Game of the Year: A Naruto Quest

The way I see it is the girls' issue is that both of them are too similar that they clashed, and their skills are different enough that both find faults in the thing they are good at, while ignoring or downplaying their own flaws.

Sakura's playing to her strengths, but is getting it rubbed in that she is not a physical powerhouse. If we want to solve that, we could offer to train her in Tai ourselves. It would also help play into our pursuit of #1. After all, there's no better way to show understanding in a subject material than to teach it.

Ino is similarly downplaying her own issues with the more academic portions of the curriculum to needle Sakura about the physical bits (coincidentally what she is much better at). Sakura is using that to rub in that she is not a scholarly genius. If we want to help defuse her, it might be good to organize some studying together to blitz the more difficult part of the curriculum.

Eventually, we could introduce the other as someone who can help them, rather than an enemy. Probably under the threat that, if they get nasty, you will deal with them personally.

I realized when typing this that helping them both might not make things better in fact, it might make the two compete for us. The best way to kill the rivalry is to make them work to help each other, once they're past the point where it'd just devolve to needling about the skill gap.

So, I've got a writein of my own that just needs approval.

[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino. Help Ino with her math and other academically weaker areas in exchange for assitance with Shurikenjutsu. Once you're sure they're good enough, get all three of you working together, with any fighting being met and dealt with personally by you.

@Vesvius is this good for you?
[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino.
I want this. I don't really trust mum to come up with the best solution but still, I really want this.

[X] Sounds like girl problems. Ask mom the social master for advice on the best way to resolve this.
[] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino. Help Ino with her math and other academically weaker areas in exchange for assitance with Shurikenjutsu. Once you're sure they're good enough, get all three of you working together, with any fighting being met and dealt with personally by you.

Can't we just stay with the less complicated version.
I don't think we necessarily have to get to journeyman, since the teachers see the end result and not our character sheet. It comes down to what we can prove. This is good, I think, because if we get bunshin and henge to intermediate, the teachers will probably think that we're good at Ninjutsu enough to check it off. Especially if we get superhuman chakra control or another technique.
Yeah, but what counts for the system's quest is probably meeting a skill prerequisite.

Our expenditure should prob be Survival 60 XP (to see if skill 400 is good enough), then Transformation + Clone to Intermediate. All of these are useful expenditures, and let us check off at least 2 more skills out of eight. Maybe 3. This is the cheapest path to getting progress on RoTY.

After that, we can consider the expensive AF options. If 400 Skill is a benchmark, that is great, since we are just 200 XP off from skill benchmark for a total 6/8. If not, then we can ditch skills and focus on chakra attributes / ninjutsu.
Can't we just stay with the less complicated version.

No, because it just focuses on Sakura's side, which really could backfire by sort of validating that what Ino said was right, and it also ignores that Ino is acting the exact same way toward Sakura, just flipped. She's more self-conscious about the mental front, while continually rubbing her physical superiority in Ino's face.

If we want to solve this, we need to tackle them both, not just one of them.
[X] You won't. This goes deeper than you thought it would. You'll just let them sort it out in time.
[X] Sounds like girl problems. Ask mom the social master for advice on the best way to resolve this.

Gonna echo that we shouldn't get Eideitic Memory. Actually, I'd prefer getting the opposite. A Finn-tier ability to repress traumatic events is liable to be incredibly useful given our line of work. It's also semi-justified IC by how we've mostly memoryholed Tokei at this point.
Genjutsu isn't crap and it is more expensive by maybe 50 xp, so not much at all. Honestly, I would argue that Genjutsu would work extremely well when combined with our Kenjutsu. We can cause sound based Genjutsu that causes our enemies to hallucinate by pinging our sword. Tapping our fan on something and casting a Genjutsu we can make an illusion that misdirects where we actually are. Genjutsu definitely isn't a crap field. Most of the ninja population likely more susceptible to Genjutsu than Ninjutsu. Genjutsu can be used to trip up our enemies and distract them while we rush in and butcher them with our Kenjutsu and Taijutsu. It is the best way for us to close in on an enemy.
Nothing seems to indicate genjutsu is harder to endure than ninjutsu. If the enemy can break through our genjutsu (something high level opponents can do with distressing ease unless we have a Sharingan), they suffer literally no harm.

The physical effects of a ninjutsu, however, are much harder to ignore. They can't just go "Kai" when we turn the ground into a swamp or whatever.

If you want to close in on opponents, just use Body Flicker or similar techs. Ninjutsu even has direct and highly powerful sword boosts like Asuma's Wind Blades that can't be ignored by sufficient chakra control.

Ideally we want to know both, but I know what I'll try to prioritise given the choice.
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No, because it just focuses on Sakura's side, which really could backfire by sort of validating that what Ino said was right, and it also ignores that Ino is acting the exact same way toward Sakura, just flipped. She's more self-conscious about the mental front, while continually rubbing her physical superiority in Ino's face.

If we want to solve this, we need to tackle them both, not just one of them.
Can't we just stay with the less complicated version.

Or, you know, just give it to them straight without playing monkey in the middle and possibly cause further problems/misunderstandings.
Nothing seems to indicate genjutsu is harder to endure than ninjutsu. If the enemy can break through our genjutsu (something high level opponents can do with distressing ease unless we have a Sharingan), they suffer literally no harm.

The physical effects of a ninjutsu, however, are much harder to ignore. They can't just go "Kai" when we turn the ground into a swamp or whatever.

If you want to close in on opponents, just use Body Flicker or similar techs. Ninjutsu even has direct and highly powerful sword boosts like Asuma's Wind Blades that can't be ignored by sufficient chakra control.

Ideally we want to know both, but I know what I'll try to prioritise given the choice.
You're not arguing against his point.

He basically said "genjutsu is good for decieving/disorienting/distracting enemy nin" to which you seemingly responded "genjutsu isn't as outright deadly as ninjutsu so it isn't as ahrd to endure". That's kind of presumed, the point of genjutsu is to destroy the enemy's ability to respond, not to damage (which we have taijutsu and kenjutsu for).
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Or, you know, just give it to them straight without playing monkey in the middle and possibly cause further problems/misunderstandings.

The issue is that if we give it to them straight without any preparation they're almost certinaly just gonna continue arguing about these stupid things again. It would serve to worsen the issue, not improve it.

The best solution is to boost their confidence in the weaker areas, and then use that foundation to get them to interact in a more positive matter.
Nothing seems to indicate genjutsu is harder to endure than ninjutsu. If the enemy can break through our genjutsu (something high level opponents can do with distressing ease unless we have a Sharingan), they suffer literally no harm.

They break the genjutsu only to see you coming at them with sword in hand, if they break it at all. It is not like we would cast the Genjutsu and stand there. Honestly, I think getting to the point where we can cast it while running at them would be pretty hard to beat.

The physical effects of a ninjutsu, however, are much harder to ignore. They can't just go "Kai" when we turn the ground into a swamp or whatever.

Ninjutsu is also more chakra intensive than Genjutsu. And I take the fact that most Shinobi prefer Ninjutsu over Genjutsu to mean that they are less likely to know how to defend against effectively. Genjutsu is meant to complement our Kenjutsu. I also think it is easier to use Genjutsu with an sword in your hand than it is to use Ninjutsu with a sword in your hand. Because you can use sounds or movements as a focus to compliment your genjutsu.
Also, we can get an Achievement for raising our Chakra Reserves to Superhuman. This is just 380 XP away and will hopefully let us tick off another Academy prereq, which is something people who have spending money XP might consider.

Ninjutsu is also more chakra intensive than Genjutsu. And I take the fact that most Shinobi prefer Ninjutsu over Genjutsu to mean that they are less likely to know how to defend against effectively. Genjutsu is meant to complement our Kenjutsu. I also think it is easier to use Genjutsu with an sword in your hand than it is to use Ninjutsu with a sword in your hand. Because you can use sounds or movements as a focus to compliment your genjutsu.
This is not true. The fact that shinobi don't use an art doesn't mean they don't know how to break it, as seen by the Academy teaching how to break genjutsu but not teaching genjutsu. (see the Academy's wiki page). Naruto / Lee, both of whom have no talent for genjutsu can break it effectively unless they are against a Sharingan user.

Your point on using a sound as a focus is pretty sound, though. That is a good reason to get it up if we can avoid using handseals by yelling or whatever. If we get Kurenai as a jonin sensei this path should be considered.
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Also, we can get an Achievement for raising our Chakra Reserves to Superhuman. This is just 380 XP away and will hopefully let us tick off another Academy prereq, which is something people who have spending money might consider.
Right now we should focus on chakra control as it is a requirement for the quest/achievement.
[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino. Help Ino with her math and other academically weaker areas in exchange for assistance with Shurikenjutsu. Keep them separate by keeping the seat between them, while also having Jabari and Yui keep the other occupied when you're not with them by having some training of his own (the guy needs to step up if he wants to pass anyway!). Maybe Jabari could get them to help with improve combat analyses? Yui could certainly whisk these young ladies away for proper teaching in substitution! Once you're sure they're good enough, get all three of you working together, with any fighting being met and dealt with personally by you.

I altered the writein a bit since I had the obvious flaw pointed out with my original. Nothing was keeping them from fighting while we helped solve the issues, and that could only make things worse. So, our friends are getting drafted (also helping with their actual interests to make things easier) to help defuse this timebomb.

@Vesvius is this acceptable?
[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino.
What non-Academy skills can we learn?

I think we can level Sealing directly, but it may take a ton of XP to actually get it high enough for consideration. Then again, any new skill will take a ton of XP / time.

What third skill can we learn? I'm thinking of showing off our Summons, but they don't seem to have a tech. Maybe Gai can teach us a new ninja art if we really beg him?

@Vesvius - Would chakra sensor or an eliminated / reduced need for sleep be valid traits?
Sensing is already an Attribute in our character sheet we can level up like normal.
[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino.

Guys, I realize that everyone is worried about the memory thing, but I don't think Ves will give us unlimited PTSD for aquiring a trait. I say if they want perfect memory, they should buy it.
[X] Ask Sakura for help in Math and History in return for helping her improve her Taijutsu and Kawarimi in order for her to show up Ino.

Guys, I realize that everyone is worried about the memory thing, but I don't think Ves will give us unlimited PTSD for aquiring a trait. I say if they want perfect memory, they should buy it.

Looking at the discord, Ves was pretty clear about the major draw backs / ptsd.