My alternative proposal follows:

You should take care of the Amputarii and Tomb KIngs. They are described as growing problems. Exotic Resource Surveys, Serf-Militarum Production, and Serf Vehicle Production should be taken. Technology is the advantage the Imperium has over the natives. Exotic Resource Surveys have to be done so you have the raw materials for it.
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You should take care of the Amputarii and Tomb KIngs. They are described as growing problems. Exotic Resource Surveys, Serf-Militarum Production, and Serf Vehicle Production should be taken. Technology is the advantage the Imperium has over the natives. Exotic Resource Surveys have to be done so you have the raw materials for it.

Aye, I agree with about 90 percent of this...but need to clarify 'Maximizing Fun' was not my main proposal. That Proposal is still Not All Wisdom Brings Joy. Hell, I only even voted for Unto the Breach because it looked like no one else at the time was willing to provide plan variety and I feared the thread slipping into stasis before such could occur, and someone had taken it seriously :-/. It was a kind of jokey ''why not be maximally dynamic, whAt could PoSsiblY gO wRong'' kind of proposal.

To clarify further though my main vote, Not All Wisdom Brings Joy does in fact go after the Tomb Kings(and tomb princes and Nehekara more generally...) as well as the Amputarii. It also does indeed include Exotic Resource Surveys and Serf Militarum Production. It does however not include vehicles because vehicles are not self-reproducing or requiring almost no fuel the same way some of the imperium's more incredible mounts are.
Mukalis basically take on all the best traits of camels and elephants, vast reserves of strength, endurance in the face of heat and drought and small requirements for food, thick hides hard to kill, controllable, etc. The only real downside to them I can see is that they are cold-intolerant and not aggressive.
Much the same thinking for trying to set up palm oil plantations, productions paying for themselves over time (while producing many industrially useful stuff that will make building more tech easier)without needing more tech priests to join in every other step along the way.

The points of contention for that were most vitally about what to do with the spy network we have rather than who to have the armies target.
I think the network should be trying to figure out if there are more surprises like additional Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marines lurking in the Chaos Wastes for instance but I think I fully understand the appeal of following up on the more known and geographically closer threat first.

I think at this point there might even be thread-wide consensus that the resurrecting mummies with warp constructs and the pseudo tyranids powered by chaos juice are indeed our biggest threats.

EDIT: It is also a little frustrating that our Serf Militarum does need this much upkeep and new resources though otherwise, I think I'd be proposing spending most of our stewardship budget on stuff like Settlement of the Southlands* . Regularize Uplift, and a write-in for reinvesting in our Fortress Monastery in case of further disaster.

....but that all looks kind of fruitless with a fighting force on the verge of becoming a parade ground force.
I can't deny the facts as I see them though, that A; They have been mauled by many battles, B: They are being Mauled by aging** and most importantly C: The Lions, even if Aided by Skitarrii and the fairly young and healthy novitiates of the Bloody Rose do not have the numbers probably to even hold all the territory we now claim if challenged for it.

*Such as creating a standardized education, for knowing the imperial saints, how to assemble las riffles, low gothic teaching, what imperia planes look like vs non, etc
** A good reason to invest in Genetic restructuring and Nehekaran genetics and all that as soon as we are rearmed and the Flesh-That-Hates is suppressed
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[X] Plan Priorities - Soul Binding Replaced with Runes
-[x] Sisters of the Word
The Imperial Creed is rather weak on Mallus. Command a massive expansion of the Hospitalliers to strengthen their organisation and iterate Terra's Truth across the Old World, with the associated other benefits of the Ordo such as the actual Hospitallier services.
-[x] Psyker Survey
As Thalis suggests, a survey must be undertaken of the psykers among the human and abhuman populations of Mallus, or at least those known of. While the Djinncallers seem to have be rightly cautious of daemons, there now exists a danger that some other order of witches might call more Traitor Astartes to Mallus.
-[x] Exotic Resource Surveys
While the Mechanicus have identified some sites, more will be necessary in the coming years to feel the Imperium's foundries, especially in the more rare resources.
-[x] Serf-Militarum Production
Currently production has been ad hoc, dependant on individual Magi creating runs of equipment. This must be made more regular, starting with the armed forces. Establish facilities to create PDF level equipment mostly consisting of auto-guns and other similar material, with lesser quantities of more advanced equipment being produced such as lasguns.
-[x] Serf Vehicle Production
The Serf-Militarum are critically lacking in vehicles. Establish production facilities to remedy this, producing Cargo-6s and 8s, Valkyries, as well as Chimeras and artillery.
-[x] Lighthouse Keepers
The Pharosian Guardsmen and women are all now reaching retirement age, with even the youngest members pushing into middle age. Without action, retirement will mean the Imperium loses their unique skills in void warfare and Zone Mortalis action. Create a programme to slim down the formation to single Divisio of 10,000, and to maintain these skills through drill and training.
-[x] Push into the Desert
The Tomb Kings were broken by the Fulgurite Field, but they were not destroyed. Several forces of undead and their leaders escaped and have returned to their cities, while others simply wander aimlessly in the desert. It would be better to deal with these sooner rather than later, and now that Settra's Storm of Magic has been dispelled, it is expected that a moderate force of Marines would be able to deal with the enemy.
-[x] Amputate the Amputari
The Amputari, the unique organisms which developed from the now destroyed Flesh-that-Hates, have become endemic in the northern reaches of the world. It would be well if their flourishing was curtailed.
-[x] Assassins and Witches
Hunt down and root out the final remnants of the Assassins and Djinncallers, known to have fled Araby before the conclusion of Araby's conquest. Many single Djinncallers have been identified, especially in the Southern Realms, employed as court conjurers by mortal rulers and have even taken on apostate apprentices! They cannot be permitted to establish themselves again.
-[x] The Ancients
The Chapter maintains 5 of the ancients known as Dreadnoughts, yet the Tomb-Brothers seem to have succumbed to a malaise recently. Even the Venerable Ancient of the Chapter has become difficult to wake, unwilling to rouse himself to the fury that is necessary. This is a concerning matter and Hath-Horeb intends to conduct an investigation.
-[x] Imperial Runecraft
Hath-Horeb now has a decent understanding of runes, and now seeks to create 'Imperial Runes'.
-[x] Veiling
While Amra's form is might and beautiful for many to look upon, the Chapter Master has still not revealed himself publicly to the Imperium-on-Mallus, directing matters from behind a screen or via intermediaries. If there's any hope for the Chapter Master to go out without accusations of heresy, he must have a veil. Hath-Horeb and Khotan set themselves to designing a suit of armour to conceal the Chapter Master's appearance.
@Halbeard87 @Just Some Guy @thefoolswriter
Just wanted to let you know if you still want to go for the high-risk and high-reward ''Unto The Breach: A Plan For Maximizing Fun'' as a legitimate vote one of you will need to resubmit the plan and then the rest of your votes.
The later because I didn't realize the moratorium was still ongoing at the time. The former is because I won't be for me that plan only a measure to ensure that some sort of action was taken rather than nothing.

If that style of play (high risk, high reward)does indeed appeal to you it is to my understanding legitimate to resubmit it, just please recognize why I am not resubmitting it.
If you want to switch to the other plans it's worth noting there are now five differences between them.

Serf Vehicle Production vs Open The Gentorium vaults,

Lighthouse Keepers Vs Lighthouse Keepers Modified(beginning the use of juvenants),

Assassins and Witches vs Wastes Survey,

Imperial Runecraft vs Veiling(in learning slot)

.....and now finally Amras actions.

Veiling vs Soulbinding as personal actions.

To be very clear both plans support Veiling, Rx915's has it supported through both personal and learning at the expense of going for now 27 years without soulbound psychers, to obtain hopefully imperial runecrafting whereas mine sees having things like Primaris Psychers to protect guardsmen as above runecrafting sooner in importance.
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I'm just hoping the success of veiling and runes together will allow Amra to get the first power armor with runes.
That would indeed be grand, I am not saying your plan is bad, it is just a difference in philosophy on display. It's also worth trying to make sure all your voters know your plan has indeed changed in case soul-binding is important to them as an option.

I am trying to vote by assuming at least half my votes will fail catastrophically, sadly that still leaves me making *very* hard choices here.
To expand a bit.
If the runes fail though maybe the armor gets damaged or delayed for all I know, perhaps it melds onto the CM in such a way that cripples him... then again if binding goes badly for all I know amra might turn into a glowing proto-grave mind or something.
Neither of these things have much* precedent for them in Warhammer, they are very experimental processes relying on other unprecedented occurrences.
Thankfully If everything else fails the worst I can see is all those projects generally being set back to where they were before the vote. Ecept maybe the sisters one, which could lead to the sort of political problems scores of dead missionaries tended to bring historically.

*Not none, but the exact mechanical combinations here are unique.
What's the low risk plan?
The one I wrote? []Not All Wisdom Brings Joy is that one.

I had no idea that Runes were quite this popular or that vehicles were either, at least in comparison to trying to recreate the Psychanana or taking steps towards rebuilding araby I imagine that's why it's gotten about 1 vote since in many other respects it's quite similar to RX's plan.

I do think theirs is riskier though since they are not doing anything to search for wherever that mysterious Chaos Space Marine came from. Risk is a perceived notion, not an apple one can quantitatively measure in all aspects though.
I had no idea that Runes were quite this popular or that vehicles were either, at least in comparison to trying to recreate the Psychanana or taking steps towards rebuilding araby I imagine that's why it's gotten about 1 vote since in many other respects it's quite similar to RX's plan.
If you participated in Warhammer fantasy quests you'll know soon interacting with dwarves, runes are the shit and anyone's best friend.

Rune Magic

"No true Dwarf has truck with that kind of wild magic, oh no! In the olden days our ancestors realised the perils of dabbling with the forces of magic in its raw form, and they knew best. Runes they made, powerful runes to capture the magic, not let it float about all willy-nilly where it could...
I'm not decrying dwarves as not awesome, I'm not lacking in the knowledge of runecraft at it's basic either. I have voting in something like six other quests involving Warhammer Fantasy and following several large fanfiction threads too.
I just don't see it as better than what we could get from having the psychana equivalent first.
Major EDIT:
I would feel a lot more comfortable integrating something like rune craft if it didn't come at the cost of continuing our current policies. That is at least another two years of at best making comatose and at worst shooting anyone who comes to us with say glowing fingers but no aptitude towards becoming marines.

As our GM has pointed out that includes All Adults and All females and soon enough if we come to govern more of them will likely include all abhumans who aren't dwarves.
Okay checking into it (was unwise but has already happened) it seems I've been involved in at minimum 15 Warhammer fantasy (on this website alone ) related threads if we can count crossovers, I genuinely didn't even have an accurate estimate before because Warhammer Fantasy was what drew me to the website to begin with.
I may as well also rant about dwarves, since it's relevant and I just finished several assignments afterall.
It's worth noting that maybe one of those threads I commented on and read (The Dawwi In Arda? I think) Is a ''Dwarf Quest'' though.

I admit to having a bias and that includes the deeply unorthodox opinion of finding the dwarves of warhammer fantasy to be not all that interesting, *gasp* *shock*.
I think part of this stems from being exposed to Dwarf Fortress before I ever got deeply invested in WHF, runecrafting might be cool, but it just feels....bland compared with something like Archcrystals or Headshoots. DF spoiled me horrendously with its inhabitants being able to diverge so wildly. You'll never seen a vampiric dwarf, a necromantic dwarf or a lycanthropic dwarf in Warhammer, you'll never see something like Cacame the Elven king of the dwarves. Heck you'll never even see a dwarf with particularly dark skin in Warhammer.

Don't get me wrong, the whole Norse Dwarf/ *Mountain Dwarf/ Chaos Dwarf/ *City Dwarf cultural spilts is much more interesting seeing basically one or two civilizations out of seven in tolkiens works, but they really could have done more with it.
For starters yes, I get that there are lore reasons why pretty much all dwarves live in the old world outside the southlands and lustria and naggoroth and other semi decently documented places, but that doesn't make less boring.

Yes, they do have population bottlenecks and birthrates than can explain their very apparent low genetic diversity too, that doesn't make the lack of things like deep dwarves more interesting.

*Now there are of course many sub cultures in the Karaz Ankor, but thats all they amount to in my eyes, not even fully distinct cultures.
Of course the caveat to this is that I do indeed find the Chaos Dwarves, the DawwiZhar, the dwarves of fire, the followers of Hashut, to be very interesting as characters and as a polity, but I've seen them as the focus of a quest or story on this site from their own perspectives never.
They do show up often enough in other capacities that such is more an observation than a complaint though.
Also I'll give Warhammer dwarves credit for making gigantic mohawks a cultural institution.
The Dwarven underway is cool too I guess even then though it's probably nothing compared Kriegs tunnel networks and is barely better maintained than the skaven network.
I don't hate them, they typically just bore me in comparison to well, almost everything else in Warhammer. Entering into other settings less saturated with wildness they do indeed stand out as interesting.

Hell, I'll also toss the Kharadon Overlords and the Leagues Of Votan a bone and say I don't have an issue with them but they don't count as dwarves in this context so that may be moot.
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Got in the mood for a Gashnag omake. Let's see what happens.
I'm not decrying dwarves as not awesome, I'm not lacking in the knowledge of runecraft at it's basic either. I have voting in something like six other quests involving Warhammer Fantasy and following several large fanfiction threads too.
I just don't see it as better than what we could get from having the psychana equivalent first.
Major EDIT:
I would feel a lot more comfortable integrating something like rune craft if it didn't come at the cost of continuing our current policies. That is at least another two years of at best making comatose and at worst shooting anyone who comes to us with say glowing fingers but no aptitude towards becoming marines.

As our GM has pointed out that includes All Adults and All females and soon enough if we come to govern more of them will likely include all abhumans who aren't dwarves.
Okay checking into it (was unwise but has already happened) it seems I've been involved in at minimum 15 Warhammer fantasy (on this website alone ) related threads if we can count crossovers, I genuinely didn't even have an accurate estimate before because Warhammer Fantasy was what drew me to the website to begin with.
I may as well also rant about dwarves, since it's relevant and I just finished several assignments afterall.
It's worth noting that maybe one of those threads I commented on and read (The Dawwi In Arda? I think) Is a ''Dwarf Quest'' though.

I admit to having a bias and that includes the deeply unorthodox opinion of finding the dwarves of warhammer fantasy to be not all that interesting, *gasp* *shock*.
I think part of this stems from being exposed to Dwarf Fortress before I ever got deeply invested in WHF, runecrafting might be cool, but it just feels....bland compared with something like Archcrystals or Headshoots. DF spoiled me horrendously with its inhabitants being able to diverge so wildly. You'll never seen a vampiric dwarf, a necromantic dwarf or a lycanthropic dwarf in Warhammer, you'll never see something like Cacame the Elven king of the dwarves. Heck you'll never even see a dwarf with particularly dark skin in Warhammer.

Don't get me wrong, the whole Norse Dwarf/ *Mountain Dwarf/ Chaos Dwarf/ *City Dwarf cultural spilts is much more interesting seeing basically one or two civilizations out of seven in tolkiens works, but they really could have done more with it.
For starters yes, I get that there are lore reasons why pretty much all dwarves live in the old world outside the southlands and lustria and naggoroth and other semi decently documented places, but that doesn't make less boring.

Yes, they do have population bottlenecks and birthrates than can explain their very apparent low genetic diversity too, that doesn't make the lack of things like deep dwarves more interesting.

*Now there are of course many sub cultures in the Karaz Ankor, but thats all they amount to in my eyes, not even fully distinct cultures.
Of course the caveat to this is that I do indeed find the Chaos Dwarves, the DawwiZhar, the dwarves of fire, the followers of Hashut, to be very interesting as characters and as a polity, but I've seen them as the focus of a quest or story on this site from their own perspectives never.
They do show up often enough in other capacities that such is more an observation than a complaint though.
Also I'll give Warhammer dwarves credit for making gigantic mohawks a cultural institution.
The Dwarven underway is cool too I guess even then though it's probably nothing compared Kriegs tunnel networks and is barely better maintained than the skaven network.
I don't hate them, they typically just bore me in comparison to well, almost everything else in Warhammer. Entering into other settings less saturated with wildness they do indeed stand out as interesting.

Hell, I'll also toss the Kharadon Overlords and the Leagues Of Votan a bone and say I don't have an issue with them but they don't count as dwarves in this context so that may be moot.
You're free to think that way but I remember being bosom buddies with a dwarf or having a mage waifu was the general trend in whf quests so that's what general opinion follows.
Oh I'd love a Gashnag omake, the contrast between his monstrous form and his sophisticated and kind(for a vampire) attitude is magnificent, half the time I think he's writing people letters just to troll them but he's always been very much delightful by vampire standards. He might have hideous and fearsome servants but he does come across as caring and I just love his whole concept. Only in the border princes could you find someone like him!
If you're still working on it in a week i'd love to help with editing and ideas!

Anyhow, I think there might still be significant differences with the threads we have read divided loyalties I guess could count in terms of being friends with dwarves and mages but it's the only example I can think of off the top of my head.

Revolt Revolution Yes Yes, has dwarves and mages but no mating of them in any combination...only sex described so far has been between mundane Skaven.

I never finished Of Wolves and Witches so I can't say for sure about that one.

I've seen a few quests set around Mousilion, but not much in the way of dwarven aid to be found there...

Penetrator Quest got pretty weird at the end but again, not for dwarves or mages...but for Neferata of all people, I'd almost call it lusty but it's so awkwardly done that it might be intended as mild horror?

The Enfant Terrible of the Horned Rat features a very prominent dwarf, but more as an antagonist than anything else and in a terrifying capacity.

From Hells Heart features a witch who lives among beastmen who have been freed from the chaos gods, she doesn't mate with or even romance anyone from what I recall though mostly she serves as a talented ambassador who pretends to have them ''charmed'' under her will so they can conduct trade with humans and stuff.

An ISOT in Grimdark Involves dwarves and mages exist in it, the dwarves are mostly as respected teachers of Runes...but vampires and dark elves hogged the sex appeal in that one.
Have I gotten Lucky/Unlucky?
I've avoided most quests with dwarves as protagonists true but haven't at all avoided quests and stories that just had them in there? Has it been all this weird ''subtext'' people keep trying to convince me exists more often than it does?

Am I just dense? Am I recalling the ''Wrong'' quests and stories?
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Oh I'd love a Gashnag omake, the contrast between his monstrous form and his sophisticated and kind(for a vampire) attitude is magnificent, half the time I think he's writing people letters just to troll them but he's always been very much delightful by vampire standards. He might have hideous and fearsome servants but he does come across as caring and I just love his whole concept. Only in the border princes could you find someone like him!
If you're still working on it in a week i'd love to help with editing and ideas!
Ok I'll send you my draft.
I would feel a lot more comfortable integrating something like rune craft if it didn't come at the cost of continuing our current policies. That is at least another two years of at best making comatose and at worst shooting anyone who comes to us with say glowing fingers but no aptitude towards becoming marines.
So its difficult to provide absolute statements in regards to the Chaplaincy and their policies, but I would generally say they're ok with such things. To them, it seems as if runecraft is an idea solution, binding warp energy into psycoconductive materials for various purposes. Just like Natohk now uses the Noctilith Lance as part of his wargear, so too would be ok with runes. The Chaplaincy would identify in the Dwarves a kindred culture, an unpleasant alien one sure, but they recognise that the dwarves are extremely conservative, dont seem to have psykers (apart from their priests but that's a mallus specific thing) and practice warpcraft in a different way to others.

Also, re your points about Dwarves, I'd say that's because Warhammer Fantasy Battle is a fantasy work, it's not a deconstruction even if it has elements of that. The Dwarves are just LotR Dwarves increased in intensity. Where Thorin Oakenshield has grudges, is stubborn, etc, so too are the Warhammer dwarves. Grudges are a cultural institution are merely adapted from LotR too. The Elves are more developed, and other cultures are too, but for example fantasy doesn't usually deal with sex, that's one of the pretty consistent elements, it's unconcerned with such issues. See similarly, GRRM's contributions of 'what was Aragorn's taxation policy' or 'what happened to all the orc babies'.
[X] Plan Priorities - Soul Binding Replaced with Runes

The Elves are more developed, and other cultures are too, but for example fantasy doesn't usually deal with sex, that's one of the pretty consistent elements, it's unconcerned with such issues. See similarly, GRRM's contributions of 'what was Aragorn's taxation policy' or 'what happened to all the orc babies'.
I object.

A) Fantasy doesn't usually show sex on screen, which is fine. But every time there's a lost heir plot, for example, that's dealing with sex, because the King had to have some to produce the heir. (Fantasy doesn't usually have artificial insemination, and when it has adoption one can adopt a replacement.)
B) GRRM's "contributions" really aren't. The man is historically illiterate verging on innumerate, he never bothers to give his own taxation policies, but the implied taxation policies of Westeros-as-described are somewhere between "even worse" and "outright impossible". King's Landing, in particular, can't exist. King's Landing supposedly contains half a million people. (Sometimes it says a million, but I'm going to assume that's hyperbole and rounding up.) King's Landing cannot feed half a million people by any mechanism ever shown in GRRM's books.

Rome (the empire) could feed half a million people in Rome (the city) because it had the taxes of a professionally-administered empire to draw on, the best farms of a productive empire to import from, the peaceful (both militarily and physically) inland sea of a dominant empire to transport across, the colossal fleet of empire etc, and massive docks.

Westeros has none of those. The feudal (vassal) structure of Westeros, and the medieval European period that it draws on, exist[ed] in large part because literacy was rare, educated administrators were scarce, and centralized administration was hard without good recordkeeping. So you get the improvised solution of many local nobles keeping track of areas small enough to handle at personal scale, and/or few enough direct subordinates to have personal relationships with. Then the other problems: Westeros doesn't have the Nile plains or similar mega-farm to import from, the closest is the Reach region but that has open ocean ports not calmer Mediterranean ports, there isn't enough navy to transport the grain nor keep it safe, there's an entire kingdom of viking-pirates raiding Westeros to make the situation worse...

Also, when Theoden calls the Muster of Rohan, he can bring six thousand men to Gondor's aid, and that takes several days to get them all semi-organized and pointed in the right direction. GRRM has a kingdom raising an army of sixty thousand. I ask: what was GRRM's organizational policy? How the heck was this supposed to happen? Did he smuggle in Napoleonic reforms while I wasn't looking?

Anyone got a list of ideas they want for an item?

Currently I got one that is the ability to speak to the dead for answers.