What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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That's one of the things Civ XV gets us, is the ability to design ISCs and choose which of three possible bonuses we can get. As well as use more of them at once.

Though I think we can still describe them when we make a new ISC with actions, we just can't choose exactly what the bonus is. Like describe a union of void welders who specialize in building stuff and maybe it improves VI maybe it increases fleet build points maybe it does something else.

I wonder if we can get an ISC that cushions us from infastructure loss? Civilian aid agency or something.
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We'll run out of ways to improve our science without pskyers eventually.

>necrons disagree

pursuing a pure science with not warp is absolutely feasible
tho is kinda ironic that for a faith focused civilization,we are mostly materialistic in terms of tech,not out of any belief but simply because we been procastinating on psyker research

"later"-a glimmering federation priest regarding psy-tech

That's the classic prime directive debate, isn't it.

Because it's not just chaos, as chaos isn't the only source of suffering and death.
Plague, Famine, Crisis, War, deprivation.

All of those are not uncommon in your bronze age societies, and almost certainly far more moths are dying from preventable disease than falling to chaos.

to make it simple and short:

life sucks in many ways,and you gotta let people suffer in their own terms so they learn at their own pace
we should only intervene to stop existential threaths that surpass any capabilty of a primitive civilization to survive

(chaos infiltration,super natural disasters,pandemic super plagues etc)

but smaller (in the sense that civilization will continue and may learn from it) events like war,epidemics (local plagues),a couple nations collapse,the occasional conquest/genocide common to bronze age civs etc

we shouldnt intervene on those

just put them on observation and let time pass
why panic over a bronze age civ?
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Hey @HeroCooky! Once you said that a Song to boost our Development was possible. And Development, it's not really about technology progressing - that would be research - it's about the entire nation progressing through community efforts.
So would something like Progress/Community/Family/Unity work?
Not something we're likely to Sing before we're done with war with Van Zandt, but. Once we're done with that it would be cool to focus on development again for a while.

And we do have an auto Melody to pick this turn, so. We could take Community or Family.
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We could also leave it blank and get two randoms, that might be the better choice right now if we don't have any pressing needs.
Similarly it seems to me that it is through Void Industry that we... gain Void Industry. We can do all sorts of clever workarounds, but at the end of the day if we want Grand Cruisers one day, or we want to produce more ships, we have to take the options that... produce more ships?

I agree. People have been avoiding even talking about expanding our various industries ever since we got Sleeping Giant cause it'll take us 2 actions to get a level now, and while yeah, that kinda sucks, we also...need to keep expanding out industries? So at some point we're going to have to just start spending actions on them, 2/level be damned, unless we want our development levels to stay where they're at forever.

Sure there might be ways to game the system, but I'd kinda like to keep growing and getting more milestone traits as opposed to flailing in the dark looking for a way to circumvent the realities of expanding scale and the increase in resources that likewise requires.
Wait, we can do that? Just double our Melody research?

It's more "The choice is between 2 random Melodies or one specific one"

I agree. People have been avoiding even talking about expanding our various industries ever since we got Sleeping Giant cause it'll take us 2 actions to get a level now, and while yeah, that kinda sucks, we also...need to keep expanding out industries? So at some point we're going to have to just start spending actions on them, 2/level be damned, unless we want our development levels to stay where they're at forever.

Sure there might be ways to game the system, but I'd kinda like to keep growing and getting more milestone traits as opposed to flailing in the dark looking for a way to circumvent the realities of expanding scale and the increase in resources that likewise requires.

Work Smarter, not Harder, I think is the key here.
I have a recent long post with thoughts about taking the Hive and Agriworlds. Part of that is not building defenses at Ultima Sagritta because we will soon have to defend either Voxx Primus or Secundus when our infiltration of the Hive goes hot and defenses a system away won't help anymore. My preference is to invade Echish the next system over and create a choke point there we can fill with SBGs, defense stations and mine fields to hold off Van Zandt while we digest the Hive. What do you think?
Eh. my main thing is building up defenses so get get an idea of how it changes or affects things, take the place of a SBG since we only now just got 2 SBG and they are both tied up at Ultima Sagritta and only just in time to stop scouts from finding out about us. I don't mind for moving into Breskal and doing defenses there, it is a good wait to buy time for us to digest Voxx Primus. I am thinking in the short term to make sure we don't have any problems with holding them back we don't have to tie two fleets fleets for now. If it was built, then its a out of mind worry now solved and we don't have to worry about things. if things are that much then lets do what Dorn did and have it as a mobile fortress or something we can tow or move to Echish once we take Voxx Primus and Secundus. hell, make it a mobile Anchorage and fortress.

The Oracle stood on the pedestal, wings fully raised and extended by his own will and effort. The deep-blue eyes on the near translucent wings stared into the past and the future just as the Oracle did, but never into the present—curse and blessing of the Gods in one. Slowly, a chittering escaped their mouth, burning through the smoke and vapor of the holy fires surrounding the temple's inner sanctum.

"The Stars burn, and War calls," he spoke, arms raised against the skies. "A million million minds churn in hatred and desperation, and War calls. Ships of metal clash in empty skies as flames of soul lick upon the noble and the worker alike, and War calls." The words spread unease among the gathered nobility of warriors and rulers. "War Calls. The Stars Burn. War Calls. A spawn unborn takes the sword to its progenitor's reign. War Calls as the Stars Burn. Hungering Maws eat worlds, and Slaved Minds are roused to slaughter." The unease broke into whispered words and conversations; flutterings broke the smoke from some as they tried to decipher the words. "The Moving Star has shattered our innocence; its War calls all. We shall bow, or we shall perish when it returns with its children in tow. There Is Only War Among The Stars."

The Oracle collapsed, falling from the pedestal as gasps of horror and shock rang out.

An Ill Omen.
Ah so they are doing their own religious ceremonies that may or may not involve getting high and reciting what they see. Wings and insectoid species. and one that may be showing some events for us regarding Voxx Primus. Don't know how many turns until then but I think its getting to the point open war may happen. having the templars and building up the fleets would be a good thing to do for a turn. Though Moving Star? that's new and interesting. but yah this is fitting for warhammer 40k learning the stars only hold enteral war. feel bad for them.

Reality screams, a Wound In The Veil opens, a ship is spat from the Warp...and a hundred grasping hands of targeting methods caress its form before its captain and crew can shake off the unease of transition.

Their eyes see too late the plumes of engines and the pin-pricks of lights from missiles as lances spool up to fire. Their mouths speak the words of action and reaction too late, for their void shields are already flickering. Their minds are too sluggish to do more than return ineffective fire as the hull is broken in a hundred places.

The Warp Drive does not activate fast enough to escape back to the Duchy, Federation weapons biting deep into the hulk where a scout ship once was.

Contact between the nations has been made as quickly as one severed all knowledge of such for the other.
Huh, is all warp travel like that or just the way the Dutchy ships were? I do think we should get more artillery ships with Lances. Still we stopped them from going back, I wonder why they started exploring this way though. Oh right how are things on Voxx Primus now QM with the military build up? anything from the other Gangs or the Nobility?

[] Plan: Hive Focus
-[] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
-[] Hive Agriculture Expanded (0/2) 2 AP

[] Plan: War Prep Focus
-[] New Boarders for a New Age
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development

-[] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.
I agree. People have been avoiding even talking about expanding our various industries ever since we got Sleeping Giant cause it'll take us 2 actions to get a level now, and while yeah, that kinda sucks, we also...need to keep expanding out industries? So at some point we're going to have to just start spending actions on them, 2/level be damned, unless we want our development levels to stay where they're at forever.

Sure there might be ways to game the system, but I'd kinda like to keep growing and getting more milestone traits as opposed to flailing in the dark looking for a way to circumvent the realities of expanding scale and the increase in resources that likewise requires.
I mean that's the base yeah, but we already know how to make that more efficient - make ISCs. One way would be to snag Civ XV, getting us three we can tailor and letting us use them more. Another would be to write-in ones that are likely to help, for example:
[X] Schischi Family & Co.
-Grown from the nobility of Droma III, the Schischi company was founded hundreds of years ago, during the birth of the Glimmering federation. They meant to take advantage of the newfound peace present within the Archwan sub-sector and leverage the accumulated logistics expertise of the nobility of Droma III, developed over thousands of years of running ocean fleets. In the following time they followed the expansion of the federation, filling the voids of interstellar trade and developing expertise to manufacture products to met the demands of the people. Over time they learned that the demands of Federation were many, and the importance of flexibility to ensuring success. When medical care was sparse, the Schischi Company specialized in manufacturing and transporting medicine and medical instruments, then switched to building small mining vessels to help develop the federation's void industry. The motto of the Schischi company now is Adapt to the Demand of the Moment, and they will always stand ready to take advantage of novel opportunities.
This was intended to be an ISC that could be swapped from boosting one industry to another by spending an action.
Rise Of Ruin - [Canon]
A fresh breeze awoke Tori from her stupor. She breathed it in, eagerly, and then recoiled, a sharp pain stabbing in her chest. With short shallow breaths, the pain abated, the fresh air bring some clarity to her dazed mind. Clarity, consciousness, and then panic. Because in the underhive, fresh air is not so much a luxury as it is an impossibility. To breathe it, is to breathe the air of death, for the giant fans that push away the endless smoke and miasma are only ever turned on for one reason.

She tried to scream, to call the others to arms, but the call died in her throat. A wracking cough saw her spit blood upon the floor and more pain. A cracked rib, a torn lung, either could be a death sentence for an unfortunate ganger like herself, not that it mattered. She stood, shakily, and as she looked around the room, she could see that whatever warning she had hoped to give would be too late. The room was in ruins, the hab-block in which her gang took shelter crushed as if it had been an ogryn's plaything, half the wall and floor simply gone. Through that gaping hole she saw what had become of Hive Draconus, Sublevel 24, Section 2. The fog that normally hung across the underhive like a protective shroud was gone, revealing a vision of carnage stretching all the way to the far bulkhead.

Great pillars of smoke rose up from the city as raging seas of fire consumed the slums and habblocks. The landmarks that had once guided her in the UnderCity were reduced to ruins. The Neon Lights of the Third Pillar fleshmarket still shone, but the building where she'd once been sold had been reduced to smithereens. The great towers of the water traders now slumped sideways, their liquid wealth hissing and spitting as it fell pointlessly into the fires below. In the distance, the lasfire still continued, great shootouts where the gangs of the underhive mounted desperate, foolish defenses against the enforcers from above. Wherever they succeeded thunder rumbled, and shells rained down from the level above to erase another district. Another series of massive secondary explosions erupted, and "Mad" Magos Lazarus mechanical compound disappeared in a column of flame. She could not help but fear regret. She had not much love for the guy and his flights of fancy, his experiments, but his surgical skill was the only reason she herself, and many of her friends, were still alive. But what mattered it now?

She laid there, dazed and not quite thinking, looking out onto the chaos. The battle was nearing it's end now, the purge complete. The enforcers drew back to their cable cars, back up the walls and into the hive above. With sparks and screech of trembling metal the great fans ground to a halt. Slowly, the pillars of smoke collapsed, and the whole city was buried back underneath it's thick layer of smog. One by one, the great floodlights turned of, leaving the city half shrouded in the orange glow of dying embers.
As if a switch had been flipped, all the pain rushed in at once, and Tori collapsed, just one body among the thousands.


A fresh breeze awoke Tori from her stupor. She breathed it in, eagerly, then coughed, the smell of disinfectant burning in her noise. The pain was gone, suppressed with the dull, comforting presence of analgesics. Slowly, she pushed through the fog. Clarity, consciousness, and then panic. Because in the underhive, medical air is not much a given, as it is a luxury, fetching a high price. To receive it with no guarantee that you could pay, meant enslavement or worse, your body sold in whole or in part at the flesh markets.

"Calm now, Miss Czevalle" came a familar, mechanical voice. "Your treatment has been paid for, as it has been for all these people here". Magos Lazarus gestured behind him, to the hundreds of gangers lying in the tunnel. She recognized a few from those of her own gang, but many of those from another. "Who?" she croaked. To owe a debt to someone so powerful as to spend this recklessly was as dangerous as anything else in the underhives. "Identity Unknown", the magos answered, then continued in more human voice "Some preacher man, proselytizing about an astral child and it's five disciples. He's over there". The Magos gestured to a bad slightly further in the tunnel, which seemed halfway transformed into a shrine.

She stood up, despite the Magos's protestations. Colours immediately swam before her eyes, leaving her grasping for support. A mechadentrite reached out, gently pushed her back down. "It is no use", the Magos said. "He's been dead for 2 hours. Shot during our escape, insisted I help the others first". "And now, my dear lady, I suggest you rest. For while I do not understand his desires and his motives, I know him to have been a powerful man, and I do not wish to rouse his organization's ire by refusing his last demand." A small prick of pain, in her side, and then sleep took her once more.


A fresh puff of air came across Tori's face. She breathed it in, looking eagerly at the treasures visible before her. The pain was still with her, a gentle throbbing that would not dissappear until she took the Magos offer for full cybernetic replacement, but she could think clearly now. Clearer than she had in years.

Before her was the preacher's hive train, a massive vessel that had crossed the disused tunnels of Hive Draconis for decades. The man was long recycled now, but most of the people still remembered to whom they owned they live, and they longed to join him, to join his organization. She had read the book he carried with him, the story of the unborn starchild and the promised salvation. It was hope, it was faith, and it was likely to get everyone living in the hive killed when the next purge came around.
So, she'd had no choice. She had clad herself in the preacher's words, she had build her organization on them. With the dream of unrestricted research, she had recruited the Magos. With the dream of food and medicine and water, she had recruited the people.

And now, she had the wealth needed to execute her plans. Three entire void cars, stocked with food worthy of that eaten in the upper hive, medicine that could bring live to the dying, and tools of all sorts. The tools would be used to rebuild her city, a new underhive more prosperous than the past. The medicine would go to the Magos, a price and reward for services rendered, a tool for his research. And the food, well, that would go to vengeance. It would be injected with the gravest toxins of the underhive, the invisible threats that lurked in the pipes and swamps, and then it would smuggled. Hidden in cable cars and cargo transports, where the enforcers on the levels above would find it, seize it, and eat.

It was a sacrifice no one but a fanatic would be willing to make, and they would have no defense.
For once, she could go to sleep content, safe, secure, knowing that in the coming days the death that so often stalked the underhive would instead visit the levels above.
The problem is that it takes two actions to increase VI and starting to build space habitats that are not going to be filled for decades sounds wastefull.
Actually, I remember a long while back that HeroCooky promised that we could raise VI back up to level X with one action instead of two since it was the milestone we reached before we got to all-V, so we could raise that up a bit.
Eh. my main thing is building up defenses so get get an idea of how it changes or affects things, take the place of a SBG since we only now just got 2 SBG and they are both tied up at Ultima Sagritta and only just in time to stop scouts from finding out about us. I don't mind for moving into Breskal and doing defenses there, it is a good wait to buy time for us to digest Voxx Primus. I am thinking in the short term to make sure we don't have any problems with holding them back we don't have to tie two fleets fleets for now. If it was built, then its a out of mind worry now solved and we don't have to worry about things. if things are that much then lets do what Dorn did and have it as a mobile fortress or something we can tow or move to Echish once we take Voxx Primus and Secundus. hell, make it a mobile Anchorage and fortress.

[] Plan: Hive Focus
-[] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
-[] Hive Agriculture Expanded (0/2) 2 AP

[] Plan: War Prep Focus
-[] New Boarders for a New Age
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development

Mobile defense stations we could tow to the new front would be pretty sweet. I'd want to get some confirmations of what we can do before voting for it though. I also see building SBGs a priority over it, unless defense stations were way more action efficient relative to battle strength.

I like the military and Hive Ag action plans, I'd like to do the Irrita consultation actions before however, in case it makes us more efficient and we need to do them anyway.

I'm generally in favor of @The Laurent 's plan and approach to gradually feed our points into each approach we need. It will be tricky to balance spending points on trying to find new technologies and be more efficient vs just buckling down to build shit though.

I don't like the ideas to do more Navy designs, we already have an excess of ship designs and 1 action will give us a huge swarm of long range Lance destroyers instead. New artillery ships can come after we have the basic Voxx and Development stuff locked down.
Mobile defense stations we could tow to the new front would be pretty sweet. I'd want to get some confirmations of what we can do before voting for it though. I also see building SBGs a priority over it, unless defense stations were way more action efficient relative to battle strength.

I like the military and Hive Ag action plans, I'd like to do the Irrita consultation actions before however, in case it makes us more efficient and we need to do them anyway.

I'm generally in favor of @The Laurent 's plan and approach to gradually feed our points into each approach we need. It will be tricky to balance spending points on trying to find new technologies and be more efficient vs just buckling down to build shit though.

I don't like the ideas to do more Navy designs, we already have an excess of ship designs and 1 action will give us a huge swarm of long range Lance destroyers instead. New artillery ships can come after we have the basic Voxx and Development stuff locked down.
Eh fair enough, not sure how much more effective the Irratia would boost it and we don't know how many actions it'll take but I see your point. I'll the plans as is for now since I'll be busy and change them next vote time. Yah asking the QM if we can make the Defense stations mobile or be able to be towed would help a compromise.
[x] Plan: And Now for Something Completely Different v 1.1
-[X] [Faith] The Great Heresies
--[x] The Particularists
--[X] The Anti-Particularists
-[x] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
--[X] Irrita Food Production Aid (0/?)
-[X] [Free] Peek into what's going on with the Moths
-[X] [Melody Choice] Struggle

@HeroCooky , is it really the case that if you don't choose anything you get two random free Melodies instead of one (that you get to choose)?
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[X] Plan: Hive Focus
-[X] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
-[X] Hive Agriculture Expanded (0/2) 2 AP
-[X] Free Psykana (Paths)

[X] Plan: War Prep Focus
-[X] New Boarders for a New Age
-[X] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development

-[X] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.
-[X] Free Psykana (Paths)
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