Life With the Ship Girls, or, How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Polygamy

Also, if it helps anyone, I'm War_Plains_Tiger in-game. Slowly and steadily grinding my way through T4 ships for cruiser and American DDs. The less said about my luck and skill with battleships, the happier I will be.
Pacific Rim intensifies.
EDIT: This is still set in 2020, five years in the future, correct? Just asking because that would put me in my thirties, which is really hard to fit my mental context around. I know there's a few different continuities and such at this point, so my re-read of the thread is giving me swirly-eyes from trying to make sense of it all.
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I leave the rest to you.

Several weeks later, at ARADIA HQ:

Dr. Michael Hawkins stood in front of the UN counsel, with a hologram of the ATLANTIS prototype behind him. He had presented his design which he had combined with the blueprints of the Leviathan-class super-carrier, and now they were talking among themselves, as they had been for the last 3 hours. That was when his ComCom wrist computer flashed. He hazarded a glance at its screen, it was a message from Yamato.

How did it go? She texted.

They're still talking it over, gotta go. He responded.

Okay, talk to you then. She texted back.

Michael took a deep breath, and the leaders of the UN turned around to face him.

"Doctor Hawkins, we have considered your proposal and have decided to provide you with the resources to construct one ATLANTIS-class Mobile Port." One, the British representative, said.

"But," Another, the American representative, said "How do you plan to build this?"

Michael smirked.

"I'm glad you asked." Michael said as he clicked a button on his ComCom, making the hologram behind him change to a view of a massive underground chamber with huge mechanical arms hanging from the top of ceiling.

"ARADIA has constructed this underground dry dock roughly 150 miles north of Vancouver to build the ATLANTIS using state-of-the-art 3D printing technology."

"Very well, in 30 days, you will have the materials you need." Said the Chinese representative.

"Thank you sir."

As they left, Michael collapsed into a chair and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He did it, he managed to convince the UN to let ARADIA build the Atlantis. Then his ComCom flashed again.

I just saw the UN counsel leaving, what did they say? Yamato texted him.

Wait, you're in the building? Michael responded.

Michael waited for a response, which took a few minutes.

... Yes? Came the response.

Michael sighed.

Meet me in my office, we can talk there. He texted back.

You mean the massive lab that takes up the entire top floor of the building? Yamato asked.

Michael chuckled to himself.

Yep, that one. He responded.

Ok, I'll meet you there.

Several minutes later, Michael was sitting in his "office" tinkering with a scale model of the ATLANTIS which was fully functional, including the miniature Glaive-class laser emitters. Which he was using to heat up some Hotpockets and several bowls of instant rice. Then Yamato walked in and walked over to him.

"What took you so long?" Michael asked with a small smirk.

Yamato smiled and shook her head and hugged him, but gently. She grabbed his ComCom and started typing.

This place is huge, and no one could tell me how to get up here!

"Not surprising, most of my research team is on vacation, they're the only other people allowed up here."


"I made some rice, if that's any consolation."

Instant rice I'm assuming.

Michael laughed nervously, and scratched the back of his neck.

"It's the only rice I know how to make!"

Yamato shook her head and smiled as Michael handed her one of the rice bowls and a pair of chop sticks and they sat down in a couple office chairs that were scattered around the lab. Michael held out his ComCom so she could type.

So, what did they say?! She typed.

Michael set down his hotpocket before replying.

"They said yes, and we'll have the resources in 30 days!"

Yamato carefully set down her food and chopsticks before jumping out of her chair and hugging Michael, sending the rolling chair he was sitting in wheeling across the room with them in it. She rested her head on his shoulder after they finally stopped moving. After a few minutes, she leaned back and sat on Michael's knees. The two sat there for a while, simply taking in the excitement. Then Yamato's stomach started growling, making her blush. She stood up and looked around nervously. Michael stood up and took her hand.

"Come on, lets go get some real food that I didn't cook with a high-intensity laser."

Yamato nodded and followed him out of the lab.
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time to lewd the Arizona

salvaging weapons and munitions from shipgirls = stripping them slowly and carefully, teasing them with a gentle caress as you-- ah, wait, uhm...

'Bout all you can do with a dead body. Scrounge them for ammo and loose change.
-0.429888012 | 1 | Changing Destiny
"Alphonse, you have a minute?"

The doctor looked up from the mountain of papers on his desk. "Oh hey, Ari, what's up?"

"It's urgent." The battleship unpocketed the resonance meter from her coat. "It's changing."

"Wha- No." Alphonse picked up the device. "No, it can't be. I would have fel-Ngh!"

"Alphonse!" The device was forgotten, dropped to the floor. "Shit... Alphonse, stay with me..."

"Can't... It's already starting..."

Erika and Heather ran into the room. "Al! We just got the- Oh my god..."

Alphonse shook his head weakly. "Erika, Heather, Ari, I'm sorry, there's nothing you can do. Something triggered a resonance change, and the worldlines are changing." He reached weakly for Erika, who put her hand inside of Alphonse's grasp. "I'm sorry, everyone..."

[α] [β] [γ] [Δ] [?] [LOCKED] [STABLE] [UNSTABLE]

[α] [β] [γ] [Δ] [?] [STABLE] [UNSTABLE]

[α] [β] [γ] [Δ] [?] [STABLE] [UNSTABLE]


The hardest part of waking up from having your memories forcefully blown across the space-time barrier is that you are typically (but not always) left with the mother of all headaches. Alpha Alphonse had dubbed it 'the world's greatest hangover' when it first happened to him, and Alphonse agreed -- It was like someone had poured all of the collected misery of all the hangovers he had experienced into one bucket, concentrated it, then forced him to drink the concoction.

"Where in god's name am I?" Alphonse groggily muttered to himself. The gentle rolling of the floor and the sound of waves lapping against the shore answered that.

Okay, I'm on a ship. That's nice. It's pretty hot in here too... maybe in the Pacific?

He shook off the nausea that threatened to pour out of his chest and sat up. Perhaps my ComCom has the answer to that. He rolled up his sleeve, ready to check the GPS.

What met him instead was bare skin. His eyes widened before he quickly came to his senses. Other arm? Nope just a watch, he shook his head. Okay, what about my counterpart's memories? Date... date...

Alphonse nearly freaked out when he found it.

December 7, 1941.

A day that will live in infamy -- The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

Now to figure out where he was, before all hell broke loose.
You're fucked mate. On the plus side, your technopathy can get us assault rifles and DDGs by the war's end.
Alphonse shook his head weakly. "Erika, Heather, Ari, I'm sorry, there's nothing you can do. Something triggered a resonance change, and the worldlines are changing." He reached weakly for Erika, who put her hand inside of Alphonse's grasp. "I'm sorry, everyone..."
Short snip for this, temporarily switching to prime worldline Michael, aka Mike.

Mike stood up and started walking towards the room with the Bifrost Relay, with Lois taking off and running after him.

"You have that look, you're gonna do something crazy." She said.

"Yep." He grunted.

Arizona ran to catch up with them.

"What are you going to do?" The shorter battleship asked.

Mike grabbed the chest plate for the Interdictor Armor, and put it on.

"I'm going after him."
Meanwhile, in Ohio…

"Wait. I saw that woman before."


"Some picture online. Except she was some kinda anime chick."

"The fuck?"
Short snip for this, temporarily switching to prime worldline Michael, aka Mike.

Mike stood up and started walking towards the room with the Bifrost Relay, with Lois taking off and running after him.

"You have that look, you're gonna do something crazy." She said.

"Yep." He grunted.

Arizona ran to catch up with them.

"What are you going to do?" The shorter battleship asked.

Mike grabbed the chest plate for the Interdictor Armor, and put it on.

"I'm going after him."

Worldline changes doesn't work like that -- when it happened, only Alphonse transferred over. Everyone else shifted to their other worldline selves.
Worldline changes doesn't work like that -- when it happened, only Alphonse transferred over. Everyone else shifted to their other worldline selves.
Damn it. Maybe I can pull out that one idea that I had were in one worldline Mike became the technopath instead of Al, and have him get blasted into Al's current world line.
Damn it. Maybe I can pull out that one idea that I had were in one worldline Mike became the technopath instead of Al, and have him get blasted into Al's current world line.

Al's current worldline is in another universe. You'd have to use more than just the Bifrost Relay to shunt him over...

I'll write a detailed explanation on the exact mechanics on this. Just give a few minutes to dig it up from my ten-year old notes...