Can I make a suggestion for where Nicole goes when she leaves this universe?
PS: here's something from the thing I'm suggesting:
Some of you might recognize these creatures but if you don't just ask me
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Chapter 3: Linear Acceleration
Machina ex Machina
(or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Von Neumann)

Chapter 3: Linear Acceleration

I had a fairly good idea of what the building was supposed to do. Energy and metal went in, and out would come war machines. For whatever reason, the designs were code-locked behind actually constructing the thing, but oh well. We'd have to see what I had in memory when it came online. I found a nice empty spot and had War Me-chine start laying out the vehicle factory, a fine blue mist engulfing the area and constructing the building whole cloth from the atomic level up. The GDI officers looked on through a set of electronic binoculars with interest as it came into being from nothing.

It took a few minutes, but then it finished, connected to the power network, and came online.

Instantly those locked designs were available to me and WHATINTHEBLUEBLOODYBLAZES-

I reeled away, physically and mentally, at the design files. They were corrupted. I was born a full AI. I had more processor power than Atlas had in its entire city locked up in my brain. I couldn't even begin to unfuck the mess that was their design. The chassis bits I could replicate from sight, but the weapons and armor and all the things that made them useful? Nope. Nope nope nope. Except for one. Well, two, really. The first was a fabrication vehicle, which would come in handy. The second was a small unarmed scout.


I sighed. "Well, the good news is, the factory's ready to go." I said, shunting a couple of fabbers into the build queue, watching nano sprayers built into the construction bay get to work. I had War Me-chine start building the 'Bot Factory' blueprint. Part of the reason for that was wanting to get additional confirmation that my war-bot designs were screwed - but part of that was the fact that even if these designs were screwed, I did have recourse for foot soldiers.

Atlesian Knight-200s. Paladin-290s. Guardians. Nightmare Machines. And… well, me. I had all those designs on file in my normal memory storage.

"The bad news," I continued, "is that a lot of the designs are corrupted. I'm gonna have to start on some whole-cloth replacements. I don't figure you guys would have anything with a gun suitable for a tank, would you?"

McNeil looked over his shoulder as, almost on cue, a giant bipedal war walker stomped out of the back of his airship. "We've got a couple of Titans but-"

"Great, I'm stealing that, thanks." I said, and sprinted past them. Their spluttering reply was lost to the wind as I used my long, long legs and fast-moving artificial musculature to eat the distance in moments. I jumped about eight meters straight into the air, landing on the gun-arm of the Titan, unveiled my personal Nano Sprayer, and promptly began seeding the mech with nanomachines whose sole and entire purpose was survey and data collection. Moments later, I had myself a war walker and a gun to stick on something with treads. And the Titan was even unharmed.

I spun off a process to start building a tank for the vehicle fabber to produce from the ground up. No need for an internal fighting compartment, just ammunition storage, a little nano fabber to make more ammunition, a dumb AI core to guide it, and a big friggin' cannon. A hundred-twenty millimeters was going to be too small. I scaled it to a hundred and forty. I could have stuck a copy of Mari's railgun on it, but that would have made it more expensive than I wanted. What I did do was insert a pair of propellant tanks that would mix behind the projectile and then be ignited by a plasma arc.

Good old electro-thermal chemical propulsion. Steelheart used it.

This thing would be a tank-killer. Sure, it had a coax machinegun, but that was for Emergencies Only. Thus, I dubbed it the Predator. Wide, long and squat, with four independent track systems for mobility and redundancy.

The fourth fabber track ran off the line, and I paused their production, inserting an order for a squadron of Predators. It struck me then - Carmine would be incredibly jealous if she could see me now, as, likely, would Papa. The thought made me giggle.

Hopping off the Titan with a graceful flip, I rejoined my hosts.

"Thanks for the design, by the by. I wasn't sure if scaling up my own gun to the appropriate size would work or even be a good idea, so I needed some additional data." I said in lieu of an apology.

"I-what-you can't just-" the woman - Gale - stuttered.

"Totally just did." I said, shrugging. "Besides! Lookit!" I said, pointing back at the vehicle fabber. The first Predator was rolling off the line, and my did it look like a wonderful vision of destruction. It snorted and roared as its cooling systems kicked up a cloud of dust behind it, rolling along on a clattering of treads. "I bring gifts of tanks."

McNeil sighed. "Yeah, okay. Sure. Pretty sure General Solomon won't mind that at all. That tank an AI like you?"

"Nope." I said, shaking my head. "I mean, well, yes, but it's a dumb AI. I tell it to solve problem X and it does so, but it doesn't think on its own. It'll learn over time how to do things more efficiently, but I don't think…" I went on, and stopped. Now, the best model for an AI I had was myself and my sisters, so I'd gone in with that model as a base for the tank's. I'd stripped out all the unimportant bits, but left in the heuristic learning algorithms. Theoretically, it might learn enough someday to become sentient - if it didn't blow up beforehand. "Well, I'm pretty sure it won't evolve into a full AI."

"Great." he muttered. "What about cyberwar? Can it be hacked?"

Does he know who I- no, wait, no he doesn't. I couldn't help but double over laughing regardless. It devolved into a mad cackle by the end anyway. Gods above, I hate my laugh. "Heh, nooooo. Back home, I am the walking computer virus. There was a guy who made something specifically to take over a buncha war droids and a comm system there, and I smashed his little pet AI virus. Hell, my big sister did, and she's not as good at it as I am. No way and no how is one of my machines getting taken over."

"That's… good to know, I guess." he said. I nodded.

Meanwhile, the fabber tracks and War Me-chine finished the bot factory. I had the fabbers spread out, putting up new generators and metal extractors, while looking over the newly unlocked bot designs to discover that, yes, the corruption extended to my warbots. Whatever. Time for a couple battalions of Knight-200s, then. Meanwhile, realizing that riding my own shoulder would be a ridiculous potential waste of resources if someone decided to snipe my avatar, I reconfigured War Me-chine's armored head to hold - very tightly - exactly one me with no room at all for anything else.

"So!" I said, clapping my hands together as the twelfth Predator and the fourth squad of Knights formed up in a loose formation. "Where can I find some Nod jerkoffs to introduce to the concept of brutally efficient self replicating mechanisms of war?"
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I reeled away, physically and mentally, at the design files. They were corrupted. I've was born a full AI. I had more processor power than Atlas had in its entire city locked up in my brain. I couldn't even begin to unfuck the mess that was their design. The chassis bits I could replicate from sight, but the weapons and armor and all the things that made them useful? Nope. Nope nope nope. Except for one. Well, two, really. The first was a fabrication vehicle, which would come in handy. The second was a small unarmed scout.
I pray to God the titan designs are fine, also I hope that they are the legion ones, those Thor titans are cool as fuck
would be funny to ask why the humans there are so short, considering the average height in remnant was 2 meters i think? overall people were taller
This is fantastic. Please continue, the innocence of Penny crossed with a PA Commander is liquid gold.

At least, I'm assuming this is Penny. You certainly write this girl the same way as she would speak.

Also, welcome to the ranks of the Commanders!
This is fantastic. Please continue, the innocence of Penny crossed with a PA Commander is liquid gold.

At least, I'm assuming this is Penny. You certainly write this girl the same way as she would speak.

Also, welcome to the ranks of the Commanders!
The protagonist is an OC who is one of Penny's sisters in the author's Penny Quest

No, seriously, a PA story with a Commander who isn't an SI or OCI. I'm been looking for this.

Let's see what happens.

No, seriously, a PA story with a Commander who isn't an SI or OCI. I'm been looking for this.

Let's see what happens.

... sorry to burst your bubble (really I am), but it is an original character insert. Nicole Polendina, younger, significantly taller sister to Penny Polendina, who happens to be a fairly prominent main cast character in my Penny Quest.
... sorry to burst your bubble (really I am), but it is an original character insert. Nicole Polendina, younger, significantly taller sister to Penny Polendina, who happens to be a fairly prominent main cast character in my Penny Quest.
BUT!!! This is a character who has NO access to "Meta Knowledge" that most other commanders have....right?
... sorry to burst your bubble (really I am), but it is an original character insert. Nicole Polendina, younger, significantly taller sister to Penny Polendina, who happens to be a fairly prominent main cast character in my Penny Quest.
BUT!!! This is a character who has NO access to "Meta Knowledge" that most other commanders have....right?
That's what I'm actually talking about with an "OCI" is the meta stuff.
Chapter 4: Feedback Loop
Machina ex Machina
(or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Von Neumann)

Chapter 4: Feedback Loop

An hour later, I found myself participating on a frontal assault against the Brotherhood base that had launched the attack against the base I'd come into this world beside, which was apparently known as Phoenix Base. Or something. I still wasn't caught up on this world's acronyms.

What I was caught up on was firepower. Nearly a thousand Knights were trotting alongside my massive frame and forty-odd Predators rolled smoothly along beside me. More of both were being built every minute at my encampment, and I had plans. Plans which were the reason for the artillery batteries currently under construction around said encampment, but I digress.

I sent out a scout buggy, getting the lay of the land I was rolling into. There was a canyon we'd have to traverse via bridge, and it looked like the base itself was just on the other side… on the other hand, there were a lot of pesky SAM emplacements keeping GDI from backing me up. Somewhere around here, there was also a - ah, there it is. A little village looking for evacuation.

Oh, hey, look, more Nod jerkoffs killing civvies.

I split my tanks half-and-half, and sent one half over with a company of Knights. The Knights were pretty good sprinters, but 'pretty good' means nothing against a seventy-ton tank doing sixty kilometers an hour. They got left behind pretty quickly, but it would be alright - the tanks should buy them time.

Part of me wanted to disembark my avatar and go plinking black helmets personally, but… heck, I need some kinda combat testing of these things. Wouldn't be able to go into full recursive redesign mode without live data.

I spread my tanks and bots out wide, looking to catch anything and anybody wandering around in Nod regalia and give them the good news in hundred-and-forty millimeter and ultraviolet editions. I ran across a patrol of three soldiers with a squad of Knights - the ensuing firefight was short and brutal. Two Knights exploded in showers of sparks, while the three soldiers were flash-broiled where they stood under a withering hail of lightrifle fire. One of my Predators plugged a SAM site with a single high explosive round, sending the whole thing up in a ball of flames.

As quick as a gale, we swept the canyon. The sounds of a high-performance missile launch told me there were more on the ridge above; a quick shot from my Uber Cannon gave my Knights a way up to the top to kill the launch sites.

Meanwhile, my strikeforce of dispatched Predators reached the town. A line of Nod soldiers were advancing through it, shooting at anything that moved. A running mother collapsed with her child in her arms, her leg a mangled mess. The one who'd shot her drew a better bead -

-and was promptly interrupted by a Predator smashing through an unoccupied building, flattening him into a red smear as its coax chattered thunderously.

I'm pretty sure I didn't tell it to do that, but my was it effective. Who's a good tank? You are!

The Nod soldiers scattered, rockets streaking out of side streets to lance into the tank's armor plating. Its squadron mates opened up, punching high explosive into the alleys they originated from. One particularly unlucky Noddy simply vaporized when the overpressure of the explosion three meters to his right touched off the explosives in his rocket launcher.

The Knights caught up then, pouring fire into the Nod soldiers on the west side of town. A platoon of them reached the remaining civilians, forming a defensive perimeter immediately. I couldn't yet bring in GDI's evac transport for them, but that was a matter of finding and eliminating the SAM sites.

Meanwhile, I found the Brotherhood's base.

My first instinct was to simply shell it all from range, but then I realized: they have a vehicle factory of their own there, as well as a barracks. They might have some shiny toys for the stealing.

Also, they had laser towers. And a…

"Hey, McNeil, what's this thing?" I commed, sending an image of the huge red building.

"That's a construction facility. They coordinate building new structures from there. We've got something similar."

"Sweet. Stealing that."

So, I had to do things the slightly less easy way: I pushed half a battalion of Knights and my remaining un-tasked Predators over the bridge. A pair of laser towers opened up from the other side, melting some of my Knights before they were unceremoniously blown the heck up by my tanks.

There was about a platoon of defenders in the base, along with some machinegun armed buggies that tried to stop me. Massed lightrifle fire and a few desultory shots from my tanks put an immediate stop to that, and the Steel Tide continued rolling straight over their defenses. Some kinda tiberium harvesting vehicle lumbered dumbly through my lines, and was promptly unmade for its trouble.

Vehicle crews were scrambling to their buggies, fresh off the factory line, when my Knights stormed the building and cut down all and sundry. Nod soldiers died in their barracks when more of my own troops came a-knockin'.

It took all of about ten minutes to declare the base secure, and then I began doing what I do best: hack.

Nod actually has decent firewalls, but they weren't counting on two things: me, and hard on-site access.

Mmm, tasty tech. New laser tower designs… the vehicle factory's memory only had the buggies and the harvester, but hey... that rocket launcher will be a useful addition to my troops' armaments… ooh, what's this?

It seemed it might be a good idea to figure out how tiberium refining worked. It was a bit more expedient than my metal extractors. And the references to cyborgs I'd found in the barracks were mmmm.

"Athena to Kodiak," I commed, "the site is secure and you may begin evacuations."
yeah, by destroying everything important

Look, when a gravitational field disrupts your path through a solar system and causes you to smash right into a major chunk of mass... Sometime you just want it to disappear. Doing so with the Ragnarok just means that you really didn't like that rock getting in your way.