Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Plan Will it Blend?

Pretty much fine with either, but the archive visit edges out formations for me slightly.
Here you go.

Basically, if we put two slots into stealth, we would gain anywhere from 2-12 successes in stealth.

Thanks. So we can expect an average +7 per two ap cut.

Then we have a total of 18*10*7=1260 attributes point to distributes with a max of 7×18=126 point in a single attribute.

Mmh. SS rank music is possible if we start directly next month to train music. 80+40=120.

S rank dex is unlikely tho (it needs 80+60=140 success).
Why do we want to grind Qi twice and Wits only once? Wits needs to be trained at every opportunity, and Qi is competitive with mid-Greens right now. Plan is bad if it doesn't Wits x 2.

The opportunity cost of Qi is nil. EPC trains two of Qi, Perceptiveness, and Stealth. We want to train Stealth on our Sect jobs to encourage EPC bonuses, so 4 rounds of EPC forces us to train 2xQi and 2xPerceptiveness. Archive action is Int or Academics only.

Wits we can get from Physical, Spiritual, and SCS of the things we're training. SCS is the only source of Dance and we're trying to make that relevant, so with 3 SCS that leaves 1 Wits. Dex is the god stat and Manip is our attack stat so Physical and Spiritual need to train those twice each. Presence is our damage stat and severely gimped so that also is needed to be trained by Spiritual. That leaves two Physical trainings that we're using for Stamina (38/40) to get it over the hump for sure.

I imagine that once Stamina is leveled our next 4x Physical action will train Dex and Wits, with Stamina maybe being allowed to languish a bit once it's leveled. Its arguable we should train 2xWits and 1xStamina instead of the reverse but I think both stats are of similar quality to us anyways.

EDIT: You might also argue Wits is worth more than Dance, but I think the mood of the thread is we want to give Dance a real honest chance and that means not neglecting its training while it's small.
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Why do we want to grind Qi twice and Wits only once? Wits needs to be trained at every opportunity, and Qi is competitive with mid-Greens right now. Plan is bad if it doesn't Wits x 2.
It's be nice if we had a choice. EPC is "-[] Perceptiveness, Qi, Stealth" and with stealth already taken by the missions we're stuck with frieking Qi.

nvm: already said above.

It's seriously annoying how that 2AP limit us. Makes little sense too to be limited to training an attribute only every other week...
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[X] Actual Plan Gamma

Distant: <400 meters
This should be ">400 meters." "<" is "less than," ">" is "greater than."

Well, given that EPC only trains Stealth, Qi, and perceptiveness, and we need to do stealth on missions for the EPC bonus, I foresee us doing a LOT of Qi training in the near future :p
I mean, technically everything we do is Qi training; she's a hardworking girl after all.
With the only 2 AP per Attribute rule we're going to have a pretty big number of "secondaries". Or Core. honestly there's little difference between them since we're be constantly training 10 different attributes each turn...

Training Arts can also be used to train the related skills. So we've got 20 'training points' split between ten Attributes and twenty-five skills - and some of those skills can and will be split further, generating more skills, much like how Expression has already split into Art, Dance, and Music.

And our 'Core' attributes are the ones related to Music: Manipulation and Presence. We'll pretty much want to train these every turn. Dexterity's good too.
Secondary Attributes are survival based (in my opinion): Stamina, Wits, and Resolve. Every other turn, or 1/turn, or something along those lines, up to B rank should be good enough.
Tertiary is Composure, Intelligence, and Strength. Get these to C then don't worry about them so much.

Core Skills are: Music, Dance, Stealth. Where we've made our name, or what we want our name to be associated with. Train these every turn, or at least as often as possible.
Secondary: Dodge, Fade, Formations, Perceptiveness. Every other turn or 1/turn; A or B rank.
Tertiary: Athletics, War, Spirit Ken, Fortitude, Resilience, Speech, Empathy. Get to 'C', push to B if we've got the time.
Quaternary: Academics, Government, Survival, Blades. Get to 'C', ignore otherwise.
Dump: Craft, Art, everything else. Get to 'C' if we somehow have room after Quaternary skills. Might come up in a Challenge is the only reason.

While Dexterity and Expression-derived skills are our only Uncapped attribute and skills - and are our highest attribute and skills - it's highly unlikely we'll actually reach the S-rank cap of our other attributes or skills before the Inter-Sect Tournament.

Our next highest Attribute is Manipulation, at C (27/50). It'll take 23 + 60 successes to reach A rank, and an additional 80 to reach S, for a total of 163. I don't think we can pull that off in time for the Inter-Sect Tournament - unless there are other sources of raising attributes and skills - but it is eminently possible to reach S rank Manipulation in time for the final push to be within 5 Ranks of CRX, who will herself be within the top 525.

Formations, an important skill as it's incredibly useful, is at D (18/20). Getting this to A-rank shouldn't be too bad... 2 + 25 + 30. It'll probably split by this point, of course.

So the question is, should we push for the S-ranks in our core Attributes and Skills for the last stretch of our time in the Sect, or should we maximize our potential for the Inter-Sect tournament, whatever that may entail?
Now that I am released from the clutches of academia, I can actually formulate a thought on the two leading plans.

The main critical distinction that I am seeing in the plans is the last AP spent. One on Sect duties (formations) and the other on Library for art research (academics). Now, we already have an extra 10 contribution points for being awesome so I'm not that concerned about getting more Contribution Points at the moment. Furthermore, I'm not too sure that we will be pursuing formations in the inner sect with Shenhua holding the sword of Damocles over our head. I'm pulled further toward plan "bend" because I like arts, I really like arts and I want to see the options we have even if we don't do anything with them for a while.

There have been arguments that we shouldn't go looking at arts until we know what we want to do, but we won't know what we are capable of doing without going and doing research on arts. I believe it is a chicken or egg first dilemma, and the solution is too just choose one. So I'm going to choose to look at arts and see what's available. Adding to that, looking at the archives would grant us access to knowledge we couldn't otherwise know... which might proc the EPC learning bonus.

As such, I'm going to vote

[X] Plan Will it Blend?
[X]Plan Will it Blend?

Let's check out that archive so we can start planning our build.
@Alectai @tryrar @DeAnno @BungieONI

You seem to have a grasp on how plans work: Does researching our mother's comb belong to the cultivation vote because it involves Qi? Or is it a social action, because we got it from our mother?

Or does it depend on how we investigate it?

edit: vote, note quote
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You seem to have a grasp on how plans work: Does researching our mother's comb belong to the cultivation quote because it involves Qi? Or is it a social action, because we got it from our mother?

Or does it depend on how we investigate it?
It'll be a thing when it's a thing. Let yrs bring it up when he thinks it's the right time.
You seem to have a grasp on how plans work: Does researching our mother's comb belong to the cultivation quote because it involves Qi? Or is it a social action, because we got it from our mother?

I'd imagine any sort of detailed research would be a subvote of the Archive, but we need to get our bearings there before anything like that I think.

Also, Yrs indicated the Archive actions will have choices while they happen, so it could very well come up inside one of those actions even without direct voting in a plan.
[X]Plan Will it Blend?

Mainly because of stealth and arts. Wanna see what pops for inner sect members.

We could potentially get our stats to something like:
Str D, Dex S, Stamina A;
Int C, Wits A, Resolve B;
Pre B, Man A, Comp D;

By the tournament. Dex S is hard though. That requires a few bonus dice from somewhere :(
Wits A requires us to get 2 dice most months, as does Stamina A (so make sure we take it on physical cultivation all the time). Manipulation A has more flexibility. That being said, if we're aiming to hit S by the time we leave the Sect then we'd need to be grinding it nearly every month.

Our skills should also not be forgotten. Looking at our core skills, getting S music is probably going to be pretty easy with Zeqing. SS, as noted previously, probably trickier.

Stealth A is quite possible, requiring ~14 dice - or at least 7 months of stealth things. Probably fine with missions. Dodge A would be nice, but requires ~8 months of Dodge things. If all we're using is SCS there, and we keep dumping its training into other things this might be hard.

Looking at other core skills in terms of how many months we need to get B:
Perceptiveness: 6-7. Should be manageable between EPC and perception arts
Dance: 8. Should be manageable between SCS and PLR - but remember we have other things to train.
Fortitude: 8. Could be pretty hard, since we really only have TRF for this.
Fade: 7-8. Could be tricky. Depends on spiritual defense arts.
Resilience: 7. Could be tricky again. Depends on spiritual defense arts.

We theoretically have the xp available to get all these things - with xp to spare! - before the tournament. However, it does depend on us training the right things on our arts. Repeatedly ignoring Dodge on SCS could easily result in us simply running out of SCS actions to train it. TRF only has a single level to go, and is currently our only means of training Fortitude. In some ways, its relative slowness is a boon, since I doubt we can get TRF 6 in less than 4 months, giving us more time to train Fortitude.

But yeah, stats are, of course, important - but we shouldn't forget our skills.
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I honestly prefer Gamma's stat setup by quite a bit with +1 Manip, +2 Qi, +1 Strength vs Grind with +1 Wits, +1 Stamina, +2 Survival. I think we don't really need CP now though and we do need to get a look into the Archive at least to have an idea what it's about. Also I don't care much for the Formations training. (When I advocated for the Horror last year, it was in a try-it-out frame of mind. I wasn't very impressed with it, and don't want to push more into formations right away.)

I think my ideal stat spread would be Gamma's +1 Manip and +2 Qi with Grind's +1 Stamina. Stamina is better for us than Strength, Manip is better for us than Wits, and as much as everyone laughs about how much Qi we have no reason to neglect it given the chance.
Basically, I think Manip is super important but will be easier to improve once our music arts are available again. Wits though is the god stat of the mental stat, and should be taken up as far as plausible.

Qi is weird, because S is the cap and we are at A, and apparently there might be something that means we don't get to S directly if we get 80? But if we do get to S directly, it means we'll get there anyway without training it. So I'd prefer waiting a bit to see how it goes before training it.

[X]Plan Will it Blend?
[X] Plan setting up for the grind

Consolidating anyway though.
Oh right, we shouldn't forget about Spirit Ken either. It's important for us to get that good while we're in the relatively safe and controlled environment of the Sect. We should make sure to do Spirit missions sometimes.