How about we focus on morning actions? Help make Breakfast, study a bit, steal a Destroyer. You know, normal stuff.Looking over Crow's proposed stuff... I don't remember what kind of Oriko we have here. We also have SAO, though Sayaka and her mom play with us...
Uhh... Visiting Kyouko and Mami could lead to Witch hunting which... probably won't end well considering our track record.
I still remember that day out we had with Kyouko and how we just kind of ended up dragging her around, although between that and the Soul Fusion the two did Kyouko probably has a scary-good handle on our personality.
... That reminds me that we could probably do some truly horrifying things if we ever did a fusion dance with Mami. And survived cause wow does that girl's mind have cracks.
We could always indulge in Homura's inner kleptomania. Although that seems like it could be amazing to do when drunk, "... The fuck did I get battleship from?"
I didn't remember that Oriko thing at all, though I remember the rest pretty well. If only because some of them really don't change in their own way. Like Kirika.So...this quest has gotten very long, and the long hiatus's have made a lot of information hard to recall. On top of that, the calendar was killed by the hosting website, and was only very recently revived.
Collectively, this means that a lot of us (myself included, although my notes help) can't recall all the details of the older updates.
Thus, I've added the Dramatis Personae--it's not a complete record of character interactions or anything, but I hope it helps people keep track of these incarnations of the characters, and can serve as a reference in coming updates (as I update information as we go, ideally).
The images are currently fucked, I fear, but I'm going to try to figure out what went horribly wrong.
It works, but the image is massive...I guess I'll scale them down manually.I didn't remember that Oriko thing at all, though I remember the rest pretty well. If only because some of them really don't change in their own way. Like Kirika.
As for the images, you might want to skip out on the BB-code there and just use the Insert Image thing in the text editor.
- Madoka Kaname
Soul Gem Colour: Pink
Primary Magic: Varies (Currently None)
Wish: Varies (Currently None)
Seems to work.
Oriko's pic was low res from the start. Going to try to find a better one.Images are working just fine for me, except Oriko's which is annoyingly blurry. Some kind of compression issue maybe?
Dramatis Personae:
- Madoka Kaname
Soul Gem Colour: Pink
Primary Magic: Varies (Currently None)
Wish: Varies (Currently None)
If your life is a clock, then it is Madoka who winds it--an unstoppable force which drives everything else. Her compassion is what raised you from despair, and it was her sacrifice which gave you chance to live for the first time.
For many years, you sought to restrain her--to protect her from herself, by taking away her freedom. No matter how hard you tried to lock her away safely, though, she always broke free of that casing, tearing her way into the night, bringing for the day. No matter how many times you turn back the clock, and return her to safety, she never changes.
You've long since given up on keeping her from the battlefield of life--instead, you do your best to make sure she survives it. Even that is far from a small feat, though...Madoka's selflessness might have inspired you, but it also make your job almost impossible.
Social Analysis:
"Madoka...why do you always do it? I know you love everyone, but couldn't you put us first, this one time? No, you never will, will you? You're not able to…"
"I'm sorry, I can't. There's so many people calling out for help; I can't just abandon them."
"I'm really sorry, Homura-chan. I…I'm so sorry, but…I wouldn't be myself anymore."
"Just…don't leave me, okay? Even if the other one has to…"
"Don't worry. Even if I die, I'll always be here with you, Homura."
"Madoka's going to contract sooner or later. If I do my best, maybe I can get her to make a Wish that doesn't kill her, this time…from there, at least, all I have to do is make sure she never has to die for her cause."
- Sayaka Miki
Soul Gem Colour: Blue
Primary Magic: Varies (Currently None)
Wish: Varies (Currently None)
Special: She purchased some kind of bizarre magical sword from Yuuko's shop. You're not sure what it's doing to her, but she's been gaining some unusual abilities.
Your precious friend, who keeps you sane amongst the rising chaos. You're not sure why she tries, or why you let her, but you're very glad to have her by your side.
Of course, you're not sure if this is a sign of the Apocalypse, but so what? She's still precious to you.
Social Analysis: "I don't even know anymore. I think I can trust her, this time. It's still early, but so far…well, she'll be well and truly prepared when things get worse. I might actually have to depend on her, at this rate…I'm not exactly alright with that, no matter how good a friend she is, but this loop has been so crazy…"
- Kyouko Sakura
Soul Gem Colour: Red
Primary Magic: Illusion/Enchantment (Currently Locked)
Wish: "I wish that everyone would listen to what Father has to say." miss the her of another lifetime, but this one's become precious to you too. Sometimes, when she wears the right expression, you almost forget when you are.
The feelings you've recalled are dangerous, and you find yourself slipping up with her. You have a suspicion that she'll figure things out, sooner or later. Hopefully, she'll take it okay. You don't want to lose this one, too.
Social Analysis: "Kyouko is Kyouko. Which is, to say, she's deluded herself as surely as anyone she's ever enchanted. She's a stubborn heroine that has decided to be a villain for the sake of the world, and she refuses to face that paradox. In the mean time, she's a lesson in dichotomy: She might brutalize you over an apple, but she'll take a sword for you minutes later. She won't hunt familiars, but she hunts criminals when she doesn't think anyone's looking. She'll cut ties with you over an argument, but she'll always come back if you really need her. In spite of that, she's shockingly stable, in terms of her mental state--it's only when her delusions start crumbling that her situation becomes precarious--then, she'll have to reconcile those conflicts, and that tends to drive her over the edge. In the moment, she's aware of Witches, which is extraordinarily dangerous, as it will force her to confront her past, thanks to her father's actions. I'll need to make sure she has support, and be ready to intervene if she seems close to snapping."
- Mami Tomoe
Soul Gem Colour: Yellow
Primary Magic: Connection
Wish: "I Wish I could hold on."
Mitakihara's ruler, your senpai, Mami is one of the strongest Magical Girls--you could beat her, now, assuming a straight fight. Of course, if she's ready for you, all bets are off. Mami may not have your sheer skill with firearms, nor your level of combat experience, but she's terrifyingly innovative. She's beaten your Time Stop before, she's leveled your armies, and she's all but killed you without you even seeing it coming. She is incredibly dangerous…but she's also still your senpai, and occasional partner.
"Mami is in an incredibly dangerous position right now. I don't normally go for such a direct approach with the Witch Bomb, but it seems to have worked…sort of, at least. I'm counting on Kyouko to help keep her stable, but I'll still need to monitor her. In the moment, she seems to have adjusted her priorities to cope with the Witch Bomb, which should prevent her from going on a killing spree again, but if she changes her mind or, possibly worse, swings too far the other way…I may have to stop her again."
- Oriko Mikuni
Soul Gem Colour: White/Silver
Primary Magic: Precognition
Wish: "I wish for a reason for me to live."
Oriko Mikuni is the closest thing to a companion you have across the loop, not that the two of you are always on the same side. She has caused you no end of grief over the years, after all. You're not quite sure what sets her off--sometimes she's an ally, of sorts. Other times, she's tried to kill you. The latter has become increasingly rare over the years--probably because you've killed her so many times, and she's running out of scenarios she thinks might succeed. Maybe.
That said, her precognition grants her something close to omniscience, within its reach--she knows possible timelines, including those in which you tell her your past (which, you suppose, means she must have convinced you she was trustworthy in some timeline). From that, she can quickly gain an understanding of your past and your objectives, at least to some degree.
You owe her a lot. You don't remember all of the details, but you have no doubt that you owe Oriko Mikuni your life several times over.
She's still obnoxious, though, and the way she looks at Madoka in some loops…no, you do not fully trust Oriko, even if she has been of great help in the past.
"Oriko seems frightened. Needless to say, that worries me greatly. She has also offered me an open invitation to visit…which also worries me. Working with her as closely as she seems to be suggesting would be new. It might be exactly what I need…I'll need to be careful, if I go that route. I do not fully know her objectives, even now, and I am running low on loops…"
- Kirika Kure
Soul Gem Colour: Greenish-Yellow
Primary Magic: ???
Wish: "I wish to become a different Kirika."
Oriko's most beloved. Kirika was once deeply isolated and depressed, but Oriko brought light into her life. She Wishes so that she can become friends with Oriko. From there, the rest is always history.
Social Analysis: "Oriko's beloved and faithful servant. Kirika will do whatever it takes to protect Oriko, no matter the cost to herself. She is unpredictable, her behavior varying vastly between loops--and even individual encounters within a given loop. I do not fully understand her Magic, as it too seems to change without warning."
- Nanoha Takamachi
One of fiction's most famous magical girls--she appeared here after a dimensional transfer went horribly wrong, separating her from her home and landing her in Mitakihara. Extraordinarily powerful and highly skilled, she still does not know the full horror of the situation she has found herself in, in spite of being informed of the broad facts of the Magical Girl system. Her magic is different from that of Puella Magi, and has not yet been tested against the truly mighty Witches.
Social Analysis: "Nanoha Takamachi has grown arrogant from her past victories, and will likely underestimate both her enemies and allies. I will need to be wary of that while working with her. Fortunately, that arrogance is easily cracked by things outside of her experience--I should be able to throw her off balance if I need to take control of a situation from her, although that would probably fail as a long term strategy. Besides that, she remains largely what one would expect of Nanoha; she is extremely emotional, but not prone to being blinded by those emotions. She is currently isolated from her friends, and will hopefully grow attached to us, which will make her far more reliable in the long term."
Max Magic: 5000 MP
Maximum Output: 100 MP
Cartridges: ??? [100 MP per Cartridge] [Irreplaceable]
Axel Shooter
Power: 50
Cost: 10 MP
Casting Time: 0.5 Seconds
Maximum Simultaneous Shots: 10
Divine Buster
Power: 300
Cost: 100 MP
Casting Time: 3 Seconds
Excelion Buster
Power: 900
Cost: 200 MP
Casting Time: 3 Seconds
Starlight Breaker
Power: 3X
Cost: X MP
Casting Time: 3 Seconds/250 MP
Special: Can be fueled by ambient magic.
The last time she used this ability within a Witch Barrier, the ambient magic used turned against her, becoming a Familiar.
Round Shield
Durability: 300
Duration: Until Released
Cost: 100 MP
Casting Time: Instant
Exelion Shield
Durabilty: 700
Duration: Until Released
Cost: 200 MP
Casting Time: Instant
Wide-Area Protection
Durability: X Durability
Duration: Until Released
Cost: (X * N) MP / sec
Casting Time: Instant
Area of Effect: N * 10 foot radius around target.
May be maintained while using other spells, but the cost to maintain it is added to the cost of other spells cast for the purposes of checking against Maximum Output.
Stardust Fall
Cost per Object: 4 * (5^N) MP
N = 1 for small objects (cars and smaller), N = 2 for large objects (houses), N=3 for massive objects (large buildings)
Magically manipulates and launches objects at the target. Cost of all objects launched is totaled to determine the total Cost of the spell.
Casting Time: 2 Seconds
Flash Move
Cost X MP
Casting Time: Instant
Moves the Caster X feet in a direction of their choice.
Strike Flame
Power: 1000
Cost: 300 MP
Damage: Very Minor
Range: Melee
Increases user's speed while active, but only for linear charges.
Flash Impact
Power: 400 (Direct)/200 (AOE)
Cost: 100 MP
Casting Time: Instant
Range: Melee
Sacrifice a Cartridge to Increase the Power of an Attack or Durability of a Shield by 150.Raising Heart Excelion
Durability: Infinite
Required to use magic.
Limits Maximum Output to 100 MP.[More indented armors are layered over less indented ones.]
[1 Defensive Field Regenerates every 30 Seconds]
Barrier Jacket [500 Durability]
Defensive Field B [300 Durability]
Defensive Field D [300 Durability]
Defensive Field C [300 Durability]
Defensive Field A [300 Durability]
If your life is a clock, then it is Madoka who winds it--an unstoppable force which drives everything else.
Yeah, it does. I can see what you're saying, though--she's the one building Madoka's potential by looping, even if Madoka is the one that compels Homura herself to move.Very much appreciate the good intel... Tracking different iterations of everyone can, indeed, be... interesting. Though, clocks!Homura is usually a very good reminder of the rest of her setting's other interesting characteristics.
... It's a bit funny, actually. When I describe things and time and potential, I always describe Homura as the clock-winder. But it does rather run as much the other way as anything else, doesn't it though.
*makes vague griping noises about not ever being able to use Homura's Loop-added Potential*Yeah, it does. I can see what you're saying, though--she's the one building Madoka's potential by looping, even if Madoka is the one that compels Homura herself to move.
Oh, Homura IS benefiting from that. That's why she has enough firepower to destroy Berserker's torso, for example.*makes vague griping noises about not ever being able to use Homura's Loop-added Potential*
... Maybe Yuko would have something, but I doubt it.
*makes vague griping noises about not ever being able to use Homura's Loop-added Potential*
... Maybe Yuko would have something, but I doubt it.
Within the scope of this quest, across the timeloops undertaken by the Homura we, the players, are voting on the actions of, Kaname Madoka's Potential has been increasing as Homura has continued to loop.... you have reminded me that I really need to actively use that in the thing I was writing. (... also make my own plot squirrels thread for all these 'things I am writing' so people can actually see where they're going/coming from...) I... think my 'ah yes a Homura from a standard PMMM timeline stack and a Madoka from a set of timelines where she's the timelooper collide' idea uses it? Or the PMMM/HP thing....
... thank you for the reminder. Let's see if I can actually live up to my 'I will get to it after this weekend'...
Also, hn, if we haven't asked explicitly, even if some of this may be evident...Still asking even though I've sorta been GM-ninja'd.
Within the scope of this quest, across the timeloops undertaken by the Homura we, the players, are voting on the actions of, Kaname Madoka's Potential has been increasing as Homura has continued to loop.
Within the scope of this quest, across the timeloops undertaken by the Homura we, the players, are voting on the actions of, that same Akemi Homura's Potential has been increasing as she has continued to loop.
Within the scope of this quest, across the timeloops undertaken by the Homura we, the players, are voting on the actions of, Akemi Homura's Potential has been increasing, in the same way as Madoka's, as she has continued to loop.
I had more thoughts, but I'm keeping people awake, I should be asleep, night.Maybe make more post of blue truth in mornings.Might ask more blue truths, I mean. What even was that sentence.
It feels wrong to use a transformed image of Sayaka when she isn't an MG here.
Yeah, it does. Problem is that I'm having a hard time finding good human Sayaka renders.It feels wrong to use a transformed image of Sayaka when she isn't an MG here.
It feels wrong to use a transformed image of Sayaka when she isn't an MG here.
Also, while our Sanity really couldn't take the hit, I still regret not maxing out our Lost Memories of Sayaka.