Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest


Control: Superhuman (1300/2000) (Reward XP Invested: 360)
-Shape Manipulation: Student (100/200) (Reward XP invested: 70)
Reserves: Above Average (920/1300) (Reward XP Invested: 120)
Senses: Simple (450/800)

Is control under chakra supposed to be treated as an attribute? Seems kinda weird to have it under the shinobi arts. Maybe it's just a touch of OCD making it feel out of place though.
Yea I see that, kinda feels like they should be listed under attributes though? I mean they're basically fundamental in that most of the shinobi arts key off them like Climbing does to strength and dex you know?
I see it more that all the shinobi skills, attributes and techniques are located in one section, while our other skills and attributes have their own separate sections.
I drew Daisuke as an adult, and as a Usurper of the Land of Iron. Different interpretation of Daisuke then some of the others. @Vesvius

I have the sudden urge to go back to the past and defeat Aku. Take 120 XP.
so, @Vesvius a while back i asked, and you may have missed it.

But other than that, I started wondering how the rabid fangirls would be reacting to Daisuke. and then i wanted to write a backstabbing omake, which i scrapped and then i wrote this instead.
"The classroom was on the brink of chaos, chairs and desk arranged to fit a defensive line between two near equal forces baying for each other's blood.

Held up at the far left of the room were the Loyalist Soviet Sasuke Supporters, who had managed to claim and overturn Iruka sensei's desk and proceeded to turn it into a solid wall of oak to keep the kunai at bay.

At the opposite end the turncoat legions daring to proclaim that Daisuke was the one true sexy ninja in the classroom.

The traitors had armed themselves with the school's store room of training kunai and shuriken and were currently in the process of raining down shrapnel upon us.

Honestly, we hadn't fought this hard since that cute dropout who picked a fight with Sasuke and a split the collective's opinion (he wasn't so cute after the facial reconstructive surgery so that situation sort of solved itself).

The desk started failing against the barrage and the situation was starting to feel hopeless and that's when it happened.

The classroom door opened and the light shone through the debris, and there was his dark princelyness himself Sasuke, beside him Daisuke the usurper himself the light framed their faces in such a way the two seemed to be almost kissing and I had an epiphany.

Some called it a coincidence, Me? I called it fate the fighting has to stop, people keep trying to prove which one is better whilst they should be asking "Why not both?" SasuDai forever!"

A recollection of one of the fan girls who participated in what would later become known as the Empire's division (or the first battle for Iruka's desk and Sasuke's/Daisuke's love) between the two factions, stopped in its relative infancy due to the temporary ceasefire caused by the subjects of their devotion entering the conflict zone.

What was of particular note other than this being the first of the S/D conflicts, is that this temporary ceasefire lead to negotiations and talks where the official Rules of Engagement were discussed and the S.I.C. policy (Sexy Intervention Ceasefire) was put into legislation.

Another thing of note is that this particular girl alongside a few others tried to sue for peace claiming to be enlightened and that fighting each other wasn't just pointless but in fact working against common sense. Sadly whilst a few people were persuaded it did little to stop the coming conflict.

What it did do was bring the people together who would later form a neutral so called "B.L." faction, which would go on to become known for its daring moves of nailing Sasuke/Daisuke fiction to the academy doors.

For those who see a lot of mistakes I'm sorry please note that i haven't really edited it and am terribly dyslexic.
First: sorry I missed that. At the speed the thread tends to go, I do that every once in a while. And to answer your question, a fuckton. Again, it'll depend on exact wording, so pitch it to me, but that seems like an absurd advantage.

Second: hah! Didn't notice too many mistakes. Solid work. Take 40 XP.
Tea Time by Katsuragi
In which Daisuke's life is less awkward than he believes.

@Vesvius - Appearance train rolls on.

"So. I heard that you allowed Gai to escort you shopping the other day." A man that might be identified as a silver hair scarecrow by future genin observed as he sipped his tea.

"I did. He was quite the gentleman. And extremely handy when it comes to hauling around my purchases." A black haired beauty that most would regard as the most eligible woman in the village replied.

"Mm." Came the elegant reply. "Might I inquire as to why?"

"I can't simply enjoy the man's company?" A mild smirk came to her features as she sipped her own tea.

"You could. And I imagine that you do well enough, given the time he spends with your kid. An entire afternoon with him though? I doubt."

"Oh? And you know me so well, Kakashi? Hm. What if I said I required a strong pair of arms to carry my goods?"

Were he a lesser man, Kakashi would have rolled his eyes. "I've observed you've been taking Daisuke out on shopping trips quite frequently as of late. You would have simply had him carry the burden."

She inclined her head just so, giving him the point. "Perhaps I've simply decided to formalize his standing as Daisuke's father figure?"

Most would have missed the pause in Kakashi's consumption of tea, the breifist flickers of shock on his features. Manami was not most people. A very slight shake of his head was observed as he discarded it.

"I find myself doubting that again. If such was a consideration, you would have done so in Daisuke's formative years, rather than when he's just now about to hit a major point of independence in his life."

She pouted slightly, before raising an eyebrow "Maybe I just wanted male company?"

This was enough to earn a slight snort from the silver haired Jounin. "You'd have been more discrete than obviously going out with the man. While stamina might be something Gai is renound for..." He grinned under his mask at actually managing to get a reaction for a change, "Discretion is not."

"I suppose not." She stated whistfully, sitting her tea glass down. "Kakashi, how long have we been having tea?"

If the sudden shift in topics bothered him, he didn't show it. "Oh, a few years. Ever since I decided to see what had been distracting Gai so much."

She nodded. "And how long has "I'll go on a date with Manami" been one of the various challenges in your rivalry?"

"Hm. Almost as long. Ever since Daisuke decided to grill Gai on my intentions towards his mother."

The fact that neither of them had corrected either Daisuke or Gai on things was a source of mutual amusement for the pair. Kakashi found himself frequently getting lost on the path of life and winding up at Manami's home for tea when he should be out being a responsible adult.

"And before I allowed him to escort me to the market, what was the score on your rivalry?"

He paused. "We had been tied. Now he's one point ahead, and I have to perform a rather absurd physical feet as a result."

A frown, now.

"Manami, why?"

"I'm afraid I have to take responsibilities for my actions, Kakashi. You've been using me to hide from work so frequently..."

"I am working." He interjected smoothly, in the same way he would if questioned by anyone that dared accuse him of laziness. "I'm seeing to the ongoing acclimation of our high profile immigrants"

"Quite." She mused. "However, as I was saying, you've been spending just enough time here rather than doing more productive things that...well, frankly, Kakashi, you've been putting on a bit of weight."

His frown deepend. "You intentionally put Gai ahead because I've been putting on a touch of weight?"

"Of course. There's a small chance you may wind up being the Jounin instructor for Daisuke. I can't have you getting soft before then."

He grimaced. The woman was always planning ahead. "And you're aware that, knowing this, Daisuke is going to have to deal with my displeasure for your maneuvering. Probably a few pranks in the name of helping his awareness..."

"I was counting on it." She replied primly.

"Of course you were..."

Somewhere in town, Daisuke shudder from a sudden chill he couldn't place, and there was a dinging sound.

Quest acquired: Prank avoidance!
Someone has set their sights on you for a serious of pranks. Put your hard earned skills to the test to avoid humiliation!
Skill(s): Many
On Succeeds: Gain minor EXP in several skills.
On Failure: Public shame.

He cursed his luck, and vowed to keep a closer eye on Naruto.
I think this thread is all the Daisuke fandom the quest needs.

He doesn't have fangirls in-quest because all his fangirls/fanboys/fanbeings are over-deities commenting on a Quest on SV.

I vote we have him wear a Kakashi-style mask, so we can blind our foes with our brilliant appearance at climactic moments in battle, and convert them to our side with the power of our awesome beauty.
[X] [CHAKRA CONTROL] You know that no one else has mastered Tree Walking yet, and you're fairly sure that no one has even started with it. You can master it and set yourself ahead of the pack.

[X] [HENGE] What's the most important thing about transformation? Being able to do it flawlessly. You'll stand and transform over and over, until you can assume the appearance of everyone in your class seamlessly.

[X] [GENJUTSU] You've had an idea for a Genjutsu for a while. It involves your sword, your fan, and hitting just the right note. Creating a technique from nothing is a tall order, but you've done harder things!

[X] [HISTORY] There're a lot of thoughts about the Land of Iron floating around in your head, and most of them aren't flattering. But what do you really know about them? You'll do a project on their history and culture. It'll be interesting, it'll give Iruka-sensei something different to chew over, and it'll give you some background on your heritage. Three birds, one stone!

[X] [MATH] An important part of Shinobi Math is calculating areas and distances at a glance. And you know what would show off your mastery of that? Designing the perfect trap layout. You'll make one on graph paper and then recreate it during a spar.

[X] [NINJUTSU] You have chakra, and you know how to enhance your body with it. You also have a sword. There should be a way for you to put those two things together- and if not, you can make one.
Not entirely clear on what you're asking, but if you're after a list of what reward XP people have left to spend, Void Stalker maintains a list that's in the helpful links threadmark.
What I mean is the quantitative rewards of achievements in a new tab on the character sheet part of the main menu. What I mean specifically is motive use reductions, as the perk of energy motive use reduction is there but not the achievement rewards. You could instead put it in the mechanics part if you want.
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A Common Enemy by emberwing
Sooo, @Vesvius i wrote another small thing though it's small and kinda kracky.

"Oh my god they're relentless!" Daisuke cried as the two youths slowly came out of hiding as the last of the stampede seemed to have run off.

"Hnnn." Came the black haired one's reply.

"Right? How come the don't have that kind of stamina and perseverance in a fight?"


"That's how many years you've been doing this for?"


"How do you even have any clothes left?"


"Really, you have a deal with one of the fan girls whose parents are tailors…?"

A nod.

"… What does it cost you?"


"Wait, so those photo shoot pictures aren't doctored?!?!?"

"Hnn!" Wow! Daisuke even got a wild gesture with that one.

"Sheesh, no need to threaten me I promise I won't tell, 's not like anyone would believe me anyway."


"Really it was that big?"


"And she just went up and pulled it out!?"


"Can't believe she just flashed you like that."


"Man, cameras are weird."


"So, what do we do now? I suspect that the horde will be searching for at least another hour"

"Hmmm, hn!"

"Henge into civilians and walk straight out?

I mean, it could work but are you good enough with the henge to hold it that long?"

Another nod.

"Alright, that settles it. Henge no jutsu!"

Sometimes all that is needed is a common enemy and rudimentary communication.
Yeah, I like the Kracky version of Sasuke who only communicates via grunts and gestures. Mute!Sasuke is Best!Sasuke. granted that might just be me enjoying it when he isn't talking...
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In which Daisuke's life is less awkward than he believes.

@Vesvius - Appearance train rolls on.

"So. I heard that you allowed Gai to escort you shopping the other day." A man that might be identified as a silver hair scarecrow by future genin observed as he sipped his tea.

"I did. He was quite the gentleman. And extremely handy when it comes to hauling around my purchases." A black haired beauty that most would regard as the most eligible woman in the village replied.

"Mm." Came the elegant reply. "Might I inquire as to why?"

"I can't simply enjoy the man's company?" A mild smirk came to her features as she sipped her own tea.

"You could. And I imagine that you do well enough, given the time he spends with your kid. An entire afternoon with him though? I doubt."

"Oh? And you know me so well, Kakashi? Hm. What if I said I required a strong pair of arms to carry my goods?"

Were he a lesser man, Kakashi would have rolled his eyes. "I've observed you've been taking Daisuke out on shopping trips quite frequently as of late. You would have simply had him carry the burden."

She inclined her head just so, giving him the point. "Perhaps I've simply decided to formalize his standing as Daisuke's father figure?"

Most would have missed the pause in Kakashi's consumption of tea, the breifist flickers of shock on his features. Manami was not most people. A very slight shake of his head was observed as he discarded it.

"I find myself doubting that again. If such was a consideration, you would have done so in Daisuke's formative years, rather than when he's just now about to hit a major point of independence in his life."

She pouted slightly, before raising an eyebrow "Maybe I just wanted male company?"

This was enough to earn a slight snort from the silver haired Jounin. "You'd have been more discrete than obviously going out with the man. While stamina might be something Gai is renound for..." He grinned under his mask at actually managing to get a reaction for a change, "Discretion is not."

"I suppose not." She stated whistfully, sitting her tea glass down. "Kakashi, how long have we been having tea?"

If the sudden shift in topics bothered him, he didn't show it. "Oh, a few years. Ever since I decided to see what had been distracting Gai so much."

She nodded. "And how long has "I'll go on a date with Manami" been one of the various challenges in your rivalry?"

"Hm. Almost as long. Ever since Daisuke decided to grill Gai on my intentions towards his mother."

The fact that neither of them had corrected either Daisuke or Gai on things was a source of mutual amusement for the pair. Kakashi found himself frequently getting lost on the path of life and winding up at Manami's home for tea when he should be out being a responsible adult.

"And before I allowed him to escort me to the market, what was the score on your rivalry?"

He paused. "We had been tied. Now he's one point ahead, and I have to perform a rather absurd physical feet as a result."

A frown, now.

"Manami, why?"

"I'm afraid I have to take responsibilities for my actions, Kakashi. You've been using me to hide from work so frequently..."

"I am working." He interjected smoothly, in the same way he would if questioned by anyone that dared accuse him of laziness. "I'm seeing to the ongoing acclimation of our high profile immigrants"

"Quite." She mused. "However, as I was saying, you've been spending just enough time here rather than doing more productive things that...well, frankly, Kakashi, you've been putting on a bit of weight."

His frown deepend. "You intentionally put Gai ahead because I've been putting on a touch of weight?"

"Of course. There's a small chance you may wind up being the Jounin instructor for Daisuke. I can't have you getting soft before then."

He grimaced. The woman was always planning ahead. "And you're aware that, knowing this, Daisuke is going to have to deal with my displeasure for your maneuvering. Probably a few pranks in the name of helping his awareness..."

"I was counting on it." She replied primly.

"Of course you were..."

Somewhere in town, Daisuke shudder from a sudden chill he couldn't place, and there was a dinging sound.

Quest acquired: Prank avoidance!
Someone has set their sights on you for a serious of pranks. Put your hard earned skills to the test to avoid humiliation!
Skill(s): Many
On Succeeds: Gain minor EXP in several skills.
On Failure: Public shame.

He cursed his luck, and vowed to keep a closer eye on Naruto.
Hilarious, but definitely not canon. Take 50 XP to the usual place.

Also, vote's still going on! Here's a tally!
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Nov 2, 2018 at 4:07 PM, finished with 6966 posts and 50 votes.
Still don't understand why people want to perfect an academy jutsu instead of working towards modifying the mechanics to fit our ken-jutsu.
Same way I don't understand why people go for the blatantly obvious sound-based genjutsu instead of the more subtle variant, which also fits perfectly into our kenjutsu.
It even has an objective, an idea, the sound stuff is just vague experiments.
So one of two guys that just spent xp on Appearance overshot the maximum iirc by like 10.

Wait no, one of those was acrobatics never mind. Reading fail.
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