Thanks to
@Dr. Snark for proof-reading this.
Character Omake: Sadistic Kitten after the raid/rescue of the Kurdish village.
1407 words.
The freezing chill crashed into the soldier's face like a sucker punch, his consciousness forcibly dragged back to reality as he hacked and wheezed from the miniature pool of ice he involuntarily swallowed. His coughs resonated throughout the cell he was in, each one easing in intensity with each expulsion of water from the reservoir in his throat before they inevitably lessened and passed. The seeping ice still stabbed at his eyes and blinded him, his vision marred and barely managing to see past the dark miasma in front of him.
His flight senses kicking in, he - Ahmet, that's his name - hastily tried to flee the situation he was in, only to be met with resistance; the abrasion and tightness he felt on his arms and legs crushed that hope, his body bounded like a vice to...something he was sitting on? He couldn't quite clearly tell from all the water in his eyes, or the numbness in his clammy hands.
The claustrophobia of the darkness and the unknown was getting to Ahmet. Using all his strength to break free of his restraints, he only got so far in bruising and burning his hands and not much else. With no other option to escape, he contemplated. Already he's questioning why he was here, or what was this place, or even who brought him here. Ahmet tried to recall the last memory he had; the patrols, the attack on the village, and then he got attackedand-
"Welcome back to zhe land of the living. Had a nice nap?"
So preoccupied was Ahmet with his memories that he nearly fell back as the shadowy figure stalked up to him, the entity lurching over him like a guillotine blade.
To his credit, Ahmet managed to maintain an outward sense of calm and impassivity, his instincts falling back on the training he received as a a soldier, but internally he could hear his heart pounding like a drum, his senses becoming acutely aware of everything around him as he resisted the urge to flee.
"W-who are y-"
Ahmet could feel a leathery finger pressing on his crusted lips, silencing him.
"Ah ah ah, no questions. Not if you want to remain intact, zhat is."
Ahmet's lips set into a grim line. He felt the pressure lifting off from his lips, the entity seemingly satisfied with his compliance.
Braving through the cold stabbing at his eyes, Ahmet could make out a human form emerging from the murky shadows surrounding him, its details gradually exposed by a dim light casting over the miniscule room they were in, its- her -true form is shown to him in full fluorescent detail.
Donned in plain olive fatigues and a pinned up shirt that fails to conceal the black tee underneath the sleeves, a twin-braided girl -no, woman- appeared before him like an executioner, her right hand gripping onto a damp metal bucket like an executioner's axe. Squinting his eyes further, he could make out the expression she had; serene, yet with a coy smile. Ahmet knew better. She's a snake, softening up with honeyed words but belying it are the poison that would end him.
"Very good," she said in that accented English of hers. Maybe Western? German? " At least you know how to follow simple orders like zhe little good toy soldier you are, unlike zhe last few I had with.."
Ahmet remain mute, fearing that breaking it would incur whatever wrath and consequences of his interrogator.
"Oh, don't be like that. All I need are a few questions. Answer them, and I will guarantee your safety. If not, well..."
The interrogator patted his left shoulder and gripped it, a wince breaking through Ahmet's silence as the searing pain flared.
"Let's just say zhe fishes are well-fed zhis time of the year."
The woman let go of his dislocated shoulder, her point seemingly made. Ahmet didn't have much of a choice but to sit and wait.
"Now, tell me, what were your orders regarding the Kurdish villages."
"Orders, base locations, artillery placements, plan of operation, anything."
"I h-have no id-"
Ahmet bent over in immeasurable pain as something hard collided against his left side, the offending object dropping onto the ground like crushed metal on water.
"Oh no no, that won't do," the she-devil tut-tutted, her face now up to his eyes, their noses almost touching with her bright viridian eyes staring into his soul like he's the shit under her heel, " Don't try to lie to me, Lieutenant Ahmet. I'm sure you have orders from your superiors regarding zhe villages. Unless, of course, you were just burning them down for the fun of it. Now, again, what were you doing in the villages?"
Having recovered from the pain, Ahmet remained defiant. He returned the stare and spit in her face, his fear morphing into rage from the abuse she had given him. He's not giving the satisfaction this thing craves. If she wanted the information, she could take it from his cold, dead body.
Rather than recoiling from the glob of saliva and blood landing on her pale face, the woman remained unmoved, her eyes still piercing him like a dagger.
And then, she smiled.
"Please scream for me some more, won't you?"
Lifting her leg, the woman coiled back and sprung her foot out to his dislocated shoulder, Ahmet screaming bloody murder with his nerves fraying and boiling in sheer agony. Through the pain, Ahmet barely registered the fact that he had tipped over to the ground on his back.
Before he had time to recover, the woman was already on him with a knife in hand. Like a surgeon, she sliced a thin line over his eyelids. Not enough to stab his eye, but it was enough to cause searing hot pain like he was branded with an iron. Before he had a chance to bawl, he was met with a waterfall of ice, the chilled water threatening to drown him there as he swung his neck to and fro in a futile attempt to escape the creeping abyss. The water eventually subsided, his life still his, but not before his neck was lifted and his face slammed against the floor, repeatedly. He didn't know how long it went on for, but he could feel his lifeblood leaking through every orifice, his eye bruised and battered like a melon. The she-devil stopped her torturous rampage, but not before slamming his face into the metal floor one last time for good measure, Ahmet this time wailing and cursing and crying, his nose finally giving way to the wrong direction.
Glancing through his one good eye, Ahmet gazed upwards, the bitch was now crouching over him with the same damnable smile still plastered on her face.
"Feel generous yet?" She whispered, her words laced with honeyed poison.
"G-go to hell," he spat out.
"Hmph, still think you're tough? How amusing. Perhaps this will change your tune."
Reaching into her breast pocket, the woman pulled out a gold locket. Ahmet's eyes widened. That's...
"Familiar, isn't it? A shame if something were to happen to it."
Ripping open the locket, the she-devil revealed an image of Ahmet and a woman lay encased within it. No...!
"Beautiful, isn't she? It seems you have caught a nice one. A shame if anything were to happen to-"
Ahmet still found strength in his rage to interrupt her spiel, only to receive another boot to his face, his eyes seeing stars as the numbness took over his face.
"Zhen you know what I want," she said, the pendant in her hand still dangling and taunting him," Tell me what I want, and I can guarantee both your lives will be safe. You know we can. You have seen our work on your men back at the Kurdish village you just slaughtered. Make up your mind, now. And don't bother lying. We know."
The ultimatum was damning, its effect akin to twisting the knife in his heart. Confessing confidential information to the enemy was treason and made his life forfeit if - no, when - they found out. But his Celina...
Ahmet was silent for a while, an eternity in his timeframe, but eventually, he broke.
Sadistic Kitten could only smile serenely.
They always do.