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- Right here
I thought that this quest was going with the interpretation that it was Naruto + Rookie + Sakura under a jounin? If the Rookei isn't Sasuke, the jounin likely won't be Kakashi. (Not sure, I don't have access to Discord)He'll probs still get shoved in a team with Kakashi, Sakura and Assume. Thank fuck for that.
This is why I'm worried about shooting for Rookie, and would prefer to double our training regimen or something.
I think part of the problem with this vote is that it makes it a Rookie / Not Rookie vote, making it sound like either we get Rookie or we get nothing. People are interpreting not going after Rookie as giving up / not putting best efforts, instead of re-allocating the effort from Academics to other areas.
It would probably be better if Rookie was one of the things we could do with our time, and we got other choices. For instance, if we had a vote between Rookie / get 12 Acquaintances (Contacts) / train Academy ninjutsu, it would be an actual contest with us deciding what to do with our time. Each would aim for a useful achievement too.
With the current "not Rookie" vote it is uncertain what will be done with the time freed from studies. Still, I've no doubt that we will train something useful.
It is ambiguous which interpretation is being used for team selection. It could be Naruto + Sasuke + girl with Kakashi is gonig to happen, or Rookie + Naruto + girl with a jounin is going to happen.Why are people assuming that us being top of the class will put us on team 7? Both Naruto and Sauske are earmarked for Kakashi's team regardless of their ranks. Vesvius has also said each team will be 2/1 gender split. Which means the 3rd person on team 7 has to be a girl. We were never going to be on team 7, unless we picked a girl in character creation.
Without Discord I can't confirm either way, so hopefully someone can shed light on this issue.
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