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Sure, if you put Amra's personal attention toward a learning action you'd functionally have 3 actions into that instead of 2
Sure, if you put Amra's personal attention toward a learning action you'd functionally have 3 actions into that instead of 2
You should take care of the Amputarii and Tomb KIngs. They are described as growing problems. Exotic Resource Surveys, Serf-Militarum Production, and Serf Vehicle Production should be taken. Technology is the advantage the Imperium has over the natives. Exotic Resource Surveys have to be done so you have the raw materials for it.
Excellent I'm going to postpone the soul binding for another time. I want my runes.Sure, if you put Amra's personal attention toward a learning action you'd functionally have 3 actions into that instead of 2
The one I wrote? []Not All Wisdom Brings Joy is that one.
If you participated in Warhammer fantasy quests you'll know soon interacting with dwarves, runes are the shit and anyone's best friend.I had no idea that Runes were quite this popular or that vehicles were either, at least in comparison to trying to recreate the Psychanana or taking steps towards rebuilding araby I imagine that's why it's gotten about 1 vote since in many other respects it's quite similar to RX's plan.
You're free to think that way but I remember being bosom buddies with a dwarf or having a mage waifu was the general trend in whf quests so that's what general opinion follows.I'm not decrying dwarves as not awesome, I'm not lacking in the knowledge of runecraft at it's basic either. I have voting in something like six other quests involving Warhammer Fantasy and following several large fanfiction threads too.
I just don't see it as better than what we could get from having the psychana equivalent first.
Major EDIT:
I would feel a lot more comfortable integrating something like rune craft if it didn't come at the cost of continuing our current policies. That is at least another two years of at best making comatose and at worst shooting anyone who comes to us with say glowing fingers but no aptitude towards becoming marines.
As our GM has pointed out that includes All Adults and All females and soon enough if we come to govern more of them will likely include all abhumans who aren't dwarves.
Okay checking into it (was unwise but has already happened) it seems I've been involved in at minimum 15 Warhammer fantasy (on this website alone ) related threads if we can count crossovers, I genuinely didn't even have an accurate estimate before because Warhammer Fantasy was what drew me to the website to begin with.
I may as well also rant about dwarves, since it's relevant and I just finished several assignments afterall.
It's worth noting that maybe one of those threads I commented on and read (The Dawwi In Arda? I think) Is a ''Dwarf Quest'' though.
I admit to having a bias and that includes the deeply unorthodox opinion of finding the dwarves of warhammer fantasy to be not all that interesting, *gasp* *shock*.
I think part of this stems from being exposed to Dwarf Fortress before I ever got deeply invested in WHF, runecrafting might be cool, but it just feels....bland compared with something like Archcrystals or Headshoots. DF spoiled me horrendously with its inhabitants being able to diverge so wildly. You'll never seen a vampiric dwarf, a necromantic dwarf or a lycanthropic dwarf in Warhammer, you'll never see something like Cacame the Elven king of the dwarves. Heck you'll never even see a dwarf with particularly dark skin in Warhammer.
Don't get me wrong, the whole Norse Dwarf/ *Mountain Dwarf/ Chaos Dwarf/ *City Dwarf cultural spilts is much more interesting seeing basically one or two civilizations out of seven in tolkiens works, but they really could have done more with it.
For starters yes, I get that there are lore reasons why pretty much all dwarves live in the old world outside the southlands and lustria and naggoroth and other semi decently documented places, but that doesn't make less boring.
Yes, they do have population bottlenecks and birthrates than can explain their very apparent low genetic diversity too, that doesn't make the lack of things like deep dwarves more interesting.
*Now there are of course many sub cultures in the Karaz Ankor, but thats all they amount to in my eyes, not even fully distinct cultures.
Of course the caveat to this is that I do indeed find the Chaos Dwarves, the DawwiZhar, the dwarves of fire, the followers of Hashut, to be very interesting as characters and as a polity, but I've seen them as the focus of a quest or story on this site from their own perspectives never.
They do show up often enough in other capacities that such is more an observation than a complaint though.
Also I'll give Warhammer dwarves credit for making gigantic mohawks a cultural institution.
The Dwarven underway is cool too I guess even then though it's probably nothing compared Kriegs tunnel networks and is barely better maintained than the skaven network.
I don't hate them, they typically just bore me in comparison to well, almost everything else in Warhammer. Entering into other settings less saturated with wildness they do indeed stand out as interesting.
Hell, I'll also toss the Kharadon Overlords and the Leagues Of Votan a bone and say I don't have an issue with them but they don't count as dwarves in this context so that may be moot.
Ok I'll send you my draft.Oh I'd love a Gashnag omake, the contrast between his monstrous form and his sophisticated and kind(for a vampire) attitude is magnificent, half the time I think he's writing people letters just to troll them but he's always been very much delightful by vampire standards. He might have hideous and fearsome servants but he does come across as caring and I just love his whole concept. Only in the border princes could you find someone like him!
If you're still working on it in a week i'd love to help with editing and ideas!
So its difficult to provide absolute statements in regards to the Chaplaincy and their policies, but I would generally say they're ok with such things. To them, it seems as if runecraft is an idea solution, binding warp energy into psycoconductive materials for various purposes. Just like Natohk now uses the Noctilith Lance as part of his wargear, so too would be ok with runes. The Chaplaincy would identify in the Dwarves a kindred culture, an unpleasant alien one sure, but they recognise that the dwarves are extremely conservative, dont seem to have psykers (apart from their priests but that's a mallus specific thing) and practice warpcraft in a different way to others.I would feel a lot more comfortable integrating something like rune craft if it didn't come at the cost of continuing our current policies. That is at least another two years of at best making comatose and at worst shooting anyone who comes to us with say glowing fingers but no aptitude towards becoming marines.
I object.The Elves are more developed, and other cultures are too, but for example fantasy doesn't usually deal with sex, that's one of the pretty consistent elements, it's unconcerned with such issues. See similarly, GRRM's contributions of 'what was Aragorn's taxation policy' or 'what happened to all the orc babies'.
I don't really disagree tbh. GRRM is critically deficient in religion for example I agree. I would however say generally that ASOIAF represents a big departure from other works which don't go into such things. But yea, fair I suppose