Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino. Help Ino with her math and other academically weaker areas in exchange for assistance with Shurikenjutsu. Keep them separate by keeping the seat between them, while also having Jabari and Yui keep the other occupied when you're not with them by having some training of his own (the guy needs to step up if he wants to pass anyway!). Maybe Jabari could get them to help with improve combat analyses? Yui could certainly whisk these young ladies away for proper teaching in substitution! Once you're sure they're good enough, get all three of you working together, with any fighting being met and dealt with personally by you.
This starts to look less like a side note during our quest to reach top spot and more like a monumental effort for an overblown get-together. What's next, are we going to sing Kum ba yah together?
Tentative write in:

[X] Realize the problem is much more related to self-esteem than it is anything else. Show people being bad at something doesn't mean they're worthless, and they can help others. Explain this to your friends when you get together and then ask Sakura to tutor everyone in academics.
You will in return tutor everyone in Taijutsu.
Yui can help everyone with Kawairmi no Jutsu.
Jubari can tutor everyone in combat analysis, and potentially developing special moves.
Naruto can tutor everyone in Henge. (You promise you will keep him in line, everyone knows how terrifying you are)

Teaching skills is supposed to be one of the best methods to train, theres literally hundreds or thousands of studies confirming it. In addition everyone can help each other out

Basically I see this as a way to turn helping our friends (something which on it's own is unlikely to help us win ROTY) into some of the most effective training we could possibly get, at no extra cost, with potential long-term benefits.

This would really endear us to the Hokage because 1: being nice to Naruto, 2: comraderie and Will of Fire.

Group study sessions are things we already do. We can just add onto that slightly and alter the dynamic. Maybe a critique/complement session at the end of every lesson on teaching style too in order to prevent hurt feelings.

Also our mom is powerful enough that who's gonna fuck with us for befriending the jimchuuriki. @Iandude0 thoughts?
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You can have your stats as high as you want but if you can't figure out how to show them off, they'll do you no good. Alternatively you can have shit stats, but through creative use of showmanship and cheating, you could 'show' your skills.

@Vesvius does performance not count for the secondary win condition? Is it not high enough, or do the teachers not attend school plays?

that's it. We get henge to intermediate, come to class early, pretending to be iruka and see if anyone figures it out before he shows up. No way he can ignore that.

Seems like a valid use of the performance skill.

To showcase the bunshin we could probably leave one in Daisuke's seat while sneaking out.
Or henge into a chair and have the bunshin sit on it.
Lets compare:

Daisuke talks to Ino and Sakura, boom finished, time to go for top spot.


Convince Sakura to help us in math and train together "for her to show up Ino"
Go to Ino and help her with math for Shurikenjutsu (Where does it say, that she's so much better than us?)
Go the extra lenght by keeping them separat
Somehow get your two other friends also involved to deal with Ino and Sakura
Maybe Jabari could get them to help with improve combat analyses
The idiot wastes month for that pointless shit.
Make sure your friends are good enough. Did they all say they go for top spot? Why is this now our problem?

Seriously, what the fuck?

Edit: The more I read it the dumber it gets.
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@DerHesse the combat analysis thing is he's probably the most effective at spotting problems and potential improvements.

Seriously our tutors are Taijutsu only Gai or training by ourself.

Like we've pretty much established all of our friends are pretty much exceptional in one area. We can take advantage of that and solidify friendships at the same time.
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[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino. Help Ino with her math and other academically weaker areas in exchange for assistance with Shurikenjutsu. Keep them separate by keeping the seat between them, while also having Jabari and Yui keep the other occupied when you're not with them by having some training of his own (the guy needs to step up if he wants to pass anyway!). Maybe Jabari could get them to help with improve combat analyses? Yui could certainly whisk these young ladies away for proper teaching in substitution! Once you're sure they're good enough, get all three of you working together, with any fighting being met and dealt with personally by you.
@DerHesse the combat analysis thing is he's probably the most effective at spotting problems and potential improvements.

Seriously our tutors are Taijutsu only Gai or training by ourself.

Like we've pretty much established all of our friends are pretty much exceptional in one area. We can take advantage of that and solidify friendships at the same time.

This whole shit is probably even counterproductive to the real shinobi lifestyle. Underneath the underneath, expect the unexpected.

Makes sense. "But what if you're fighting someone that's not me?" you ask. "Doesn't all this planning do you a disservice?"

Jabari motions for you to turn the page. You do so, and find yourself staring at a similar diagram for Goro. Then another for Chouji. The entire notebook is filled with diagrams for the entire class, including Iruka-sensei and Mizuki-sensei. Each one is painstakingly detailed and shows signs of frequent revision.
"How long have you been working on these?" you wonder.

"Not long. Mebee a few months. It helps to get my thoughts down, ya know?"

Because the point of Konoha shinobi is to fight each other.
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

K.I.S.S. This can be resolved through communication. Don't try to go to stupid lengths to manipulate the situation. Just get them to talk ffs.
I really like that vote, i'm just concerned trying to split it up into two phases would be too much time. I'm sure that through a combination of mom's advice and browbeating we could get everyone together from group sessions. Makes everything one (potentially longer action) instead of multiple actions. Leaving us more time to train on other, more personal skills so that we can really kick everyones ass at the end.
This whole shit is probably even counterproductive to the real shinobi lifestyle. Underneath the underneath, expect the unexpected.

Because the point of Konoha shinobi is to fight each other.

Right but what i'm trying to say is not for him to teach us how to make elaborate flowcharts, but how to analyze opponents in combat, and how to translate that into potential counters. Just because he does it in a weird way doesn't mean the idea of reading opponents and extrapolating form there is a bad skill.

Like i get what you're saying, honestly I feel llike the problem is I don't feel like i'm explaining my goals concisely enough.
I really like that vote, i'm just concerned trying to split it up into two phases would be too much time. I'm sure that through a combination of mom's advice and browbeating we could get everyone together from group sessions. Makes everything one (potentially longer action) instead of multiple actions. Leaving us more time to train on other, more personal skills so that we can really kick everyones ass at the end.

I don't want to sound like an ass, but our Mom isn't all knowing. Don't rely on her.

This is a people problem, not a girl problem and mom has poor people skills as seen throughout the quest.

Right but what i'm trying to say is not for him to teach us how to make elaborate flowcharts, but how to analyze opponents in combat, and how to translate that into potential counters. Just because he does it in a weird way doesn't mean the idea of reading opponents and extrapolating form there is a bad skill.

We can already do that though, it isn't a skill that needs to be taught.
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First of all we should attempt to explain to them that we are all friends/potential teammates who rely on each other to help us fill in our weaknesses.

I'd rather not call them weaknesses in front of the girls. That has the very obvious side effect of blowing up in our faces if they see things in the worst light.

Secondly I think it would be a fantastic idea to help Naruto out with his problems in school in exchange for Henge tutoring. Maybe even teach him how to interact with Sakura and other people in a less abrasive manner.

This is not in the purview of the vote, and should not be treated as such. Don't stick shit that's not related into this.

Also, I'd love just getting them to talk, but that is literally the problem. Any time they try to talk, they just end up fighting. We need to defuse the root of the problem before attempting that. Otherwise it's likely to just fall flat.
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

Short and sweet. Also, I'm looking forward to this conversation much more than to the ten step write-in.

Right but what i'm trying to say is not for him to teach us how to make elaborate flowcharts, but how to analyze opponents in combat, and how to translate that into potential counters. Just because he does it in a weird way doesn't mean the idea of reading opponents and extrapolating form there is a bad skill.

Like i get what you're saying, honestly I feel llike the problem is I don't feel like i'm explaining my goals concisely enough.

I think we are already better at stuff like this than him without some time-consuming analysis afterwards.

Ino looks like she's biting back a sigh of her own, but she steps forward to comfort her second best friend. "I get it. Tell you what, next time it's my turn I'll let you-"

A tightening of Sakura's shoulders is all the warning you get, but it's all you need. You move, wrapping your hand around her wrist and throwing the smaller girl back a few feet. She skids to a halt, feet leaving tracks in the soft dirt. Sakura freezes there for a moment before straightening, revealing the kunai she had discretely drawn during her complaining. "What gave me away?" she asks.

The key difference to Ino talking to Sakura and the vote is that it's Daisuke doing the talking. We have authority and a no-non-sense attitude when we want to.
You two have problems, which are escalating recently. I want to hear both sides so we can deal with it together. I trust you both to handle this like adults.
Does training actually affect the power of our stats, that is, if we get pinnacle strength, will lifting weights (as opposed to training Couch Potato technique) actually do anything? (Apart from possibly training a skill that involves weights)
You two have problems, which are escalating recently. I want to hear both sides so we can deal with it together. I trust you both to handle this like adults.

They aren't adults. Sorry, I agree with the idea, but please stop forgetting that they're not even 15 yet let alone old enough to be considered an adult!

Forget that genin nonsense with genin being adults.

Also, I'd love just getting them to talk, but that is literally the problem. Any time they try to talk, they just end up fighting. We need to defuse the root of the problem before attempting that. Otherwise it's likely to just fall flat.

Your plan is trying too hard, you're trying to cover more ground than is reasonable.
Honestly the write In comes off less as trying to actually solve a problem and more as a ten step programs trying to treat the symptoms. It's all about trying to take away the thing the girls are arguing about rather than actually trying to get at the root of the problem. Which in this case is their miscomminication and unwillingness to actually listen to each other.

Heck it even goes a step farther and and ascribes problems to Ino that she might not even have. Such as saying she is doing badly at academics despite the fact that-

1. The update said that she actually aced her history test.

2. She is currently above us in the rankings.

Intellectually Ino is doing great. She just doesn't get a perfect score on every test like Sakura does. So maybe we shouldn't be trying to give her a flaw she doesn't have in the name of acting like we need to manipulate our friends and the situation to solve a simple problem.
They aren't adults. Sorry, I agree with the idea, but please stop forgetting that they're not even 15 yet let alone old enough to be considered an adult!

Forget that genin nonsense with genin being adults.

Maybe more along the lines of not acting like little children.
The point is for Daisuke to act as mature as possible to convey his seriousness, that they react accordingly.
Yeah like i'm trying to do a carrot and stick approach with my vote: everyone is good at something, everyone has something to gain. We all need each others help. Benefits us without hurting anyones feelings, and the main reason I want to help Naruto is bc having him as our friend as opposed to having him hate us would be so much nicer if we do get him on our team.

Like just try to think about it: motivated naruto who actively likes us. As opposed to early canon naruto which only insults us and doesn't know how to train.

Like I spent basically my teens through mid-twenties teaching children and reasonable conversation is way less effective at building empathy than just getting them to work together and realizing they have something to contribute.

The whole update comes off as literally everyone except us, Jubari, and Yui having major self-confidence issues, which teaching is really good at solving. So two brids w/ one stone type of thing. All we have to do is swap our daily eveyrone pick a game to daily everyone teach a lesson.

The vote is long AF but the action itself doesn't actually take up that much time at all. LIke i said, I wasn't super concise in the vote, but a short sentence doesn't necessarily mean a short action, and vice-versa.

Like I totally understand if you just disagree, and i'm honestly sorry if i'm coming off as argumentative or rude. Definitely not my intention. I'm just trying to clarify the reasoning and logic behind why I structured my vote the way I did. I don't usually make write ins, so it could definitely go for some polish.
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Yeah like i'm trying to do a carrot and stick approach with my vote: everyone is good at something, everyone has something to gain. We all need each others help. Benefits us without hurting anyones feelings, and the main reason I want to help Naruto is bc having him as our friend as opposed to having him hate us would be so much nicer if we do get him on our team.

Like just try to think about it: motivated naruto who actively likes us. As opposed to early canon naruto which only insults us and doesn't know how to train.

Like I spent basically my teens through mid-twenties teaching children and reasonable conversation is way less effective at building empathy than just getting them to work together and realizing they have something to contribute.

The issue here is that this literally isn't the problem. Ino knows Sakura has something to contribute her problem is literally that Sakura isn't using her gifts to branch out and learn important things and that this could get her killed.

Though I will say I kind of agree with you on the Naruto front but ehhhh.
Like just try to think about it: motivated naruto who actively likes us.

First, did you get Ves' approval for your writein? Second, once again, Naruto is not related to this vote. It is mainly between what you do to solve Ino and Sakura's problem.

Shoehorning in Naruto is literally going to be throwing jet fuel on the fire. It is something Daisuke would not consider.