Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Why do we not have any Fire arts that can take advantage of Zhengui bonuses?

I mean, if we're doing that idea of the warm cabin in the frosty blizzard we'd need a source of warmth.
Because that is one among many, many, many ideas which all orbit around "Building which protects our family."
[X] Cold
[X] Moon
[X] Stealth

The woman bowed her head. "You do me honor Mother Lian. We would not have good lives without your care and love and no homes without your children. You provide for us from yourself."

"Thank you." Both humans said in sync, kowtowing before the willow tree, which creaked softly, the shade shifting above them as it moved.

You are welcome Bingqing. Is your seedling well?
I know I said it about the previous omake in this series too, but these sorts of interactions are some of my favorites in fiction. The effort put in by both sides to care for each other despite being so fundamentally different is just really nice to read.
Looks like the top 6 are pretty solid, unless people start consolidating.
The only upset I can see potentially happening is between Moon (29 votes, 5th place), Connection (28 votes, 6th place), Cold (only if you merge it with "Winter") (20 votes, 7th) and Darkness (19 votes, 8th place).
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[X] Cold
[X] Moon
[X] Stealth

I know I said it about the previous omake in this series too, but these sorts of interactions are some of my favorites in fiction. The effort put in by both sides to care for each other despite being so fundamentally different is just really nice to read.
You're welcome. I do it because I think it makes cultural sense and sense in terms of the setting for people to settle around spirits, and to enter beneficial relationships with said spirits at least in the Empire.

Might be different for the Not!Pillarmen.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Dec 3, 2018 at 11:20 PM, finished with 213 posts and 128 votes.
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[X] Darkness
[X] Theft
[X] Perception

Darkness to help it edge in towards the cluster at 30, Theft to indicate my preference for where Ling Qi goes (I want that storage-ring theft art eventually :V) even though it's a lost cause, Perception because I prefer it over Perceptiveness—Perception is more active, Perceptiveness is mostly a quality.
[x] Stealth
[x] Moon
[x] Stellar

I'll be honest, the last one has no chance of winning, I just want to believe there's some way to further enhance the stars in Ling Qi's hair.
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Still, Meizhen's last year improves her standing in the Sect *significantly*, in multiple ways.
gonna laugh when a major power block forms around a Cai/Bai Alliance that started from the Imperial House forcing the Bai to send scions to sects to isolate and weaken the younger generation and oops turns out one Bai made friends and all the others sneks become social butterfly's to catch up

I mean who would make friends with sneks?

No Wood votes make TRF sad :(
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Inserted tally

EDIT: Hmm, top three are what I like best already... May as well vote for others I guess.

[x] Summons
[x] Darkness
[x] Speed

Coz Darkness is cool, but not top 6, I want summons better than worms because Ling Qi thrives with good minions around her, and Speed coz being able to run away from enemies, run towards allies, and generally just be faster than everyone is important I think.
Adhoc vote count started by Kai Merah on Dec 4, 2018 at 12:03 AM, finished with 216 posts and 129 votes.
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An interesting feature of us tutoring Xiao Fen is the political maneuvering that occurs. Cai tutoring Xiao Fen could send the message that Bai is superior to Cai, given this is Bai Meizhen's handmaiden. Which is a problem given that they are both from Duchies. Bai can't very well tutor her handmaiden as that changes the relationship from employer/employee to teacher/student. Despite how radical we've made Bai Meizhen, I don't think she is willing to buck traditions in the relationship between the branches of the Bai that have existed longer than the Empire.

Which conveniently leaves us. As the third member of this triad, and a retainer to Cai Rexiang, us tutoring Xiao Fen seems like the Cai extending a favor to Bai Meizhen (having her retainer teach Meizhen's handmaid), which is then promptly returned by having Xiao Fen pass on messages covertly to GG. It really is a beautiful system. Simple, functional, and a benefit to both parties.

Additionally, I wonder what we are going to be teaching Xiao Fen during the tutoring sessions? Music is our strongest skill to teach, but I have strong doubts that Xiao Fen has any desire to pursue the musical disciplines. Which leaves tutoring on the nature of the darkness element, dodge, and possibly stealth up for grabs. My personal bet is instruction on the darkness element and dodging/defenses.
Additionally, I wonder what we are going to be teaching Xiao Fen during the tutoring sessions? Music is our strongest skill to teach, but I have strong doubts that Xiao Fen has any desire to pursue the musical disciplines. Which leaves tutoring on the nature of the darkness element, dodge, and possibly stealth up for grabs. My personal bet is instruction on the darkness element and dodging/defenses.
Our most generally useful skills: Making and keeping trustworthy friends/allies, scheduling and Sect Point optimization, and likely general Yin or Darkness Cultivation.

Honestly having us be a solid contact and confidante for Xiao Fen to talk to in regards to personal issues with interacting with others, as someone who managed to bulldoze through Meizhan's aura, makes sense for perpetuating the lesson Meizhan learned herself. We are also a great font of information about Time-Value of Sect Points and are rather knowledgeable in the ways of cultivating Yin and Darkness aligned arts.