Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
they beat it with like five dudes (None of which were a snake), an AI pod, and a broken sahelanthropus in Survive.

Honestly i'm not really sure how it ate so many worlds to be honest.

Konami (the company, not the GM) really shit the bed with Survive, but I mean hey its a Metal Gear game without any involvement from Kojima, those never turn out well.
I'm choosing to go by the lore rather then the game play. Because if we go by game play, Sahelanthropus will be nothing but a wasted action.
To be honest I want nothing to do at all with anything from Metal Gear Survive, and that certainly goes for the Lord of Dust. It's just dumb from every conceivable angle, simultaneously being a nihilistic invincible grey goo that has destroyed literally countless worlds in a way that is just too grimdark for MGS and a conventional endboss that can be totally punked by a handful of protagonists in a plot that involves teaching it how to die.

I'm sure kk will do better than that by taking the basic concept, flaying off its skin, and using the flayed skin to cover over something of his own devising but I am having a bit of trouble actually getting very hype for it to show up.
I can totally understand that. I watched the boss fight the other day and was about as underwhelmed by it as the Sahelanthropus fight in MG5.
[X] Plan The Man Who Showed the World 2.0


I just had a horrible premonition. Let's NOT get Volgin, pls. Because I have a horrible premonition of him somehow managing to possess the dustlord thing.
IIIIIIIIIIIIIII really don't think that's an issue? Cause it would be kinda sort of seriously dickish for Konami to do that to us just for collecting all the Tutorial Content and because, once Volgin realizes Ahab isn't the real Big Boss, he's going to fuck off and actually let himself die.
Still don't want to bring Volgin to a world of magic and resurrection bullshit.

Because we don't want supernatural crap tearing through our base and men only to go out when it realizes we're not big boss...

We cannot take those kinds of casualties dammit!!!
I can totally understand that. I watched the boss fight the other day and was about as underwhelmed by it as the Sahelanthropus fight in MG5.

Sahel is cool as shit though.

Lord of dust, is just hyped up so fucking much as this world destroying abominatiion... and then its just some big dumb ultra slow worm thing.

And they expect me to believe this fucker is from after the Revengeance era?

If it had actually been from 100 years post revengeance, it would have been ruling the fucking universe as a femto-tech Outer god.
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If it had been a super metal gear with the metal eating and creating parasite? Then I would be scared...

Using the wolbachia bacteria in conjunction of a metal gear on metal gear awesome boss fight on the other hand where SAL fights every dust curropted metal gear and proves its superiority? Yeah I would buy that In a heartbeat for that fight alone.
And Daniel Ortega somehow manages to be even more of a scumbag than I had previously assumed, since his stepdaughter credibly accused him of molesting her from age 11. He used his control of the court system to shoot down any prosecution of the matter.

So, yeah. The Diamond Dogs can help this asshole stay in power for a few more years, or they can go help create an independent Kurdistan as a country for an oppressed people in their own homeland. Which one is going to net hero points, and which one is going to net mercenary points (at best)?
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And Daniel Ortega somehow manages to be even more of a scumbag than I had previously assumed, since his stepdaughter credibly accused him of molesting her from age 11. He used his control of the court system to shoot down any prosecution of the matter.

So, yeah. The Diamond Dogs can help this asshole stay in power for a few more years, or they can go help create an independent Kurdistan as a country for an oppressed people in their own homeland. Which one is going to net hero points, and which one is going to net mercenary points (at best)?
How about we don't bring RL in this to start with? It's not like a Amanda existed in our timeline, last I know.
[X]Plan Exiting In Style
-[X] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
-[X] Main Ops 4: The Trial
-[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
-[X] Main Ops 3: Recover the Man on Fire
-[X] Main Ops 5: Denuclearization 3 "A Glimpse of Today"
-[X] Side Ops 12: An Interview with the World
-[X] Side Ops 11: Beach Party *Must take Denuke 3*
-[X] PMC Ops 7: Wannabe Heroes

I'd like to take Contra or Kurdish if we get one more vote option.
And Daniel Ortega somehow manages to be even more of a scumbag than I had previously assumed, since his stepdaughter credibly accused him of molesting her from age 11. He used his control of the court system to shoot down any prosecution of the matter.

So, yeah. The Diamond Dogs can help this asshole stay in power for a few more years, or they can go help create an independent Kurdistan as a country for an oppressed people in their own homeland. Which one is going to net hero points, and which one is going to net mercenary points (at best)?

This...this is why you guys don't jump the damn bandwagon...I cannot in good conscious vote for the plan that allows this kind of guy to stay in power.

Even if it's to help chico's sister, She KNEW what she was getting into at this point.

Best to let that demon raise up.

Also finish our Kurd aid, might get more refugees to help around the base a bit more.

Heck it would most likely lead to more actions on that part of what the QM has said.
How about we don't bring RL in this to start with? It's not like a Amanda existed in our timeline, last I know.
This...this is why you guys don't jump the damn bandwagon...I cannot in good conscious vote for the plan that allows this kind of guy to stay in power.

Even if it's to help chico's sister, She KNEW what she was getting into at this point.

Best to let that demon raise up.

Also finish our Kurd aid, might get more refugees to help around the base a bit more.

Heck it would most likely lead to more actions on that part of what the QM has said.
Yeah, and IRL, there wasn't AI, biological parasites capable of killing people just for speaking, or gaint bipedal Kaiju tanks at this point.

Seriously Dwarf. Calm. The. Fuck. DOWN.

I'm fairly certain that us recovering the man on Fire is a safeguard against anything messing with him and his corpse. Both from the canon 'Vulgin gave up the ghost' and because KK's not the type to put in a trap option like 'bring an angry ghost corpse into your base for the enemy to resurrect'.

Like, there's arguments to be made over how much of a risk not taking the option really is but I don't think anything here is going to hurt us.

Oh and as an aside I'm just thinking of the Lord Of Dust as the same weight class as metal gears and the colossi from shadow of the colossus. Incredibly dangerous but also incredibly overhyped and liable to have surprisingly exploitable weaknesses.
So why are we taking the action with peta instead of taking the Paz action, @Imperial Helldog? Didn't Konami say there was a chance that Paz wouldn't survive the the transition if she's left like she is now?
Cause IH has made it clear he really doesn't care about the Paz or Party Actions. He's just adding them some of them, like the party action, because he knows nobody would vote for his plan otherwise.
So for the Showed the world plan, any chance conservation could be switched to Paz? It's one of those options where its only value is in letting us exercise our urge to min-max. I can't see how it beats out trying to get one of our hero units on their feet when we have all the advantages right now to do it. And you know, Paz has gotten pretty hosed in MGS, it'd be nice not to leave her a mental wreck for longer than necessary in exchange for shaving a bit off our monthly expenditures when we get to VC.
Well sorry if I sound paranoid. But you never mess around with supernatural bullshit.

This is also metal gear, even worse shit can happen then you think can happen.

But seriously I don't trust that "corpse" and would rather drop it into the mid Atlantic trench after having it blessed and and wrapped up in enough chains for that thing to never be able to move again.
Yeah, and IRL, there wasn't AI, biological parasites capable of killing people just for speaking, or gaint bipedal Kaiju tanks at this point.

Seriously Dwarf. Calm. The. Fuck. DOWN.

And Konami's own wording about the option makes it clear neither side has any moral high ground and strongly implies taking sides, even for Amanda, will make Diamond Dogs complicit in whatever the strengthened Sandinistas do during a bloody civil war. Even if we handwave away that the real Sandinista leadership has been replaced with Amanda, it's still clear that getting involved is going to take on consequences from involvement.
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Here's betting that instead of Lord of Dust we just got a standard big wormhole teleporting us into the Europa just to spite the folks who scared by Lord of Dust.
So why are we taking the action with peta instead of taking the Paz action, @Imperial Helldog? Didn't Konami say there was a chance that Paz wouldn't survive the the transition if she's left like she is now?
The action for Paz can be added in through the second vote come Sunday. There's more omakes on the way, especially from Omake Ops that have been claimed in the Omake Thread, which means at least one more bonus action is on the way.