Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Yeah, I'd be leery of putting less than 3 actions into SCS. Bad luck could cause problems for us.

Also I'm not sure if we still control where EPC successes go?
EPC info in this thread said:
-When passing stealth and larceny challenges during adventure mode the user receives bonus successes equal to 5x the letter rank of the challenges passed to spiritual or physical cultivation, or Moon or Yin aligned arts, as selected at turn start. Bonus successes cap at 90.
we should still be controlling it.
Question: how viable is a build that makes us the Doof Warrior while using Zhengui as the Doof Wagon?
Missions train anything. It's what's stated. As for a make up plan:

[ ] Plan setting up for the grind
-[ ] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[ ] EPC bonus to EPC
-[ ] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence x2 , Manip, Wits)
-[ ] Cultivate Phys x4 (Dex x2, Stamina x2)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Stealth x2)
-[ ] Cultivate SCS x3 (Dance x2, Wits)
-[ ] Cultivate Argent Genesis x2 (Resolve x2)
-[ ] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP) x2 (Larcenyx2)
-[ ] Research Arts in Sect Archive x1 (Academics)

I am still waiting for site/elder info though. This would let us have SCS as fast as possible while also grinding EPC successes via Sect Job/EPC training, and would let us learn more about arts.
you know, I did not think about splitting wits like that, and now that I see it it makes a TON of sense. The only change I'd make to your plan is have the jobs train Fortitude, since NONE of our other options train it and it is an important part of our physical resist.

Also, I'd change Dex to Strength, we have B dex already and D strength.
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Missions train anything. It's what's stated. As for a make up plan:
I disagree.
The "any" sub-vote for missions is for what mission we take, not what attribute it trains. If every action trained an attribute then meridians would have two sub-votes: one for the attribute and one for the meridian opened.
It's much more likely that only cultivation actions train attributes.
[ ] Plan Dancing Through Danger
-[ ] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[] EPC Successes Go to EPC
-[]Buy Sect Sponsored GSS
-[ ] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence x2 , Manipulation, Wits)
-[ ] Cultivate Phys x4 (Dex x2, Strength, Stamina)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Stealth x2)
-[ ] Cultivate SCS x3 (Dance x2, Wits)
-[ ] Cultivate Argent Genesis x2 (Resolve x2)
-[ ] Research Arts in Sect Archive x1 (Academics)
-[ ] Take Sect Jobs x2 (Fortitude, Larceny)
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I disagree.
The "any" sub-vote for missions is for what mission we take, not what attribute it trains. If every action trained an attribute then meridians would have two sub-votes: one for the attribute and one for the meridian opened.
It's much more likely that only cultivation actions train attributes.
Missions have historically been, inquest, one of the best ways to train attributes. So I do think it's very likely they can train anything, and Yrs would find a mission that 'fits' it.
you know, I did not think about splitting wits like that, and now that I see it it makes a TON of sense. The only change I'd make to your plan is have the jobs train Fortitude, since NONE of our other options train it and it is an important part of our physical resist.

Also, I'd change Dex to Strength, we have B dex already and D strength.
STR only helps speed, while Dex is something we need to train at least twice every weeks in order to raise to S... and Dex gives speed, initiative, PLR dice, Domain Weapon Dice, Dodge Dice. Fortitude is a good idea though, but unsure where to put it.
Put on one sect job, sure this is less EPC dice but it trains a skill we have no way of training otherwise.

Edit, fine. I put Dex at 2x while training str and stam once. Stam is important because we're only 2 away from leveling it, and barring extreme bad luck 2x was probably overkill on it anyways.

However, we really need to have at least 1-2x dice on strength at all times until we get it to at least C, so that we're not reliant on arts for general speed.
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More serious thought: have we actually decided on a build yet? What precisely do we want to be able to do?

Because I feel like critical things we need are the ability to drop into stealth in combat no matter what environment we're in and enough speed to do so before a peer opponent can hit us. At that point we can safely start our drain cycle and wear our opponent down.
Yo, @yrsillar, anything up with this one? It applies to PLR, SCS, and AS, and is reasonably important, especially as we can only cultivate SCS at the moment.

It says 'Any', and remember how many times our Sect missions allowed us to use Stealth? Quite frequently. Not all the time, no, but a lot of the time; most notably against Heizui.
1.1 multiplier I'll add it in a moment

As a pre-emptive patch note more options will open up for meridians as we proceed, so don't freak out too hard about the space issues.
Yeah, not surprising that people would figure out work arounds to the whole meridian problem.
More serious thought: have we actually decided on a build yet? What precisely do we want to be able to do?

Because I feel like critical things we need are the ability to drop into stealth in combat no matter what environment we're in and enough speed to do so before a peer opponent can hit us. At that point we can safely start our drain cycle and wear our opponent down.
New rules are that our mist allow for attempting stealth no matter the environment.
So, something to note about money:

For every actions that aren't cultivation, we aren't using pills. For example, @tryrar's plan has 2 sect jobs, and so is only using pills 18 times (woohoo pills are now something that only lasts a few hours). This means that the actual cost is 18*25=45YSS+4YSS (from stone use) = 9YSS + income.

We have 1GSS + 43YSS + 103RSS, so this means having 1GSS +43RSS left... except we need to buy the sect's GSS for 200RSS.

Once we buy it, we have 1GSS, 30YSS and 43RSS left. Don't forget Sect Sponsored GSS folks!
Hmm, good to know that we're not Doomed Forever if we open more Meridians, though a point has been taken that now's probably not the best time to open more.
First, some weird things:

Health: Measured by the average of Stamina and Qi, determines how much injury a cultivator can withstand before being incapacitated. Injury will gradually penalize this attribute.

Base Health: C
Stamina D, Resolve C) Unqualified Bonuses: Way 5, Zhengui 5

Is Health Stamina/Qi or Stamina/Resolve?

Li Silk Guard: ooo(7/9)

Old style Rank needs an update here.

Also, thirdly, the text of Resource expenditure seems to imply you spend resources per ACTION, not per week or per month. @yrsillar , does that mean if we only had for example 15 AP in cultivation we would only spend 15x(Resource Cost)? It certainly seems that way.


That out of the way, I tend to think the following things about plans:

  1. We need 4x into Phys, Spiritual, and EPC, non-negotiably.
  2. 3x into SCS so we can get it finished next month is probably wise.
  3. Cracking the First Day of Argent Genesis would be nice, but it might end up conflicting with EPC next month anyways. If EPC isn't going to cap this month we lose nothing delaying AG training to next month, since we can surely get those 100 successes trivially.
  4. It'd be nice to get 4x Sect Jobs for max EPC and 1x Archive just to get a look at how it works. Remember with EPC in this position cycling jobs into Sect points is great since not only does it gain Sect Points it also gains EPC itself.
  5. Comparing efficiencies is interesting. Very High pills gives +10 dice for 35 RSS/Action, which is 3.5 RSS/die. High similarly gets 2.5 RSS/die. Compare this to a max cultivation month in Appraisal, spending 8 GSS/12 YSS instead of 20 YSS. That has a cost of 4000-80 = 3920 RSS. If we divided that by 20 actions that's 196 RSS/action. It gives 40x4+80x4 = 480 dice, compared to the extra from Yellows: 10x8 = 80. Net 400 by 4 weeks is 100 dice. So in total it's 1.96 RSS/die, though spending non cultivation AP dilutes that. Given that we may run a bit short of money eventually I agree High expenditure is the wisest choice, at about that same level of efficiency.
  6. As for stats, Presence is priority #1 as an important hitting stat that is gimped now. Manipulation as our other hitting stat and mediocre is the next highest priority. Stamina is a good attrition stat and almost ranked so we should be sure to finish it. Dex is a god stat and we can't ignore it. Beyond those Wits and Resolve are also important but nowhere to fit enough of them. Sect Jobs should have Stealth and Larceny to emphasize EPC successes. This leaves Perceptiveness and Qi for EPC. I want to max out our Dance with SCS. I'm tempted to train Int with the Archive action but getting Academics is likely going to make Archiving less painful in general later, so I'll go along with that.

Therefore it implies a structure of (borrowing from Arkeus's bones):

[] Plan One Month, Eight Phases
-[] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free), purchase Discounted GSS (-200 RSS)
-[] High Resource Expense (Cost 35 RSS x 15 Cultivation AP = 375 RSS)
-[] EPC bonus to EPC
-[] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence x2 , Manip x2)
-[] Cultivate Phys x4 (Dex x2, Stamina x1, Resolve x1)
-[] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Qi x2)
-[] Cultivate SCS x3 (Dance x2, Wits x1)
-[] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP) x4 (Larceny x2, Stealth x2)
-[] Research Arts in Sect Archive x1 (Academics)
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First, some weird things:

Is Health Stamina/Qi or Stamina/Resolve?

Old style Rank needs an update here.

Also, thirdly, the text of Resource expenditure seems to imply you spend resources per ACTION, not per week or per month. @yrsillar , does that mean if we only had for example 15 AP in cultivation we would only spend 15x(Resource Cost)? It certainly seems that way.


That out of the way, I tend to think the following things about plans:

  1. We need 4x into Phys, Spiritual, and EPC, non-negotiably.
  2. 3x into SCS so we can get it finished next month is probably wise.
  3. Cracking the First Day of Argent Genesis would be nice, but it might end up conflicting with EPC next month anyways. If EPC isn't going to cap this month we lose nothing delaying AG training to next month, since we can surely get those 100 successes trivially.
  4. It'd be nice to get 4x Sect Jobs for max EPC and 1x Archive just to get a look at how it works. Remember with EPC in this position cycling jobs into Sect points is great since not only does it gain Sect Points it also gains EPC itself.
  5. Comparing efficiencies is interesting. Very High pills gives +10 dice for 35 RSS/Action, which is 3.5 RSS/die. High similarly gets 2.5 RSS/die. Compare this to a max cultivation month in Appraisal, spending 8 GSS/12 YSS instead of 20 YSS. That has a cost of 4000-80 = 3920 RSS. If we divided that by 20 actions that's 196 RSS/action. It gives 40x4+80x4 = 480 dice, compared to the extra from Yellows: 10x8 = 80. Net 400 by 4 weeks is 100 dice. So in total it's 1.96 RSS/die, though spending non cultivation AP dilutes that. Given that we may run a bit short of money eventually I agree High expenditure is the wisest choice, at about that same level of efficiency.
  6. As for stats, Presence is priority #1 as an important hitting stat that is gimped now. Manipulation as our other hitting stat and mediocre is the next highest priority. Stamina is a good attrition stat and almost ranked so we should be sure to finish it. Dex is a god stat and we can't ignore it. Beyond those Wits and Resolve are also important but nowhere to fit enough of them. Sect Jobs should have Stealth and Larceny to emphasize EPC successes. This leaves Perceptiveness and Qi for EPC. I want to max out our Dance with SCS. I'm tempted to train Int with the Archive action but getting Academics is likely going to make Archiving less painful in general later, so I'll go along with that.

Therefore it implies a structure of (borrowing from Arkeus's bones):

[ ] Plan One Month, Eight Phases
-[ ] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[ ] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -10 reserves)
-[ ] EPC bonus to EPC
-[ ] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence x2 , Manip x2)
-[ ] Cultivate Phys x4 (Dex x2, Stamina x2)
-[ ] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Qi x2)
-[ ] Cultivate SCS x3 (Dance x2, Wits)
-[ ] Take Sect Jobs(Earns Sect Points 11-20 per AP) x4 (Larceny x2, Stealth x2)
-[ ] Research Arts in Sect Archive x1 (Academics)

Stamina/qi I'll fix those in a bit

Yes resources are per action, so if you cultivate for 15 AP thats 15xresource cost

Patchnotes. Fixed the beast bonuses into the new multiplier format
[X] Actual Plan Gamma
-[X] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free), purchase Discounted GSS (-200 RSS)
-[X] High Resource Expense (YSS income wiped out, -2.5 Reserves)
-[X] EPC Bonuses to EPC
-[X] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence x2, Manip x2)
-[X] Cultivate Phys x4 (Dex x2, Stamina, Strength)
-[X] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Stealth, Qi)
-[X] Cultivate SCS x3 (Dodge x2, Wits)
-[X] Cultivate Argent Genesis x2 (Resolve x2)
-[X] Take Sect Jobs x2 (Stealth, Spirit Ken)
-[X] Perform Sect Duties (Formations)

I think this is a pretty good plan, gets AG decisively underway, starts replenishing our reserve of Sect Points, and gets us some solid Arts progress for later.
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Missions have historically been, inquest, one of the best ways to train attributes. So I do think it's very likely they can train anything, and Yrs would find a mission that 'fits' it.

STR only helps speed, while Dex is something we need to train at least twice every weeks in order to raise to S... and Dex gives speed, initiative, PLR dice, Domain Weapon Dice, Dodge Dice. Fortitude is a good idea though, but unsure where to put it.

As much as I want her to get S rank Dex (Miss! Miss! Miss!), does the benefits outweigh having more rounded out phys/mental stats? If I'm not misreading the Sect rules, there's only 170 potential challengers. We don't need to possess an absolute advantage over them, just be annoying enough to not be worth challenging. Having better average stats overall means more success during clashes, better rewards, better results.

Just nitpicking though. Glad everyone agrees we need to reach Green/Bronze 2 ASAP, level EPC and SCS.
[X] Plan Dancing Through Danger
-[X] Invest 4x YSS (+12 Free YSS)
-[X] High - 20 dice for 25 (40-15) red stones per action
-[X] EPC Successes Go to EPC
-[X]Buy Sect Sponsored GSS
-[X] Cultivate Spirit x4 (Presence x2 , Manipulation, Wits)
-[X] Cultivate Phys x4 (Dex x2, Strength, Stamina)
-[X] Cultivate EPC x4 (Perceptiveness x2, Stealth x2)
-[X] Cultivate SCS x3 (Dance x2, Wits)
-[X] Cultivate Argent Genesis x2 (Resolve x2)
-[X] Take Sect Jobs x3 (Fortitude, Larceny x2)

I don't maximize EPC bonuses quite as much with one less Larceny action, but I train a stat we have no other way of training(and is an important component in our physical defenses), and generally try to train as many relevant stats as possible. I also don't go quite as hard on AG as we probably won't be using it primarily over EPC, but it is still good to have.

Since people don't seem to want the archive action, changed it to another sect job to maximise larceny gains
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