Yeah and it could synergize well with introducing the super adaptable grox, we could potentially have useful population growing jobs waiting for them!

@rx915 You prefer artillery, I prefer aircraft as prioritization for when we start cranking out vehicles in the near future...what about compromising and focusing on tanks and like ATV's with machine guns, less mobile than air craft, less dakka than artillery, but still quite a lot of room for a lot of mobility and firepower, no?

I mean the Steel Leigon is mostly just men with lots and lots of vehicles and they've mostly kept up on only with orcs but with lesser deamons so it can't be that unviable? No?
Yeah and it could synergize well with introducing the super adaptable grox, we could potentially have useful population growing jobs waiting for them!

@rx915 You prefer artillery, I prefer aircraft as prioritization for when we start cranking out vehicles in the near future...what about compromising and focusing on tanks and like ATV's with machine guns, less mobile than air craft, less dakka than artillery, but still quite a lot of room for a lot of mobility and firepower, no?

I mean the Steel Leigon is mostly just men with lots and lots of vehicles and they've mostly kept up on only with orcs but with lesser deamons so it can't be that unviable? No?
It still requires the industry to set it up except vehicles require more fuel while lowtech artillery merely needs to be towed and setup to shoot.
Yeah a little bit if we discount manufacturing shells still needing to be a thing, but like it might not be a terrible idea to take the time to build vehicles any when say going up against the Dark Elves or Slannesh Deamons for example.

I agree stronk horse + big wheeled guns is probably good enough to deal with most open field battles in the old world. That said we will be fighting more than just open field battles, is such really viable in deep woods where there's a lack of line of sight? What about with teleporting enemies like the nonsense some brettonians can pull with damsel magic?

How does artillery adapt to that?
Yeah a little bit if we discount manufacturing shells still needing to be a thing, but like it might not be a terrible idea to take the time to build vehicles any when say going up against the Dark Elves or Slannesh Deamons for example.

I agree stronk horse + big wheeled guns is probably good enough to deal with most open field battles in the old world. That said we will be fighting more than just open field battles, is such really viable in deep woods where there's a lack of line of sight? What about with teleporting enemies like the nonsense some brettonians can pull with damsel magic?

How does artillery adapt to that?
Either they shoot them first or there's a magic response to enemy magic.

Deep woods is a job for the recon boyz not vehicles or any heavy equipment unless this is where intense deforestation with napalm and all sorts of nasty business is done with no regard for collateral.
EDIT: Also on a side note it's not fair to say they are all or even mostly mutants, they obviously have mutants about them more than most factions due to the chaos gods but when it comes to traits breeding true there tends to be at least a very few distinct breeds that do seem to breed consistently, minotaurs, for example, seem really, for the most part, quite consistent.
Harpies and Gors too for that matter.
Yea the Warhammer beastmen are indeed stable, my point was more that there is indeed precedent in Imperial law for employing them, as long as they aren't chaosy... which I think literally all of them are?
All Beastmen Being Slaves To Darkness?

I've been chalking that up to lazy writing on G.W's part to be honest, the all chaos thing because beastmen barely show up in the end times, came into and out of canon in 40k in a slapdash way, and have almost no new models in AOS, tend to be famous for things like losing duels (khazrak) or dying repeatedly like morghur. I genuinely don't G.W ever cared much to flesh them out as faction beyond doing the absolute minimum.

I struggle to think of an army they had more disdain for other than maybe any part of the Guard aside from Cadia, Catachan or Kreig.
I could be wrong but I've never found a novel from BL with a beastman as the main viewpoint character even.

It's fine if you have a different interpretation of this, but I always took it as an excuse plot thing for a few reasons.
A: Turnskins and gaves exist so literally, anyone worshipping anything could *become* a beast-man. Although this is a part of lore as far as I can tell whos implications are infrequently adressed.
B: Beastmen seems to contain several different beings that shouldn't be able to reproduce with each other some of which we see allied with other factions occasionally like Harpies with dark elves(noteworthy that most dark elves are not chaos forces) and yet the reader is supposed to belive they all bind themselves to these powers.
Nonetheless several of them seem to maintain populations very well of their own ilk even far far away from any humans or other beastmen for that matter who could turn into them, I.E centigors
C. Were-creatures are very similar to beastmen in their beast-forms and also come from divine interventions originating them although typically not chaotic ones.
D. Skaven are explicitly identified as not beastmen fairly often officially last I checked despite having similar origins and a more active chaos god in their lives.

In short I'm not sure G.W ever cared and it* never came off as a coherent thing to me as reader in the same way that orkish bloodlust for example does.
It being both beastmen being a useful term in fantasy and them all being completely stuck in with the chaos gods from birth.

Dealing with the planet's surface.

Deep woods are like a third of bretonnia, most of taalebhiem, pretty much all of lustria and more i'm sure on this planet just a note since we seem to finally be breaking out of the Southlands.
Lots and lots of steep mountains too in which I can only see light aircraft and infantry being viable for the most part.

Aiding our Astropaths?

On an entirely different but still important note, does anyone else think we should not only invest in the sanctioning of native pyschers but providing equipment so our own mortal pyschers can be functional again? Maybe if we asked the dwarves about making magic dampening equipment for them and explained how being on this world had even when not sedated by us rendered them into very poor condition?

Maybe pyschic hoods made of sanctified metals, and obsidian and with runs based around magical dissipation could allow them to reign in their powers better than what we have now?
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Greetings battle brothers, after so much time I'm finally about to finish the omake.
I should have it up by this week.
Fast question; if we expand the intelligence network to Estalia and Tilea, will we have more possibilities when looking for the assasins and djincallers?
In the next turn we should take the offensive to Nehekara. Araby will never be at peace while the threat of the tomb kings exist. It would also be nice to purge the orcs that populate the mountains of Araby.
I don' wanna, we have no geneseeds and our numbers is already dangerously low. Let's just give the locals guns and point them at the undead and orcs. I kinda hope we still have nukes, we can bomb one of them and then bluff of bombing them all if they get of their lots. That side of the dessert is useless anyway they can have it.
I don' wanna, we have no geneseeds and our numbers is already dangerously low. Let's just give the locals guns and point them at the undead and orcs. I kinda hope we still have nukes, we can bomb one of them and then bluff of bombing them all if they get of their lots. That side of the dessert is useless anyway they can have it.
There's the option for a bombing campaign although I don't know when's the best time for one because that payload is limited.
@Invadingcat478 We don't have to hit them with marines, but I truly do hope the plan you propose for dealing with these 20k old magitech experts involves more than men with lasguns charging them because well genrally the advantage of the las is boiling flesh of whitch the faction hardly has any to speak of, not to mention them having lots of mages specialized in ressurecting their dudes who need to be targetted.

I'm pro nuking khemri and trying to bombard their larger constructs with artillery fire, but I'm not sure how to really deal with their ghost grendae type things or their flying units all that effectively.
I genuinely don't G.W ever cared much to flesh them out as faction beyond doing the absolute minimum.
Yea that's all pretty reasonable, looking back I think I mean more the Old World beastmen who are indeed chaosy etc, vs other beastmen in other places. Beastial humans elsewhere may indeed not be as chaosy.
Deep woods are like a third of bretonnia, most of taalebhiem, pretty much all of lustria and more i'm sure on this planet just a note since we seem to finally be breaking out of the Southlands.
Lots and lots of steep mountains too in which I can only see light aircraft and infantry being viable for the most part.
Mountains and woods have always been problems, you're not going to find a silver bullet solution for it really
Aiding our Astropaths?

On an entirely different but still important note, does anyone else think we should not only invest in the sanctioning of native pyschers but providing equipment so our own mortal pyschers can be functional again? Maybe if we asked the dwarves about making magic dampening equipment for them and explained how being on this world had even when not sedated by us rendered them into very poor condition?

Maybe pyschic hoods made of sanctified metals, and obsidian and with runs based around magical dissipation could allow them to reign in their powers better than what we have now?
Obsidian would indeed reduce their power, but you probably don't want to do that? I don't think there would be any utility from the Imperial POV for not just liquidating the psykers if they were dangerous, rather than using precious obsidian to surpress a psyker? At least if I understand what you're getting at there.

Fundamentally the issue is soulbinding. Without that, any number of magic items wouldn't be sufficient for the Imperial authorities.

Fast question; if we expand the intelligence network to Estalia and Tilea, will we have more possibilities when looking for the assasins and djincallers?
More possibilities yes certainly
I kinda hope we still have nukes
You do, but I'm reluctant to let you deploy them whenever you like. As such, don't rely on them. The Marines deployed phosphex for example with Khong, or a nuke to blow up the ship that crashed in Naggoroth, but Khemri wouldn't require such things.
Wait are you saying that not only are the native psychers not soulbound but our astropaths became unbound or something when they passed through the warpstorm or am I misunderstanding?

EDIT: Wait what's wrong with nuking a bunch of...IDK I guess the imperial equivalent would be deamon hosts and and warp engines? Living humans or even abhumans aren't found in Khemri at all are they?
Like why would the imperium hold back in such a scenario? I've probably forgotten something here?

EDIT 2: The Utility is as far as I know that Marines don't know how to teach themselves to be astropaths or how to modify themselves into being navigators?

EDIT 3: Don't a number of imperial tanks have dozer blades on the front? Would those be able to plausibly move through woods? Obviously not a bullet for the terrible visibility though.
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Wait are you saying that not only are the native psychers not soulbound but our astropaths became unbound or something when they passed through the warpstorm or am I misunderstanding?
All the psykers you brought with you have been put in prodective custody since the crash basically, they're fine but they're on a pretty crippling regimne of drugs to stop them getting possessed, since that's one of the first things that happened when you got to Mallus.

None of the other psykers, such as any children manifesting psykic abilities, are soulbound, and have therefore been liquidated. As a matter of policy, the Imperium has allowed the priests of the old Nehekharan religion to live etc, but they're still deeply uncomfortable with them and are hoping that they can stamp out what they perceive as psykic stuff. In this way the Imperium is following Teclis' (later) observations about human priests actually being wizards/psykers.
EDIT: Wait what's wrong with nuking a bunch of...IDK I guess the imperial equivalent would be deamon hosts and and warp engines? Living humans or even abhumans aren't found in Khemri at all are they?
Like why would the imperium hold back in such a scenario? I've probably forgotten something here?
Cost primarily. Culture too. Generally Exterminatus weaponry isn't used much because its so dangerous, so Marines would have a cultural predisposition against using it. I assume any chapter that threw exterminatus stuff around too much would get sanctioned by the High Lords for example. But on Mallus the marines here know they have limited numbers of such weapons and as such they're precious.

The Tomb Kings currently aren't dangerous, or at least you don't perceive them to be. The 3rd and Amra broke them at the Fulgurite Field, they don't have the capacity to raise the Khemric Titans anymore etc without another Storm of Magic. The Chapter also know they're not 'really' daemon engines, theyre sort of psykic robots, which is still spooky, but not something you'd throw a nuke at.

Also, if you have to start throwing stuff around now, what will you use later? Sure the Imperium could make nukes themselves, you hvae that capacity, tbu again its going to be really expensive. If you use a nuke now on Khemri, and lets say you have 20 of them in total, that's 5% of your arsenal down. Would you drop some on Athel Loren? On the various elf cities? On the Darklands or throw one into the Great Maw? It's stuff like that where you might question whether or not you want to use them now. That's another reason the Marines aren't going to use some now.
EDIT 2: The Utility is as far as I know that Marines don't know how to teach themselves to be astropaths or how to modify themselves into being navigators?
They can be astropaths, that's a normal thing for them, and in theory any psyker (especially a very well trained one like a space marine) would be able to see through the Immaterium and guide a ship. The later would be more tricky certanily but yea it's within their capacities. They are indeed mostly focused on warfare and throwing bolts of lightning at people, but yes they can do it.
EDIT 3: Don't a number of imperial tanks have dozer blades on the front? Would those be able to plausibly move through woods? Obviously not a bullet for the terrible visibility though.
The Land Raiders maybe yea, but the rest no. Also not a great idea to use your tank to constantly be ramming stuff. It's going to get stuck on a tree or something then a minotaur is going ot jump out and pull your dudes out to eat them.
So what I'm hearing here is that perhaps once again the chaplaincy might be being overly paranoid. Possibly to a degree that harms the chapter.
I ought not to be surprised but at this point.... they could kill Amra and Hath Horeb and I wouldn't even be able to blink at it.

I guess my first instinct was to trust them on the Tomb Kings being a dire threat on the basis of their abilities to return themselves to life repeatedly indefinitely.
As in they may not strike for ages but without either binding them to us by oath or entirely destroying everything that powers them I struggle to see their threat being neutralized for any longer than a century at most.

What I would like to do would be to ally with factions like Numas and Lybaras against those especially devoted to bringing Nagash or Settra back but I don't know how such allies could be made reliable, maybe with an exchange of hostages?
I don't trust them not try and wipe us off the map again eventually without some sort of action being taken.

Theyv'e sent us as far as I know not one herald looking to negotiate, in fact the only communication I can recall us ever getting from them back when settra was in power was a carrion enchanted to scream ''your doomed'' at people, essentially.

EDIT: On a completely different note I have no idea if we can be diplomatic with sea dragons or not, they are presmably sapient, but without hands or breath weapons I assume they fall into a category more similar to orcas than to orcs.
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chaplaincy might be being overly paranoid
Literally their job lol. But as to Natohk's remarks in the last chapter, meh, it depends. If you recall Khotan didn't even think Settra's army was grounds for nukes.
Theyv'e sent us as far as I know not one herald looking to negotiate
Settra does not serve, he rules?
EDIT: On a completely different note I have no idea if we can be diplomatic with sea dragons or not, they are presmably sapient, but without hands or breath weapons I assume they fall into a category more similar to orcas than to orcs.
If you like, I'll have a talking dragon show up at some point I think, they're cool. There's that one in Estalia etc
Yeah that be sweet, if I recall correctly with that particular dragon he's old and kind of bitter at the high elves for giving up on the war of the beard so we might even be able to rely on him to guard the area if we IDK agree to give him info on any of their(high elves or dwarf)movements in the old world or something. He'd probably be happy to tear them up if they try and come through the area.

Mind you I don't think those are rational beliefs he holds but it sounds quite exploitable to me.
Turn 13 (2115 IC)
Turn 13 (2115 IC)

Khotan had been right, the Chapter had leapt from flame to flame, stamping each out in turn but expending precious resources in each one, worn down by poor intelligence and the fundamentally abnormal nature of Mallus itself. The final Neophytes of the Arabyan tithe had matured, with three new squads of Marines formed from their survivors, but it would be another five years before the Norscan Neophytes would mature, providing the whole two companies of Battle Brothers they were expected to produce. In turn, the airforce of the Chapter had never been in poorer shape, with the Thunderhawks having taken terrible losses in particular.

The Imperium-on-Mallus more widely also still hadn't established many of the elements necessary for a colonisation mission. They hadn't been set up for such a mission, but still, the Mechanicus were continually working to establish new resource extraction zones or sub-forges. Despite being secure in their fastnesses, Khotan at least counselled against precipitous expansion, the old Forgemaster didn't necessarily fear defeat, but rather an poorly considered strategic expansion outwards. With the Imperium's air assets it wasn't completely necessary to have contigous territory, but it would certainly help to reduce the complexity of the Compliance.

Khotan's arguments had proven successful though, and Amra had ordered his officers to prepare proposals for long term action. There were many options, but such long term planning would soon take precedent over the smaller reactive actions the Lions had previously undertaken…

I want to accelerate the pace of the quest, and also resolve a few of the 'busywork' issues of the basically mandatory actions. I'd also prefer to write the results of one big action rather than 10 smaller ones, so here you'll pick from larger options. Instead of conquering bits of the Badlands, you'll conquer it all at once in a single big action (if you choose to).

I want to be somewhat flexible in this one, so voting isn't open immediately. I generally welcome comments on the action economy of this turn. I'm also probably not going to do an econ turn again? Or at least not now. Maybe I'll do one at the end of this big set of 10 year actions. I'll see how I feel. I've also probably been less detailed than I could be in the descriptions for actions, feel free to ask for clarification.

For each category, you'll pick major and minor actions. Major actions represent significant effort on the Chapter's part, whereas minor actions represent a less intense effort. For example, a major action on Badlands conquest would be marching systematically across it with the Knights in front and clearing out every Greenskin you can find. A minor action comparably might be to just cull the Greenskins to more manageable numbers, kill a few Warbosses or Nobs, that sort of thing. The number of actions will depend on the capabilities of the Imperium-on-Mallus (you're great a war, not so great at intrigue for example).

I don't really mind how this is represented, as long as it's clear, you could for example do: [X] [Major] [Martial] 'Badlands stuff'.

Write-ins permitted subject to my checks and approval. Modifications to actions also permitted.

Diplomacy (Choose 1 major, 1 minor)

Confessor Hermina is occupied ruling Medes, but still manages the Chapter's diplomatic efforts.
[ ] Sigmar's Heirs
The reactions of the Empire have been distinctly mixed to the Chapter's arrival. Undertake a programme of specific diplomacy, establishing embassies, treaties of trade and friendship, and other diplomatic considerations. Given the Imperium's clear superiority, Sigmar's Heirs will surely swiftly accept Imperial dominion?

[ ] Southern Realms
Enter diplomacy and provide support for the Southern Realms of Tilea, Estalia and the Border Princes in return for fealty. If at the end they do not succumb, deploy the Lions to teach them better.

[ ] Sisters of the Word
The Imperial Creed is rather weak on Mallus. Command a massive expansion of the Hospitalliers to strengthen their organisation and iterate Terra's Truth across the Old World, with the associated other benefits of the Ordo such as the actual Hospitallier services.

[ ] Apostle to the Abhumans
Though debased and depraved, the Abhuman too is worth of the Emperor's Light, send out missionaries to the various Abhuman kingdoms on Mallus.

[ ] Subversion
The Chapter has resolved to steadily subvert the existing structures of the Imperial organisations on Mallus. Galannus proposes to push this work forward, using diplomacy, intrigues, and bureaucracy to replicate functions and create intentional confusion among the non-serf organisations such as the remnants of the Imperial Fleet elements or the Sororitas. While these organisations may die without support and therefore not trouble the Chapter's New Order, if they aren't subverted now they are more likely to die without their capabilities being passed on, or that their hearts be hardened to Amra's command.

Stewardship (Choose 2 major, 1 minor)
While the Magi and the Techmarines maintain some view over various matters, Arch-Factor Galannus has also taken responsibility for various questions of internal organisation.
[ ] Resource Extraction
The Imperium-on-Mallus has enough resources and extraction activity to keep itself going and build up a small surplus, but a far larger surplus will be necessary to uplift the world.

[ ] Repair
Much was lost or damaged in the fleet's landing, and events have precluded the repair of various equipment, but now it must be accomplished, especially the Thunderhawks.

[ ] Expand Production Facilities
As well as resource extraction, the Imperium also needs production facilities to enable various items to be produced at scale, rather than in the artisanal methods used so far. Expand facilities to produce common items such as consumer goods, but also basic military equipment including small arms, Chimeras, or Valkyries in larger quantities.

[ ] Establish New Facilities
While some equipment is relatively easy to produce at scale, other more exotic items must have special facilities to produce, such as power armour or special weapons like plasmaguns.

[ ] Uplift
Mallus is a feudal world. Now is the time to begin to change that. Raise Medes and Araby to the technological level of Civilised Worlds, establishing a much expanded system of settlements, transport and other infrastructure in the jungles of the Southlands and the Land of Assassins, as well as in Norsca and perhaps Solland.

Martial (Choose 2 major, 1 minor)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, directs the military operations of the Imperium.
[ ] Scourge the Remnants
There are a large number of wandering bands of enemies about in the various territories of Mallus. Set the Chapter to hunting down the Amputari, the remaining Greenskins in the Southlands, as well as larger herds of Beastmen in the Empire or the final wandering undead in Araby. While these are perhaps not the most dangerous enemies, they are varied and spread across a large area, and could cause trouble in time.

[ ] Lion Guard and Holy Militia
Establish a true Militarum, strengthening the Lion Guard into a professional force of fifty thousands, with associated vehicles and support personnel, and able to undertake independent operations, strengthened by the Holy Militia, the Mallus Planetary Defence Force and a reserve organisation of greater numbers but poorer equipment to the Lion Guard.

[ ] The Soon-to-be-Alrightlands
Purge the Badlands from the Dragonback Mountains to the Marshes of Madness and the gates of Barak Varr. Set forth the Knights of Kollosi and the indefatigable Metallican war-cohorts to bring death to the Greenskins and assorted horrors of the land.

[ ] Nehekhara the Great
Push into the desert, take the dead in their cities and end the undead menace.

[ ] Aid to the Electors
Send military aid to Sigmar's Heirs in their present wars, primarily concentrating on the Vampires of Sylvannia and the territories of Solland, but expanding out after to the most pressing threats.

Intrigue (Choose 2 minor)
Black Nassor, Master of the Watch, keeps a close eye on developments across the world which might threaten the Chapter.
[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands across the world, and the peoples therein.

[ ] Assassins and Witches
Hunt down and root out the final remnants of the Assassins and Djinncallers, known to have fled Araby before the conclusion of Araby's conquest. The trail is long cold, but it would be better to find them before they completely go to ground.

[ ] Watchers Abroad
Nassor suggests the expansion of his intelligence networks into all human kingdoms, and even some Abhuman ones.

[ ] Dens of Monsters
Seek out the strongholds of the Tomb Kings of Nehekhara and the Greenskins of the Badlands and see them dead, their operations sabotaged, and their forces disrupted. Move on, hit dens of monsters across the Old World and show them the Emperor's Fury.

Learning (Choose 1 major, 2 minor)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief Librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter, and is assisted by Explorator Magos Magna-Thal to investigate the various mysteries of Mallus.
[ ] Psysmiths
Set Hath-Horeb to investigation, experimentation, and production of various psycho-conductive artefacts for a variety of purposes, and equip a facility for such work in future, enabling more precise and efficient operation in time.

[ ] Warpcrafters
In addition to items, there are whole traditions to study of the Mallusian psychic arts. Hath-Horeb intends to investigate the native traditions, using his formidable intellect to master them, if he can, and to integrate useful elements into his own arts. Additionally, the Spiritwalker has proposed a horrific idea, a project to actually induce the psyker gene in matured Marines, instead of it manifesting supposedly randomly.

[ ] Genewrights
Have Thalis continue his projects investigating the potential to modify Astartes gene-seed, working (very quietly) with the Genetors to modify certain aspects, including attempting to discover the secrets of the Blood-slaves and proceeding with Rapid Zygote Implantation to improve the process of Astartes maturation more generally.

[ ] Studying Ancient Works
There are clear signs of genetic tampering on Mallus, from the Abhuman species to even the superior genetics of the ancient Nehekharans, the supposed first humans on Mallus. Can these secrets be somehow used to improve Astartes maturations?

[ ] Abhumaning About
The Abhuman species of Mallus have diverged significantly from the Terran Norm, both in physicality, sociology, and even in psychic tradition. Study all aspects of these species and see what might be learnt.

Personal (Choose 1 major)
The Chapter Master has undergone many changes, but he remains a capable leader.
[ ] Personal Attention
Amra directs an action from the other categories. Actions should be chosen in consideration to Amra's specific appearance and the effects this might have.

[ ] Train Specialists
Though the Metallica Brotherhoods and the Chambers of the Lions each have a decent number of specialists, from Apothecaries to Magi, a programme of expanded training will have to eventually be undertaken to at least double the numbers of specialists in the various Imperial organisations.

[ ] The Lion's Pride
Amra firstly must have a Veil, a suit of armour to hide his appearance so that he can interact with others without suspicion, but there are also matters that the Chapter Master must attend to within the Chapter, such as appointments to make for new officers, or the rousing of the Chapter's Ancients among the Dreadnoughts. While these aren't essential, the Chapter will run more efficiently with suitable commanders, and a Chapter Master who can actually be seen in public.
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Heck yeah good to see some experimentation in the format, also btw before I jump to the planning I wanted to wish you well for getting the quest above 3,000 posts. I've seen innumerable Warhammer quests die premature deaths on this site so it took a long time for me to truly grasp that that wouldn't be happening here.

Anyway, I feel like I've been discussing my plans for this section for ages now so I'm glad of the lack of moratorium this time!
I'll edit this into a tentative plan if the further wider discussion is required.

[X]Plan: Daggers and Delving
Personal: [X]Write in: Modified Lion's Pride
-[X] Amra will investigate raising the Ancient Dreadnaughts and if he finds himself with time attempting to soulbond pyschers.
Soulbinding pyschers is something amra might be able to do and if so we need not continue to lose valued servants to the warp. Awakening the dreadnoughts because the chapter is going through pivotal growing pains and the wisdom of the ancients may help us thrive through this agony.
Plus regardless of their hibernations, they are still our brothers, if something has been harming them and we can act against it..well I asume the codex Astartes would approve.
Learning: Major
[X] Abhumaning About
Five of the major power blocks of this planets are made of Abhumans, if we plan on integrating any of them widely it would be most wise to have at least a basic understanding of them. Those we are unwilling to embrace must be destroyed, doing so effectivley also relies on knowing their operations.
I'm also guessing that studying giantspeech was folded into this option and I want to be able to speak to them for reasons of practicality.
Learning: Minor
[X] Studying Ancient Works.
[X] Genewrights
The longer we stumble around with no clue what tech we are sitting on the longer we expose ourselves to grave peril. The Marines still know almost nothing of the black pyramid, the polar gates, the space ships of the lizardmen and more that could potentially bite us very very hard later on. Plus this synergizes well with the previous vote.
It seems our chapter may be forced to survive on far smaller numbers for longer than is remotely comfortable, if we do not choose quantity amongst our forcees than I reckon maximizing quality must be vital to preventing our extinction.

Intrigue Major:
[X] Assassins and Witches

Reasoning: Our passivity regarding the fleeing foe has already harmed us more often than not, our enemies have for the most part proven relentlessly hostile( *wink* not us, of tho *wink*) and have likely already formed new chaos cults where they have hidden. This is unacceptable.

Intrigue Minor: [X] Watchers Abroad

Reasoning: Synchronizes well with the above.

Martial Major: [X] Lion Guard and Holy Militia
[X] Aid to the Electors

Sometimes actions speak louder than words, and it's time we showed this world that our words about being worthy rulers are not (complete) deluded fantasies. Plus crosstraining our troops now may inspire loyalty between them that may save us from internecine strife later.

Pluus who boy Drakwald Province as a permanent training ground for wooded stuff, a source of frontiersmen recruits, silk production? I see no downsides we wouldn't suffer in the worst bits of the empire anyway.
Sylvania could be even better, the natives are warp resilient, the land probably rich in peat and gold and we get to learn about vampirism, all wins in my book.

The empire in general has a lot of fertile lands we could also gain access too by aiding the elector counts, food being a needed factor for raising the worlds population afterall.

Martial Minor:
[X] Scourge the Remnants

Reason: Self-justifying really, not only firmly establishes control in previously shaky area but gives our forces something to fight against thats a bit less lethal than dread saurians, tomb swarms, rat ogres, etc.

[X] Uplift
Mallus is a feudal world. Now is the time to begin to change that. Raise Medes and Araby to the technological level of Civilised Worlds, establishing a much expanded system of settlements, transport and other infrastructure in the jungles of the Southlands and the Land of Assassins, as well as in Norsca and perhaps Solland.
[X] Resource Extraction
The Imperium-on-Mallus has enough resources and extraction activity to keep itself going and build up a small surplus, but a far larger surplus will be necessary to uplift the world.

Self Justifying, also I assume can include things I quite like as economic starting blocks such as breeding grox, starting to export dyes, taming pegasi, establishing fishing fleets, etc.

[X] Repair

While vastly important it does pale a bit in comparison to actually having the resources to build more things in the future, I think.

Major: [X] Subversion
Minor:[X] Apostle to the Abhumans

These both Synchronize very well with all the above. Plus settling Naggoroth, Ulthuan, mountains of mourne, and more with frontiersmen will take comparative ages and likely stir more resentment against us than earning converts in those lands. Subversion is essential for preventing our own forces from trying to purge us in the future.
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I think the abhumans can be put off for now until better progress is done with the diplomacy tree in the Empire.

Otherwise the uplift action can't unfortunately be put off much longer because of the Arabyan refugees. The repair action will see to the maintenance of existing equipment and facilities.

I think it'll work out better this way.


[ ] Sigmar's Heirs
The reactions of the Empire have been distinctly mixed to the Chapter's arrival. Undertake a programme of specific diplomacy, establishing embassies, treaties of trade and friendship, and other diplomatic considerations. Given the Imperium's clear superiority, Sigmar's Heirs will surely swiftly accept Imperial dominion?

[ ] Subversion
The Chapter has resolved to steadily subvert the existing structures of the Imperial organisations on Mallus. Galannus proposes to push this work forward, using diplomacy, intrigues, and bureaucracy to replicate functions and create intentional confusion among the non-serf organisations such as the remnants of the Imperial Fleet elements or the Sororitas. While these organisations may die without support and therefore not trouble the Chapter's New Order, if they aren't subverted now they are more likely to die without their capabilities being passed on, or that their hearts be hardened to Amra's command.


[ ] Uplift
Mallus is a feudal world. Now is the time to begin to change that. Raise Medes and Araby to the technological level of Civilised Worlds, establishing a much expanded system of settlements, transport and other infrastructure in the jungles of the Southlands and the Land of Assassins, as well as in Norsca and perhaps Solland.
[ ] Resource Extraction
The Imperium-on-Mallus has enough resources and extraction activity to keep itself going and build up a small surplus, but a far larger surplus will be necessary to uplift the world.

[ ] Repair
Much was lost or damaged in the fleet's landing, and events have precluded the repair of various equipment, but now it must be accomplished, especially the Thunderhawks.


[ ] Scourge the Remnants
There are a large number of wandering bands of enemies about in the various territories of Mallus. Set the Chapter to hunting down the Amputari, the remaining Greenskins in the Southlands, as well as larger herds of Beastmen in the Empire or the final wandering undead in Araby. While these are perhaps not the most dangerous enemies, they are varied and spread across a large area, and could cause trouble in time.

[ ] Lion Guard and Holy Militia
Establish a true Militarum, strengthening the Lion Guard into a professional force of fifty thousands, with associated vehicles and support personnel, and able to undertake independent operations, strengthened by the Holy Militia, the Mallus Planetary Defence Force and a reserve organisation of greater numbers but poorer equipment to the Lion Guard.

[ ] Aid to the Electors
Send military aid to Sigmar's Heirs in their present wars, primarily concentrating on the Vampires of Sylvannia and the territories of Solland, but expanding out after to the most pressing threats.


[ ] Assassins and Witches
Hunt down and root out the final remnants of the Assassins and Djinncallers, known to have fled Araby before the conclusion of Araby's conquest. The trail is long cold, but it would be better to find them before they completely go to ground.

[ ] Watchers Abroad
Nassor suggests the expansion of his intelligence networks into all human kingdoms, and even some Abhuman ones.


[ ] Genewrights
Have Thalis continue his projects investigating the potential to modify Astartes gene-seed, working (very quietly) with the Genetors to modify certain aspects, including attempting to discover the secrets of the Blood-slaves and proceeding with Rapid Zygote Implantation to improve the process of Astartes maturation more generally.

[ ] Psysmiths
Set Hath-Horeb to investigation, experimentation, and production of various psycho-conductive artefacts for a variety of purposes, and equip a facility for such work in future, enabling more precise and efficient operation in time.

[ ] Studying Ancient Works
There are clear signs of genetic tampering on Mallus, from the Abhuman species to even the superior genetics of the ancient Nehekharans, the supposed first humans on Mallus. Can these secrets be somehow used to improve Astartes maturations?


[ ] The Lion's Pride
Amra firstly must have a Veil, a suit of armour to hide his appearance so that he can interact with others without suspicion, but there are also matters that the Chapter Master must attend to within the Chapter, such as appointments to make for new officers, or the rousing of the Chapter's Ancients among the Dreadnoughts. While these aren't essential, the Chapter will run more efficiently with suitable commanders, and a Chapter Master who can actually be seen in public.
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So our main difference in thinking almost entirely boils down to *how* to win over the sigmarian imperials? If so neat!

On not taking abhuman actions...
...we really don't want to have our giants be isolated any longer than needed given how they are already proving their worth it looks like by being great loggers.

It's not the worst thing but it is a large worry for me.
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So our main difference in thinking almost entirely boils down to *how* to win over the sigmarian imperials? If so neat!

On not taking abhuman actions...
...we really don't want to have our giants be isolated any longer than needed given how they are already proving their worth it looks like by being great loggers.

It's not the worst thing but it is a large worry for me.
There will be one. I hope they like needles. Shouldn't be much of an issue managing them.

Otherwise not much in terms of importance. I don't see much to prioritise except geneseed and diplomacy with the Empire because the Ulricans are upset.

I think it would be benefical to have Hath-Horeb set up a facility for more psy war gear if it'll net runic wargear because the Lions get a facility set up for it although abhumaning about might still be benefical to do instead because he'll still need to learn the native's psychic traditions.
Well theres also the issue of really really not wanting to give the high elves who were in one of their worst isolationist phases...a bad outlook on us.

I don't want bad relations with the dudes who invented the vortex and whos descendants invented things like black arcs and teleporting crystals.
I have no doubt we could beat them eventually but the cost would be eye watering.
Well theres also the issue of really really not wanting to give the high elves who were in one of their worst isolationist phases...a bad outlook on us.

I don't want bad relations with the dudes who invented the vortex and whos descendants invented things like black arcs and teleporting crystals.
I have no doubt we could beat them eventually but the cost would be eye watering.
I would prefer that be done after expanding the hospitallers and the subversion is done.