Re: ZeitgeistBlue. I confess most of my plan presumed we would unanimously vote for advanced manufactorums because I heard not a single individual arguing against doing so.
We probably shouldn't invade the empire in force, it may be effective enough to send a few more teams of marines to rally the locals to our cause, if the locals are doing the fighting we may even be able to maintain treaties with the dwarves of the worlds edge mountains. I hope.

Re: FractiousDay, I really like being able to focus on building whenever there is a need for it just as much as the action stuff. Maybe if we got reports on projects continuing on their own in between turns i'd feel less bothered by the idea of this ability to manage things from the players. Also, the action in this turn more than the building felt like it slowed down the overall story. I feel like the Nehekara and Sorcerous islands stuff were functionally two turns stitched into one.

Also , I am really curious, if we mismanage whats going on with amra and the guys who met the leigon of the damned are we going to get more entries added to our heresy tracker?

Re: Rx915 I'd like to see him or someone like him too. I mean surely some of the more mainstream forces of chaos must know about us by now but who knows maybe he vistited Ahgilles first. I wouldn't be surprised if so.
Question for the thread, re turn times, I'm still thinking about how Im going to handle the econemy integration.

I'm currently thinking an economy/building stuff turn every 5/10 turns, with action turns in between, but I'd like to see how everyone really wants to do it
Aye, it'd help force us to think more of the long-term me thinks since we'd have to plan out how 5/10 turns might go. Though it is inflexible. Maybe add an option there to change the production order in case something comes from left field?

Also , I am really curious, if we mismanage whats going on with amra and the guys who met the leigon of the damned are we going to get more entries added to our heresy tracker?
One thing I do like is that we see Natohk's worldview cracking under all the weird, but probably beneficial (?), stuff that's happening. That's cool. And Hath-Horeb's getting more cheeky too with his Warpstone. Baby steps are good. Unless this was a whole Tzeentchian ploy, but idk. The tone and narrative's too triumphant if weird. Though there might be hints somewhere.
Sometimes I just want the advisor to turn up about now to advise his overlords from the skies.
I could potentially do an interlude at some point about such a person showing up. The main problem would be that the Imperial leadership would never trust such a person, and therefore never actually let them provide advice.
Also , I am really curious, if we mismanage whats going on with amra and the guys who met the leigon of the damned are we going to get more entries added to our heresy tracker?
Sure, but consider the end result. Currently the Reclusiam (and Librarius tbh) are very confused, but that's a short term thing, in the long term if you went back to the Imperium and Amra wandered out somewhere people are indeed likely to be suspicious. I seem to recall an inquisitor tried to kill Celestine on sight because Celestine is obviously a daemon (of the Emperor), and there's an anti-Sanguinor represening Sanguinius' dark side who goes about killing stuff which the Inquisition think is some sort of Chaos Lord.

The Heresy tracker is mainly there to give you an idea of how some of this stuff would look to an outsider. I did indeed include the triumphant elements for a reason, but others might not feel that way.
Also, the action in this turn more than the building felt like it slowed down the overall story. I feel like the Nehekara and Sorcerous islands stuff were functionally two turns stitched into one.
That's an interesting point. In terms of writing, the Isles turns represented a fight you'd been building up to for a while, the last bastion of resistance in Araby, but I'd also out a sort of timer on Settra, so I can see how two fairly climactic scenes might have been problematic. It's good feedback though so thanks. One of the reasons I was having trouble writing it was that I wanted this to be the end of the arc, the Southlands are now basically conquered, there's some tomb kings left, the Pestinens, the lizardmen and so on, but they're all minor elements, there's no organised resistance etc.

I also recall reading another WFB fic where 'go talk to elves' turned into like 70k of battles and so on which was immensely tiresome to read and I remember being very bored for given the characters weren't really reelvant to the wider story, so yes certainly understand your point.

Though it is inflexible. Maybe add an option there to change the production order in case something comes from left field?
I recognise this issue, but I'm also reluctant. I want these to actually feel like investments, not a 'woops we didn't plan for eventualities' sort of thing. Now, obviously if something major happens which needs some engineers, they're not going to just keep doing what they're doing, but at the same time I do want to represent the actual investment of resources in certain projects, if you spend 1000 units of steel on building a tank, you must assume that's being made into tank stuff, and therefore you couldn't then suddenly use it for something else.
I do like is that we see Natohk's worldview cracking under all the weird, but probably beneficial (?), stuff that's happening. That's cool. And Hath-Horeb's getting more cheeky too with his Warpstone.
Glad this is coming across. The Chaplains are deeply uncomfortable, but they're not stupid. I tend to dislike fics which present them as only fanatical book burners when they actually have a pretty complicated position. They're guided by doctrine and rite, but equally to them people shouldn't be manifesting psycic abilities so late in life, it's just not a thing, so they're confused about it. As for Hath-Horeb, yea he's still got his Warpstone making device so he's been using it.
Hypothetically could a space marine tame a dragon or some other monster for monster cavalry?
It's less a matter of ability and more of inclination. For example, I'm sure a space marine could ride a t-rex, but why would they? Such a creature can't bite through a tank for example, or even run that fast, and would be an additional burden in terms of logistics. If you had a really cool animal then sure, but otherwise it's just going to be a big target to get shot at, the artificial weapons like guns are so far ahead of the natural weapons and armour of such a creature. You can do some sort of long term project to breed a big lion with genetic tampering to make it's skin harder if you like, that could be cool and thematic. As for dragons, WFB ones are intelligent so you'd be making friends with it not 'taming' it, but again, yes it would be possible.
I could potentially do an interlude at some point about such a person showing up. The main problem would be that the Imperial leadership would never trust such a person, and therefore never actually let them provide advice.
Naturally they won't but the advisor is a shrewd bargainer he can negotiate with Skarbrand and kept his skull despite being a mage. They must have something the advisor can offer.
It's less a matter of ability and more of inclination. For example, I'm sure a space marine could ride a t-rex, but why would they? Such a creature can't bite through a tank for example, or even run that fast, and would be an additional burden in terms of logistics. If you had a really cool animal then sure, but otherwise it's just going to be a big target to get shot at, the artificial weapons like guns are so far ahead of the natural weapons and armour of such a creature. You can do some sort of long term project to breed a big lion with genetic tampering to make it's skin harder if you like, that could be cool and thematic. As for dragons, WFB ones are intelligent so you'd be making friends with it not 'taming' it, but again, yes it would be possible.
It might be out of necessity when their own vehicle's fuel supplies is more limited than usual that they resort to more primitive means of transportation.
Naturally they won't but the advisor is a shrewd bargainer he can negotiate with Skarbrand and kept his skull despite being a mage. They must have something the advisor can offer.
Meh, that's where you have to separate it into digesis and mimesis. I would regard the advisor as, yknow, an advisor in a TW game. He's not intended to be a lore figure really, he's a representative element used to explore particular factions and introduce them
It might be out of necessity when their own vehicle's fuel supplies is more limited than usual that they resort to more primitive means of transportation.
yep. Rocs are a thing too so you could have a giant bird they could ride on to save fuel or something. That would also be interesting and thematic I think
Meh, that's where you have to separate it into digesis and mimesis. I would regard the advisor as, yknow, an advisor in a TW game. He's not intended to be a lore figure really, he's a representative element used to explore particular factions and introduce them
That's until Warhammer 3 that he becomes slightly more relevant because of the book he carries.
Arc 2 Introduction 1
A new dawn rose golden over the Southlands.

The Imperial Aquila soared out, bloodied, wounded even, but triumphant.

Tuthmes Skytalon, his armour reworked to the station of a Chapter Master and angelic marshal, stood atop the peak of Atakora. Tuthmes had earned his name as one of the finest pilots of the Chapter, and had since served as Master of the Fleet. He had centuries of experience commanding rapid strikes, or long void-sieges, and for many years his charges had been the great beasts they called spacecraft. Yet now the fleet was downed, lying out across the plains away over the horizon, while his once proud Serenkai lay, half cannibalised to build the Fortress-Monastery Tuthmes now stood above.

The Imperium were truly entrenched on Mallus. Pharos was stronger than ever, the god-machines of Kolossi awakened and striding across the plains, while the techmarines stood ready at the macro-batteries. In Atakora, great grinding machines woke fire in the depths, drawing up heat and life from the planet's slumberings, fuelling mighty reactors to power the fortress' many machines. To the south the jungles had been scourged of the great reptilian beasts which had once stalked the land, while in the north the power of the Tomb Kings had been broken, the remnants of that once great civilisation falling to disorder upon the destruction of Settra and his army.

In Medes, the miraculous delivery of the people from their aggressors had been rewarded with a great surge of piety, and the remnants of the old order had been thrown down. Ginduris, archpriest of the Old Faith, had been martyred by the blades of daemons, and the Lady Hermina had been acclaimed by the people of the kingdom to lead them. In Araby, while refugees choked and starved amidst the ruins of the cities, some claimed new life bloomed upon the now gravid swellings of the River Mortis, perhaps some sign of the ancient curse upon that water weakening. While thousands had died in the Storm of Magic summoned by Settra's hierophants, whether to the raw energies of the Warp itself, or to the subsequent massacres by manifest daemons and warp-fuelled constructs, many more had escaped to the west, crossing the Mountains of the Panther and sheltering in dwarven settlements or simply fleeing into the Land of Assassins, the majority of which had been sheltered by the mountains themselves.

Immediate resistance to Imperial Compliance had been broken utterly, or so Tuthmes reflected when he looked out. Where perhaps once the armies of the native peoples might have overwhelmed the Imperium-on-Mallus through sheer numbers and magical might, the Celestial Lions and brave men of the Imperial Guard had scattered and reduced them, and the Southlands no longer held any major threat to the Lions' dominion.

Still though, there were always threats, Tuthmes knew this well enough. The conquest so far had left the Chapter critically short of munitions, despite their attempts to over-stock the Armoury before they'd fled Elara's Veil. More than this, the disruption the Lions had caused was now being felt out across the world, in one instance, there were reports of Feral Orks expeditioning out from the north, the old protections and sentinels of Nehekhara no longer active, or at least directed, allowing large bands to slip by.

Within the Chapter itself, hundreds of Marines had been killed in the taking of Mallus, and many Scouts and Aspirants. Yet, such was the way of the Angel of Death, their only progeny guaranteed by their own sacrifice. Astartes died to live, and while the Lions of Elysium may be dying, the Lions of Mallus were rising. Would Tuthmes live to see them take back the stars? Perhaps, but for now there were plans to be made and strategies to be considered.

The Chapter Master dismounted his perch, climbing back down the peak, his servo-driven fingers biting into the rock as if it were paper as he descended the mountain. The time of struggle had passed, the Old Night pushed back once again, now was the time for rule.


So, you've successfully gotten to Arc 2. The Imperium is well established, though still pretty shaky in some places, and we'll now be expanding outward as the Compliance continues into the next phases. As the first chapter of the new arc, I'd like to hear your priorities for the Chapter. There'll be no specific 'voting' yet as this is too loose to form a proper vote, but I'll moderate your points and form them into the next options votes.

As a workplan of the next few chapters, we're first going to have the priority voting, then some 'issue' chapters (eg, 'what do we do about all these psykers popping up'), then the first of the economy chapters where you'll decide what you're building, and then we'll get back to the turns with actions and so on. Periodically this will be interrupted by interlude as it has previously.

As some general notes from the last few chapters…

Recent events
  • Settra and army defeated, Tomb King resurgence destroyed and remaining Tomb Kings scattered across various cities. Settra presumed dead. Massive release of warp energy and subsequent effects. 12 3rd Company marines killed, fairly minor attrition among Guard units across Araby. No other significant losses to Imperial forces. Mysterious ghostly figures seen in battle. Amra imprisoned in Atakora, something spooky going on with him too. Evidence of some sort of conspiracy within Araby and abroad to destroy Imperium-on-Mallus.
  • Most inland settlements and tribes destroyed, coastal cities, especially in Araby, damaged. Many dead.
  • Population of Araby either fled to coastal areas or west over the mountains. Significant internally displaced populations, significant damage to rivers and other elements of natural environment, significant refugee crisis in other states, notably Tilea.
  • Kingdom of Medes hit hard, but northern Araby hit even harder, exacerbating existing instability due to recent Imperial conquest, as well as ongoing famine and other issues.

Imperial organisation
  • Mechanicum extraction activities continue, mines and oil wells established with associated refining facilities, to be further specified in economy update.
  • General lack of equipment and munitions across operations, though capacity available to produce more.
  • Pharos established as a city proper, rather than the fortified crash site it had previously been.
  • All equipment, such as items previously trapped in cargo bays due to crash of ships, now available for use, including Knights.
  • Imperial Guard elements severely damaged, currently combat ineffective for many missions. General lack of equipment for formation of new units.
  • Missionia Galaxia force damaged, as with the rest of Araby. Directly ruling and administrating Medes, but incredibly unpopular in Araby at present.
  • Adeptus Soroitas convent established, trainee Sisters of Battle under instruction.
  • Lack of air assets generally, void assets available but expensive to use and maintain.

Chapter organisation
  • Chapter severely mauled by battles. Hundreds of marines dead and significant quantities of materiel damaged or destroyed, especially air assets.
  • Developing rift in Chapter between Reclusiam and Librarium.
  • Significant quantity (at best, 300 graduates expected in several years) of Scouts requiring training and equipping, currently impossible with present stock of items.
  • Current severe lack of geneseed due to implantation of entire stock in current classes of Aspirants.

International events
  • Fulgurite Field and associated events felt by all moderately capable psykers across Mallus, with varying levels of knowledge regarding the events scryed or otherwise perceived by various actors.
  • Norscan civil war between Imperial and Chaos aligned Norscans continues. Imperial defeat highly likely without interference.
  • Vampire Wars progressing largely without Imperial input. Events slightly altered by contact by Imperium via 3 Astartes and their formation of an army in the northern Empire. Contact made with Cult of Sigmar.
  • Warpstone and magic item production of Araby by Djinncallers disrupted, then cut off, various effects toward various organisations across the Old World and beyond.
  • Ulthuan growing more hostile toward Imperium due to interference in trade and hostile actions by Imperium.
  • Human tribes of Naggaroth enslaved or destroyed, Dark Elves largely concentrated on internal matters currently.

And as a reminder, now you can mention various priorities you might have. If you want more information on anything in particular, just ask. I'm inclined to provide information directly rather than in text, but some things I'll give a brief note of, then maybe write an interlude on the subject at some point.

Your priorities can be as broad or narrow as you like, but I'd tend toward broadness, which can be narrowed down in terms of strategy through discussion among players and intercession by me. For example, there's been discussion about conquering various places, that would count as a priority, so you can just say 'conquer bretonnia as previously discussed' for example.

As above, your priorities will, along with other stuff, form the options of the options votes when we get back around to the 'turns'. Some priorities may be established in the economy turn, such as 'build an autogun factory' or similar. The options I give will be the most obvious ones, not necessarily the best, that's your job to think up and discuss.
I honestly think we should placate and or / not antagonize the high elves, the second most powerful sorcerous faction in the world right now while our numbers have not recovered.
If we go in there and turn off the vortex by mistake, or break some of their other higher tier artefacts we are all and I cannot stress this enough going to become very intimate with Slaanesh and their siblings inside our bodies.
Is there no way we could say offer to hand them Marienburg or chunks of Naggoroth in the future for a noninterference treaty when it comes to events outside of Lustria, Ulthuan, and Naggortoth?

Like I think our stance has been that they are misleading nonchaotic humans, ones who seem very genetically stable at that isn't it?

I think our priorities in this broad order should be:
A: Reequipping our men
B: Stabilizing the population of Araby that will form a future stock of those men.
C: Kicking Norscan and Gorkamorkite Grobbi teeth in from afar, don't give them any pleasure in battle, crash a spaceship into them if they start forming a waagh or chaostide if it comes down to it.
D. Keeping Bretonnia from launching an errantry war I don't care how, I prefer conquest but will take other suggestions that the marines wouldn't be galled by
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Like our stance has been that they are misleading nonchaotic abhumans no, ones who seem very genetically stable at that isn't it?
Yea the stance currently is that like Mallus seems to be some sort of ancient experiment, the Elves seem to be something similar, presumably influenced by the Eldar. They're abhumans, they don't look like Eldar, they have normal human organs etc not weird Eldar organs, but they're still under xenos influence. You'll know more if you want to have a proper look at their genetics when you have the Genetorium up. This is the same for Dwarves, Ogres and Halflings too.
I think our priorities in this broad order should be:
A: Reequipping our men
B: Stabilizing the population of Araby that will form a future stock of those men.
C: Kicking Norscan and Gorkamorkite Grobbi teeth in from afar, don't give them any pleasure in battle, crash a spaceship into them if they start forming a waagh or chaostide if it comes down to it.
D. Keeping Bretonnia from launching an errantry war I don't care how, I prefer conquest but will take other suggestions that the marines wouldn't be galled by
Sounds reasonable, I don't have an ordered list yet but here's some things I'll throw in:

-Handing off most of the regular administration to the Missionaria Galaxia and associates. Make them more popular, expand their numbers, give them authority, recruit locally, remind everyone about how Space Marines aren't supposed to be in the regular mortal chain of command and the emergency exception is mostly over. (And from an OOC perspective, this means less BLAMming of commoners.)
-Oil wells. Last time we had regular Stewardship actions, wells were at 1 of 2. Finish that, then expand them. Oil/Prometheum drives so much of our technological edge. If we're out of bullets we still have mobility and armor and stuff, but oil seems to me the most important resource of our manufacturing chain for re-equipping people, also it can fuel civilian industry when we get to that point.
-Roads. Easily traveled roads, roads that bridge rivers and canyons, bandit-free roads, high quality roads in general will be useful for 1) our logistics, 2) Arabyan prosperity, 3) popular trust, 4) controlling a region that isn't six ports and some inland "Map Painting" that has our color on the map but de facto independence, 5) foreigners being impressed and wanting some of that.
Honestly my only complaint regarding that list is putting oil over roads when we get down to logistics and prosperity but that is a fairly minor triffle.

Reminder to self: Make an info post on lose conditions, however unlikely that don't involve destroying the world or getting completely swamped by a hoard.
Reminder to self: When you have more time make an info post on magical artefacts likely to exist at now o' clock in the timeline from least to most powerful.
I've got a few things to throw in the ring too that wasn't previously mentioned. These are in no particular order of priority, and some may not be feasible until the situation in Araby is more stable. Though I will mention that with the destruction and upheaval in Araby we have the opportunity to build the country in our image. We were gonna do so anyway, but the latest events expedite it and makes it a priority.

- Clean up the remaining hostile forces within Araby as reasonably as we can. I've no doubt there'd be things who will retreat into the inland desert amd hide.
- Integrate existing Arabyan military forces as auxiliaries into the Imperium-on-Mallus' military structure. If there are no professional Arabyan soldiers then raise from the Arabyans a professional and standing army.
- The Chaplain and Librarium will perform their tests concerning corruption and Warp-influence on the 3rd Company, Brother-Sergeant Arius, and Amra.
- Perform reconnaissance on the Old World, both physically through the Chapter Scouts and diplomatically through the Missionaria Galaxica.
- Map out the Nehekharan wastes. Use Chapter Scouts and the Librarium jointly in order to find out if it is possible to move military forces northward. Also find out if we can cleanse the wastes of all Nehekharan magics. We might need to do this before we get surprised by more Greenskins streaming down south.
- Assist the Southland tribes in their fight against the rat beastmen. This will get us to know about the Skaven, which is a good thing as they know about us. Some of them really well thanks to spying on us and stealing our stuff.
- Track down the remnants of the Djincallers. Use Nassor's network to do so.
- Upgrade Nassor's network into a inward-focused secret police or an outward-focused spy agency.

For the last two I don't think it's a good idea to have your enemies watching you while you don't know anything about them. But with the Space Marine's intrigue it's a toss up whether we could find them.


Also, I've looked through the past updates with the animal imagery and I'm still not sure what to make of it. Far as I can tell each animal corresponds to a god, maybe? Our first set of characters are a hooded man, a great blue hawk (Tzeentch?), a vicious scorpion (Slaneesh?), a slender bird, a great vulture, and a sinister beetle. Then you get a lion (most likely the Chapter) fighting a scorpion (err, Settra?), then a hawk (maybe the great blue hawk from before?) fighting the vulture (also from before? Nurgle?) while a green skull (Gork and Mork) laughs. Then the Raptor Imperialis is a hawk too (that isn't blue, maybe) and it also fights vultures?

A wyrdfire burned across fifty metres of ground behind the fighters, the remains of the chariot consumed in a sorcerous conflagration that set forth many daemons. Shapes like animals, fiery asps and emerald cats, jackels and lions, as well as strange burning eyes and pearly mirrors showed themselves. The fire turned the sands of the plain to glass, sending it up in fulgurite sculptures, and as he made another strike Amra saw more apparition A hooded man wrestled a great blue hawk, vicious scorpion and a slender bird, and swooping between them a great vulture followed by a sinister beetle.
The daemons fought in the heavens as they swarmed, the lion leapt upon the scorpion, the hawk stooped against the vulture and struggled in the air, and over all a green skull laughed and laughed.
Raptor Imperialis!

The sigil upon his breastplate leapt from him in a burst of gold as his soul flew out. Claws sunk into him, but instead of harming him they uplifted him!

Was the light his lord? Amra screamed as he flew through the darkness, flesh gripped by the hawk's claws as it stooped to dodge a flock of vultures.
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Okay just this one post for today, I think we are past the point of it being spoilers so @Zeitgeist Blue the animal references are indeed to gods, but to the Nehekaran Pantheon, not the gods of chaos seeing you struggle with this hurts me, reminds me painfully of my first confused attempts to understand these settings.
Maybe I got an idea for Amra when his confinement is done. Is he a bad enough daemon to rescue the Imperial Norscans? The Norscans are ever superstitious and both would take the presence of this fella rather seriously especially if Champions of Chaos want to teach their heretical cousins a lesson of the price of apostasy only to meet Amra. The 3rd company can help. In fact that would serve to see how those who serve Chaos react to them and at least in the eyes of the Chapter perceive their suspicions of those they deem tainted.
One question about Settra but can it be said Amra beat him to earn a perk like in total war for beating a faction lord or did the rolls before not make it count for the second chance?
Okay so I have a lot on my mind but sadly once more not nearly so much time as I would like so I'll try and just get out the quick wide ranging questions for when I can properly be back which might be a week from now for all I know?

Can we update long-term plans? I think we can but I'm not remembering, slow brain day, anyway some things to consider just in case updating my old posts adds these.

Saving Ourselves from ourselves should plan be updated to include running drills on plans to deal with assassinorum, there's a chance that if the imperium turns on us they might just want to kill all our leadership rather than a planet that can produce resources. Also, Doppelgangers are a thing in WH Fantasy that I am terrified of us facing given how and once we know of those might give us some pretext for taking some of such measures under a different guise, no?

Greening of mallus could include working on purifying the River Mortis, and any other dead raising waterwasys we can get our hands on after all if they stays dangerous enough to raise the dead surely that's a long-term threat to us?

Malusian Grave Guards can maybe involve some captured Nehakaran Mortuary cultists if we can keep them isolated and convince them to frame their religion a bit differently? Maybe? Probably a stretch here.
Okay, it seems I can't update the plans just by editing my quotes sadly when I get new and or better ideas to add to them.

In the meantime this triggered a memory of part of one of these plans that maybe we can implement now!

@FractiousDay Hey does Numas still exist, and if so is there any chance that we can bring it into the fold without removing more heads from shoulders? They seem like some of the most diplomatic undead in the setting barring maybe the Von Carstens on a good day.

The chance to study how these '''Immortal Humans'' are functioning could be very worthwhile for us, maybe we could even learn to create a much lesser version of the effects of our warp touched ashwalkers or amra en mass from such research.

Showing us to have power even over their old masters if done gracefully could also maybe win over the living population of numas like we did medes, if they still live?

Provided of course we get it approved by both the librarius and the reclusium first though.
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Some really dumb unfeasible ideas and unlikely scenarios have been haunting me for more than a week.
Please feel free to laugh and or / ignore all of these, I just needed them to stop festering

1. It would be reeeaally reeeally cool to form an elite squad of marine veterans including the Ostland marines, Amra, The Ashwalkers and the head of the Librarius to form a vanguard for attacking the most well-entrenched of our foes.
Yes I get this would destroy chain of command that is why it is here.

2. The Chaos Dwarves and Skaven could put aside their bad blood, and their RND team could throttle ours within a decade. Yes, I am aware they loathe each other despite both being underground dwelling hairy monotheistic mammals with a penchant for elaborate contraptions and enslaving others.

3. Nagash gets reborn super early and decides to connect the southern chaos wasters to the Southlands with a long thin but nigh unbreakable bridge. This hurts everyone, yes even chaos because chaos always hurts chaos.

4. We take Mermaids on board as useful abhumans akin to more primitive pelegars and begin offering rewards for every enemy ship they sink with say loaned bombs, both dwarven navies fucked over as soon as they hit the open sea and a new recruitment pool of spies like we can never dream of opens up.
I get it though the reclusium would rather farm them for their valuable bones.

5. We hire a bunch of ogre lead belchers to guard our cities because it still sounds cheaper to me than fueling forests of macrocanon's
Currently somewhat busy so will come back to these when I have more time. There's a broad point around the use of naive stuff which I've mentioned before. I anticipated this and that was one reason I included the administratum in the chargen. I do like the idea of limiting you, from the 'in character' actions. For a vampire for example, Astartes don't have the skills or inclination to do anything there than assume it's a daemonhost and kill it. The skills and inclination would have come from an Inquisition character choice, because they deal with such things more frequently. Hath-Horeb is a clever guy but he's massively specialised as a librarian, he's really really good at throwing fireballs around and not so good at other stuff.

There's also a point about whether Astartes would bother with a lot of stuff. I suspect it would be easier for them in terms of culture etc to just seize all the major old world ports and put guns on them, than it would to somehow colonise them mermaids (which tbh I didn't know existed til I read about them)
After playing a bit of the new warhammer 3 I'm starting to think you could bring that ursun plot in if you want another god to enter the board.
Re: Busy, I just want to say I apologize if I was of any bother, I do not want you to feel pressured to move any sooner than you are comfortable, I've seen games with far more output than this, which is not to say this is low output, that have suffered in quality from rushing things.

Oh, to clarify I know none of them are currently viable because we are stuck with space marines. I get that the latter is partly my fault and that of anyone else who didn't vote marine for not arguing sufficiently harder against space marines when the game began.
To reiterate a point about those early days when we began I and I think others thought we would have an entirely monofaction force with no other supports.
If there could have been something like an even mix of administratum, inquisition and mechanicus initially I would have voted for that rather than mechanicus. Rather than also being terrified that one nearby orc waaagh would end an administratum playthrough in one turn say.

RE; Implausible Native Supports.
The only reason I even considered them implausible rather than impossible as perhaps late-game options was because the government by and for space marines looks like it may be slowly ceding power back to mortals who may be somewhat less obsessive, eventually.
At the very least I've heard a desire from other players not to have things be governed like something between a black templar world and ultramar where marines are permanently ensconced in running things espoused by other players.

I suspect that having that gradual change would go against your spirit for the game in some way though, although maybe that's my long-simmering bitterness talking. Life has been nasty for me lately and it's hard to completely filter that out of my views.
Also, the mermaid plan was less a plan to seize ports and more a plan to blow up all non docked naval assets of seaworthy navies so that said ports could be taken with less expenditure of resources they'd consider valuable like promethium say. Maybe even that later thought about efficiency is probably wrong for the big loud marine mindset?

Re: Diagetics and Canon, so I'm guessing your policy is if my unhelpful brain understands it is to treat anything introduced as a gamplay element for Total War as non canon here?
So like maybe the Wood Elves don't have seige towers made of like redwoods tied together by massive amounts of sinew and buckskin that they can trundle about on woden wheels, and maybe we can get lucky and the Beastmen won't be using what look like oversized spermwhales with tents tied to them as naval transports?