Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

What third skill can we learn? I'm thinking of showing off our Summons, but they don't seem to have a tech. Maybe Gai can teach us a new ninja art if we really beg him?

Maybe, after we get Henge and Bunshin up to par so they won't just tell us to focus on the basics first, we can ask Iruka or another one of our academy teachers directly. They might say no, but they'll hardly be offended by a student's ambition.

As for what we can ask for, I was thinking of a simple genjutsu technique. I'm not really sure how the academy teaches genjutsu without actually teaching any techniques, but it seems a logical step to ask for help with that. "My sword is three inches to the left of where you thought it was" or something.
[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino. Help Ino with her math and other academically weaker areas in exchange for assistance with Shurikenjutsu. Keep them separate by keeping the seat between them, while also having Jabari and Yui keep the other occupied when you're not with them by having some training of his own (the guy needs to step up if he wants to pass anyway!). Maybe Jabari could get them to help with improve combat analyses? Yui could certainly whisk these young ladies away for proper teaching in substitution! Once you're sure they're good enough, get all three of you working together, with any fighting being met and dealt with personally by you.

That seems like way too much effort for stuff that shouldn't be priority given our new goal.

What third skill can we learn? I'm thinking of showing off our Summons, but they don't seem to have a tech. Maybe Gai can teach us a new ninja art if we really beg him?

Ask Gai for Body Flicker Technique
Ask Iruka or Mizuki for the next level of chakra exercises (tree walking).

We are no Uchiha and are already dedicated to Tai- and Ken-jutsu so Gen-jutsu will never be our main course of action.
It is however the perfect supplement for our style. The point is to hide a small but effective Gen-jutsu during a tai-jutsu exchange to trip our opponent and finish him.
What third skill can we learn? I'm thinking of showing off our Summons, but they don't seem to have a tech. Maybe Gai can teach us a new ninja art if we really beg him?

summoning technique should simply be a ninjutsu, but we need a contract to sign first.

If we're lucky, Gai might agree to let us sign with the turtles. I think we have a decent chance, though he might feel it's a bit too soon for it. He might want to wait until we're genin.

For those who want to say he would rather give the contract to one of his genin

1)Lee can't
2)Neji probably wouldn't want it. He already has his specialties
3)Tenten might be interested. In a filler she offends the turtles and they refuse her, but that hasn't happened yet (if it will happen at all)

we also don't know if the contract is limited to one person per generation, or if the turtles would accept, for example, both us and tenten.
Guys, I realize that everyone is worried about the memory thing, but I don't think Ves will give us unlimited PTSD for aquiring a trait. I say if they want perfect memory, they should buy it.
to be clear, it's not UNLIMITED ptsd.

THERE ARE logical side-effects, and Vesvius confirmed them when asked. The perk is still potentially interesting, but should be considered carefully.
The issue is that if we give it to them straight without any preparation they're almost certinaly just gonna continue arguing about these stupid things again. It would serve to worsen the issue, not improve it.

The best solution is to boost their confidence in the weaker areas, and then use that foundation to get them to interact in a more positive matter.

This conflict happened because Sakura took Ino's criticism as nitpicking and not valid points. Going about it like this is not going to solve it because it would still leave each side as thinking themselves in the right. Thus the fight would go from "I know what I'm doing!" "No, you don't!" to "See, I knew what I'm doing!" "No you didn't, you still needed help in the area's I pointed out!" and blah blah blah.
Really the idea that Genjutsu is somehow trash is mindboggling considering the number of successful users of the techniques we've seen in the source material.

Kakashi, Kurenai, Itachi, a bunch of people in the war vs the damn Ten Tails.
Itachi is a particularly noteworthy user because he used peoples fear of the Sharingan to bait them into other types of genjutsu, and then won effortlessly.

It's a pretty beefy threat, and is as much of a death sentence 1v1 as a shuriken to the throat or a grand fireball is, but can be applied through indirect means.
Not to mention the threat presented by the ability to program enemy combatants .

Not saying we should pursue it or anything, but its not trash.
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

Anyone else think we should aim for something like Overwatch's Genji? I mean, we could easily go that route, with Gai's taijutsu training, our rapidly growing kenjutsu, general stealth and tracking, shurikenjutsu and other weapon arts, acrobatics and physical skills... Ally that with large chakra reserves and high level control, and we could probably pull off a lot of those Genji feats. Especially considering jutsu the Shunshin, the Leaf Dragon God, the Transparent Escape, the Flying Swallow, the Vacuum Sword, as well as non-Konoha techniques like the Silent Killing style, the Samurai Sabre Technique and so many more.

And coupled with our mother's teachings, we can easily have the charisma and people skills of Young Genji too.

On another note, I'm curious - has Gai actually taught us taijutsu techniques yet, or is he just mentoring us in Taijutsu in general? Like, do we know the Strong Fist style, or any of the simple attacks like the Leaf Drop, the Leaf Gale, the Leaf Whirlwind, or the Dynamic Entry? I mean, they're all D-rank taijutsu. Shadow of the Dancing Leaf is C-rank, so we might not be taught that, but surely he's taught us Strong Fist and maybe one or two D-rank Taijutsu, right?
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As for what we can ask for, I was thinking of a simple genjutsu technique. I'm not really sure how the academy teaches genjutsu without actually teaching any techniques, but it seems a logical step to ask for help with that. "My sword is three inches to the left of where you thought it was" or something.
The Academy mainly teaches how to escape from / recognise genjutsu. Iruka can use both genjutsu and ninjutsu with proficiency, but he seemed really good at binding type ninjutsu (anime only). His only use of genjutsu was on Sakura, so I'm not sure how good he is there.

Oh, he has a weird sonar trick he uses to map out surroundings. Probably a ninjutsu. (Episode 145 vs Mizuki)
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As for what we can ask for, I was thinking of a simple genjutsu technique. I'm not really sure how the academy teaches genjutsu without actually teaching any techniques, but it seems a logical step to ask for help with that. "My sword is three inches to the left of where you thought it was" or something.
i always thought genjutsu also indicates our ability in dispelling. They probably teach that, + the theory and maybe how to make your own.
to be clear, it's not UNLIMITED ptsd.

THERE ARE logical side-effects, and Vesvius confirmed them when asked. The perk is still potentially interesting, but should be considered carefully.

It isn't just the drawbacks, what annoys me is the jarring story development. We never had it, we never needed it, but we suddenly have it.
That seems like way too much effort for stuff that shouldn't be priority given our new goal.

I mean, the writein might be long, but it also has us training in areas we are weaker in, and the friend stuff and seating shit shouldn't take up too much space. In fact, training with them to help things might

This conflict happened because Sakura took Ino's criticism as nitpicking and not valid points.

The conflict happened because Sakura and Ino both took each other's criticism as nitpicking, and then started nitpicking because they're too mad to realize their argument is stupid.

Both of them are in the wrong, and tackling only one side won't help. At the very least, forcing them to work together once they can get past a lot of the nitpicks should help things immensely.
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

Basically, this is a giant miscommunication, and it needs to be cleared up.

Thiiiiiiis. This so hard. I understand the instinct to ask mum for help, but we've strong enough social skills that we can afford to try on our own. And also because this isn't girl problems. Jealousy, miscommunication and a desire to see your friends improve are not issues unique to girls. Not by a long shot.

Anyway, with that in mind...
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.
[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino. Help Ino with her math and other academically weaker areas in exchange for assistance with Shurikenjutsu. Keep them separate by keeping the seat between them, while also having Jabari and Yui keep the other occupied when you're not with them by having some training of his own (the guy needs to step up if he wants to pass anyway!). Maybe Jabari could get them to help with improve combat analyses? Yui could certainly whisk these young ladies away for proper teaching in substitution! Once you're sure they're good enough, get all three of you working together, with any fighting being met and dealt with personally by you.
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Current trait ideas:

Sleep stamina: through conditioning and strategies, you've reduced your need for sleep. You can go longer without sleep with less detriment, and can run just fine getting up earlier and going to bed later than your peers.

Mnemonic master: These little family tricks mother taught you are finally starting to show some results! The techniques you've learned pretty handy at keeping what you've read in your mind much more easily.

Reincarnated insight: Most of your memories of your previous life have slipped away, but some is diffused into your subconcious. Occasionally, when relevant, you get flashes of insight or hunches where your old canon knowledge tickles your brain.
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@Vesvius I'll put my 40 exp in Chakra control.

can you tell if it helps learning jutsu faster? How about shinobi skills like ninjutsu? for example, would we get more from training Bunshin and Henge with superhuman instead of above average chakra control? I assume some techniques we simply CAN'T learn if it's not high enough
Current trait ideas:

Sleep stamina: through conditioning and strategies, you've reduced your need for sleep. You can go longer without sleep with less detriment , and can run just fine on two hours less compared to your fellows.

Memorization tricks: It's not eidetic memory, but it's good enough. Via training and study, you've put together techniques that allow you to store and recall information much clearer.unlike perfect recall, you actually have to take time to commit things to memory.
those are nice. also a lot more suitable to Daisuke than sudden perfect memory.
The conflict happened because Sakura and Ino both took each other's criticism as nitpicking, and then started nitpicking because they're too mad to realize their argument is stupid.

Both of them are in the wrong, and tackling only one side won't help. At the very least, forcing them to work together once they can get past a lot of the nitpicks should help things immensely.

I see it less as direct effort to work on their problems, but a chance to improve our stats with Sakura's help with the added chance of somewhat solving their problem.
Basically, we can improve our stats and if they can work on their problems it's fine. If not it's also fine.

[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi.

Can we cut the last part because it sounds pretty dickish?

[] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino.
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[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

Sleep stamina: through conditioning and strategies, you've reduced your need for sleep. You can go longer without sleep with less detriment , and can run just fine on two hours less compared to your fellows.

This seems like a likely reward for this achievement:

Well Rested
If you keep yourself energized you can be ready for absolutely anything.
Unlock Condition: Keep your Energy Motive above 75% for 168 hours straight.
Reward: ???
Status: LOCKED
Though, I have to wonder what the old fogeys at the Academy are smoking to have chunin level taijutsu / kenjutsu as their prereq. In Boruto most every Academy cadet is notably stronger than the cast of Naruto by the time they become genin (see the various Nature Transformations, advanced taijutsu, etc they throw around).

Even then, Boruto is still only chunin level by the time he graduates.

The amount of chunin level skills / stats they are demanding seems a bit... large.
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[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

Clear Communication No Jutsu go.
Wait, wrong quest.

But yea, if it goes poorly at least we unite them in the cause of being annoyed with Daisuke. I'd call it the Xanatos gambit but they could always be irrational and just hate each other more or something.
But there's no way that will happen right? Ha Ha.
Though, I have to wonder what the old fogeys at the Academy are smoking to have chunin level taijutsu / kenjutsu as their prereq. In Boruto most every Academy cadet is notably stronger than the cast of Naruto by the time they become genin (see the various Nature Transformations, advanced taijutsu, etc they throw around).

Even then, Boruto is still only chunin level by the time he graduates.

The amount of chunin level skills / stats they are demanding seems a bit... large.
Well, to be rookie of the year means to be the best.

So the better/stronger our rivals, the harder it is to be rookie of the year.

And this year is full of talented people including most clan heirs, Sasuke first among them.

If we had been in the next year class it would have probably been a lot easier to get the title, for example.
Well, to be rookie of the year means to be the best.

So the better/stronger our rivals, the harder it is to be rookie of the year.

And this year is full of talented people including most clan heirs, Sasuke first among them.

If we had been in the next year class it would have probably been a lot easier to get the title, for example.
Yeah, but I am not sure if Sasuke had a bunch of chunin level skills by the time he graduated. His chakra control clearly wasn't, since he had to learn Tree Walking under Kakashi. Shurikenjutsu and Taijutsu most likely were. Ninjutsu definitely was. I don't recall him using genjutsu until he got his Sharingan, and he didn't notably use Transformation in his early fights?

As for non-Academy skills - He'd clearly learned the Grand Fireball, but he didn't use kenjutsu back then and also didn't use sealing / whatever. I'm not sure if he'd even clear the requirement to have 3 non-Academy skills at an adequate level. Maybe wires also qualified, though he always used them with shuriken?

Hmm, maybe I should watch all his Wave Arc battles so I can get a feel for his skills. I think he did fight against a chunin missing nin (the Demon Brothers?). He was fighting with Kakashi and Team 7 though, and he still doesn't seem to have the exotic non-Academy skills down.
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[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino.
Changing my vote.
[X] You'll have them sit down and talk about their problems.

This is the most straightforward option, that fits Daisuke the most and has the highest chance of ending this for Daisuke himself. Be it with positive or negative results, the matter should be settled after the next action.

[] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino.

I dislike the highlighted part, because it sends the wrong message and it doesn't fit, that Daisuke would do something that would be actively against Ino in any shape or form.