Hive Keeper (Worm/DungeonKeeper/WFTO Alt!Power)

I’ve had writers block for over a year on ch16. What solution would you all like to see?

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Speaking of, I should give an update on what's taking so long. :confused:

Unfortunately, it's not good news. The short of it is that I had a pretty bad fall, basically elbow dropped the cement, fucked up my right arm pretty bad.

It wasn't obvious at first because I scraped my skin up to hell and back and minorly bruised my ribs, and that pain distracted me from noticing any deeper problems; at this point tho I'm fairly certain I either chipped or cracked a bone somewhere or tore some tendons or something, because about a week & a half ago new pain & new bruising started showing up. I'm all purple and yellow now from about two inches above & below the elbow, everywhere except the inner elbow. :(

Unfortunately my GP's office is slow as shit to get appointments for, and for the time being I'm trying to limit typing. Doing it with one hand is very slow.

Any computer use, really. I got my Steam Deck back but I've been putting off Co-op BG3 with my brother for the same reasons.

This is why urgent care exists something your GP is slow to get to but isn't for the emergency room.
Unfortunately, it's not good news. The short of it is that I had a pretty bad fall, basically elbow dropped the cement, fucked up my right arm pretty bad.

I basically had the exact same thing happen earlier this year. That is zero percent a good time.

No worries; take your time taking care of yourself. We'll be here when you're ready
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That's not going to help the author in this case, however, so it might be worth the investment.

"Investment" is the issue, lol.

I live solely off disability; I'm literally just below the poverty limit, lol. I can barely afford the gas to get me to and from the doctor's office a couple times a month, on account of the rising food prices. And that's with my parents paying for my car insurance, mind you. And the fact my current apartment doesn't require us to pay utilities.

I'd take the bus, except not only is there only a single route that only goes downtown (so, no using it to go grocery shopping locally, I have to walk or pay extra for delivery) but bus fare in my region is actually more expensive for a doctor's visit than gas is, if the visit takes more than an hour (which is the limit for a round trip ticket).

I avoid non-free software like the plague as i can. Not that I have a PC to run it on atm; itd have to be either steam-linux friendly or an ios-only app.
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So obviously you couldn't do this until you're healed up, but given the propensity of work from home being a programmer is a decent occupation. The 4 languages I would suggest to learn are Java, Python, C++/C#, and Javascript/HTML/CSS. Granted breaking onto the occupation with no experience can be rough, but that's mostly a filter to get to the interview stage. Any good company will have fellow developers handle the interview, and we care a lot more about personality and critical thinking (code challenges) than raw knowledge or years of experience.

A local library should have books on all the languages, though perhaps not on specific frameworks such as React or Vie for Javascript.
So obviously you couldn't do this until you're healed up, but given the propensity of work from home being a programmer is a decent occupation. The 4 languages I would suggest to learn are Java, Python, C++/C#, and Javascript/HTML/CSS. Granted breaking onto the occupation with no experience can be rough, but that's mostly a filter to get to the interview stage. Any good company will have fellow developers handle the interview, and we care a lot more about personality and critical thinking (code challenges) than raw knowledge or years of experience.

A local library should have books on all the languages, though perhaps not on specific frameworks such as React or Vie for Javascript.

Are Audiobooks available for such coding books?
Learning to code is dreadful boring work. It's like learning a language except the sentence will actively not work if you screw up your grammar.

OTOH I've heard apple's speech to text is getting better, and can be trained with the Notes app.
Unfortunately my GP's office is slow as shit to get appointments for, and for the time being I'm trying to limit typing. Doing it with one hand is very slow

Further update:

Good News: Got lucky with the GP's office. My normal one wasn't gonna be available for awhile, but one of the others at the same office has a slot open today (I called yesterday), so I got some Xrays done. I'll know how that went in a week, I guess, and for now I'm on orders to ice it regularly and take plenty of naproxen.

OTOH I've heard apple's speech to text is getting better, and can be trained with the Notes app

I might look into that; if so it's news to me but i haven't tried it in years. Thought i am getting much better with the whole one-finger swipe-and-drag keyboard method apple has where you don't actually type. It's apparently smart enough to use words in the text to help inform it about weird words it doesn't understand
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Actually, how are you doing, Ashkari? As much as I want to get more of this story(there aren't enough Disgaea fics out there), I'd rather just know that you are doing okay.
Actually, how are you doing, Ashkari? As much as I want to get more of this story(there aren't enough Disgaea fics out there), I'd rather just know that you are doing okay.
(Psst this is Ashkari's other story, the one that's a cross with Dungeon Keeper.)
(Also if you go to his profile you'll see that he was still active as of yesterday, which is admittedly not the same thing as being okay.)
Actually, how are you doing, Ashkari? As much as I want to get more of this story(there aren't enough Disgaea fics out there), I'd rather just know that you are doing okay.

Yeah, I'm alive; things are recovering. Looking to be more or less back to normal this month, actually.

Thankfully, there wasn't any real damage to the house from the hurricane, which is something of a surprise given how old the place I rent out of is. There've been several other challenges, but nothing lasting, though the general stress has done nothing good for my BPD. Though that as well seems to finally getting back under control the past week.

Edit: I do appreciate the well wishes, though!
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I know this is off-topic;
I strongly recommend trying to get distinct projects under your belt. it goes on a resume alot better to say
"made <thing> using <stuff> which is capable of..." and being able to talk about the work/code/etc then "did online tutorial from ..."

don't get me wrong, the online tutorials can be a good start; but you will want to shift over to doing projects/challenges/etc as soon as you have a baseline from a good source.

also, don't feel bad about not knowing anything---knowing a decent amount of a single language is better then knowing some about the entire field of CS. yes, more knowledge is generally better, but it builds on itself better if its not covering too much ground.

This will also help you avoid the mistake that alot of programmers make where they waste thousands of hours learning a new language/library/etc (looking at you javascript with your conga-line of new "frameworks" and whatnot) only for a different one to pop up. just make sure what you pick is reasonably common, you might not have the best prospects ever in 10 years or whatever--but your better off being 8/10 on a used--even if not super-popular--language then 6/10 on 5 different ones that sprang up as super-popular and died over night.

if your just going into programming for the fun, sure, go ham; but its better to jump into a new career with a priority on getting to profit-making as early as possable (IMO).

to be honest tho? if you live in the US--get into the trades, so welders, plumbers, electrians, etc...; The us is short on trades far more then the stuff
universities teach due to massive subsidies supporting them combined with public school advisors generally pushing people towards getting degrees. (also, the trades are going to be alot slower to be automated away by AI in the coming years---if you can do a task exclusively on a computer, then a computer might be able to do it better/faster/cheaper then you in 10 years on its own anyway).

there are other advantages, but the one I'd highlight for someone in your position is that the trades get paid apprenticeships and its fairly common--unlikely in the STEM world where its rare to get paid internships (let alone assurance you will actually get a permanent position). this means you will actually start making money FAR faster then a transition to, say, programming.

that being said, I wish you well ashkari
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Just a little idea.

Dungeon: Coil's Underground Base.
Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard
Description: Unknown to everyone, Coil was worst villain of Brocton Bay. Fortunately, Armmaster found his backdoors in PRT sistem. Now PRT soldiers block every exit, and your team must go forward and arrest him. But be careful - his base full of traps and mercenaries, he still has ways to destroy everything, and he is cornered now.
Tasks: - arrest Coil or kill him
- disable base self destruction sistem(time limit)
- don't let him public information about dozens of capes(time limit)
- save Coil's imprisoners

Sorry for mistakes, english is foreign to me.
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