Life With the Ship Girls, or, How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Polygamy

Well, I decided to try World of Warships out because of this fic, and GOD DAMN, WHY IS THIS GAME SO HARD?!
Ahahahaha. You fell into the same trap as I did! Don't worry though, it gets better. If you need a buddy to division up with after I'm done with my 72-hour work week on Saturday, I'd be happy to help you out.

EDIT: Honest advice here: TheMightyJingles has a video called "How to Not Suck At World of Warships." I watched it quite a few times, and his other video have a lot of helpful hints and advice scattered throughout them. I highly recommend his YouTube channel.
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I watched that before I even tried. My experience so far is being completely awful at aiming and whenever I get in a fight with an enemy ship, after shooting at it for a while I always run into a whole freaking armada of enemy ships or get flanked by a destroyer that just happened to be there. The most success I've had is spamming torpedos as a destroyer and hoping my teammates don't decide to torpedo me in the middle of it all.

Seriously, the closest enemy is like ten kilometers away, STOP FUCKING SENDING TORPEDOS IN THAT DIRECTION, THE ONLY SHIP THERE IS MINE!
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I watched that before I even tried. My experience so far is being completely awful at aiming and whenever I get in a fight with an enemy ship, after shooting at it for a while I always run into a whole freaking armada of enemy ships or get flanked by a destroyer that just happened to be there. The most success I've had is spamming torpedos as a destroyer and hoping my teammates don't decide to torpedo me in the middle of it all.

Seriously, the closest enemy is like ten kilometers away, STOP FUCKING SENDING TORPEDOS IN THAT DIRECTION, THE ONLY SHIP THERE IS MINE!
Situational awareness is very important especially if you're playing a capital ship, learn to right click and look around. Be prepared to disengage even if it means someone else is going to take your kill so that you can go on a little longer (and pay for less repairs, which suck quite a lot at higher tiers). Do not be THE first guy to engage another ship (kind of important) without any kind of support, always assume that he will have backup in the form of another ship nearby or worse, carrier bombers buzzing around.

EDIT: I am no means a very good player, since I've stopped at around Tier 6 and Armored Warfare came out.
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I watched that before I even tried. My experience so far is being completely awful at aiming and whenever I get in a fight with an enemy ship, after shooting at it for a while I always run into a whole freaking armada of enemy ships or get flanked by a destroyer that just happened to be there. The most success I've had is spamming torpedos as a destroyer and hoping my teammates don't decide to torpedo me in the middle of it all.

Seriously, the closest enemy is like ten kilometers away, STOP FUCKING SENDING TORPEDOS IN THAT DIRECTION, THE ONLY SHIP THERE IS MINE!
If you're having trouble aiming, my suggestion is to take out something with a lot of broadside guns - St Louis, Dresden, Kolberg, Omaha are all good once fully upgraded - and ripplefire your guns (instead of double-clicking the LMB for fire everything, hold the LMB down) to walk your shots until you're on target.

This does make it harder to come out of sniper mode to check your surroundings, but you can use the mini-map to see if you're about to hit an island or something. Also, the circle on the map marks maximum range of your currently selected weapon, which lets you know what targets not to even bother trying to fire at.

As a rule of the thumb, if you're shooting at a battleship or carrier, lead the bow by 5. For a cruiser, lead by 10 and for a destroyer, 12.

Dumbass team-mates are something you'll never get away from (I was sunk in an Omaha yesterday by a higher tier destroyer trying to get the last kill (being fair, he was aiming at the last enemy not me but I was nearby angling for my own shots and joke's on him since I got the kill with my own torps). The best guidance to give here is the same thing that can keep you alive in most situations: don't be the one at the front. Feel free to dawdle around at less than full speed early in the match until you see where people are going.
Gentlemen, not be a dick or anything but we have a dedicated World of Warships thread. And a dedicated Armored Warfare thread as well.
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You know, this has actually gotten me interested in WoWs. Though with Montana class Battleships being shipgirls despite not really being built, I wonder if Canada has a Habakkuk shipgirl. Though I would like to see mention of some more Canadian ones.
3 | Yamato Ends Up on a Firing Range
Yamato, on the other hand, was trying very hard to get Yvonne's rather... enthusiastic sound of pleasure out of her head. It was well known by everyone on base that Yvonne had a thing for food, Yamato included, but it never really manifested itself as Yvonne making sounds like that.

I wonder if I could make more sounds like that come out of her mouth...?

Wait. No. Stop. You're in a public environment.

The battleship was still blushing when she got up to put away the tray of food, having cleaned it despite stating she was full earlier. Looks like blushing empties my fuel stores faster... Yamato mused.

Yamato shook her head as she willed her legs to move her forward. One step forward. Another step forward. Sometimes, when incredibly stressed out, Yamato takes long walks around the base to clear her mind. This was one of those days.

I like Yvonne -- nay -- I love Yvonne. But I don't know if she likes me. Worse, I don't know what she and I would do if she does like me back. And what if she says no? Would that make it more awkward? Would that hurt our relationship? Are we willing to carry on with our jobs if it comes to that? Will I be able to carry on?

The shipgirl let out a sigh of frustration. This was hopeless.

"Yo, Yama."

"Yes?" Yamato turned around, schooling her face back into her usual demure smile. Zuikaku was leaning on a wall, adjusting her bow and testing her aim. Apparently without thinking about it, Yamato had walked straight into the firing range.

"What's up?" asked the carrier as she put her bow down. "You look like you've got something on your mind."

Yamato wasn't sure if she should tell the truth. Fraternization -- especially between ships of different nations -- was still an uncharted territory. Yamato didn't quite want to be the pioneer in the field, and she wasn't sure if she would lose her career if she did decide to take the Yvonne Matter into her own hands.

She elected to tell the half-truth. "It is about someone whom I have come to admire very much..." she admitted. "She is very strong, very brave, very intelligent... and I would like to know her better than I do right now." She sat down into one of the available chairs at the back of the range. "I do not know if she would reciprocate, and I am afraid of what would happen if she does not. Worse, I do not know what the command will say if we pursue a relationship."

Zuikaku took all of this in stride. "So, let me get this straight," she said as she walked over to sit across from the battleship. "You like this woman who's a strong-willed intelligent person who is unwilling to let go of her convictions, she's someone you admire and look up to, and command will raise a hissy fit if you two got together."

"Yes," was Yamato's reply.

Zuikaku raised an eyebrow. "It's Yvonne, isn't it?"

Yamato could only blush in response.

Zuikaku put one of her hands to her face. "Oh boy... you're in for the long haul. She's as clueless as a harem MC, and I'm sure you know what I mean."

Well. Darn, Yamato thought.