers to be powerful and crazy (Ciara)
Can you believe that I never noticed this? Wow, I'm unobservant. Also I don't care much for Ward, really. Fanon beats Canon by a few years IIRC.

Current Vote Counts:
Thanks GrandMage and Mount. Elements! Going over your consolidations now.

BTW, Closing the vote, writing the new parts of Prologue part 7. This will take a bit, worst case could end up being first-thing Monday. Hopefully it will be a lot sooner.
Trying again to figure out the remaining Shard addresses. It looks like Legend has been added with the Shard address of Hypersparkle:

Equilibrium - Aegis (Maybe because his body adjusts for any injuries?)
Repurpose - Mouse Protector (Could her tags count as repurposing?)
Singular - Doormaker?
Surveillance - Alexandria (She's supposed to not forget things, right? And she can fly.)

I've already tried Equilibrium and Singular for Alexandria. I'm guessing Doormaker for Singular just because some of the other top Cauldron capes are on the list. Are there any other Brockton Bay capes missing from the list other than Aegis?
Trying again to figure out the remaining Shard addresses. It looks like Legend has been added with the Shard address of Hypersparkle:

Equilibrium - Aegis (Maybe because his body adjusts for any injuries?)
Repurpose - Mouse Protector (Could her tags count as repurposing?)
Singular - Doormaker?
Surveillance - Alexandria (She's supposed to not forget things, right? And she can fly.)

I've already tried Equilibrium and Singular for Alexandria. I'm guessing Doormaker for Singular just because some of the other top Cauldron capes are on the list. Are there any other Brockton Bay capes missing from the list other than Aegis?
Mouse Protector was added to the list. Surveillance is (IIRC, who knows) not a Canon Trigger. But also not an OC. Read moar fanfic?

Legend already has a name for his shard it is Coruscant Knave.
If Ciara want to name a Shard something so ridiculous I reserve the right to change it to something else just as ridiculous. (It was originally going to be either 'Sparkle and Fade' or something involving higher dimensions. I merged the ideas)
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Marker must be Mouse Protector. The only remaining Shard address that hasn't been tried for Aegis is Singular. If that's not him, then either his Shard is not communicating with anyone for whatever reason, or his powers come from a source other than Shards somehow.

I have no idea who Surveillance is. The last one is Equilibrium. Maybe it's Whirligig? If she's one of the capes that aren't going to be included for being too small-time, then other possibilities are Theo, Doormaker, and Myrddin.
Marker must be Mouse Protector. The only remaining Shard address that hasn't been tried for Aegis is Singular. If that's not him, then either his Shard is not communicating with anyone for whatever reason, or his powers come from a source other than Shards somehow.

I have no idea who Surveillance is. The last one is Equilibrium. Maybe it's Whirligig? If she's one of the capes that aren't going to be included for being too small-time, then other possibilities are Theo, Doormaker, and Myrddin.
Let me know if/when I should fill them in.

Doormaker, Theo, and Myrddin are not on the list, but they are known so I can add them if you like.

EDIT: I have finished tallying votes, and figuring out which ones have won. Spoiler alert, not every non-blocking vote made it in because the Chapter would have been too long. Then again, we are going day-by-day at this point and we're still in the Prologue. Try again tomorrow (night)?
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[X] Ducats

Someone made a good point - plan is good in overall, but I would again suggest removing Simurgh to show up in it. Because Simurgh is something famous for 'mind raping' people and Taylor may be indeed scared that she is 'Simurghed'. Eidolon will work, it may as well be someone who represents good old age era like Vikare and his death pretty much ended 'golden era of parahumans' which as a symbolic thing works perfectly well.

I'm mystified where some of those "not's" are coming from. You won't be capable of getting 'Surveillance' without a educated guess and a lot of reading. While you've come up with a huge number of non-BB capes that I've had to edit into the list, "Control" isn't one that I thought was that hard?

On what Surveillance can be:

A) If other stories/quests may be a thing, Amanda Lane from HALPING!Quest would fit. Her tinker specialty makes her REALLY good at information gathering and surveillance. Problem is that storyline there is so changed from original one, that Amanda with additional 2 years of tinkering would cause DRASTIC plotline changes. And well... Taylor already triggered there. Unless it's borrowed 'expy' with a permission from there.

And her shard wouldn't be called Lightware anymore :p.

Madison in Silenco was in fact also Surveillance Tinker if I remember right?

B) I can see one Tinker, which shows up in canon, but he is so OBSCURE that I suspect very few people even remember his official cape name. I talk about Epeios. His wikipedia page mentions this:

Epeios is a computer tinker of Tattletale's acquaintance. Their relationship was apparently quite complicated. Epeios was responsible for the virus that the Undersiders used on their raid of the Brockton Bay Wards headquarters, which Dragon had little difficulty with. Little else is know about him.

Computer tinker may be something that may be connected to Surveillance as a shard I think.
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