Finally caught up. +1 reader!
I don't know why the Bretonnian Lord, from a nation who's nobles are notoriously scornful of ranged weapons has a ballistics skill of 5, better than most ranged weapon users in the world. In any case, I've given Amra a better WS given he has hundreds of years of experience with swords etc, and more strength than normal for his relic power armour, as well as another attack etc. Both of them are as fast as elves, who are indeed notably fast.
I can't recall, does the Brettonian nobility do sport hunting? If most petty nobles just run down animals on horseback, then bow-hunting would be a great way for the blessed to show off their stat line.
They really could organise some well... training sessions to establish their diplomatic might to the envoys. Got a beastman problem? Call this number and the Lions will send someone to deal with them.
I wonder what the scaley beastmen were? The lions already know what lizardmen are and called them xenos.... just more regularly discarded mutants newly added to the bands? They couldn't have been dragon ogres that weren't identified as a seperate type or else at least their great size would come up. Maybe a zoat or two that was captured and intended for sacrifice?

Maybe they were snakemen from khuresh on some sort of dark pilgrimage? One of the few things I have never heard the ''standard'' children of chaos called was scaley.

Fun to think about how much off-world and on world perspectives must differ viewing the same scene.

imperial Prayers? I need to see that. I had a thought of what a Grey Knight Librarian, or GK Chaplain, would say when dealing with a daemon, if yall want to use it.
Part of me imagined them fighting in near silence to not waste a misplaced breath and letting the purity seals and faith do the main work for they actually pray during combat is that a normal space marine thing as opposed to before starting?
Finally caught up. +1 reader!

I can't recall, does the Brettonian nobility do sport hunting? If most petty nobles just run down animals on horseback, then bow-hunting would be a great way for the blessed to show off their stat line.

Yes actually I believe bow hunting is mentioned as the only fit use for a bow among them in the Calard of Garamont books.

''Several of them had hunting bows in hand, arrows nocked to strings, and Calard's disdain deepened - amongst the Bretonnian nobility, the bow was a coward's weapon, fit only for hunting. He gripped his blade in both hands and set himself in a ready stance, ensuring that he could see each of the would-be brigands.''​

Also glad to see a new reader and post maker here in this fun experiment.​
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Part of me imagined them fighting in near silence to not waste a misplaced breath and letting the purity seals and faith do the main work for they actually pray during combat is that a normal space marine thing as opposed to before starting?
Might depend on the Chapter. And i bet the Chaplain recites litanies during combat. Though what i was imagining was this. Not sure where it could be used, but maybe. Primarily against daemons.

"In the name of the Emperor, I abjure thee. In the name of the Emperor, I deny thee. In the name of the Emperor, I cast thee out. Begone, Begone, Thrice spoken and done, Begone!"
Let's say you made friends with one of them and they would like your help in exchange for concessions because you need some payment for services rendered and the initiates/guardsmen need target practice where would you send them?

I do find the dwarven underway the most fun for the terminators because it's like in a spacehulk but with other dangers.
Let's say you made friends with one of them and they would like your help in exchange for concessions because you need some payment for services rendered and the initiates/guardsmen need target practice where would you send them?

I do find the dwarven underway the most fun for the terminators because it's like in a spacehulk but with other dangers.
Shits tons of little greenskin nutjobs with a spider fetish, and even more rats?
Shits tons of little greenskin nutjobs with a spider fetish, and even more rats?
Don't the spider-loving goblins specifically live in forests and not underground?

I think the night goblins the ones who could really use some suncream are the ones the dwarves fight much more often due to competition for the same underground spaces. Heck,I wouldn't be shocked if a forest goblin would refuse to go under unless at spearpoint. Different culture too the night goblins clearly know how to make lots of cloth and alcohol en masse and the forest dudes make bows which the cavern dwellers generally don't I think?

I confess I'll probably feel pretty bad when we encounter either, they probably won't be able to even draw blood on our forces if they try :-(
Then again maybe that beer might be something we can use as an alternate fuel for vehicles it's probably extremely flammable.....
Don't the spider-loving goblins specifically live in forests and not underground?

I think the night goblins the ones who could really use some suncream are the ones the dwarves fight much more often due to competition for the same underground spaces. Heck,I wouldn't be shocked if a forest goblin would refuse to go under unless at spearpoint. Different culture too the night goblins clearly know how to make lots of cloth and alcohol en masse and the forest dudes make bows which the cavern dwellers generally don't I think?

I confess I'll probably feel pretty bad when we encounter either, they probably won't be able to even draw blood on our forces if they try :-(
Then again maybe that beer might be something we can use as an alternate fuel for vehicles it's probably extremely flammable.....
I might be mistaken. I remember the cinematics from TWW, with spider riding goblins attack dwarfs underground.
Grey Knight Librarian, or GK Chaplain
I used some of them for Hath-Horeb's chanting actually, but there's also this

Praise the Emperor for his sacrifice,
as He endures so shall we.
We who are hunters of Daemons
shall strive in his name eternally.
We the Order of the Hammer,
shall delve into dark shadows,
We shall seek out the tainted,
we shall pursue the vilest evil.
It is we who stand guard,
our eternel watch shall not fail,
For we are the Ordo Malleus!

We Grey Knights are the hammers,
we slay the darkness without fear.
Founded in great mystery were we,
Chapter six hundred and sixty six.
Though on Titan we be hidden,
yet our eyes encompass the Galaxy.
No Devil shall elude our gaze,
no Daemon shall avoid its fate.
We shall be the Keepers Immortal,
all secrets shall be our knowledge.
We are the Guardians of Mankind!

Caution and secrecy are our code,
watchfulness and patience are our way.
Hidden from the Eyes of Chaos,
we strike without warning or dread.
Though we find ourselves in shadows,
no blackness will enter our hearts.
No treachery will touch our souls,
no pride will sully our thoughts.
We shall be pure amongst impurity,
we shall be innocence amongst guilt.
We are the Imperium`s hidden saviours!

We are spread across the Heavens,
our watch is untiring and ceaseless.
The Emperor shall guard our souls,
as we guard those of others.
Our will shall be our weapon,
our faith shall be our armour.
Our minds will be secure fortresses,
no temtation will weaken our resolve.
Though unnumbered lurking perils await us,
our blades will ever be ready.
For we are the Emperor`s Vengeance!

Masters of all weapons are we,
no defence exists against our wrath.
With the Nemesis shall we fight,
with an Aegis to shield us.
In bloodshed shall we save Mankind,
death shall be our everlasting creed.
War unending shall be our fate,
in battle shall we be steeped.
We shall be unstinting in hatred,
we shall hunger for holy war.
For we are Swords of Justice!

When all flee in hideous disarray,
strong and sound shall we stand.
Cowardice is wholly unknown to us,
our courage comes from the Emperor.
Unbowed and unshaken against all foes,
we shall claim victory with blood.
Steady and surely we hunt them,
those that dare oppose our wrath.
Death stalks us in many forms,
the grotesque and the utterly inhuman.
We are Bringers of Hope!

Bloody battles unending constantly await us,
redemption the reward for our vigilance.
When possession rears its unspeakable head,
ours is the blade that descends.
When empyrean horrors invade our realm,
our exorcisms shall hurl them back.
There is no chaos spawned horror
which can resist our indomitable anger.
With undaunted courage we shall prevail,
no arcane magicks shall overcome us.
We are the Bearers of Victory!

No corruption shall blemish our Galaxy,
no immatricial fiend shall be spared.
No malevolent spirit will oppose us,
no creation of sin shall survive.
No unholy deed shall go unpunished,
all blasphemous acts shall be atoned.
No spawn of misrule avoid us,
all are banished to the void.
Nothing shall evade our cleansing fire,
not Daemon or Spawn or Renegade,
For we are Mankind`s Divine Blade!

Heavenly blessings are laid upon us,
the warp is ours to tame.
Though sorceries shall be against us,
no witchcraft will bring our doom.
Though spell or incarnation blocks us,
the Emperor shall see us victorious.
No hex can overcome our determination,
our resolve is strong as steel.
Sigils and wards watch over us,
prayers shall serve as our guide.
For we are the Emperor`s Chosen!

There is much darkness awaiting us,
yet the Emperor lights our path.
Falsehood surrounds us at every turn,
yet no traitor shall confound us.
No despicable trickery will thwart us,
no damnation shall bring us low.
There is no peace for us,
for an eternity we will strive.
Though mere mortals in His service,
everlasting shall be our true duty.
Et Imperator Invocato Diabolus
Daemonica Exorcism!
I wonder what the scaley beastmen were? The lions already know what lizardmen are and called them xenos.... just more regularly discarded mutants newly added to the bands?
So beastmen come melding of beast and man, which is why I've always thought it weird that there were snakemen anyway. The main beastmen we hear about are the ones in the Empire, who started as meldings of the animals and livestock around the early human tribes. Unless Khuresh kept lots of domesticated snakes, snakemen would be a wierd thing. Unless they're not beastmen of course.

As for scaly beastmen, it's just a matter of variation really. You'll have the 'pure' beastmen, but you'll also have random mutants. Also you could have culturally specific beastmen, in this case I assume there's more lizards in Araby than there is in the Empire.
Might depend on the Chapter. And i bet the Chaplain recites litanies during combat
Yea, there's a specific reference to a Chaplain in the Badab War with his vox turned up to 11 shouting stuff.

Also there's a reference to a chapter landing a battle barge to evac the loyalists when they've been defeated. Apparently it goes straight through several skyscrapers ('hab blocks'?) and subsequently uses its cannons to level several more during the battle while the loyalists are boarding it. No indication of how damaged it was but that's basically what happened to the Serenkai.
Don't the spider-loving goblins specifically live in forests and not underground?
Keep in mind, as far as I'm aware you can have spider-riding goblins, and then you can also have forest goblins. Forest goblins, like Night Goblins are part of a specific clan or culture, whereas simply because a goblin lives underground or lives in a forest doesn't make it a Night/Forest goblin. Having said that, all fanatics are Night Goblins, all Araknarok riders are Forest Goblins.
Let's see grail knight got his head split in. Does he still have some brain left over to eat?

Not advocating his brain gets eaten in front of the envoys but it's food for thought.
You know tomb kings have preserved bodies. What would their preserved brains provide?
I mean it's basically magic right? I'm not sure how useful an information gathering tool it is though. When the Blood Angels and their successors do their stuff they just get visions of Sanguisnius' death, which I don't imagine is terribly helpful. At the very least, it would be an entirely undirected info gathering thing. Like if you got all teh paper and books in your house, burned half of it, mixed it about and burned some more, then read the rest, you probably wouldn't get that much useful stuff.
I mean it's basically magic right? I'm not sure how useful an information gathering tool it is though. When the Blood Angels and their successors do their stuff they just get visions of Sanguisnius' death, which I don't imagine is terribly helpful. At the very least, it would be an entirely undirected info gathering thing. Like if you got all teh paper and books in your house, burned half of it, mixed it about and burned some more, then read the rest, you probably wouldn't get that much useful stuff.
What if it's a liche priest or a mage?
Yeah actually Snakemen would make the most sense for Araby since they actually have plenty of snake charmers to go about including those who *eyeroll* of course tame *Giant* snakes.
They also have plenty of animal tamers dragging around things like big cats and the like incorporated into their forces so yeah. Arabyn besastmen being more of a hodgepog than most outside of Ind actually makes total sense.

On the topic of beastmen my headcanon is that peaceable centaurs, half-horse half men probably really did exist in Naggoroth the dark elves probably drove them to extinction though. I mean they would love to hunt down some stone-age natives for sport I am completely sure. That would be more fun than pretending they never existed.

I wonder will marines object as much to magic-infused items as they would to free-ranging pyschers? The librarians are probably going to start noticing a bunch of those soon enough including entire buildings that are liable to be at least somewhat magical.
I wonder will marines object as much to magic-infused items as they would to free-ranging pyschers? The librarians are probably going to start noticing a bunch of those soon enough including entire buildings that are liable to be at least somewhat magical.
Might be kind of novel. in 40k, there are a lot more Chaos imbued items than there are purely Warp infused ones, and most of those i think are Aeldar in origin. Finding some Warp/Magic infused items that arent Daemonbound would be a nice change of pace for them.
So as regards canon I am very curious will we be only be seeing basically hoping squigs and giant squiggs? Are much more worrying things like Gas Squigs from age of reckoning canon to this quest?

GW seems to have been in favor of making them far more variable than they were in the original old world/world that was setting? More interestingly thinking of the combined setting we have here I can't honestly can't wait to dissect some hobgoblins or gnoblars or those aquatic troglogobs to try and figure out if there's been something that makes these populations able to act independently off/ not give birth to orks.

Maybe the orcs were brought here through a warp storm before us and suffered genetic damage from it?

Actually,the broader topic of combining settings in terms of what on terra is going on with the greenskins interests me

(Are trolls also very derived greenskins or do they just like following orcs?)

In fantasy as far as I can tell orkoids are not a gestalt ecosystem of any sort or at the least there seem to be far more, independent orc and goblin tribes than in 40k.
Off the top of my head, I just can't think of any orkoid faction that has orks, goblins, snotlings and squigs all living together in a semi-chaotic brew like would be typical of what the lions would have encountered. Orc mercs are not unknown in 40k but are still unusual, and the idea of orcoids swapping religions seems completely unknown in 40k I think, but has happened a couple times in Fantasy and Sigmar. (I think the khorne worshipping goblins are probably not canon anymore though, but the spider god seems to be so thoroughly)
Death in the Mountains 2
They stood amongst the slain, piling the corpse-mounds high and slaying any who still lived, cowering beneath their debased kin. They set incendiary charges there and soon the whole valley was full of the smell of burning flesh.

"Have you seen the watchers?" Kassim asked D'leh, the later looking up to the bluffs.

"I've seen them." D'lah confirmed, there were figures hiding in the forest. Human ones though, not mutants, so the Scouts were leaving them along.

The pair of them sawed at the great tendons of a large creature Kassim had hit with a rocket the night before. The thing had a hole in its chest large enough for an Astartes to walk through, and Sido had praised the artillerist for his accuracy. It was a fine feat given Kassim was only 14 and the youngest of the Scouts, recently having finished his training and joined them in the field.

Finally the adamantine combat knives managed to slice through the steely sinews of the creature and the enormous head came free. Sido had told them if they were able to get it they could bring it back as a trophy and both Scouts had enthusiastically set to the task.

A soft whirring came from behind them and the pair turned.

"Lash it to the Thunderhawk's lifter unit." Sido instructed, "I'll not have its stench in the compartment with us."

"Yes Brother-Sergeant." they both agreed.

The corpse gathering continued, taking several Scouts to pull some of the larger creatures in. Occasionally D'leh would find mutants still alive, often the smaller variants, trying to hide under their dead kin, but none of them lasted long once he found them.

As the hours when on chatter broke out on the vox-net about which Scout had made the most significant contribution during battle. Kassim argued well for his rocketry, D'leh offered his own kills of the mutant leaders and witches, Arif tried to claim that his quantity of kills was better given his use of the Heavy Bolter, while Sido reminded them all that individually their contributions were irrelevant, "The strength of the weapon, its capacity to kill, is nothing. The true power comes from the one wielding it."

Their sober acknowledgments filled the vox for a moment, then the chatter started right back up.

D'leh came to stand beside the Sergeant, "My lord," he address the officer more formally, despite their relative closeness from the adventures of the jungle, "Are you not concerned about the watchers up there?"

Sido did not answer immediately, rather, he went to the black altar in the centre of the valley, D'leh trailing behind. The Veteran knelt by the corpse of a beast-witch D'leh has killed during one of the volleys, taking his knife and with one clear strike severing the thing's head. He then held it high toward the mountains, and in D'leh's auspex-enhanced vision he could see the human observers dart behind rocks.

Sido drew breath, his bionics whirring, "What we do here today isn't only about destroying the enemy." He looked at D'leh, "What is the purpose of the Scout?"

"And let the Scout Marine go among the foe secretly, under the direction of his commanders, and let him strike in silence and learn much of the foe so that his lord might know them better. The foe shall not fear him, for they shall not know him, but they shall know the Wrath of Angels which the Scout brings." D'leh quoted dutifully.

"Yes I should hope you know the catechisms by now." Sido replied glibly, a light admonishment in his tone to a time when D'leh had been less diligent in his scholarship. "Yes, you gather information to inform the Chapter, yes, you use what tools you have to prepare the way, but this is more than just your rifle. We stand on an alien world, one that apparently has never seen the Emperor's Light. Our purpose is also to create that legend we rely on in our duties. We are forbidden to command mortals in battle except by the High Lords' writ, yet I have many a time ordered even Lord Generals to obey me. Once I needed to commandeer an entire army and they would kneel and reply 'Yes, my lord' because I was one of the Emperor's Angels of Death. Here the populace has never seen an Aquila, they don't know it's meaning, they fear our armour like they fear the beasts of the wilds."

"Should they not?"

Sido's helmet was on but he tilted his head slightly in what D'leh's long association with him could tell was a smile, "They should, but fear alone is rarely enough to create faith. If we had simply destroyed this place with a barrage and never shown ourselves the event would undoubtedly be passed down the generations, the wrath of a local deity perhaps, or some great hero, but now they've seen us, when they see us again years later they'll remember, they'll speak of golden men who struck down the wicked."

D'leh considered the matter, Sido was right of course, but he felt rather foolish for not realising it himself, and turned the conversation to another matter, "I heard a lecture once on Beastmen," he began, "it was said they once served the Imperium."

"Homo sapiens variatus." nodded the sergeant, "They're one of many abhuman stratum across the galaxy but yes, supposedly they served in organised troops during the Great Crusade, giving sacrifice to the Emperor for their sins of being born mutants."

"Is a Beastman a mutant?" D'leh asked, uncertain of the difference. There was enough genetic variation in human populations across the Imperium that certain strains of mutation were accepted as long as they 'bred true', like the hulking Ogryns or the diminutive Ratlings.

"It depends on the level of mutation." Sido said, "Look here, all of these creatures cavorted and lived in association with each other, there are levels of similarity between them, some have the appearance of particular animals, but there's no control to test with. If there were a hundred of them and they all looked the same, perhaps minor variations in hair colour or size, very well, but there, that one has a scales, and that one a tentacle for an arm."

Indeed, D'leh had moved the later onto the corpse pile himself, employing a pair of stout staves to flip and drag the creature so he didn't have to touch it.

"Additionally, many of those here bear the marks of Chaos." Sido continued, "That, at the least, renders this whole gathering damned, even without any of the other evidence. Remember, a pure body leads to pure thoughts, and pure thoughts to pure acts. Safeguard that purity which the Emperor and your gene-sire have bestowed upon you. It is only through our purity that we can know that we are the servants of the God-Emperor. Those who lack purity have no basis to identify the mutant, the alien, or the Traitor."

"I understand Sergeant," D'leh said, "But then how did some serve the Emperor?"

"Well," Sido said, "Their own impurity betrayed them. A warped barrel or a poorly-balanced round will always fly false, will always miss. Is it any surprise that their impure bodies led to impure assumptions, that they mistakenly served the Emperor when their true destiny was in darkness?"

There was a pause as the pair watched the rest of the squad bringing back more bodies from the woods, slinging them onto the burning pile.

"It is an issue complex in both military and spiritual aspects." Sido concluded, "Meditate upon these matters when you return, but first, bring up the flamer…"

D'leh sent a burst of vox to the others, one of them throwing him the weapon, "What is it?"

"The stone of this altar shifted when I came to stand here." Sido explained, "There's a hidden compartment."

The Sergeant reached down in a flash and sunk his hand into the crack between two stones, the crude material crushed to powder in his ceramite grip. The whole stone slab he'd been standing on flew away a good twenty metres at the violence of his attack, and a large chamber was revealed beneath.

Within cowered fifty or sixty more of the beasts. They were smaller, their horns and natural implements uniformly lesser, foolishly without armaments, clutching instead disgusting smaller examples of their kind in a perverse mirror of a human mother holding a child.

"Filthy creatures…" growled Arif, his finger edging to the trigger of his weapon.

D'leh saw one of them, babbling up at him, wide eyed and sobbing, a creature half her size hidden behind her as if to shield it from the Astartes' wrath. The thing saw his unwavering resolve, if not in his covered eyes but in his resolute stance and cast itself onto the floor, begging and holding up its hands in pleading gesture. The small monster beside it wailed and tugged at the larger one's ragged vestments. The Scouts were immune to their malfeasance though, muting their external audio receptors so as not to hear their enemies' unclean words.

"Have you a prayer for us D'leh?" asked Sido in a clip of vox.

But it was already on the Scout's lips as he depressed the trigger of his weapon, the holy promethium charging forth upon the cowering creatures in the hidden chamber.

"Emperor, let Your undeniable light burn on the misshapen and the twisted, so I can see them with pure sight, and purge them with righteous fire."

And D'leh snarled as the creatures wailed. The one who'd looked at him embraced it's spawn as it burned, flesh sloughing off both of them, eyes boiling under his onslaught, bones cracking in the sudden inferno.

After it was done the Scout looked down into the chamber and the blackened forms that once were bodies. It was a fitting punishment for those who would so unjustly assume the virtues that were humanity's alone.
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