What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
I like the designs 10ebbor10, but had ideas for some more:

-[] M-13 Star Crusader Void Superiority Fighter
----[X] Plasma gun Package : This package replaces the weapons with slow firing high damage plasma cannon interned to damage ship hulls when there are no targets needing fighters.

-[] M-14 Star Noble Void Superiority Fighter
--[] A variant of the Star Crusader designed for limited deployment to elite augmented squadrons it includes a ion shield and is designed from the ground up to require a augmented crew
The M-14 is kinda redundant with the next gen package, though I'm not sure which of the two to scrap...
[X] Plan: Aerospace Museum Exhibits

----[X] Aegis class Scout : Equipped with extended range life support and sensor equipment rather than more weaponry, the Aegis class scout is intended to be deployed on specially designed scout vessels. To this end, this highly expensive scout has been equipped with limited psytech letting it cooperate with an Orrery aboard a craft.
I still don't know why we're trying to make a fighter scout.
[X] Plan: Aerospace Museum Exhibits

I still don't know why we're trying to make a fighter scout.

So, that I can put some scout fighters on a light scout cruiser, allowing us to scout stuff in more detail and faster?

Easier to sneak in a smaller craft to look for stuff than a big one too.

Edit: And since we're voting now, I should probably finish up the draft? I think I'll just borrow the other's plan's light bomber and boarding craft, they're good ideas.
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@10ebbor10 I'm pretty sure that @HeroCooky wouldn't have suggested putting in plasma guns for fighters if it wouldn't have improved it in some way.

At the very least the sheer damage output would be improved over the standard lascannon. And given how our baseline tech is improving over Imperial baseline, I don't think its right to make the assumption that plasma weapons we'll use will be that slow firing.
@10ebbor10 I'm pretty sure that @HeroCooky wouldn't have suggested putting in plasma guns for fighters if it wouldn't have improved it in some way.
Technically the suggestion was to have the plasma guns as an addition for a specialist frame, not as standard issue equipment. Which is how they've been included.

Unfortunately I don't have a big list of every available weapon technology and how they relate to one another, so I can't tell you anything about the specific differences.
Technically the suggestion was to have the plasma guns as an addition for a specialist frame, not as standard issue equipment. Which is how they've been included.

Unfortunately I don't have a big list of every available weapon technology and how they relate to one another, so I can't tell you anything about the specific differences.
The wording I'm objecting to is your Plasma gun specialist package specifically says the plasma cannons you are picking are slow firing. Which is a malus that does not need to be specified.
--[X] Lore: A full 10% larger than the already gigantic "Five Star", the Armaggedon class Superheavy bomber, follows the same design considerations as the old Five Star, then doubles down upon them. With heavy armor and multi-turret coverage, the design is a though nut to crack on the battlefield, a feature that is only supplemented by a forward facing directional ion field and the targeting confusing refractive coating. More important than design changes is the alteration of typical crew loadouts, with provision of 1 Yeeni/Star Magos and 1 Kil'drabi /heavy augment engineer to provide substantial damage control capabilities. Like it's predecessor, the Amaggedon is not fast, and requires on fighter cover for maximum effectiveness.
I really don't know about this, there is a limit to it and I don't want to go the Star Wars Sequel Star Bomber approach. It feels we are putting more requirements to it and while the defenses and firepower are good it feels slowing down the speed even more.
[X] Plan: Aerospace Museum Exhibits (Incomplete)
-[X] M-13 Star Crusader Void Superiority Fighter
--[X] Lore: The Star Crusader is remarkably similar to it's predecessor, despite the latter being near 5 centuries old. This, more than anything, is illustrative of the technological priorities of the Glimmering Federation, which in all that time has only designed a handful of new domestic weapon systems, as well as reverse engineering some other weapons from other races. What the Star Crusader is instead, is a design honed to perfection. Every part of the Star Raptor has been re-examined, reworked, and redesigned from the ground up to cut costs, improve automatic construction, decrease size and more, culminating in a design that provides twice the capability for half the cost.
---[X] Specialist Frames
----[X] Necrolich class Drone carrier : The Necrolich class drone carrier replaces the standard missiles modules of the Star Crusader with a vast array of servo skulls. These can provide mobile repair and sabotage, using a short burst booster and high power magnet to jump from strikecraft to strikecraft.
----[X] Archer class Autofighter : A Kil'drabi design, the Archer class is in all circumstances inferior to normal, manned strikecraft. However, it is cheap, it is tiny, and it's automated. Most effectively used with manned strikecraft as formation leaders, with the archers carrying an expanded missile arsenal for a devastating alpha strike. Lattice work hulls mean that most of the craft are actually recoverable after battle even when disabled.
----[X] Aegis class Scout : Equipped with extended range life support and sensor equipment rather than more weaponry, the Aegis class scout is intended to be deployed on specially designed scout vessels. To this end, this highly expensive scout has been equipped with limited psytech letting it cooperate with an Orrery aboard a craft.
----[X] Nagato class Trainer : A four seater variant of the Star Crusader. Keeping to the same physical dimension, the 2 by 2 layout is rather snug, but it does allow the fighter to simulate the piloting characteristics of almost any other fighter. Enhanced MMI uplinks allow students direct hands on experience, experiencing teachers actions as their own, and vice versa. Not intended for combat operations
----[X] Ignition Survivability Kit : An add on kit to upgrade the survivability of the Crusader in high threat environments. Features a forward or rearward mounted directional ion shield, a choice of applique armor coatings, and reinforced hull elements.
----[X] Big Slam Ground-Air Warfare kit : An Add on kit to allow the Star Crusader to operate effectively in aerospace combat. Mostly consists out of applique heat shielding to vulnerable components, additional radar elements and processing power to deal with ground clutter, and a rough terrain landing and take-of kit.
----[X] Next Gen Performance Package : If there's one area in which the Federation has advanced, it's in the quality of healthcare available to it's all it's citizens, and the provisioning of advanced augmentations to all it's citizens. The Next gen series of field upgrades to the M13 Star Crusader offer vastly increased maneuverability, payload and speed, but feature internal g-forces and cognitive load well above human baseline. Only heavily augmented pilots can expect to survive and command these ships effectively.
----[X] Plasma Gun Package : This package replaces the weapons with slow firing high damage plasma cannon interned to damage ship hulls when there are no targets needing fighters.
----[X] Interceptor package : Fits 4 underwing cannon pods, firing proximity detonating shells to aid in missile interception duties
-[X] S-59 Armageddon SuperHeavy Bomber
--[X] Lore: A full 10% larger than the already gigantic "Five Star", the Armaggedon class Superheavy bomber, follows the same design considerations as the old Five Star, then doubles down upon them. With heavy armor and multi-turret coverage, the design is a though nut to crack on the battlefield, a feature that is only supplemented by a forward facing directional ion field and the targeting confusing refractive coating. More important than design changes is the alteration of typical crew loadouts, with provision of 1 Yeeni/Star Magos and 1 Kil'drabi /heavy augment engineer to provide substantial damage control capabilities. Like it's predecessor, the Amaggedon is not fast, and requires on fighter cover for maximum effectiveness.
---[X] Specialist Frames
----[X] Testudo : A gunship variant on the S-59, doubling up it's every turret, swapping most weapons to plasma equivalents, and installing a (miniaturized) rotary autocannon in it's bomb bay
----[X] Rad Weaponry authorization : A modified radiation bomb, intended to disable enemy crew and shield systems. The High radioactivity of the weaponry necessitates additional shielding of the primary bomb bays.
----[X] Cauterization Weaponry : Derived from anti-ork ecological practices, this combination of overpressure bombs and incendiary missiles is largely ineffective in space, but excellent for burning down planetary targets
----[X] EWAR Conversion
-[X] Waterskimmer refresh : The waterskimmer is not all that old, and thus not in need of major redesign. The Upgraded variant has mostly been economized and rationalized to push down costs.
---[X] Specialist Frame
-----[X] Skull Monarch: Waterskimmer equipped with a hold full of servo-skulls
-----[X] Hive Queen : Waterskimmer carrying void rated Anansi light mechs
-----[X] Rad Regent : Waterskimmer armed with radiation warheads
-----[X] Survivability package : Ionshielding and applique armor
-----[X] Stealth package : Good for silent running
-[X] Broadsword Assault Craft
--[X] Lore: The Broadsword assault craft is a larger cousin of the WaterSkimmer assault craft. Where the WaterSkimmer focuses on utilizing boarding assaults to disable enemy gundecks, the Broadsword is meant to brave its way through enemy point defense and slam home into the most efficient locations for assaulting enemy command bridges and engineering spaces to capture or scuttle the target vessels. To accomplish this the Broadsword's blunt plow is equipped with two tools. First is an overcharged meltacannon of terrifying strength that will weaken and melt its way through the enemy hull, and the second is a shortlived powerfield covering the plow to take advantage of the weakened hull to press the assault home. In order to allow the Broadsword to make its approach the craft is equipped with a heavy ion shield as well as an advanced composite armor to provide protection for the critical approach. It also possesses point defense turrets and smaller boarding support turrets that can be deployed to support the assault while embedded in the enemy vessel.
-[X] Infiltrator Light Bomber
--[X] Much smaller than the 100 meter armageddon behemoth, or the previous Five Star, this 4 person, 30 meter long bomber goes for speed and maneuverability over endurance. It's payload is correspondingly smaller, but it is still equiped with a deadly load of armor penetrating bombs, or standoff rad torpedoes.

Thoughts and notes :
1) I didn't stick ions on everything, because those things are actually expensive
2) I don't really expect to see the trainer on any warship, it's just an in-joke about it being mutually incompatible with the daring ignition design
3) I didn't fit plasma cannons, because they're not actually better? Plasma cannons are longer ranged, but fighters are designed for close in engagements.
4) I reduced air-void operations to a mission module, because we don't really use it all that often?
5) Got bored, still have to add a few craft from other people?
I don't know why but re-reading this vote reminds me of Star Wars Squadrons
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Aug 14, 2024 at 1:56 PM, finished with 24 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Improved Baseline and Specialists
    -[X] M-12 Star Guardian Air-Void Superiority Fighter
    --[X] Lore: The successor to the Star Raptor, the Star Guardian is the next-generation air-void superiority fighter designed to take advantage of improving baseline technology of the Federation as well as the lessons learned from the Star Raptor's venerable service. The Star Guardian's primary weapon consists of a pair of plasma cannons as well as a nose-mounted hotshot scatter laser to serve as the backup to the plasma weapons. The Star Guardian has an enlarged, modular internal bay for various payloads, though typically they will utilize a large brace of anti-fighter missiles, they will also carry decoys for anti-shipping strikes. To round out the weapons the fighter is equipped with a rear-facing turret to protect its flanks against enemy craft and missiles. For protection, the Star Guardian utilizes advanced composite armor as well as an ion shield adapted for void-craft use.
    -[X] S-51 Pentagon Heavy Bomber
    --[X] Lore: A third-generation successor to the venerable Five Star bomber. The Pentagon is meant to be a bomber that can survive and succeed in a harsher battlefield compared to the Five Star. The Pentagon retains a heavy munitions load and defensive turrets. However, the primary difference is the utilization of Refractive hull coating to confuse enemy point defenses as well as an ion shield to improve the ability of the Pentagon to successfully deliver its payload to its target. The heavy bomber also possesses a stronger engine bay to allow improved speed over its predecessor.
    -[X] Broadsword Assault Craft
    --[X] Lore: The Broadsword assault craft is a larger cousin of the WaterSkimmer assault craft. Where the WaterSkimmer focuses on utilizing boarding assaults to disable enemy gundecks, the Broadsword is meant to brave its way through enemy point defense and slam home into the most efficient locations for assaulting enemy command bridges and engineering spaces to capture or scuttle the target vessels. To accomplish this the Broadsword's blunt plow is equipped with two tools. First is an overcharged meltacannon of terrifying strength that will weaken and melt its way through the enemy hull, and the second is a shortlived powerfield covering the plow to take advantage of the weakened hull to press the assault home. In order to allow the Broadsword to make its approach the craft is equipped with a heavy ion shield as well as an advanced composite armor to provide protection for the critical approach. It also possesses point defense turrets and smaller boarding support turrets that can be deployed to support the assault while embedded in the enemy vessel.
    -[X] S-47 Stilleto Strike Bomber
    --[X] Lore: The Stilleto is a smaller, faster cousin of the Pentagon heavy bomber. Instead of heavy anti-ship warheads the Stilleto is designed to carry and utilize Rad-bombs. The ordinance was specifically meant for disrupting and overloading warship shields instead of dealing direct damage to the hull. Much like the Pentagon, the Stilleto has defensive turrets, ion shields, and refractive hull coating all to support its role as a anti-shield bomber.
    -[X] M-4 Perseus Interceptor
    --[X] Lore: A departure from older Federation fighter designs. The Perseus is a fighter meant purely to be the bane of enemy fighters and bombers and eschews any pretense of ship strike support roles. Its primary armament is a void-adapted Star Impulse rotary lascannon backed up by twin-link plasma cannons. While it possesses a missile bay, unlike the Star Raptor or the Star Guardian, the Perseus eschews modular mission modules in exchange for being able to support even more anti-fighter and anti-bomber missiles. Utilizing a reinforced inertial dampener system to keep the pilot alive the Perseus' powerful engines allow it to outmaneuver its opponents. It is protected by an ion shield and a light composite armor.
    -[X] O-6 Constellation Support Craft
    --[X] Lore: An unusual design for a strikecraft. The Constellation is large for a strikecraft. Yet despite its size, it is not meant for combat. It is instead meant to augment the capability of other fighters and bombers by providing refueling and rearmament without having to return to the mothership by utilizing various automation improvements and Yeeni mechanical expertise for remote operation of equipment needed to achieve this. The Constellation is usually used to allow extended-range strikes to provide additional safe distance for the carriers.
    [X] Plan: Aerospace Museum Exhibits (Incomplete)
    -[X] M-13 Star Crusader Void Superiority Fighter
    --[X] Lore: The Star Crusader is remarkably similar to it's predecessor, despite the latter being near 5 centuries old. This, more than anything, is illustrative of the technological priorities of the Glimmering Federation, which in all that time has only designed a handful of new domestic weapon systems, as well as reverse engineering some other weapons from other races. What the Star Crusader is instead, is a design honed to perfection. Every part of the Star Raptor has been re-examined, reworked, and redesigned from the ground up to cut costs, improve automatic construction, decrease size and more, culminating in a design that provides twice the capability for half the cost.
    ---[X] Specialist Frames
    ----[X] Necrolich class Drone carrier : The Necrolich class drone carrier replaces the standard missiles modules of the Star Crusader with a vast array of servo skulls. These can provide mobile repair and sabotage, using a short burst booster and high power magnet to jump from strikecraft to strikecraft.
    ----[X] Archer class Autofighter : A Kil'drabi design, the Archer class is in all circumstances inferior to normal, manned strikecraft. However, it is cheap, it is tiny, and it's automated. Most effectively used with manned strikecraft as formation leaders, with the archers carrying an expanded missile arsenal for a devastating alpha strike. Lattice work hulls mean that most of the craft are actually recoverable after battle even when disabled.
    ----[X] Aegis class Scout : Equipped with extended range life support and sensor equipment rather than more weaponry, the Aegis class scout is intended to be deployed on specially designed scout vessels. To this end, this highly expensive scout has been equipped with limited psytech letting it cooperate with an Orrery aboard a craft.
    ----[X] Nagato class Trainer : A four seater variant of the Star Crusader. Keeping to the same physical dimension, the 2 by 2 layout is rather snug, but it does allow the fighter to simulate the piloting characteristics of almost any other fighter. Enhanced MMI uplinks allow students direct hands on experience, experiencing teachers actions as their own, and vice versa. Not intended for combat operations
    ----[X] Ignition Survivability Kit : An add on kit to upgrade the survivability of the Crusader in high threat environments. Features a forward or rearward mounted directional ion shield, a choice of applique armor coatings, and reinforced hull elements.
    ----[X] Big Slam Ground-Air Warfare kit : An Add on kit to allow the Star Crusader to operate effectively in aerospace combat. Mostly consists out of applique heat shielding to vulnerable components, additional radar elements and processing power to deal with ground clutter, and a rough terrain landing and take-of kit.
    ----[X] Next Gen Performance Package : If there's one area in which the Federation has advanced, it's in the quality of healthcare available to it's all it's citizens, and the provisioning of advanced augmentations to all it's citizens. The Next gen series of field upgrades to the M13 Star Crusader offer vastly increased maneuverability, payload and speed, but feature internal g-forces and cognitive load well above human baseline. Only heavily augmented pilots can expect to survive and command these ships effectively.
    ----[X] Plasma Gun Package : This package replaces the weapons with slow firing high damage plasma cannon interned to damage ship hulls when there are no targets needing fighters.
    ----[X] Interceptor package : Fits 4 underwing cannon pods, firing proximity detonating shells to aid in missile interception duties
    -[X] S-59 Armageddon SuperHeavy Bomber
    --[X] Lore: A full 10% larger than the already gigantic "Five Star", the Armaggedon class Superheavy bomber, follows the same design considerations as the old Five Star, then doubles down upon them. With heavy armor and multi-turret coverage, the design is a though nut to crack on the battlefield, a feature that is only supplemented by a forward facing directional ion field and the targeting confusing refractive coating. More important than design changes is the alteration of typical crew loadouts, with provision of 1 Yeeni/Star Magos and 1 Kil'drabi /heavy augment engineer to provide substantial damage control capabilities. Like it's predecessor, the Amaggedon is not fast, and requires on fighter cover for maximum effectiveness.
    ----[X] Testudo : A gunship variant on the S-59, doubling up it's every turret, swapping most weapons to plasma equivalents, and installing a (miniaturized) rotary autocannon in it's bomb bay
    ----[X] Rad Weaponry authorization : A modified radiation bomb, intended to disable enemy crew and shield systems. The High radioactivity of the weaponry necessitates additional shielding of the primary bomb bays.
    ----[X] Cauterization Weaponry : Derived from anti-ork ecological practices, this combination of overpressure bombs and incendiary missiles is largely ineffective in space, but excellent for burning down planetary targets
    ----[X] EWAR Conversion
    -[X] Waterskimmer refresh : The waterskimmer is not all that old, and thus not in need of major redesign. The Upgraded variant has mostly been economized and rationalized to push down costs.
    ---[X] Specialist Frame
    -----[X] Skull Monarch: Waterskimmer equipped with a hold full of servo-skulls
    -----[X] Hive Queen : Waterskimmer carrying void rated Anansi light mechs
    -----[X] Rad Regent : Waterskimmer armed with radiation warheads
    -----[X] Survivability package : Ionshielding and applique armor
    -----[X] Stealth package : Good for silent running
    -[X] Broadsword Assault Craft
    --[X] Lore: The Broadsword assault craft is a larger cousin of the WaterSkimmer assault craft. Where the WaterSkimmer focuses on utilizing boarding assaults to disable enemy gundecks, the Broadsword is meant to brave its way through enemy point defense and slam home into the most efficient locations for assaulting enemy command bridges and engineering spaces to capture or scuttle the target vessels. To accomplish this the Broadsword's blunt plow is equipped with two tools. First is an overcharged meltacannon of terrifying strength that will weaken and melt its way through the enemy hull, and the second is a shortlived powerfield covering the plow to take advantage of the weakened hull to press the assault home. In order to allow the Broadsword to make its approach the craft is equipped with a heavy ion shield as well as an advanced composite armor to provide protection for the critical approach. It also possesses point defense turrets and smaller boarding support turrets that can be deployed to support the assault while embedded in the enemy vessel.
    -[X] Infiltrator Light Bomber
    --[X] Much smaller than the 100 meter armageddon behemoth, or the previous Five Star, this 4 person, 30 meter long bomber goes for speed and maneuverability over endurance. It's payload is correspondingly smaller, but it is still equiped with a deadly load of armor penetrating bombs, or standoff rad torpedoes.
    [X] Plan: Aerospace Museum Exhibits
Tied. Next Vote is the tiebreaker.

We finally get the opportunity to define specialist frames, and then we just don't design many?

Like, I didn't particularly care for my choices, I only put them up because no one else was doing anything, but why would you not take the opportunity when we had it?
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We finally get the opportunity to define specialist frames, and then we just don't design many?

Like, I didn't particularly care for my choices, I only put them up because no one else was doing anything, but why would you not take the opportunity when we had it?

>tried a couple times design
>no one voted

never again,let the big planners do their job,they get the votes regardless,so why waste time?
I mean, this time there were barely any design votes and proposals, it was a real open field. I'm not one of the big planner, and neither is aceraptor.

This was anyone's vote to win;
940.M42 - Gather The Forces
Two months.

Two months to gather the forces, rouse the Machine-Spirits, ignite the engines, and fly toward ruin and death for the enemies of the Federation and all sapient existence.

Two months, where it was thought that the Federation would be the one with the finger on the trigger, and the gun to the Orks heads.

Turns out that two months were enough for refugees to flood into the Families, enough to conquer three worlds, make landfall on three more, and start conquering Sophian's Paradise, the stations nestled in the systems asteroid field turning into warzones of nauseating brutality and cold calculus of warfare within days, not helped at all by some Orks seemingly forgetting that they need to breathe air and walking around outside the stations to attack the defenders from behind.

Whatever plans, ideas, and hopes for the campaign had been made, they were useless now.

Evacuation efforts could only be carried out rimwards of Davaasin, Volion's Fall, and Conar, all other planets cut off by the ships and advances of the Orks.

Groups of Freebooterz roam the lanes terrawards, and it is only by the grace of the Star Child and the whims of the Ork Warboss that the WAAAGH has yet to continue with its rapid conquering.

Yet, not all is bleak in the face of over a hundred Ork ships equipped to the brim with Zzap Kannon, Tellyportas, and a wild disregard for "low-tech" Ork technology in favor of anything sparking with electricity, thunder, or exotic particles.

What fleets and ships managed to escape from the Orkish onslaught on their home systems have joined under one banner to retake the very same, while the Families have been quick to offer their assistance to the Federation "Crusade" in ships, supplies, slaves (though those were freed and shipped back to the Federation), and a generous salvage right forfeiture for the families after the battles are done.

Armed with another 3 SBGs worth in ships, though of varying quality and far more focused on short-range skirmishes, long-range sniper duels, and everything in-between that one could conjure, alongside some ships sporting exotic and dangerous weaponry that has the Star-Mechanicus salivate at the thought of studying them, the leading Admiral has their hands full to coordinate and plan out a new strategy.

New Plan:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In a new battle plan for how to take down the Orks.)
First thing we need to do is halt the ork advance I feel that's the starting point in any operation along with reliving worlds under attack being the next stage and the final stage pushing them fully out of the sub-sector. With perhaps follow up to pursue them into the next sub sector if needed.

With that in mind Conar, Volions Fall and Davaasin should be reinforced to block any immediate ork assault.
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Could we broadcast a message that the ork leader is a "Cowardly Git with no Teef" and drag him into a trap of some sort? Hammer and Anvil style? Or do we think he's too "Kunningly Brutal" to fall for it?
Small Hangars (Squadron/Support) - Hosting a squadron (12) of bombers and fighters or a duet of two Support Craft to extend Strike Craft operations, these hangars allow harassing actions of ships or bombing runs to be carried out. However, the mission expectancy of the pilots is usually in the lower double digits if not extensively supported. Can only be installed as a battery.

Medium Hangars - [Mixed/Fighter/Interceptor/Bomber/Rad-Bomber/Boarding] - Capable of holding either 2 squadrons (24) of fighters and 1 squadron (12) of bombers, four squadrons (48) of fighters, two squadrons (24) of interceptors, 2 squadrons (24) of bombers and 1 squadron (12) of figthers, 1 squadron (12) of Rad-Bombers and 2 squadrons (24) of fighters, or 3 squadrons (36) of boarding craft, these hangars allow a variety of missions to be carried out. However, the mission expectancy of the pilots is usually in the lower double digits if not extensively supported. Can only be installed as a battery. [DOCTRINE DISCOUNT - 1 DP Reduced]

vs old

Medium Hangars - [Mixed/Fighter/Bomber/Boarding] - Capable of holding either 2 squadrons (24) of fighters and 1 squadron (12) of bombers, four squadrons (48) of fighters, 2 squadrons (24) of bombers and 1 squadron of figthers (12), or 3 squadrons (36) of boarding craft these hangars allow a variety of missions to be carried out. However, the mission expectancy of the pilots is usually in the lower double digits if not extensively supported. Can only be installed as a battery. [DOCTRINE DISCOUNT - 1 DP Reduced]

Heavy Hangars - [Mixed/Fighter/Interceptor/Bomber/Rad-Bomber/Boarding] - Capable of holding either 3 squadrons (36) of fighters and 2 squadrons (24) of bombers, 6 squadrons (72) of fighters, three squadrons (36) of interceptors, 4 squadrons (48) of bombers and 1 squadron of figthers (12), 2 squadron (24) of Rad-Bombers and 3 squadrons (36) of fighters, or 5 squadrons (60) of boarding craft these hangars allow a variety of missions to be carried out. However, the mission expectancy of the pilots is usually in the lower double digits if not extensively supported. Can only be installed as a battery. [DOCTRINE DISCOUNT - 1 DP Reduced]

vs old

Heavy Hangars - [Mixed/Fighter/Bomber/Boarding] - Capable of holding either 3 squadrons (36) of fighters and 2 squadrons (24) of bombers, 6 squadrons (72) of fighters, 4 squadrons (48) of bombers and 1 squadron of figthers (12), or 5 squadrons (60) of boarding craft these hangars allow a variety of missions to be carried out. However, the mission expectancy of the pilots is usually in the lower double digits if not extensively supported. Can only be installed as a battery. [DOCTRINE DISCOUNT - 1 DP Reduced]

Anyway, new components.

No equipment or tactical extension packages as far as I can tell.

Broadsword has completely replaced the Waterskimmer, which means that the latter will never see action on screen. Kinda disappointed in that. I had hoped to see at least 1 porthole assault. The new is not actually a derivative or upgrade of the original design, it's a complete rework to make it basically a standard imperial assault craft.
We've unlocked the rad bomber mixed upgrade, which (bizarelly) despite being a much smaller craft fits far fewer bombers in one hangar?
Lastly, we've got the interceptor and standard fighters. TBH, I'm not sure what the difference between the two is supposed to be.

The Star Guardian is an air-superiority fighter (aka, a design intended to estabilish battlefield control by killing enemy fighters), while the Perseus is designed to estabilish battlefield control by killing enemy fighters. I suppose it's that the perseus is incapable of anti shipping strikes, but it's still a pretty weak difference. The Star guardian is heavily anti fighter focused as well, so it's only a tiny difference.

The support craft for extended supply is a unique capability, but I'm not sure how much use it'll see. Sending our strikecraft at the enemy fleet without having our own fleet there in support is pretty much a death sentence for them.
Decent for patrols, though.
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