Crossover Legend of Daji: The Business Floof

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Cross-posting this one as is from Questionable Questing from my account there KitsuneObsessedFreak. I don't think the main chapters are too lewd for this site, konsidering I've made sure not to include anything explicit in the main chapters, but if you wan't the horny, unfortunately you'll have to search me there. The omake's I have for this one that provide kontext and lewds are there, but ultimately not needed to enjoy the story as is.

Just for a heads up though, all the characters directly involved in relationships with Taylor including Taylor herself are aged up to a minimum of 17 years old for the sake of my own conscience and sanity, and that has in universe ramifications, since gold morning hasn't happened yet and Taylor is already 18 herself by the time the story gets going into any lewdness on QQ though the actual year remains 2011.

The bullying campaign, for one, has gone on much longer, and Taylor didn't trigger from the locker incedent.

There are a lot more changes I've made to this, so it is extremely AU. If you bother me about how something can't happen in canon, or how something isn't realistic, or other such SpaceBattles Archredditor level behaviour, I'm just going to press the block button so I don't have to read that.

I don't have the time to read comments telling me I can't write a certain way, or that I must change some aspects of my story.

If you don't like that? I trust you can find the back button.

If someone is holding you hostage and forcing you to read? First, omg are you okay? Second, please call the cops. That ain't cool.

Anyway, hope you enjoy~