User Fiction

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For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

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A couple of months before "the locker" happened in canon, Taylor discovers that Winslow has a theater department, which puts her in with some new people and sets her on a different course, including a different trigger and different powers. Crack taken somewhat seriously.
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The hero defeats the monster, finds their lover and locks away the ancient evil, then the world goes on living. At least, that is what usually happens. This, however, is not that story. This is a story about what happens when heroes die. When Heroes Die is a Worm Post Gold Morning/A Practical Guide to Evil Fanfiction featuring Taylor Hebert's journey in Calernia. Please support the respective authors. These are their worlds, I am just playing around with them. It starts in the Guide...
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Taylor Hebert, veteran of Brockton Bay, Gold Morning, and decades of what followed, finds herself back at the beginning, facing her biggest challenge yet. She doesn't know what sort of alternate universe hellscape she is in, but there is no way she and the Undersiders were this batshit as teens.
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Various ideas that aren't a full story, but captured my muse anyway. Flavors of Worm, with some canon divergence and some alt-powers. Ideas may end up becoming full stories, or they may remain fragments and proof of concepts. Tagged as mature if only because I don't know exactly where the lines are, and... well, it is a Worm thread. Primarily going to be focused on or around Lisa, as she's my favorite character, a chunk of which will be shipping related.
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Taylor Hebert gets the Celestial Forge. The first few rolls get weird.
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Well, here we go again... This started off as a prompt in the Taylor Varga discord channel. The prompt was "What if Taylor got the powers of the Juggernaut?" A bit of research, 3 days of writing, and 4 days of dueling editors, and this is the result. Also, Worm canon has been thrown out of the building. Worm is the IP of Wildbow. The Juggernaut and related things are the IP of Marvel Comics. The posting schedule for this will be whenever I get time to come up with a segment. *Update*...
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Emma, wanting to be able to go heroing alongside Shadow Stalker, manages to acquire a Cauldron vial. But just having powers of her own wasn't enough for her, so she takes advantage of a rapidly crumbling home life to pressure Taylor into serving as her villainous rival under a modified sponsorship agreement. A tinkery take on BeaconHill's Nemesis.
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A cross between Taylor and the USS Texas. A girl beaten and battered, betrayed by her sister and abandoned by the system meant to help her. Little did she expect to receive help from who she did, or from where, and now a veteran of every American theater from the deadliest war in human history shares her mind and body. Well, she won't be boring at least. But is there something more hiding under the weary war hero's guise? Something more than even "I win" woman can foresee? Is she even the...
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When Taylor Hebert suffers a fatal arrythmia before the Queen Administrator can reach her, a Queen of another kind greets her in the space between death and the grave, and makes Taylor into her Black Rose.
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Cross-posting this one as is from Questionable Questing from my account there KitsuneObsessedFreak. I don't think the main chapters are too lewd for this site, konsidering I've made sure not to include anything explicit in the main chapters, but if you wan't the horny, unfortunately you'll have to search me there. The omake's I have for this one that provide kontext and lewds are there, but ultimately not needed to enjoy the story as is. Just for a heads up though, all the characters...
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Taylor may be blind, but she sees far more then everyone else.
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Ultraman Noa, responding to the desperate pleas of humans in an alternate universe following the Gold Morning Event, decided to intervene to prevent the crisis from ever happening. Meanwhile, Taylor unwittingly crossed paths with fate as she ventured outside during a meteor shower. When the two collides, how will this alter the fate of one Taylor Hebert and the world?
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After nearly two years of constant abuse with no signs of stopping, Taylor begins to grow tired. Even months after being hospitalized from that locker incident, her bullies continue to escalate their torment, slowly grinding her hopes for a better future into dust. And now, as she lays alone on the cold ground, slowly bleeding out in a collapsing school hallway thanks to a terrorist bombing, she finds herself contemplating her choices in life, and comes to a bitter, painful realization. In...
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A clone of a girl who called herself Pandora wakes up and experiences the consequences of her predecessor's actions.
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Taylor's Summer Camp has an unexpected interruption. The metaphorical fallout from this changes everything. This story is based on We Just Write's Going Nuclear one-shot. I didn't come up with their idea, I'm just taking their nuclear football and running as best as I can with it. I hope you enjoy.
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The soul of a world watched as an uncountable number of its brethren perished under the golden light of an alien god. It wept for the souls lost to this senseless rampage, but for none did it cry more for than the girl who butchered her own mind and soul, all so that others may yet live. And when twin shots put an end to the gibbering wreck that had saved a trillion worlds... This particular world intervened. It could not bear to allow its savior to die like this, smileless and with regret...
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Taylor Reginald Hebert. Self Insert. Wiki Warrior of a sort. Wanted Vigilante. Self-Professed Colossal Fuck Up. Traumatized Teenager. Absolute Disaster of a Parahuman. By all accounts, not someone who has his life together. So let's take this version of Taylor and drop him (and his Mom) in canon and watch as he tries his best to stop the local version from also becoming an Absolute Disaster of a Parahuman.
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Taylor's new car leads to her making a friend and beginning her journey to becoming the second Burnout Racer. This fic is crossposted between SB and SV.
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Taylor Hebert should have been a statistic, as she fell through a portal to a world dominated by the cultivation arts and the sects that practice them. Instead, she survived, and then learned to thrive in this new world. An incomprehensible amount of time later, she returns to the world she landed on and uses the whole solar system as a cultivation resource to advance to the next stage of her cultivation. There, in the stillness of the void, she finds the portal she fell through.
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The Harry Potter Vegas Vacation challenge. But I don't write fanservice, and I tend to write characters as... you know people. As in the kind of individuals who don't wake up married to a stranger and decide that everything is perfect. Harry gets what he really needs. A young woman that can kick his ass, give him some backbone, and be terrifying enough to give his enemies nightmares. Taylor might just get a chance to destress in a "relatively" low risk environment for a bit while finding...
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An absurdist Wormfic playing off of the trappings of Alt!Taylor, fandom memes, and obscure details from Worm's many drafts. Armed only with an ill defined set of powerful powers and dressed in a papier mache mask of her own face, can village idiot and British tgirl Taylor Hebert do the same stuff Taylor Hebert does in Worm?
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Wing is the story of Taylor Hebert dealing with a power she refuses to use and all the things that come with that. Can she really be a hero or is she doomed to stay a useless mess?
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Taylor gets The Forge in the locker
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A reader of Parahuman Worm has been given a job by R.O.B and turned into a Digimon. Can he survive the world of Worm with his partner Greg.
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A traumatized girl, countless Agent abilities and a city in need of a hero. Armed with the confidence of a stronger power, Taylor sets out to eradicate gang influence in Brockton Bay.
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Taylor solves the Millennium Puzzle. Atem doesn't fuck around.
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Taylor Hebert spends nine days and nine nights unconscious after losing an eye in the locker, straddling the line between life and death. Then, she receives a legacy which forcibly derails the path of Earth Bet. Work title from the material component of Glyph of Warding in 5e. Now with extra Nazis to beat up!
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Disclaimer: While the title specifices Dungeon Keeper, Taylor’s alt-power is a blend of several...
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Caught in the path of a major cape fight, a twelve-year-old Taylor Hebert finds her only chance at survival is a mysterious voice offering rescue for a favor. Unfortunately for her, said 'favor' is more than just a simple errand...
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Raava 'accidentally's a new Avatar Spirit, which just so happens to already be connected to one Taylor Hebert. With a far more heroic powerset, and a shard convinced the Entity Cycle must end, she sets out to save the world.
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