The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

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1. Is it within the eldar's capability to repeat Malcador's feat of moving a moon into the Warp and forward in time?
2. If so, what level of favour is that?
3. Could they hide the repairing of the STC?

1. Why do we want that? Give it the Primarchs if anyone can get any use out of it its them.
We have a Living Saint. If anyone could get the most use out of the weapon, it'd be him.

It's much more practicable to ask Vaul to forge artifacts.
Vaul is sharded, which means the best we can get out of him is Paragon stuff, not Divine stuff.

Besides that, there are unique advantages to those two things I suggested that Vaul can't replicate.
With the Emperor's Sword, it's not only better than anything that any of Vaul's shards can make, it's also super magnificently anti-Chaos and is probably the holiest, most sacred relic in the entire galaxy. It would be IC to pay dearly for it even if we never actually use it.
As for the Omnicopaeia, it's a database of all human psychic tech. So not only does it get us such deadly psy-stuff as to lightly brush up on the eldar's low-level stuff (remember: normal humans invented the Golden Throne and Areatha), it's all stuff that we can one day comprehend and it's all stuff we're allowed to use. The Mechanicus also believed that it could be used to precipitate Mankind's psychic dawn, so unlike a Vaul artifact, the Omnicopaeia could actually help with transforming humanity into a fully psychic race.
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We have a Living Saint. If anyone could get the most use out of the weapon, it'd be him.
The Sword is bigger than Lin is tall and was designed for someone like a Primarch to wield, not a regular human no matter how blessed. If it was best for Saints to use it Gulliman would have handed it to Celestine. He has not so I assume he's either the only one with authority due to direct relationship to emps, or powerful enough to withstand using the thing.

Let us not contribute to Lin's burn out at a faster pace, especially since I'm operating under the assumption he'll die before any attempt on Isha's rescue can be made.

Vaul is sharded, which means the best we can get out of him is Paragon stuff, not Divine stuff.
Transcendent stuff actually as I recall, but divine is really hard even for Gods to make. Full Vaul apparently likely made only 1 high tier divine artefact over its entire existence.

As for the Omnicopaeia, it's a database of all human psychic tech. So not only does it get us such deadly psy-weapons as to lightly brush up on the eldar's low-level stuff (remember: normal humans invented the Golden Throne and Areatha), it's all stuff that we can one day comprehend and it's all stuff we're allowed to use. The Mechanicus also believed that it could be used to precipitate Mankind's psychic dawn, so unlike a Vaul artifact, the Omnicopaeia could actually help with transforming humanity into a fully psychic race.
Deep breath.

Areatha=accident assisted by the planet
Golden Throne=We've been there already and I've explained my reasoning.
Omnicopaeia=The Admech believe a lot of things, however they are prone to exaggeration.
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Oh! I know what we could do! We could ask the eldar to come down to talk to the Penguin Empires and help reinforce their defences. Not only would it massively cut down the damage that daemonic incursions would do, it would probably make us look really good to a bunch of Avernite races, which we can then leverage to gain additional rewards.

Omnicopaeia=The Admech believe a lot of things, however they are prone to exaggeration.
Any examples of them exaggerating?
With the Emperor's Sword, it's not only better than anything that any of Vaul's shards can make, it's also super magnificently anti-Chaos and is probably the holiest, most sacred relic in the entire galaxy. It would be IC to pay dearly for it even if we never actually use it.
Blunty, I disagree and feel that this is both stupid and not IC. Anything we pay for should be expected to be used in some manner.
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Any examples of them exaggerating?
Specific examples are unfortunately hard to come by due to how few STCs are ever recovered due to status quo kingship however, I do find that often they are somewhat underwhelming.

As a more general thing the admech talks up the DAoT as if it would allow humanity to dominate the galaxy with ease...well that wouldn't happen in canon never mind in Embers.

Its understandable for them to exaggerate it, they are very superstitious and have no idea what they're doing (by M41), but it does lead to them talk about things like the Omniciopia, as if it will change everything when really it probably wouldn't, if nothing else because they'd just hoard it away and use it as little as possible.

Even if the benefits are exaggerated, the Omnicopaeia would likely still be exceptionally useful if it exists.
Is doubtful.

psy titans alone would be worth it
not to mention some of the truly super stuff of the golden age was psy
like whatever they used to navigate before the astornomacan
That would be navigators with nice hats, void Abbaci etc.

To address both of these, psi titans are an emps thing, and the DAoT's king of Warp Tech was Helheim, AKA Avernus AKA the place where the Navigator was born.

I'd be surprised if we didn't get a lot of stuff in the STC that we already have.
I don't think the Omnicopeiea exists and even if it did, it would probably be destroyed and/or seriously corrupted by now.

Also the sort of thing to get a Dark Mech crusade against us, like a STC constructor.
1. Out of curiosity what level to hide the reconstruction of the STC? Given how major it is I assume honour bound?
honour bound if possible. that is for both hiding it and reconstructing it

1. Is it within the eldar's capability to repeat Malcador's feat of moving a moon into the Warp and forward in time?
2. If so, what level of favour is that?
3. Could they hide the repairing of the STC?

We have a Living Saint. If anyone could get the most use out of the weapon, it'd be him.

Vaul is sharded, which means the best we can get out of him is Paragon stuff, not Divine stuff.

Besides that, there are unique advantages to those two things I suggested that Vaul can't replicate.
With the Emperor's Sword, it's not only better than anything that any of Vaul's shards can make, it's also super magnificently anti-Chaos and is probably the holiest, most sacred relic in the entire galaxy. It would be IC to pay dearly for it even if we never actually use it.
As for the Omnicopaeia, it's a database of all human psychic tech. So not only does it get us such deadly psy-stuff as to lightly brush up on the eldar's low-level stuff (remember: normal humans invented the Golden Throne and Areatha), it's all stuff that we can one day comprehend and it's all stuff we're allowed to use. The Mechanicus also believed that it could be used to precipitate Mankind's psychic dawn, so unlike a Vaul artifact, the Omnicopaeia could actually help with transforming humanity into a fully psychic race.
1. they could do it
2. honourbound
3.see above
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If Ridcully dies the Minor Favor would probably be best used to deflect Turoq in some manner. If a Major Favor covers destroying his empire a Minor One probably covers destroying a few fleets.

If Ridcully survives, then, hmmm, we should probably decide on the honourbound favor in consultation with the High Council. I'm thinking that Local Webway Gate access, but if the condition is too poor, then a Krork polity would really help. Reconstructing the STC would also have massive dividends. A surviving Ridcully is almost certainly Transcend Diviner/Paragon Piety, and rekt'ing Turoq would very much be within our means.
@Durin Okay I have an idea for a possible favor. How big a favor would it be, assuming it is plausible, to get a permanent on-site Eldar research/instructor team?

My idea is that we could get a serious boost towards our psychic research and potentially a means to help increase the chance of successful psyker trails. While I imagine the Eldar training methods aren't one-to-one to ours, they have tens of thousands of years of training methods to use.

Meanwhile their insight into psychic technologies/doctrines/tactics would be a great boon for the research team. Plus the Eldar themselves could maybe learn a thing or two from the stuff down on Avernus.

Would that be possible?

It was said by the Eldar that Isha, the kind eternal mother whispers to cure to Nurgle's plagues to them while the God is distracted, trying to keep all life save and clean from the stain of her "husband."

What is harder to confirm is that this is the truth.

Within their own domains, Gods have power that even other Gods cannot hope to match and Nurgle is no God of Life or Healing. Its mind was formed from that primordial ocean, understanding decay, rot and plague not restoration.

Thus, even in the darkest times, when all her hopes should be long extinguished Isha's hope remains, for she knows that she can always do this rebellion. That her quiet whispers will be carried by the currents of the warp to the ears of those who's hearts are filled with kindness, with the desire to heal.

So long as she can still whisper her hope will never fade, her determination never faulter. She will never accept her fate as Nurgle's "loving bride" for she can eternally spit upon it's putrid back.

However, she can whisper cures and cures alone, for these alone are within her domains. Nurgle would hear and detect anything else, for she would have to whisper more loudly to communicate any other information outside of her domains. Well…almost.

She can sense them. She has lived within this foetid pit for millennia now, any difference in it, any life she can detect it.

Thirteen figures, struggling towards her from different routes, eleven of them are the children of her people and two of the younglings, the humans. They are looking for her, for just as she never gave up hope they too never stopped either. Always they looked and searched and hoped and dreamed and now they were here, in the realm of Nurgle searching for her.

It was madness, suicidal! It must be for they came creeping into the realm of a God without a divine of their own…but then she looked again.

Her captor was gone as were all of his most favoured sons save one, left to guard the house and keep an eye on the cauldron. Something drastic must have happened to distract Nurgle so, and then she felt it. The soft laughter of the Clown.

Eternally capering through the depths of the warp he had survived and as she looked closer she could feel others. She could sense her daughter, in fragmented shards, also attempting to gain entry, a new one who smelt of death and rebirth, its most powerful servant…

They had not forgotten her.

It would not take a genius to sense that the foulness of this place was trying to take root in these brave souls, painting them for Nurgle's minion's to see and destroy. They had plans, they had countermeasures and safe guards, but would they be enough?

Why should she take that risk?

Here, so close she could whisper her words and cures directly to the warp. Soft wind would lull soothing rejuvenation to these brave watchers, easing the burden of the plagues and poxes while cutting a small path through the mire and the muck.

Her hope had guided them to her. Her whispers would see them safely home.


I'm an elf.


The Silver Skulls were far from the most renowned of the descendants of Gulliman, indeed they never seemed to rise above the pack in most regards. Respected by their peers, renowned in their regions of space and most importantly possessing an almost unblemished rate of success. Indeed, this rate of success to most chapters would be a mark of surpassing pride, but the Skulls have ever been a humble chapter.

However, when the Death of the Emperor came, the Skulls were one of the chapters contacted by his dying breaths, ordered to carry on his will and name unto the future. In deed they were the exception for almost all other chapters had been renowned first founding chapters, not a strange unknown aberration. However, for all their humility the Skulls had been uniquely placed to survive the end.

In the Imperium the number of seers who surpassed their Prognosticator's in skill could be counted on a few hands and they had seen the signs long before all others, sending quick warnings to their fellow chapters, using their influence to ready their Sector and spent the rest gathering resources for the end.

Their actions would have invited censure of their chapter, but the end came before that wiping away theses.

Like most chapters the Skulls moved out into the Sector to defend it from attack, however again due to their foresight they managed better than most and ever since they have been an eternal thorn in the side of Huron Blackheart, who has never managed to break their defences.

Their fortunes shifted more when they assisted an Eldar attack on some of Huron's forces, and made first contact with the Eldar, friendly first contact at that.

Now the Eldar have asked for a mighty boon from their chapter.

Ulansus. Their mightiest Prognosticator, whose visions broke through the wards of the Pyramid of the Night, shattered the barriers protecting the Chaos Lord Kalipheti Ten thousand lives, who manipulated Waaaargh Shatasta to slam into Huron's domain and thousands of other legendary deeds.

Though struck mute witnessing the awakening of Gork and Mork his skill has only increased and now they wish for his aid. To see through the manifold barriers surrounding the domain of a God, to discern the defences that guard the revealed path.

He goes into this task, among equals determined to prove himself the first among them.

Best headbutts.


to get a permanent on-site Eldar research/instructor team?
He already said it would be major, but never permanent.
And to be honest we may not need a favour, just invite them to come meet their cousins.
Oh, well permanent or otherwise I guess I'm still curious if we can get some dedicated instructors or something.

Also I'll see about getting my omake completed much later today.
@Durin Okay I have an idea for a possible favor. How big a favor would it be, assuming it is plausible, to get a permanent on-site Eldar research/instructor team?

My idea is that we could get a serious boost towards our psychic research and potentially a means to help increase the chance of successful psyker trails. While I imagine the Eldar training methods aren't one-to-one to ours, they have tens of thousands of years of training methods to use.

Meanwhile their insight into psychic technologies/doctrines/tactics would be a great boon for the research team. Plus the Eldar themselves could maybe learn a thing or two from the stuff down on Avernus.

Would that be possible?
You mean an Eldar Primaris Equivalent? Already been asked multiple times, Major Favor and never permanent.
hears my Idea for the honour bound favor which Durin said equels three Major favors

Major favor num 1 deal with Turoq's Domain for us permenetly (local power VS GALACTIC SUPER POWER SHOULD BE EASY)we will help of course
Major favor num 2 eldar warp experteis to improve our warp drives ,void shields and galler fields and the science and understanding behind them at human golden age of tech level

(now hear me out the eldar have been using warp based tech for millions of years since the old ones made them in fact and there most basic and simple warp based tech can match its human golden age state of the art equivalent tech pound for pound and even exceed it , I am not asking them share there tech I am asking they help us understand ours most if not all human warp based tech is not fully understood which will limit our research in the field out side of vortex weaponry(which are basicly exploding warpdrives) fixing that will allow us to research more advanced warp based tech like what made the navegators and how to recreate that and push humanitys sciencetifc understanding of the warp ,that and better wrap drives and galler field seem a safer bet than wepway access since there is a chance the wepway will be too damaged to use in the area of space we want to use it in or there is a chance
that the gate we are tying to use isnt large enough to let ships pass through )

Major favor num 3 if one major favor is not enough for one of the above burn this one too to push them through if not save for a rainy day
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Well we have like 5-6 hours before the vote closes so any omakes anyone is writing good luck. It is about 3 am where he is right now Friday.
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1) Do the invading armies know what the trust core worlds are capable of?
2) do they know about to say the blank population of Niflheim
3) the capabilities of Muspelheim
4) if they don't know how big of a shock would it be.
Major favor num 2 eldar warp experteis to improve our warp drives ,void shields and galler fields and the science and understanding behind them at human golden age of tech level

(now hear me out the eldar have been using warp based tech for millions of years since the old ones made them in fact and there most basic and simple warp based tech can match its human golden age state of the art equivalent tech pound for pound and even exceed it , I am not asking them share there tech I am asking they help us understand ours most if not all human warp based tech is not fully understood which will limit our research in the field out side of vortex weaponry(which are basicly exploding warpdrives) fixing that will allow us to research more advanced warp based tech like what made the navegators and how to recreate that and push humanitys sciencetifc understanding of the warp ,that and better wrap drives and galler field seem a safer bet than wepway access since there is a chance the wepway will be too damaged to use in the area of space we want to use it in or there is a chance
that the gate we are tying to use isnt large enough to let ships pass through )

Major favor num 3 if one major favor is not enough for one of the above burn this one too to push them through if not save for a rainy day
Firstly - please, please use punctuation and capitalization, your post was painful to read.

As for actual suggestion the problem is that Eldar work on completely different tech base and completely different tech level so I'm not sure how much they can do with our warp-tech. IMO at best they could do is to act as consultants for our AdMech specialists, which at this point is not really viable politically.