Shadowmancer of the Shadow Cabal
Sadly not, I misread acrobatics as appearance. I shall swiftly commit sudoku in shame.
Your honoru has beenu restored!Sadly not, I misread acrobatics as appearance. I shall swiftly commit sudoku in shame.
Sadly not, I misread acrobatics as appearance. I shall swiftly commit sudoku in shame.
His honoru is restored with solving sudoku puzzles?
Must admit I'm hoping tree walking wins, not only will it give us a leg up in combat by allowing us better footing but it'll help push our Chakra control even further.
I wonder if Pinnacle in a Social attribute is what is required to initiate the infamous Sunset Jutsu...I have a memo on my phone open to track all of this, going to be fin once I get home to put it all in. Though at least most of the xp is being spent right away so I need to type less. But wow almost hitting pinnacle in an attribute.
hey @Vesvius i think you missed it.Sooo, @Vesvius i wrote another small thing though it's small and kinda kracky.
Yeah, I like the Kracky version of Sasuke who only communicates via grunts and gestures. Mute!Sasuke is Best!Sasuke. granted that might just be me enjoying it when he isn't talking..."Oh my god they're relentless!" Daisuke cried as the two youths slowly came out of hiding as the last of the stampede seemed to have run off.
"Hnnn." Came the black haired one's reply.
"Right? How come the don't have that kind of stamina and perseverance in a fight?"
"That's how many years you've been doing this for?"
"How do you even have any clothes left?"
"Really, one of you have a deal with one of the fan girls whose parents are tailors…?"
A nod.
"… What does it cost you?"
"Wait, so those photo shoot pictures aren't doctored?!?!?"
"Hnn!" Wow! Daisuke even got a wild gesture with that one.
"Sheesh, no need to threaten me I promise I won't tell, 's not like anyone would believe me anyway."
"Really it was that big?"
"And she just went up and pulled it out!?"
"Can't believe she just flashed you like that."
"Man, cameras are weird."
"So, what do we do now? I suspect that the horde will be searching for at least another hour"
"Hmmm, hn!"
"Henge into civilians and walk straight out?
I mean, it could work but are you good enough with the henge to hold it that long?"
Another nod.
"Alright, that settles it. Henge no jutsu!"
Sometimes all that is needed is a common enemy and rudimentary communication.
I lol'd. Take 40 XP.Sooo, @Vesvius i wrote another small thing though it's small and kinda kracky.
Yeah, I like the Kracky version of Sasuke who only communicates via grunts and gestures. Mute!Sasuke is Best!Sasuke. granted that might just be me enjoying it when he isn't talking..."Oh my god they're relentless!" Daisuke cried as the two youths slowly came out of hiding as the last of the stampede seemed to have run off.
"Hnnn." Came the black haired one's reply.
"Right? How come the don't have that kind of stamina and perseverance in a fight?"
"That's how many years you've been doing this for?"
"How do you even have any clothes left?"
"Really, one of you have a deal with one of the fan girls whose parents are tailors…?"
A nod.
"… What does it cost you?"
"Wait, so those photo shoot pictures aren't doctored?!?!?"
"Hnn!" Wow! Daisuke even got a wild gesture with that one.
"Sheesh, no need to threaten me I promise I won't tell, 's not like anyone would believe me anyway."
"Really it was that big?"
"And she just went up and pulled it out!?"
"Can't believe she just flashed you like that."
"Man, cameras are weird."
"So, what do we do now? I suspect that the horde will be searching for at least another hour"
"Hmmm, hn!"
"Henge into civilians and walk straight out?
I mean, it could work but are you good enough with the henge to hold it that long?"
Another nod.
"Alright, that settles it. Henge no jutsu!"
Sometimes all that is needed is a common enemy and rudimentary communication.
Doable, if difficult. Would require Daisuke stepping up his anatomy lessons. Approved.Hmm. @Vesvius can this work?
[] [GENJUTSU] The worst part about being a close-ranged combatant is that your enemies (obviously) try to stay out of your range, until you developed this technique. Relying on touch, instead of other more finicky senses, it delays the pain that would be normally inflicted by Daisuke's blows.
The idea is a low-level genjutsu that can be upgraded later, allowing Daisuke more opportunities to get in close, since the effects would slam into the foe all at once later. Not limited to any particular fighting style, but compliments the current one very well.
Thank you, 25 exp into appearance and 15 into escape artist please.I lol'd. Take 40 XP.
Doable, if difficult. Would require Daisuke stepping up his anatomy lessons. Approved.
Doable, if difficult. Would require Daisuke stepping up his anatomy lessons. Approved.
Thank @Taka i guess, he dropped his 100 after I put my first 40 into acrobatics, after that i couldn't just let you guys carry the torch alone.
Nah, I think he'll grow into it over the course of the next few months as we work at becoming Rookie of the Year.The reactions to Daisuke's new Pinnacle Appearance should be interesting...
Heard!Thank you, 25 exp into appearance and 15 into escape artist please.
No. All of my no.Hmmm, this gives me an idea. Roll with me here, I might be piecing together a vote wholesale.
[] [HENGE] The entire reason Henge exists is for infiltration and exfiltration missions so... use Henge to perform one. Steal the forbidden scroll for Shadow Clone Jutsu while disguised as (and 'revealing') Naruto. Unnecessary? Risky? Petty? Yes. Hilarious? Yes. He shouldn't have stolen our fan.
Yes? Yes? or Yes?