What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
-[] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
--[] (Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction?) Chapterhouses and other infrastructure under the direct control of the Order fall under the aegis of Federal institutions.
--[] (Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service?) Yes; ideally the Order should consist entirely of well-trained volunteers.
--[] (If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required?) Yes, but only in an emergency that would enable the appointment of a Diktat.
--[] (Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?) Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer for every 3 other Order staff at any given Order facility, and they are to be used exclusively for protecting whichever facility they are assigned to.
We should include something about the Knights themselves belonging to the Federation and that membership is voluntary but refusal of service can result in loss of membership.

To make sure that the government controls the military and not the other way around. (Besides them taking part in elections like normal people and them having a seat on the military bench, of course)
We should include something about the Knights themselves belonging to the Federation
They already do in the same way you own your ships. Sure, a Captain od a ship may be in charge of them at any given time, but if the gubermnt boots them out, they can't do jack unless they full-on successfully revolt. And don't get counter-boarded asap. This mirrors how your Knights are owned. The pilots use them, probably until they die or retire, but they don't own them and would get ganked by everyone around them if they tried.
They already do in the same way you own your ships. Sure, a Captain od a ship may be in charge of them at any given time, but if the gubermnt boots them out, they can't do jack unless they full-on successfully revolt. And don't get counter-boarded asap. This mirrors how your Knights are owned. The pilots use them, probably until they die or retire, but they don't own them and would get ganked by everyone around them if they tried.
Ah good, just wanted to make it explicit to avoid things coming up and hearing that the Knightly Order is independent like the Lamenters formally are (with Chyron just agreeing with Candle Keepers).
But that is enough confirmation for me.

[X] The Order of the Blazing Sun
Adhoc vote count started by Doccer on Mar 23, 2024 at 9:27 AM, finished with 68 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] The Order of the Blazing Sun
    [X][Knight House] No
    --[X] A knight is a machine like any other, even if it's one whose destructiveness is matched only by the cheer expense of ot's construction. There is no reason to assume that the skills involved in piloting one will translate to the management of the lands they defend, the organization of their logistics or even the training of new recruits. A knight's pilot is important, but they are part of a holistic whole, with mechanics, trainers and supporting forces of equal importance (note importance does not override the actual chain of command).They should be treated and trained as such, specialized military assets, but military assets nonetheless.
    [X] The Order of the Blazing Sun
    -[X] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms) A Yellow Sun centered on a black background, with a silver candle with a white flame set before the Sun
    -[X] (Knight Order - Color Scheme) Black and Yellow/Gold are the primary colorations for Order Knights, with the Order's Coat of Arms painted on the left shoulder plate. Each Knight may (should they so choose) have a sigil representing their Homeworld painted onto the right shoulder plate, and personal Heraldry (should they commit actions deemed worthy of the honor) may be applied to either one thigh-plate or to the crotch plate
    -[X] (Knight Order - Motto)
    --[X] (Official Motto) Devotion in Study, Veneration of Ability, for the Art of War
    --[X] (Unofficial Motto) We go where we are needed. We do what must be done
    -[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Headquarter System) Perfidia
    -[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
    --[X] (Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction?) Chapterhouses and other infrastructure under the direct control of the Order fall under the aegis of Federal institutions.
    --[X] (Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service?) Yes; ideally the Order should consist entirely of well-trained volunteers.
    --[X] (If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required?) Yes, but only in an emergency that would enable the appointment of a Diktat.
    --[X] (Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?) Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer for every 3 other Order staff at any given Order facility, and they are to be used exclusively for protecting whichever facility they are assigned to.
    --[X] (Other) At the discretion of the ranking officer of any operations an Order Detachment is apart of, Knights are free to apply appropriate camouflage patterns to their machines in place of standard Order colors for however long is deemed necessary.
    [X] The Order of the Stardust Crusaders
    -[X] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms) A trio Silver shooting Stars on a Navy Blue background
    -[X] (Knight Order - Color Scheme) Blue and Silver/White are the primary colorations for Order Knights, with the Order's Coat of Arms painted on the left shoulder plate. Each Knight may (should they so choose) have a sigil representing their Homeworld painted onto the right shoulder plate, and personal Heraldry (should they commit actions deemed worthy of the honor) on the may be applied to either one thigh-plate or to the crotch plate
    -[X] (Knight Order - Motto) Righteous Actions Born of Truth Will Never Crumble
    -[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Headquarter System) Perfidia
    -[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
    --[X] (Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction?) Chapterhouses and other infrastructure under the direct control of the Order fall under the aegis of Federal institutions.
    --[X] (Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service?) Yes; ideally the Order should consist entirely of well-trained volunteers.
    --[X] (If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required?) Yes, but only in an emergency that would enable the appointment of a Diktat.
    --[X] (Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?) Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer for every 3 other Order staff at any given Order facility, and they are to be used exclusively for protecting whichever facility they are assigned to.
    [X] The Order of the Stardust Crusaders
It will create some interesting incentives. As it is now, the Order of the Blazing Sun will have a non-voting observer seat on Perfinda or whatnot, as a "Special Group" or organization, etc, etc, in the same way that the Lamenters do both locally and polity-wide.
One unfortunate similarity I just realized, the chosen Color Scheme for the Knights of the Blazing Sun is that Black and Gold is the same color scheme as Abbadon's Black Legion. Yeaaaaaah….
Why are we giving our knight house extra legal powers again?

I see no reason to put additional requirements for conscription on them (tge appointment of a Diktat) that we would not put on the conscription of other forces.

I doubt it'll matter much, but it's the spirit of the thing.
@HeroCooky please allow the color scheme to be changed for the knightly order because fuck being associated with the Chaos space Marines due to the colors.
99% of all people you'd meet with your Knights would not be able to link your color scheme to that of the Black Legion, and those who could would not immediately go "CHAOS!" They are too high up to not have seen all other information the Imperium would have regarding you. And that connection would, even for the most determined Tzeentchian Daemon, be too weak to influence anything via Sympathetic Magic.
I'm not changing the colors just because the Black Legion use black and gold as their primary coloration. There are certainly other groups that have black and gold colors in the Imperium, and it's not like we're going to be slapping any chaos iconography onto our Knights. Y'all are worrying over nothing.

(Ninja'd by Cooky lol)
I'm not changing the colors just because the Black Legion use black and gold as their primary coloration. There are certainly other groups that have black and gold colors in the Imperium, and it's not like we're going to be slapping any chaos iconography onto our Knights. Y'all are worrying over nothing.

(Ninja'd by Cooky lol)
99% of all people you'd meet with your Knights would not be able to link your color scheme to that of the Black Legion, and those who could would not immediately go "CHAOS!" They are too high up to not have seen all other information the Imperium would have regarding you. And that connection would, even for the most determined Tzeentchian Daemon, be too weak to influence anything via Sympathetic Magic.

However, there's a worse association. Black and Gold is just Black and Yellow, and what self-respecting person wants to be associated with the fucking Steelers. :V
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 22, 2024 at 2:05 PM, finished with 31 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] The Order of the Blazing Sun
    [X] The Order of the Blazing Sun
    -[X] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms) A Yellow Sun centered on a black background, with a silver candle with a white flame set before the Sun
    -[X] (Knight Order - Color Scheme) Black and Yellow/Gold are the primary colorations for Order Knights, with the Order's Coat of Arms painted on the left shoulder plate. Each Knight may (should they so choose) have a sigil representing their Homeworld painted onto the right shoulder plate, and personal Heraldry (should they commit actions deemed worthy of the honor) may be applied to either one thigh-plate or to the crotch plate
    -[X] (Knight Order - Motto)
    --[X] (Official Motto) Devotion in Study, Veneration of Ability, for the Art of War
    --[X] (Unofficial Motto) We go where we are needed. We do what must be done
    -[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Headquarter System) Perfidia
    -[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
    --[X] (Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction?) Chapterhouses and other infrastructure under the direct control of the Order fall under the aegis of Federal institutions.
    --[X] (Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service?) Yes; ideally the Order should consist entirely of well-trained volunteers.
    --[X] (If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required?) Yes, but only in an emergency that would enable the appointment of a Diktat.
    --[X] (Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?) Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer for every 3 other Order staff at any given Order facility, and they are to be used exclusively for protecting whichever facility they are assigned to.
    --[X] (Other) At the discretion of the ranking officer of any operations an Order Detachment is apart of, Knights are free to apply appropriate camouflage patterns to their machines in place of standard Order colors for however long is deemed necessary.
    [X] The Order of the Stardust Crusaders
    -[X] (Knight Order - Coat of Arms) A trio Silver shooting Stars on a Navy Blue background
    -[X] (Knight Order - Color Scheme) Blue and Silver/White are the primary colorations for Order Knights, with the Order's Coat of Arms painted on the left shoulder plate. Each Knight may (should they so choose) have a sigil representing their Homeworld painted onto the right shoulder plate, and personal Heraldry (should they commit actions deemed worthy of the honor) on the may be applied to either one thigh-plate or to the crotch plate
    -[X] (Knight Order - Motto) Righteous Actions Born of Truth Will Never Crumble
    -[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Headquarter System) Perfidia
    -[X] (Write-In The Knight Order's Legal Situation And Answers To The Above)
    --[X] (Will these bastions stand under Federal or Local Jurisdiction?) Chapterhouses and other infrastructure under the direct control of the Order fall under the aegis of Federal institutions.
    --[X] (Will the recruits have a legal standing to refuse service?) Yes; ideally the Order should consist entirely of well-trained volunteers.
    --[X] (If yes, can they be drafted in times of war and the (highly) unlikely but still possible chance that more pilots are desperately required?) Yes, but only in an emergency that would enable the appointment of a Diktat.
    --[X] (Are Outposts allowed to recruit and maintain their own security forces if no Knight is stationed within?) Yes, though these forces may not number more than 1 Security Officer for every 3 other Order staff at any given Order facility, and they are to be used exclusively for protecting whichever facility they are assigned to.
    [X] The Order of the Stardust Crusaders
308.M42 - Where We Are Needed
The Order of the Blazing Sun has been born, a Knightly Order far different than any that the dread Imperium would ever envision, and one who will inspire courage and bravery within the hearts of our soldiers in the same breath that it shall induce fear and despair into our foes.

With black as its base color and gold used for its secondary and highlights, the Blazing Sun shall stride forward. Its Coat of Arms, a Yellow Sun centered on a black background with a silver candle with a white flame set before the Sun, is painted on the left pauldron. A sigil representing the homeworld of the current pilot may be painted upon the right pauldron, and those who distinguish themselves in their service are allowed to create personal heraldry and paint such on either a thigh plate or the crotch plate. Additionally, their markings can be changed to camouflage should the ranking officer of any mission they have been assigned to decide that such would be a boon in executing their duty.

The chosen Motto of the order is: "Devotion in Study, Veneration of Ability, for the Art of War." However, an informal motto has been adopted to remind recruits of their purpose and bolster the minds of soon-to-exist veterans: "We go where we are needed. We do what must be done." A motto similar to the battle-cry of the Lamenter Space Marine Chapter.

With their headquarters stationed in Perfidia, the initial crops of Knights are expected to herald from Drixxus and Ixxus, alongside hosting the factory for the Karnivore Kights. However, their HQ and eventual Outposts for training and recruitment will not be subject to local jurisdiction; instead, they will be subject to federal jurisdiction.

With that done and a military reorganization underway, things once more turn toward civilian matters, specifically the current increase in food availability across all Federation planets and its effects.

What are those effects?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Hardened Seedbanks
There exists the ever-present threat of a planet being cut off from the Federation by internal turmoil, external forces, natural disasters, or other similar cataclysms. A danger that has slowly wormed itself into the minds of many defensive engineers and planetary commanders tasked with ensuring a planet can meet an enemy and hold until relief forces arrive. To remedy at least a portion of that danger, large bunkers have been dug into the ground, not to keep people safe but to hold seeds, plants, and agricultural equipment to rapidly grow enough food to feed a population after such a disaster should the current agricultural fields or facilities be destroyed by accident or intent.
(Planets can recover from orbital bombardment, sieges, and catastrophes without inflicting penalties on Food Production or requiring Actions to aid.)

[] Efficient And Tasty MREs
An army marches on its stomach, which is true when it is one of spears and swords and when it is one of ships and Knights. Soldiers who need hours to prepare food with specialist equipment are soldiers who will rarely be fed and seldom not be hungry on the field of battle. With the creation and distribution of new lines of Meals Ready-to-Eat, or MREs, designed to deliver a perfect blend of vitamins, supplements, calories, morale boosters, and taste to soldiers in a minimum of time needed, morale within the army and navy has been steadily rising. In addition, these meals can be used as relief supplies for liberated, conquered, or our populations whose food supply lines have been shattered or damaged.
(Improves Military Morale and severely reduces malnutrition and starvation within your own or recently conquered or liberated populations.)

[] Plump And Happy And Healthy
With more food comes cheaper food. Cheaper food allows people to buy more, eat more, and make better nutritional choices.
(Glimmerlings have their malnutrition reduced to near nothing for as long as steady food supplies and supply lines exist on and to their planets.)

[] Plump And Happy And Healthy

Again, hit solid standard of living, go from there.

Not as world-shaking as some of the other options, but these are all quite good still!
so other than camo being allowed, any other ideas we can add?
Let's see :

Clarify chain-of-command : Are these independent military units like the Lanenters, or just weirdly organized regular ones
Clarify the status of future, different mech units
Clarify the exact authority the council has. Can they deknight someone, force promotions or demotions, or is the knight house selfmanaged?
Can someone be part of the knight house without being part of our broader polity?
I like the MREs. We already have perks to support our established territories, so this would support newly taken territories as well as the military.
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[] Plump And Happy And Healthy


also want candlekeeper cooking to go crazy and QoL stuff is alwasy awesome eliminating nearly all malnutrition would be awesome!