Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
To be honest, I simply prefer wind to darkness. It is my hope to (eventually, not feasible in the short term) replace/phase out darkness with moon.
We have a darkness aligned DW, whose stats scale with the number of darkness meridians we have active. Your argument is invalid.

The number of darkness aligned Meridians we have will only increase, even if we only pick up Arts that are direct successors to our current suite, solely by virtue of more powerful Arts requiring more Meridians, in conjunction with the ability to scrunch Meridians down not reducing the 'total number' for such purposes.

And it's not as though I'm not hoping for a successor to TRF that is somehow Wood/Darkness/Moon, or a Darkness/Larceny buff-stealing Arm/Lung or Arm/Heart Art, or other, more esoteric things (Moon/Sun/Darkness 'Eclipse' Art, anybody? Not sure what it would actually do at the moment, really should go to sleep).

Your argument is lacking in any other points. And though our Domain Weapon is important, it isn't the center point of our build. Choosing new Arts based upon our Domain Weapon, something that we can change and replace if we so desire, is foolish - it should be the other way around; we should choose a Domain Weapon based upon the Arts we want.

In addition, it will eventually be changed to something else. Probably in Fifth Realm, or thereabouts, when we've finally moved beyond our current one's potential - a long time from now, granted - but we don't have to wait that long if we don't want to, and a Domain Weapon that better fit our Meridians would be remarkably useful. If we can ever figure that problem out, at any rate.
Personally I think the problem here is going to be moon. How many moon arts are there even going to be in the archive? There are like 3 serious moon cultivators in the entire sect. If we vote in moon every time we're going to badly restrict our options. It's fine once or twice but after that we should try without it.
To be honest, I simply prefer wind to darkness. It is my hope to (eventually, not feasible in the short term) replace/phase out darkness with moon.

What would you replace it with? Moon, Wind and what?

Fire or Wood (ala ZhengGui) seem like most likely options for a third. Could be almost a necessity, depending on how much assistance ZhengGui brings.

Alternatively, if darkness stays, it should dovetail very nicely with moon. Perfectly aligned elements should provide overlapping support to Qi's main strengths: stealth/larceny, and presumably, perception at night (my most hoped for next Art's direction).
[X] Perceptiveness
[X] Connection
[X] Summons

hey, I just like the idea of networked scout minions, both for spying and having overwatch to give real time info across the battlefield.
No min/max involved.
I noticed that some people changed their choices. Apparently, that is allowed. :)

In that case:

[x] Perception
[x] Stealth
[x] Summons
[X] Music
[X] Stealth
[X] Darkness
Personally I think the problem here is going to be moon. How many moon arts are there even going to be in the archive? There are like 3 serious moon cultivators in the entire sect. If we vote in moon every time we're going to badly restrict our options. It's fine once or twice but after that we should try without it.
It does seem to be a rare element these days, yes. However, Moon arts used to be much more common and widespread in the past which means that the Sect could have easily gathered a reasonable collection of them.

I guess we shall see it soon enough.
So we don't know much about Bai Xiao Fen.

She's from a different branch of the Bai Clan to Meizhen, Meizhen's branch being the most important. I think. Hard details on the Bai clan are hard to locate.

I'd guess from Meizhen's comments that members of the Xiao tend to get assigned into some kind of Personal Assistant/Bodyguard/Assassin role with members of Meizhen's branch. Just a guess though.

It also seems like she's a brand new first year member of the sect, and that both she and Meizhen are younger than is typical for PA assignment. I'm guesssing Meizhen winning the tournament out of nowhere and jumping into being a contender in the Bai clan has bought her quite a measure of pull with her family, which she's using with Xiao Fen here.

And despite the comments people have been making I'd say it's not just that she's uncomfortable with the situation as a whole and being part of the sect, I'd say she currently actually actively dislikes Ling Qi. She does seem to be much worse at concealing her feelings than Meizhen is, but maybe that's just that Ling Qi has had a year to pick up on how Meizhen expressed emotions and thus she's equipped to pick up on the tells that Bai clan members have. Maybe somewhere in the middle?

Anyway when it comes around to the tutoring sessions I'd defs like for them to be more than just political wrangling, and actually be helpful to Xiao Fen. Maybe get her to like Ling Qi as well.
So we don't know much about Bai Xiao Fen.

She's from a different branch of the Bai Clan to Meizhen, Meizhen's branch being the most important. I think. Hard details on the Bai clan are hard to locate.

Did it not say about 8 branches of Bai family? Presumably, each branch is a separate snake. Main Bai branch is one snake (seems like King Cobra by description? has a hood) and Xiao is another (black viper).
So we don't know much about Bai Xiao Fen.

She's from a different branch of the Bai Clan to Meizhen, Meizhen's branch being the most important. I think. Hard details on the Bai clan are hard to locate.
Eight branches of the Bai, after the eight daughters of Grandma snake and Yao. Two of these daughters did not ascend to GS so two of the branches are "commoners". Cant remember the number of them, but not that important right now.

Meizhen is from the Serpent Queen head clan yes, they got her colouration etc. They are expected to lead and is one of the hang ups Meizhen got about her house, being the wannabe cultivation hikikomori that she is.

Bai Xiao Fen is from the branch clan that have the handmaiden for the main clan stick. Meizhen mentioned that clan last thread, funny enough that could have been LQ in a weird timeline. Not much known about them beside that.
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Personally I think the problem here is going to be moon. How many moon arts are there even going to be in the archive? There are like 3 serious moon cultivators in the entire sect. If we vote in moon every time we're going to badly restrict our options. It's fine once or twice but after that we should try without it.
Honestly, if the archive just doesn't have much of an element or keyword, that's something we can learn in-character, with @yrsillar adjusting the prominence of that one pick down in Ling Qi's priorities in the archive after it's clear the pickings are super thin. Then if we want to pursue it, it'll have to be through other avenues than the archive. I don't think that us bashing our head into the archive over and over for simply marginally available topics should be a major issue.

I hope.
The number of darkness aligned Meridians we have will only increase, even if we only pick up Arts that are direct successors to our current suite, solely by virtue of more powerful Arts requiring more Meridians, in conjunction with the ability to scrunch Meridians down not reducing the 'total number' for such purposes.
Certainly, we will get more Darkness Meridians regardless of our choice here. But so what? We will also become stronger regardless of our choice of Art, but one couldn't argue that means that how much this art helps our combat ability is a non-issue. It is literally the same problem here: any art we pick that is not elementally aligned with what we chose as our "primary" element for our DW means one less bonus to the DW when compared to something elementally matching.

Your argument is lacking in any other points. And though our Domain Weapon is important, it isn't the center point of our build. Choosing new Arts based upon our Domain Weapon, something that we can change and replace if we so desire, is foolish - it should be the other way around; we should choose a Domain Weapon based upon the Arts we want.

In addition, it will eventually be changed to something else. Probably in Fifth Realm, or thereabouts, when we've finally moved beyond our current one's potential - a long time from now, granted - but we don't have to wait that long if we don't want to, and a Domain Weapon that better fit our Meridians would be remarkably useful. If we can ever figure that problem out, at any rate.
We may have the ability to change our Domain Weapon, but that only helps if we are considering changing from one primary element to another. Right now, the meridian elements being pushed for are Wind, Wood, Darkness, and Music. This isn't a matter of us consolidating onto Wind because that is the element we want - it is just people reaching for ALL THE THINGS despite how antisynergetic such lack of focus is.
Certainly, we will get more Darkness Meridians regardless of our choice here. But so what? We will also become stronger regardless of our choice of Art, but one couldn't argue that means that how much this art helps our combat ability is a non-issue. It is literally the same problem here: any art we pick that is not elementally aligned with what we chose as our "primary" element for our DW means one less bonus to the DW when compared to something elementally matching.

We may have the ability to change our Domain Weapon, but that only helps if we are considering changing from one primary element to another. Right now, the meridian elements being pushed for are Wind, Wood, Darkness, and Music. This isn't a matter of us consolidating onto Wind because that is the element we want - it is just people reaching for ALL THE THINGS despite how antisynergetic such lack of focus is.
You seem to have mis-interpreted the context of what that push for Wind, Wood, Darkness, Music etc is for. It is not people reaching for all the things and trying to dilute our elemental focus. It is people reaching for one art because it is for a grouping of arts, which we are likely to only train one of and very unlikely to train all of, barring the possibility that we don't like any of them and the discussion stopping there.

The main thrust against your argument is that it is unrealistic in it's desires, because your position of objection against this perceived all the things grab is connected to the position that what we get must have darkness meridians in our arts and that darkness must be our primary element solely because of our domain weapon. This is not realistically achievable because of the narrowing which comes down on workable art options because of it, when one considers all of our arts in total, particularly TRF and PLR and how we are going to be looking for a TRF successor of some form(though probably not literally TRF+).