Life With the Ship Girls, or, How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Polygamy

Wow, you've been working on that for awhile...



"Okay, say that I do believe you," Alphonse crossed his arms. "How the hell does all of this... work?"

"It's quite awfully complicated," the Other Alphonse said, mimicking Alphonse's action. "I can explain it, but I suppose that for a broad overview, you don't need to know about the metaphysics of all of... this." He pulled out a piece of chalk, and materialized a chalkboard out of the ethereal threads that haunted this realm. "As you can already tell, your universe is only one of many countless universes, all inhabiting a plane called the Aether. This Aether supports the universes, and is the 'quantum foam' that new universes are born from, and old universes dissolve into. Your universe, D604, is part of the Delta worldline complex."

"Delta worldine..." Alphonse raised an eyebrow. "So there are other worldline complexes out there?"

"Correct," the Other smiled. "One of four known to us. I belong to the Alpha worldline complex -- I'm actually the Prime Alpha Alphonse," he sheepishly said.

"Prime Alpha Alphonse?"

"Yeah, I belong to universe A0." the Other began drawing a straight line on the chalkboard. "Say that you make a decision about what you want to wear today. In one possible worldline, you decide to wear your dress uniform. In another worldline, you decide to go stark naked. Now, obviously, since you're hopefully just as modest as I am, you'd wear your dress uniform instead of your birthday suit. That small change, although seemingly meaningless, would cause a change on the universe's Hozerhoff Frequency. The Hozerhoff Frequency of a specific universe corresponds to the universe's default worldline. For example, my universe has a specific Hozerhoff Frequency of 0.000000000."

"So basically, dead zero."

"Well, not exactly. I'll explain later." The Other then drew two branching lines from the straight chalk line. "You know about the many-worlds theory?"

"The one where every single choice causes a split in universes?"

"The worldlines of a universe work like that." He then drew a circle around one of them. "This one is the default worldline, because of how all the divergence points -- those are what we call 'world changing decisions' -- are the ones that are most likely to happen, given the conditions of the universe. The other divergence conditions can happen given enough push and determination of the person causing it, but usually, it will be the default decision of the default worldline of a universe."

"You're kind of losing me here," Alphonse said. The Other merely chuckled. "Oh, trust me, it's confusing alright, but that's only because you're dealing with theoretics here."

"Anyway," he continued, "divergence points cause major shifts to the Hozerhoff frequency of the universe's worldline. Say that I stopped the assassination of JFK. That would cause a major divergence from the default worldline, because in the default worldline the assassination happened. But in the worldline where I stopped the assassination, it didn't. Hence the frequency would change from 0.000000000 to 0.000369030. That's an actual worldline where JFK lived, by the way."

"Woah. Okay," Alphonse put up a hand. "So basically, the default worldline of a universe follows the most likely outcomes for the divergence points, right? And if I or someone else causes a major divergence to it, it would follow a different chain of events according to a different worldline with a different frequency, right?"

"Pretty much." He sat down on the chair in front of Alphonse. "Now, this is where we come into play. Because I directly integrated myself into the Oblivion Continuum when I activated it, my very essence was embedded into the Aether, making us a constant in any universe. This also allows us to 'remember' the Default Worldline of our home universes, and also allows us to integrate the memories of any Alphonse that exists in a different worldline that runs parallel to the Default Worldline of our home universes into our own."

"What happens to the other Alphonse?"

"They merge with your consciousness. Yours usually become the dominant one though."

"That's reassuring."

"The inhabitants of our universes also has this power, though it is usually less powerful than ours. Memories of different worldlines may manifest as dreams, or nightmares, or half-remembered visions. Some manifest their powers fully, allowing them to fully retain their memories during worldline shifts. Those rare individuals are recruited into STG 11, and eventually becoming part of the Aether Guardian Council if they serve well."

"A sort of universe police?"

"Exactly," he said. "So, to recap, changes at divergence points cause major shifts in worldlines, and small shifts, like the one with what clothing you decide to wear each morning, are smaller changes that can be otherwise ignored. Hence why when I say that I belong to a universe with a Hozerhoff Frequency of 0.000000000, it's not a 'true' dead zero. Past the ninth decimal point, there are constant shifts to the Frequency, causing it to change almost all the time."

"But if I want to visit your worldline, I would enter in all zeros, and the worldline will be more-or-less the one that you remember, right?"


"But wouldn't I override your memory?"
"Actually, since you're a Prime Alphonse -- that's what we call the Alphonses that belong to the default worldline of their universes -- you'd just thunk in. So there would be two Alphonses, and so on and so forth if our other selves decide that they all want to visit my home universe."


"Hence why we can have a conversation like this without overriding each other," he grinned. "Quite a bit useful too, if you need to be in multiple places at the same time, and simple temporal duplication can't cut it."

"Wait, we can time travel as well!?"

"I can, and many of the Alphonses on the Council can as well. It's a thing that you have to develop on your own, sorry. Each universe is slightly different, so I can't just give you the equations to achieve time travel in my universe -- more likely than not, it wouldn't work for yours."

"Ah, well," Alphonse shrugged. "I don't really find a need to time travel anyway. I'm pretty content living my life with my three wives."

"Three wives?" The Other asked. "Wow, you're a brave one," he chuckled. "I only have Hanna."

"I know," Alphonse groaned. "I had to reinforce my entire body with composite materials in order to survive the lewds. I'm a cyborg."

"I kind of feel bad for being an alien now."


"For me at least, total immortality. Because of my decision to use myself to activate the Oblivion Continuum. Add that to the fact that I'm a genetically-modified super soldier, and I'm tougher than most species in the universe."

"Sheesh, way to rub in my inferiority in my face..."

The Other placed a gentle hand on Alphonse's head. "You'll get there one day. And when you take that first step into the future, and when you see the vision of the universe and see all the wonder that could be, being a human doesn't matter in the long run so long as you have your loved ones by your side."
Let me guess. Arizona. So you have an American, German, and Englishwoman.

The three countries that are the closest to my heart. <3


Germany = Teutonic Awesomeness

And Britain is a country filled with the most crazy awesome people that exist on the planet that aren't the Australians.


"Okay, say that I do believe you," Alphonse crossed his arms. "How the hell does all of this... work?"

"It's quite awfully complicated," the Other Alphonse said, mimicking Alphonse's action. "I can explain it, but I suppose that for a broad overview, you don't need to know about the metaphysics of all of... this." He pulled out a piece of chalk, and materialized a chalkboard out of the ethereal threads that haunted this realm. "As you can already tell, your universe is only one of many countless universes, all inhabiting a plane called the Aether. This Aether supports the universes, and is the 'quantum foam' that new universes are born from, and old universes dissolve into. Your universe, D604, is part of the Delta worldline complex."

"Delta worldine..." Alphonse raised an eyebrow. "So there are other worldline complexes out there?"

"Correct," the Other smiled. "One of four known to us. I belong to the Alpha worldline complex -- I'm actually the Prime Alpha Alphonse," he sheepishly said.

"Prime Alpha Alphonse?"

"Yeah, I belong to universe A0." the Other began drawing a straight line on the chalkboard. "Say that you make a decision about what you want to wear today. In one possible worldline, you decide to wear your dress uniform. In another worldline, you decide to go stark naked. Now, obviously, since you're hopefully just as modest as I am, you'd wear your dress uniform instead of your birthday suit. That small change, although seemingly meaningless, would cause a change on the universe's Hozerhoff Frequency. The Hozerhoff Frequency of a specific universe corresponds to the universe's default worldline. For example, my universe has a specific Hozerhoff Frequency of 0.000000000."

"So basically, dead zero."

"Well, not exactly. I'll explain later." The Other then drew two branching lines from the straight chalk line. "You know about the many-worlds theory?"

"The one where every single choice causes a split in universes?"

"The worldlines of a universe work like that." He then drew a circle around one of them. "This one is the default worldline, because of how all the divergence points -- those are what we call 'world changing decisions' -- are the ones that are most likely to happen, given the conditions of the universe. The other divergence conditions can happen given enough push and determination of the person causing it, but usually, it will be the default decision of the default worldline of a universe."

"You're kind of losing me here," Alphonse said. The Other merely chuckled. "Oh, trust me, it's confusing alright, but that's only because you're dealing with theoretics here."

"Anyway," he continued, "divergence points cause major shifts to the Hozerhoff frequency of the universe's worldline. Say that I stopped the assassination of JFK. That would cause a major divergence from the default worldline, because in the default worldline the assassination happened. But in the worldline where I stopped the assassination, it didn't. Hence the frequency would change from 0.000000000 to 0.000369030. That's an actual worldline where JFK lived, by the way."

"Woah. Okay," Alphonse put up a hand. "So basically, the default worldline of a universe follows the most likely outcomes for the divergence points, right? And if I or someone else causes a major divergence to it, it would follow a different chain of events according to a different worldline with a different frequency, right?"

"Pretty much." He sat down on the chair in front of Alphonse. "Now, this is where we come into play. Because I directly integrated myself into the Oblivion Continuum when I activated it, my very essence was embedded into the Aether, making us a constant in any universe. This also allows us to 'remember' the Default Worldline of our home universes, and also allows us to integrate the memories of any Alphonse that exists in a different worldline that runs parallel to the Default Worldline of our home universes into our own."

"What happens to the other Alphonse?"

"They merge with your consciousness. Yours usually become the dominant one though."

"That's reassuring."

"The inhabitants of our universes also has this power, though it is usually less powerful than ours. Memories of different worldlines may manifest as dreams, or nightmares, or half-remembered visions. Some manifest their powers fully, allowing them to fully retain their memories during worldline shifts. Those rare individuals are recruited into STG 11, and eventually becoming part of the Aether Guardian Council if they serve well."

"A sort of universe police?"

"Exactly," he said. "So, to recap, changes at divergence points cause major shifts in worldlines, and small shifts, like the one with what clothing you decide to wear each morning, are smaller changes that can be otherwise ignored. Hence why when I say that I belong to a universe with a Hozerhoff Frequency of 0.000000000, it's not a 'true' dead zero. Past the ninth decimal point, there are constant shifts to the Frequency, causing it to change almost all the time."

"But if I want to visit your worldline, I would enter in all zeros, and the worldline will be more-or-less the one that you remember, right?"


"But wouldn't I override your memory?"
"Actually, since you're a Prime Alphonse -- that's what we call the Alphonses that belong to the default worldline of their universes -- you'd just thunk in. So there would be two Alphonses, and so on and so forth if our other selves decide that they all want to visit my home universe."


"Hence why we can have a conversation like this without overriding each other," he grinned. "Quite a bit useful too, if you need to be in multiple places at the same time, and simple temporal duplication can't cut it."

"Wait, we can time travel as well!?"

"I can, and many of the Alphonses on the Council can as well. It's a thing that you have to develop on your own, sorry. Each universe is slightly different, so I can't just give you the equations to achieve time travel in my universe -- more likely than not, it wouldn't work for yours."

"Ah, well," Alphonse shrugged. "I don't really find a need to time travel anyway. I'm pretty content living my life with my three wives."

"Three wives?" The Other asked. "Wow, you're a brave one," he chuckled. "I only have Hanna."

"I know," Alphonse groaned. "I had to reinforce my entire body with composite materials in order to survive the lewds. I'm a cyborg."

"I kind of feel bad for being an alien now."


"For me at least, total immortality. Because of my decision to use myself to activate the Oblivion Continuum. Add that to the fact that I'm a genetically-modified super soldier, and I'm tougher than most species in the universe."

"Sheesh, way to rub in my inferiority in my face..."

The Other placed a gentle hand on Alphonse's head. "You'll get there one day. And when you take that first step into the future, and when you see the vision of the universe and see all the wonder that could be, being a human doesn't matter in the long run so long as you have your loved ones by your side."
Now I need to figure out how to fling Mike in there...
....I have an issue. I like the USS Yorktown too much. I guess waifu acquired?

The USS Yorktown didn't know what to expect when she got into a division with the infamous William D. Porter, but she sincerely wished she didn't have half of the fleet watching their games on projector screens in the lounge. Even more exasperating was her two younger sisters hovering behind and and offering a constant stream of advice. Some of it was actually useful and helped her gameplay, but anything regarding torpedo bombers was…well, more useless than poor Willie Dee's alleged misfortunate accidents.

Speaking of the destroyer, as they loaded into their third match together, she had proven to be a reliable means of scouting out enemy carriers and taking out their battleships. Most of those sinking were mutual-kills, but Yorktown didn't understand why some of the fleet still talked down to the poor destroyer-girl. Of course, the first two matches were relatively normal matches, but, as she got herself ready for the game, the most incomprehensible words came across her screen from one of her teammates.

(22:10) War_Plains_Tiger (Atlanta): I have received a vision from the spirit of William Tecumseh Sherman!
(22:10) War_Plains_Tiger (Atlanta): He has commanded me to burn the world just as thoroughly as he destroyed my ship's namesake city!
(22:10) Titan_Blaster [BOBS] (Essex): Too soon, man. Too soon.

Yorktown and Willie Dee briefly looked away from their monitors to share a look of bewilderment. Behind them, Enterprise and Hornet exchanged muffled laughter at the expression on their elder sister's face.

To the surprise of the players, the match actually progressed fairly normally from the beginning right up until there were only four ships left on each side after Willie Dee and another destroyer on their team had made suicide runs to take out the opposing team's two remaining battleships and Yorktown had taken out their Essex-class carrier. The only problem was that she had committed her full air group to getting through the carrier's air defenses and had left her ship dangerously exposed to the Essex's remaining torpedo squadrons as they revealed themselves at last while coming over a hilly island.

Her sisters reassuringly patted her shoulders as old traumas briefly resurfaced of being torpedoed and bombed while helpless and then at last being safe from danger was torpedoed again and had her back broken from the explosive ending of her assisting destroyer alongside her hull. It was going to happen again as her vision grew blurred with unshed tears. It didn't help she was using the hull of her own class. It was a reoccurring reaction that had happened often enough around the Japanese ships responsible that her sisters had gotten her into this game as a hopeful means of therapy.

Then, both of the squadrons were shredded as the quirky Atlanta rounded the hill and activated its defensive fire to take out the planes and scatter the remainder's shots enough that Yorktown was able to dodge despite her blurry eyes. She rapidly typed out her thanks and wiped her eyes so she could see the cruiser's response and the reaction of the thwarted carrier player.

(22:18) War_Plains_Tiger (Atlanta): Always happy to help an elegant carrier like a Yorktown. How about I stick with you until you get your planes back?
(22:18) Titan_Blaster [BOBS] (Essex): Oh come on! That's bull! Where the hell did he come from?!?
(22:18) War_Plains_Tiger (Atlanta): From the North, the South, the East, and the West, it converges. These four streams of RAGE are what empower the city in their creation of a tremendous RAGE VORTEX in the center of the city! In other words, I used a Chronosphere powered by the rage of the daily Atlanta commute.

She stared, blushing, at the screen for several seconds as the camera zoomed to show the cruiser pulling alongside and matching pace with her hull. Enterprise stared at the screen before hurriedly shaking her shoulder gently, "What are you waiting for? Say yes! You're helpless if anything shows up before your pla-Wait, you're blushing. Say yes now and then invite him to join your division after this game." Enterprise's low chuckles after that made Yorktown shiver slightly in a primal response to the plotting of her middle sister before refocusing her attention on the game and agreeing to the cruisers terms.

Then she sent the request to division up after this game and could hardly suppress her glee.

(22:20) War_Plains_Tiger (Atlanta): Sure, I got time for a few more. You seem to be the best carrier I've ever had the pleasure of playing with on the same time.

The sudden glower and change in mutterings of Enterprise drew smiles from both Hornet and Yorktown as the game progressed on and eventually resulted in their team winning just barely when the last two destroyers emerged from a smokescreen to be greeted by her dive-bombers and the withering 5-inch fire from her escorting cruiser. Meanwhile, neither of them quite noticed how amused Hornet was since the rescue of Yorktown's carrier or how little she was about to stifle bouts of giggles or laughter at her two older sisters.

It was only when she laid in bed trying to sleep despite how giddy she felt that she realized Enterprise had a matchmaking…tendency. She stayed awake for the rest of the night due to worrying about her sister's plans and the odds of Hornet being roped in to assist Enterprise's plans.
End for now. So yeah, that's a thing. Older sisters being embarrassed is a...wonderful mental image. Also, I have no idea on what her name should be, either cover name or game name. This snippet came to me while I was driving to work this morning after I had a few good games recently on my Atlanta. Also, I'll confess to being inspired by the Detroit-West Virgina-New Mexico stuff.
EDIT: I need to work on fleshing out dialogue better. That would help with the length of this. I might edit this some more as I think up some dialogue.
EDIT2 and more: Improving some of the in-game dialogue.
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Another has joined the Clusterfuck. We should probably bring him here. He already subtly nodded towards this in his 'fic.
[α] [β] [γ] [Δ] [?] [STABLE] [UNSTABLE]


Alphonse checked the watch. Six o'clock in the morning. If he remembered correctly, that left him about an hour and some change to get ready for the Japanese attack.

Japanese attack? his counterpart's voice echoed in Alphonse's mind. What on Earth are you talking about?

Check my memories, Alphonse replied. On this date, at around 7:30 AM, the Imperial Japanese Navy launched an all-out aerial attack on the American base at Pearl Harbour.

But I don't get it, we're allies with the Japanese, why would they attack us? Doesn't make any sense at all.

That's what they'd like you to believe.

No, you don't get it, the counterpart said firmly. Look out the window. You can see their new superbattleship Yamato out there by our ship. Sure enough, when Alphonse peered through the porthole, he could see the oddly familiar sight of the Yamato's pagoda superstructure.


Now do you believe me when I say it doesn't make any sense?

Okay, Alphonse scratched his head mentally, If it isn't the Japanese that we will be soon at war with, who will we be?

Why do you still think we'll suddenly be attacked? his counterpart asked.

Because something -- or someone -- had sent me back here on this specific date for a reason. And I have lived through way too many 'happy coincidences' to write this off as another one. So something's going to attack us on this date, and we'll have to prepare.

His counterpart was oddly silent for a few seconds. Alphonse took this time to climb up onto the main deck, where a couple passing servicemen saluted him as he walked by. He was halfway up to the bridge of the ship when his counterpart had his revelation.


No, what? Alphonse asked.

It's the Neuroi. They're going to attack today. Oh shit...

For some reason, it rang a bell in Alphonse's mind. Do you mind if I leaf through your memories?

No, go right ahead. And if your memory of that day is correct, then we are six ways to fucktown if we don't prepare.

Shit. His counterpart was right. They were screwed if they didn't act. Okay, so what ship are we on?

You're onboard the USS Arizona, BB-39, Pennsylvania-class battleship. We can talk to her and get a fleet-wide message out. Perhaps enough so that we're not completely caught unaware by them. Let's go.

Alphonse eyes widened. The Arizona? he asked. A 'yes' was the reply from his counterpart.

Alright. This could be interesting...


"C-Captain Schmitt...!" Arizona straightened as she watched him come into view. "What's wrong...? Why are you--"

"We're going to be under attack by Neuroi forces. Inform Admiral Kidd and get preparations underway for imminent aerial attack."

"What!?" She stared at him. "You've got to be kidding, right?"

"No, not kidding at all. Inform Admiral Kidd please. We're going to be under attack in under an hour by the Neuroi."

"R-Roger that..." she hurried off below decks.

"Captain, is it true?" The blonde girl -- his counterpart's memories identified her as Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Meisser, strike witch of the United States Navy -- asked.

"Yes," Alphonse nodded sadly. "I'm afraid to say that it is true."

"Okay, let's get ready then. Do you want us to call battlestations?"

"Not yet. Let's wait for the Admiral, and let him decide."
"Captain, is it true?" The blonde girl -- his counterpart's memories identified her as Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Meisser, strike witch of the United States Navy -- asked.
This will be interesting.

Also, what are the Neuroi?
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strike witches enemy (not SWQ but the actual anime)

I'm combining SWQ with the anime to create my own AU.

It is Earth, but they're nanomachines sent by Martians to harvest any material to relays (sort of like Bifrost Relays, but only from one location to another, not from universe to universe) so that they can use it to rebuild their world.

It was initially supposed to be harvesting metals from Earth's deep oceans (hence why the shipgirls were created first) but later they started attacking Humans and human settlements as well because they're materials and the designers never really distinguished sentient lifeforms from non-sentient lifeforms. It was only when the League of Nations Combined Fleet was created when the Martians realized how much they fucked up, but it was too late.

And then eventually the machines turned on the Martians when they tried to shut them off to help the Humans. And then it just went downhill from there.
Am I the only one that got Suspension of Disbelief when one of the guys was a SUPER HACKER THAT CAN BEAT THE GOVERNMENT at hacking? Oh the Robot that is own by a government employee? I mean it like if I insert myself and then gave myself super powers?
Am I the only one that got Suspension of Disbelief when one of the guys was a SUPER HACKER THAT CAN BEAT THE GOVERNMENT at hacking? Oh the Robot that is own by a government employee? I mean it like if I insert myself and then gave myself super powers?
On one hand, you weren't alone in that, but it does help if you keep the time frame of events in mind. Some of this is seven years into the future after a war for survival by humanity. Technology tends to advance rapidly during wartime in addition to the potential advances done in those seven years as just a base line.

I'll admit to struggling through that section when I decided to re-read the entire thread. I had to take breaks to calm myself with Lego blocks. I had less issues with the robot than the super-hacking though.
On one hand, you weren't alone in that, but it does help if you keep the time frame of events in mind. Some of this is seven years into the future after a war for survival by humanity. Technology tends to advance rapidly during wartime in addition to the potential advances done in those seven years as just a base line.

I'll admit to struggling through that section when I decided to re-read the entire thread. I had to take breaks to calm myself with Lego blocks. I had less issues with the robot than the super-hacking though.
The robot was not as bad as the super hacking. Mostly because i told myself that the war advance the tech so much. But the damn hacking is pure bullshit
As far as i can tell, it's not hacking, it's technopathy. With is also can be considered bullshit, but of different kind.
Also, while it might be brought up IC plenty, it does not happen again. It was a one-off event. I rationalize it away as the technopathic-equivalent to an adrenaline rush that allows people to accomplish things that are normally impossible to do.
Well, since I have to wait a while for the only bus that runs to my house…

Round four!
Several hours later…

I heard a knocking at the door. Probably my uncle, ready to be all encouraging even though I doubted he knew what to do either. However, it turned out to be Agent J, asking if he could come in. They already questioned me three times today.

"Need me to answer more questions?" I asked.

"No. Someone's here to apologize. Guess who." He answered.


I sighed. "Send her in."

The Fed nodded and went outside, Kongou walking in a few seconds later. She was in shit shape. Probably spent the better part of the day balling her eyes out. Feds were probably gonna drag her off somewhere and have my family and I sign off on NDAs. And half the hospital staff. Aside from the trans-demensional bullshit, this was more-or-less reality. There aren't Neuralyzers. No amnesia serums. Just cover-ups when possible and lots of paperwork.

The battleship simply gave me a look before bursting into tears. Nurses and assistants outside were probably thinking that she was mourning someone who died off. It was absolutely pitiful for someone who just about sexually assaulted me. And that raised a question: Just how the hell did she find my room the first time around?

She eventually stopped and looked up at me. I buried my face in my hands. I honestly didn't know what to do. Nobody did. We just stared at each other awkwardly, the silence and tension thick enough to put a missile through. And honestly, it was creeping me out.

"I'm… s-s-so s-sor-ry." She said, teetering on the brink of despair. I then saw mom pop her head in, take one look, and give me one in return. One that said 'You know what you should do.'

I hopped off the bed and gave her a hug. She squeezed back, tighter than a weeaboo and his body pillow. Those things looked ridiculous, but comfy. But that was beside the point. I honestly didn't know what would happen next. It was just the two of us against the world right now.
The base password for all of the items is Erika.
One of them is probably WaifuErika.


"You know Doc, you really should use better passwords." Mike said as he slid a tablet computer across the table.

"What do you mean?" Alphonse asked as he picked up the tablet computer, his tablet computer and powered it on.

"Just saying, that's all." Mike said as he left the room.

Al logged into his computer and his eyes went wide as he saw that the desktop had been filled with several hundred empty folders all named "Louisiana was here" or "Big E says hi". The swears could be heard through out ARAIDA HQ.
The following day, Mike found a three terabyte folder filled to the brim with Louisiana lewds inside of his hard disk. Inside was a note:

By the way, Lois is a pretty bad password too. ;)

I also did more Montana things.

Montana, Measure Eight
No. 404 Montana Measure Eight
Montana-class Fast Battleship

HP : 100
Armour : 95 (120)
Evasion : 44 (79)
Aircraft : 30
Speed : Fast
Range : Very Long
Firepower : 100 (140)
Torpedo : 0
AA : 74 (120)
ASW : 0
LOS : 40 (70)
Luck : 10 (80)

120 Fuel
160 Ammunition

Level 80 (2700 Ammunition, 4000 Steel, Blueprint)

40.6 cm 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 Triple Mount
40.6 cm 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 Triple Mount
12.7 cm 5"/38 caliber Mark 28 mod 3 Dual Mount
SC Seahawk

+6 Firepower
+8 Anti-Aircraft Defense
+10 Armour


Extended Introduction
"Hey. USS Montana here, BB-67, lead vessel of the Montana-class battleships. I'm a Measure Eight design, with enhanced boilers and armour, giving me a top speed of around thirty-five knots or so at full power.

We Montana-class battleships were initially designed as a successor to the Iowa-class. With a bigger main armament, greater AA defensive abilities, a more accurate and powerful RADAR-assisted Fire Control System, we were easily the match of any Japanese battleship in the day, and we could go toe-to-toe against a Yamato-class and come out unscathed.

Alas, the advent of carriers and their ever-increasing effectiveness in combat made us battleships obsolete, relegating us to surface bombardment and carrier escort roles... and cancelling any further development of battleship technology by the United States of America. After all, if you can pack the same amount of ordinance that I can sling with my twelve 16-inch guns on a single plane, and you can field more of them at the same time, then what's the point in having a battleship, right?

Still, no hard feelings. They did what they had to do, and battleships simply were not effective anymore. As they dismantled my systems and my keel, I felt my consciousness fade away. I wasn't happy -- I didn't do my part in the war, but I really couldn't do anything about it.

As I fell into darkness, I began to mull over the life that I was denied. How I felt at being shelved as an obsolete design. And then I watched as strange planes, carrying the insignia of a faraway land attacked my country, hurting good men and women...

I watched, yet I could not act. And it hurt more than anything I had ever experienced. To know that you should have acted, but you couldn't because of events outside of your control... I felt helpless. I was helpless.

I hated it. And yet I could not do anything but observe. I couldn't even scream.

But we came back around. We rebuilt. We fought back. The Japanese were confidant that they've crippled the giant. They were swiftly proven wrong.

I cheered them on. Every victory, every defeat that was handed to the Japanese... It made me happy. To know that despite the loss at Pearl Harbor, we were able to move on. To strike back. To wreak vengeance for the pain that they had inflicted on us.

And then we won, and the guns fell silent.

After that, I faded away into nothing, content to be nothing more than just a distant memory and a footnote in a book.

And then I saw them again, strange machines flying through the sky, terrorizing innocents and harming the defenseless. But it wasn't the Japanese. I saw that they were everywhere -- otherworldly abominations hellbent on destroying everything that my sisters had fought for with their lives.

And our weapons, our great implements of war, were useless in face of their onslaught.

I screamed. I couldn't have let this happen, not again. I just wouldn't! I vowed to do something, anything to make this just stop.

And then a voice asked if I would take up arms again, if I was willing to do anything to end this.

I said 'yes' in a heartbeat. And then I woke up, and you were here."

Secretary Lines
"Yes, Admiral? Is there something that needs to be done?"

"You must be pretty bored if you keep on doing this..."

"H-Hey, careful! I'm still a prototype design you know!"

"Need anything, Admiral? I'll stop out and grab some coffee or something for you."

"Hey... don't stress yourself out so much, 'mkay? Don't be afraid to ask for help, I'm always here for you."

Marriage Line
"Admiral, you have such a serious look on your face? What's wrong? I-Is there an attack? An ambush!? I'm ready to go, just tell me what to do!

... Eh? 'Nothing of that sort', you say? Okay... is it about the South Dakota sisters again? Nothing about them?

A ring... W-Wait, this... This is for me!? I... uhm...

Y-Yes... Yes, of course, Admiral, yes! I'll be by your side, forever... That's okay, right...?"

Show Score Line
"Here you go, sir, report from the front."

'Joining a Fleet' Line
"Montana, at the ready!"

The following day, Mike found a three terabyte folder filled to the brim with Louisiana lewds inside of his hard disk. Inside was a note:

By the way, Lois is a pretty bad password too. ;)

Mike: "Lois, come here."

Lois: "what is it?"

Mike: *pointing at computer screen* "Halp."

Lois: "Oh my, where did all this come from?"

Mike: "I DON'T KNOOOOOOW!" *head desk*

Lois: *grabs Mike* "Come on, it's time for bed."

Mike: "Yeah, I could use some sleep."

Lois: "Not what I was talking about~"

The next day, Mike didn't go to work because he had "the flu".
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