The ever wonderful Anime WW2, now with a terrified SI trying to make it in life. Sadly our boy does not have any real knowledge of the game he just got inserted into beyond the most peripheral trivia. F to pay respects.
So, first time posting on this site. Don’t know if the prefixes or thread marks are solid, but I’ll go with what I got. So, this is a fanfic I made to ship Gudao with Koyanskaya. A good amount is headcanon, but I genuinely believe that every Tamamo deserves love. Well, please read and review. I appreciate any and all feedback
This is an AU where Eden and Scion chose the Collective unconscious reality to crash.
And where Eden after dying went and learned a lot.
Not [DATA] but Morals.
Now Eden is the new Velvet room master, and she will give the keys to make sure than Humans and Shards live together without the need of more [CYCLES]
And Taylor Hebert is the one who will make the waves.